LIBRORUM IMPRESSORUM, QUI IN MUSEO BRITANNICO ADSERVANTUR, CATALOGUS. GAB AASBEECK (LAUR. A) Positiones GA ex universâ medicina GABALIS. Le Comte de Gabalis, ou entretiens sur les sciences secretes. 8° Par. 1670. 12o Col. 1684. GABBEMA (SIMON ABBES) Friesche Lust Gaarde. 4° Leerw. 1687. GABELCHOVERUS (WOLFG.) Curationes et observationes medicæ, 6 Cent. 8o Tubing. 1611. GABELKHOUR (OSWALD) Arzneybuch. 4o Tubing. 1596. Engl. by A. M. fol. Dordr. 1599. GABELLA (PHILIPPUS A.) Secretioris philosophiæ consideratio brevis. 4o Cassel. 1615. GABELLES. Bail des Gabelles de France. 8° Par. 1681. GABIANI (VINCENZO) I Gelosi: Comedia. 12o Ven. 1560. GABIANUS (JOANNES DOMINICUS) Dissertatio apologetica, de Sinensium ritibus politicis. 8o Leod. 1700. GABILLON (FRED. AUG. DE) Apologia contra calumnias Jac. Bernardi. 4° 1707. GABIUS (JO. BAPT.) v. CHRYSOSTOMUS. GABRIAS, D. ASOPUS. GABRIEL (PETR.) De Ileo. 4° Lug. Bat. 1696. GABRIEL (R. B.) Facts relating to the Rev. Dr. White's Bampton lectures. 8° Lond. 1790. GABRIEL (STEPH.) Unna Stadera da pasar quala seig la vera Cardienscha. 12o Bas. 1683. GABRIELIUS (E. J.) Orationes et Epistolæ. 4o Ven. 1569. GABRIELLI (GABRIELLO) L'Innocente Fanciulla. 12° Ven. 1695. GABRIELLI (GIULIO) Oratione Funebre. 4o Vineg. 1568. GABRIELLI (PIRRO MARIA) L'Heliometro Fisico-critico, overo la Meridiana Sanese. fol. Sien. 1705. GABRIELLIUS (ARISTIDES) De Natura et gradibus ejus. 4° Senis 1594. VOL. III. " 1 GABRIIS (LUCAS DE) Responsio ad epistolam Cyriaci Thrasymachi. 4° 1656. GABRINI (NIC.) v. CERCEAU. GABUCINIUS (HIERON.) De Lumbricis. 12° Ven. 1547. 18o Lugd. 1549. De comitiali morbo. 4o Ven. apud Ald. 1561. GABUTIUS (JOH. ANT.) De vita et rebus gestis Pii V. fol. Rom. GABY (J. в.) Relation de la Nigritie. 12° Par. 1689. GADBURY (JOHN) V. PARTRIDGE. WHARTON. 1654. Animal cornutum, or the horned beast. 12° Lond. The doctrine of Nativities, with the doctrine of horary questions. fol. Lond. 1658. The Nativity of the late King Charles astrologically and faithfully performed. 8° Lond. 1659. The Nativity of Frederick III. King of Denmark. 12° Lond. 1660. Natura prodigiorum. 8° Lond. 1660. 12° Lond. 1665. Ephemeris for 1660. 8° Lond. Astrological Legate. 12° Lond. 1660. Britain's Royal Star, or England's future felicity. 4" Lond. 1661. Examination of Forgeries, published by H. Jessey. 4° Lond. 1661. 1662. A Collection of Nativities in 150 genitures. fol. Lond. 4° Lond. 1664. De Cometis, or a discourse on the nature and effects of Comets. 4° Lond. 1665. London's deliverance predicted. 4° Lond. 1665. Ephemeris for 1666. 12° Lond. Ephemeris for 1667. 12° Lond. An astrological discourse of the Eclipse of the Sun, June 22, 1666. 4° Lond. 1667. Ephemeris for 1669. 12° Lond. Jamaica almanack for 1673. 12° Lond. 1672. Astrological treasury of physick. 4° Lond. 1674. A reasonable service performed for Scorpio in 20 genitures, against Lilly. 12° Lond. 1675. Answer to the reasonable service, by Bentivolio Philo Huff-Lash. 12° Lond. 1675. _ Some further remarks on Gadbury's defence of Scorpio, by the Man in the Moon. 12° Lond. 1676. The Nativity of Sir Matth. Hales. 4° Lond. 1677. - Ephemeris for 1681. 12° Lond. 1681. GADBURY |