criminals, that they may not grieve at being obliged to leave a state that is connected with so many evils. 11. Kammawáchan.-This is one of the formularies nsed by the priests, containing the ritual to be observed at the ordination of an upasampadá, the dedication of a temple, &c. A translation of some of its principal parts, as well as of some other works of a similar description, appears in the chapters of Eastern Monachism that treat of the discipline of the priesthood. 12. The Sannés of various Sútras.-The Sútra Pitaka is the second division of the sacred code, and contains the discourses of Budha that were addressed to the laity, in contradistinction to those that were addressed to the déwas and priests. The word sanné means a translation or paraphrase. It usually includes both a translation and a commentary or explanation. In some instances the translation is almost literal, whilst in others the comment is so extensive as to form almost an original work. The sannés are of various value, according to the ability of the priest by whom they were made. In the Singhalese copies the text of the original Páli always accompanies the paraphrase. ABRA, the déwas of rain, 22. ACHIRAWATI, a stream, 17. ADHIMOKHA, steadfastness, 426. ADHIMUKTI, kind of death of the ADHÓMUKHA YUGA, 7. Advantages, the thirteen, of the ÆSALA MASA, a month (July, August), 23, 144, 158, 189, 305. AGGIDATTA, father of Kakusanda AGGISENA, the cake-giver of Kóná- AGNIMALI, 13. AGNYÁSÉTRA, 2. AHÁRÁJA, khandas connected with mála, the finger cutter), 257. AJÁPALA, a tree, 180. AJÁPALA, the déwa of a naga tree, AJÁSAT, son of Bimsara, king of AKANISHTAKA, a rúpa brahma AKÁSAGANGA, the passage through AKINCHANNYÁYATANA, a rúpa brah- AKUSALA, demerit, 425, 461, et AKUSALA, Wastu-káma, klésha- AKUSALA-WIPÁKA-WINYÁNA-DHA- AMANUSA (not men), 47. AMARAPURAS, sect of priests in AMRATOARALU, 186. Amáwatura, description of, 539. Amawatura, quoted, 56, 57, 59, AMBA, a king, his five principal AMBAPÁLI, chief courtezan of Wi- AMBÁTAKA, a garden, 199. AMBATTA SÁKYA, a name of the AMITTA-TÁPA, daughter of a brah- ANAGAMI, a path, 91, 190, 433. ANANDA, a fish, 13. ANANDA, the personal attendant of Gótama, 9, 149, 238, 241, 242, ANANGA, the dewá, 166. the ANAPÁNA-SMERTI-BHAWANÁ, 298. ANGUTTARAPA, a country, 282. ANIMISA LÓCHANA, the keeping eyes ANOMADASSI, a Budha, 79, 203, ANÓTTATTA, one of the great lakes, ANURUDHA, attendant to Kon- ANURUDHA, a priest, the déwa ANUWYANJANA LAKSHANA, inferior Apannaka Játaka, quoted, 110, 412. APARAGÓDÁNA, a continent, 7, 466. APO SANGWARTTA, destruction by APPRAMANASU BHA, a rúpa brahma ARAMUNU, thoughts that proceed ÁRANYAKANGA, an ordinance to ARINDAMA-RÁJA, name of Gótama ARPPANI, 7. ARTHADARSHI, a Budha, 97. ARTTHA, the meaning of any Arunawati-sutra, 9. ARÚPA-BRAHMA-LÓKAS, the four, 26. ARÚPAWACHARA, 3. ARÚPAWACHARA-WIPÁKA-SIT, cause of birth in the arúpa- ARYA, or ARYAHAT, the fourth of Arya langkávatára maha yana Asadrisa Jataka, 116. ASANKYA, a numeral, 1. ASEKHA-SÍLA, 512. ASLISA, lunar mansion, 24. ASÓKA, son of Kálaranjanaka, a ASSAGUTTA, a priest, 533. ASWAKARNNA, 12, 13, 31. ASWAMANTA, 132. ASWAPURA, a city, 131.. ASWARATNA, horse. ATWARA, inspirated, 444. ATAPPA, a rúpa-brama-lóka, 26. ATÚLA, an upasaka, 378, 292. AWICHI, a naraka, 27, 31, 286, 312, AWIDYA, ignorance, 407, 514. AWIDYAWA, non-perception, 457. AWIRATI-SÍLA, 511. AWISUDHI-SÍLA, 512. AWYÁKSATA, not followed by any AYATANAS, sentient organs, 448. AYODHA, a great town in Oude, 88. Bála-pandita-sútra, 503. BANDHULA, a warrior, the prowess BANDHUMATTIKÁ, wife of Band- Bath of the supreme Budhas, 16. 468. BHADDAJA, a brahman, 168. BHADRAWUDHA, a brahman, 347. BHAGINEYYA, a nobleman, 63. BHAGINI, the sister, 499. BHAGÍRATA, a monarch, 132. BHAGU, 238. BUDHA, Mercury (planet), 24, 67. BUDHAJÁNA, attendant of Kaku- BUDHA-KARAKA-DHARMMA, thirty BUDHÁNTARA, a period, space, 60, BUDHA-RAKKHITA, 524. BUDHAS, the sixteen, their appear- who preceded Gótama, 88. Budha-wansa, 206, 322. BUDHA-WISAYA, 9, note. Buffaloes, 17. Bulls, 17. |