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4 for Anótattólakdjésuń read Anótattódakájésu: for té pitakdnań read tépițakánań.
11 for kitumáláhi sóbhitań read kitumálábhisób hitań.

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manussésu papajjitwá tadúpaddawaghatakan read "manussésupapajjáti tudúpaddowaghatakań."

Adápatinan read Adá patinań.

Ahú Upáli thérassa thérasaddhiwiháriko, Dísakó; Sónakó tassá dwé sáddhiwiháriká read Ahú Upálithérassa théró saddhiwihárikó Dásakó; Sónakó tassa; dwé thérá Sónakassamé.

14 for priests read saints.

22 for they supplicated of the great sage to be born among men for the removal of this

calamity read they thus supplicated the great sage "vouchsafe to be born among men, for the removal of this calamity."

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18 for Dhammapati read Dhammapáláti.

27 for with a young female kuntikinnaryá read with the lovely female kinnari.

2 for naladdáhań read naladdhań.

3 for dykkhayantikan read ayukkhayantanań.

11 for Kunti read Kanti.

12 for pawáttayuń read pawattayuń: for kásáyam read kasawam.

34 for kuntikinnaryá read lovely kinnari.

3 for Tassopasamané read Tassopasamanań.

5 for patisédhańań read pațisédhanań.

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8 for thadangéhí read tadaddhehi: for mahi read mahin.

10 for Patichcha kammań read Pațichchakammań: for chétańnań read chétanań.

18 for Ratiwaddhane read Ratiwaddhano.

42 1 for pakkasitwána read pakkósitwána.

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They partook of the nature of the lion in the formation of their hands and feet read

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2 for puttásókéna read puttasókéna.

He partook of the nature of the lion, in the formation of his hands and feet.

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3 for ganhatibrawi read ganhatibrawi: for wilayantési read wilayanési.

4 for rajápilandhassá read rájá pilandhassa.

7 for Tambapannattha panniyo read Tambawannatthapánayo.

9 for tassattrajánattá read tassatrajá nattá.

10 for Sihalańtund read Sihalańtu tá、

13 for dwijáwasam read dwijáwasam : for gama- read gáma -

16 for On that signal fall to with blows, read Guided by the direction of that signal, deal

out thy blows.

24 for "Tambapanniyo" read Tambawannapánayo.

51 1 for natthitaya read natthitaya.


2 for kumarass ábhiséchané read kumárassábhiséchané.

3 for Pandowań read Pandawań: for pabhatamáha tań read pabhathamabhatań.

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5 for gátá read gatá: for yattrámanussanań read yattrámanussánań.



6 for bahiré read bahiré : for diswa wasáhasópagá read diswáwa sahasópagá.

7 read this line thus "Punapinópanókásamésayantidhamágatát"-atikótuhalé yakkhé, yakkhó

sáhasékó pana.

8 for wiyalantayi read wilayannayi.

12 for Puttadhitahi waddhitwd read Puttadhitábhiwaddhitwá.

33 for Sumanta mountain read Sumanakúto (Adam's peak).


4 for Tháná tádá amachchánań adási, read Dhanánádá amachchánań; adási.

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53 10 for nasséyitha read nasséyótha: for rajjahétuń read rajjahétu.

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For the 5th verse read "Lankań nékagunań katań, mama bhatussa santakań; tassachchayécha

tathéwa rajjań kárétu sóbhanań."

6 for rajja kumárako gamissamiti read rájakumáró "gamissámíti"

- 20, 21, 22 Read "My children, I am advanced in years; repair one of you to Lanká the realm

of my brother, which possesses every (natural) advantage: on his demise rule there over that splendid kingdom."

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6 for Gangayakhipi read Gangáya khipi: for "ganhantupahu read "ganhantu pahu,
7 for pabbajitákárań read pabbajitákárá.

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61 5 for Harikanda read Girikanda. 6 for Harikandu read Girikanda.

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10 for "saparisó kattha yásíti ? read saparisó, "kattha yásítí ?''

11 for

22, 23 for

bhatténdyache read bhatténdy áchi.
Harikunda and Harikundasiwo, read Girikando and Girikandasiwo.

25 for karissa read karissan.

30,31 for He inquired of her, "where art thou going, together with thy retinue?" read attended

by his retinue, he inquired, "where art thou going?"

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bhojapayité read bhájápayi té: for patiwansowa read pațiwansówa.
punnagunupetá read punnagunúpétá.

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10 for Girikandadesantassevı read Girikandadésań tasséwa.

12 for Chittardjantań read Chittarájań tań.

13 for dasinań read dasiń tan: for hatańnúniwésayi read katańnú niwésayi.

25 for "prohito" read purohito."

33 for the territory Girikandaka read the prince Girikando.

39 for know read knew.

3 for rattikhiddá read rattikhiddd.

6 for purasodhakė read purasódhaké: for dwésatáni read duwésatáni.

32 for Pusána read Pásáno.

37 for Pasandhika read Pásandhika.

2 for wiyadhipálapuratthimé read wiyadhapalipurathimé.


4 for wattaméwachu read wattaméwacha.

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