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ABBOT Sampson, actions of, 127, 131.

Abbots, vices of, 144.

Aberdare, Lord, on drinking amongst the working classes, 176, 177.
Abstinence total, not recommended by ancient Chinese, 20.

of Buddhist priests, 27, 28.

of Mohammedans, 53.

not universal, 55.

in Koom, in Persia, 55.

of Nazarites during noviciate, 62.

of Rechabites, 63.

of Lacedæmonians, 81.

amongst native Americans in the United States, 222.

of English temperance societies, 241.

Addison, at Button's club, 156.

on intemperance in his day, 164.

Adulteration, of wine, materials used for, in ancient Rome, 89.

in Germany, 90,

of beer with salt, in England, 249.

of spirits with water, in England, 250.

Agreement to hold ales, 135.

Agromanyus (Ahriman) drunkenness supposed to be the work of, 50.
Alcohol, first obtained by Villeneuve, 159.

table of percentage in various intoxicating drinks, 160.

Ales, agreement to hold, 135.

"bid," 134, 136.

"bride," 134.

"church," 134, 136.

"clerk," 136.

held in churches, 135.

forbidden to be held in churches, 137.

"help," 134.

Whitsun and Easter, 134.

Ale-wives of medieval England, 139.

Alexis, on cabbage as an antidote to drunkenness, 75.

Alison on drunkenness amongst savages, 10.

on former drunkenness in Sweden, 196.

America, South, study of drunken habits in, 201, 202.

United States of, 205-227, (see "United States.")

Americans, drinking habits of, 205-227.
Amphora, ancient Roman wineholders, 88.
Anglo-Norman, politeness, 125.
fabliaux, 126.

wood carvings, 126.

knights, stories of drinking amongst, 126, 127.
drinking, William of Malmesbury on, 128.
ladies, drinking etiquette for, 129.

ecclesiastics, luxury of, 130,

Anglo-Saxon intemperance, 119.

mode of pledging, 120.

feasts, 121.

music, 121.

legends, 122.

women, intemperance amongst, 122.

taverns, 122.

clergy, 122.

monasteries, drinking in, 123.

nunneries, irregularities in, 124.

drinking, William of Malmesbury on, 128.

"Announcement about drunkenness " the, an ancient Chinese edict,


Annus mirabilis of drink, the, (1736), 161.

Anstie, Dr., on dram-drinking amongst women, 173.

on moderate drinking, 238.

Apes, taste for drink in, 2, 3.

Apothecæ, Roman apartments for storing wine, 88.

Arch, Joseph, on improved habits of agricultural labourers, 187.
Archbishops, drinking at installations of, 137.

Aristocracy, drinking habits of Roman, 99.

mediæval German, 105-11I.

English, of the present day, 171, 172.

Arnold, Arthur, on Mussulman intemperance, 55, 56.

Arrack, of modern India, 43.

Persia, 55.

Aryans, "Soma," drink and sacrifice of the, 35.

their belief in the drinking propensities of their gods, 35.
drunkenness of their priests, 39.

the laity, "Sura" and other drinks used by, 39.

drunkenness of, 40.

Asclepias, a creeper used for making "Soma," 36.

Asylums, inebriate in the United States, 227.

Athenæus, authorities quoted from, 75 (verses), 82 (verses), 83 (verses),

91, 92, 94 (verses).

Egyptian wines named by, 74.

on Egyptian intemperance, 75.

Atlantic Monthly, the, on inebriate asylums, 227, 228.


BAKERS, improved drinking habits of, 184.

changes in drinking habits produced by machinery, 184.

Ballot, decrease of drunkenness through the, 173.

Bands of Hope, a remedy for drunkenness, 245.


Banga, an ancient Persian drink, 51.

Bangor (Maine), state of the drink question in, 220.

Barley, its early use in making an intoxicating driuk, 11, 12.

its early use in making "Sura," 39.

its use in Egypt, 73, 74.

its use by the ancient Germans, 103.

Bassia Latifolia, used in an intoxicating drink of ancient India, 41.
Beer, of ancient Egypt, 74.

of ancient Germans, 103.

various kinds of, in medieval Germany, 108, and note.

Erfurt, praised by Rudolph of Hapsburg, 111.

table of alcohol c strength of, 160.


light, considered a temperance drink by Committee on Maine Law
in Massachusetts, 222.

adulterated with salt in England, 249.

Bengueh, a drink of medieval Persia, 54.

Beni-Hassan, monuments of, 73.

Benson, Bishop, on drunkenness and crimes in the eighteenth century,


Bhang, or Bang, a narcotic drug of modern India, 44-

Bid-ales, 134, 136.

Bloxam on alcoholic strength of liquors, 159.

Boiler-makers, improved drinking habits of the, 183.

Bolag, the Gothenburg, 198.

Bond, Major, his statistics of intemperance in Birmingham, 179.

on treatment of "quiet drunkards," 180.

Boston (Massachusetts), drinking in, 210.

establishment of antidotes to intemperance in, 210.

failure of Maine Law in, 220, note, and 221.

regulated licensing in, 222.

inebriate asylum in, 227.

Boswell, Sir Alex., on Scotch drinking in the eighteenth century, 166.
Bouza, a Nubian drink, 4.

Brahmans, sacred hymns of, 34.

intemperance of, 35-39.

drinks forbidden to the, 41.

punishments of, for drunkenness, 42.

Brehm, on the drinking propensities of certain apes, 3.

Bride-ales, 134.

Bridgett, Rev. T. E., on penalties for drunkenness amongst mediaval
priests, 114, 120.

apology for drunkenness of Anglo-Saxon Monks, 123.

on an agreement to hold "ales," 135.

on drinking amongst monks of the Middle Ages, 140.
on canons against drunkenness amongst priests, 148.
an old poem, quoted, on drinks of all nations, 166.

Brooke, on Roundheads and Cavaliers, 150.

Buckingham, J. S., on former crime and pauperism in the United States,


on the ill-treatment of Red Indians in the United States, 207.
Buddhism, and total abstinence, 27, 28.

and mendicancy, 28.

Burns, Rev. D., statistics quoted, 160, 182, 183, 197.

on temperance societies, 240, 241.


CABBAGE, a supposed antidote to drunkenness, 75.

Calix, a Roman drinking-vessel, 91.

Caine, W. S., account of his visit to Portland (Maine), 219.
a temperance meeting in Bangor (Maine), 220.

Boston under "prohibition," 220, note.

his views on American liquor legislation, 219, 220, and note.
California, crimes in, 211.

"The Alta" quoted, 211.

Campanius, Antonius, reports the state of drunkenness in mediæval Ger-
many to the Pope, 112.

Cannabis sativa (the hemp plant), where used, 45. 5t.

Canvass of working men concerning restriction of hours of drink in Liver-
pool, 187.

Carnegie on former Swedish intemperance, 195, 196.

on Swedish licensing, 198.

Casks, enormous, of Germany, 113.

worth more than the wine (sixteenth century), 113.

Causes of drunkenness considered, 229-239, 257.

Cella vinaria, ancient Roman apartments for fermenting wine, 88.
Cellarer, duties of the, 131.

court and prison of, at St. Edmundsbury, 131.
Jocell, the, ordered to drink only water, 131.

Charlemagne, his sobriety, 105.

his temperance legislation, 105.

Chatham (Co. Morris, U.S. A.), effective suppression of taverns in, 217.
China, hard drinking in ancient, 17.

capital punishment for drunkenness in ancient, 21, 22.

deplorable condition of ancient, 22.

intoxicating drinks in modern, 29.

taverns in modern, 30.

dinner parties in modern, 31-32.
opium smoking in modern, 32.

Chinese, sobriety of modern, 32.

Christ, Jesus, his views concerning wine, 66.

the miracle of the conversion of water into wine considered from
a temperance point of view, 67.

Christianity, vineyards introduced into Western Europe along with, 103.
Church-ales, 134, 136.

held in churches, 135.

forbidden in churches, 137.

Church of England temperance societies, 244.

Cider truck, the, 188.

Claret, influence of increased importation on intemperance, 182, 183.
Clerk-ales, 136.

Clarke, J., on improved habits of millers, 185.

Clark, Alexander, on improved habits of operatives, 186.

Clerics, character of the medieval, 145.

Climate not a permanent cause of drunkenness, 229, 230, 257.

Clubs, the "Mermaid," the first founded, 155.

eminent men who frequented, 155-157.

Johnson's passion for, 156.

the "Turk's Head," 156.

66 Button's," 156.


Clubs, the "Crown and Anchor," 157.

"Bird Fanciers," 157.


Thieves," 157.

"Lying Club," 157.

"Bold Bucks," 157.

modern, wine consumed in, 158.

workmen's social, an antidote to drunkenness, 243.

Cocoa rooms and social clubs, 243.

need of improvement in some, 243.

Coffee-houses, first established in Germany, 115, note.
England, 115.

attempt to suppress, by the Puritans, 156.

Royalists under Charles II., 156.

Coldingham, irregularities of nuns of, 124.

Confucius, personal habits of, 17.

on excess in drinking, 18.

Crawford on antiquity of drinking in the human race, 14, note.
Crimes caused by drinking amongst savages, 4, 5.

"Sura" in ancient India, 40.

and drunkenness in ancient Rome, 98-100.
Germany, 103-111.

of Anglo-Saxons, 121, 122.

of monastic orders, 124, 144.
in medieval England, 128.

committed in medieval taverns, 139.
sanctioned by friars, 145.

and drunkenness in the eighteenth century, 158.
increase of, from introduction of spirits, 160-165.
in the metropolis, eighteenth century, 161-164.

English gin-shops the chief cause of the worst, 191.

in the United States formerly arising from drink, 206.

comparative absence of in connection with drunkenness,

210, 211.

Cyrus intoxicates and defeats an enemy's army, 52.


DANES, the intemperance of ancient, 125.

Darwin, C., on drinking propensity of certain apes, 2, 3.

Datura stramonium, used in India and England, 44.

Davis, Judge, on breaches of the Maine Law, 221.

valuable results of the Maine Law, 222.

Death, punishment of, for drunkenness in ancient China, 21, 22.
the Court of," poem by Gay, 167.

Delirium tremens amongst modern Mohammedans in Persia, &c., 55.

in ancient Rome, 99.

Dilke, Sir C. W., on drunkenness in Virginia City (Nevada), 218.
Dinners in modern China, 31, 32.

carrying men home drunk from, in ancient Egypt, 73-

in ancient Rome, 93.

Anglo-Saxon, 121.

at St. Edmundsbury, 127.

Anglo-Norman, 128.

Dinner, a prior's, 130.

Lord Mayor's in 1663, 153.

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