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Ver. 1


ND when Abram was ninety Years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and faid unto him, I am the ALMIGHTY GOD; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

2 And I will make my COVENANT between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.

3 And Abram fell on his Face: and GOD talked with him, faying,

4 As for me, behold, my Covenant is with thee, and thou fhalt be a Father of many Nations.

5 Neither fhall thy Name any more be called Abram ; but thy Name fhall be ABRAHAM, for a Father of many Nations have I made thee.

6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make Nations of thee; and Kings fhall come out of thee.

7 And I will establish my COVENANT between me and thee, and thy Seed after thee, in their Generations for an everlasting Covenant; to be a GOD unto thee, and to thy Seed after thee.,

8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy Seed after thee, the Land wherein thou art a Stranger, all the Land of Canaan, for an everlafting Poffeffion; and I will be their GOD.

9 And GOD faid unto ABRAHAM, Thou fhalt keep my COVENANT therefore, thou, and thy Seed after thee, in their Generations.

10 This is my Cov ENANT which ye fhall keep, between me and you, and thy Seed af er thee; Every Man-child among you shall be circumcifed.

11 And ye fhall circumcife the Flesh of your Fore-fkin, and it fhall be a Token of the Covenant betwixt me and you.

12 And he that is eight

Days old fhall be circumcifed among you, every Man-child in your Generations, he that

is born in the House, or

"As vii. 8 And he gave him the COVENANT of CIRCUMCISION : and

fo ABRAHAM begat ISAAC, and circumcifed him the eighth Day: and ISAAC begat JACOB, and JACOB begat

the twelve PATRIARCHS.

Rom. ii. 25 For CIRCUMCISION verily profiteth, if thou keep the Law: but if thou be a Breaker of the LAW, thy CIRCUMCISION is made Uncir cumcifion.

26 Therefore if the Uncircumcifion

keep the RIGHTEOUSNESS of the LAW, fhall not his Uncircumcifion be counted for CIRCUMCISION?

27 And shall not Uncircumcifion which is by Nature, if it fulfil the

Law, judge thee, who by the Letter and CIRCUMCISION, doft tranfgrefs the LAW?

28 For he is not a Jew, which is

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bought with Money of any Stranger, which is not of thy Seed.

13 He that is born in thy House, and he that is bought with thy Money, muft needs be circumcifed and my Covenant fhall be in your Flefh for an everlasting Covenant. 14 And the uncircumcifed Man-child, whofe Flesh of his Fore-fkin is not circumcifed, that Soul fhall be cut off from his People: he hath broken my Covenant.

15 And GoD faid unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy Wife, thou shalt not call her Name Sarai, but Sarah fhall her Name be.

16 And I will blefs her, and give thee a Son alfo of her: yea, I will blefs her, and fhe fhall be a Mother of Na

tions; Kings of People fhall

be of her.

17 Then Abraham fell upon his Face, and laughed, and faid in his Heart, Shall a Child be born unto him that is an hundred Years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety Years old, bear?

18 And Abraham faid unto GOD, O that Ifhmael might live before thee!

19 And GOD faid, Sarah thy Wife fhall bear thee a Son indeed; and thou fhalt call his Name ISAAC and I will establish my Covenant with him for an everlasting Covenant, and with his Seed after him.

one outwardly; neither is that CIRCUMCISION, which is outward in the FLESH:

29 But he is a Jew, which is one INWARDLY; and CIRCUMCISION is that not in the Letter, whofe Praifse is not of the HEART, in the SPIRIT, and of Men, but of God.

Rom. iv. 9 Cometh this Bleffedness then upon the Circumcifion only, or upon the Uncircumcifion also: For we fay, that FAITH was reckoned to ABRAHAM for RIGHTEOUSNESS.

10 How was it then reckoned ?

when he was in Circumcifion, or in Uncircumcifion? not in Circumcifion, but in Uncircumcifion.

11 And he received the Sign of Circumcifion, a SEAL of the RIGH

TEOUSNESS of the FAITH which he

he might be the Father of all them had yet being uncircumcifed: that that believe, though they be not circumcifed; that RIGHTEOUSNESS might be IMPUTED unto them alfo :

12 And the FATHER OF CIRCUMCISION to them who are not of the Cir

cumcifion only, but also walk in the Steps of that Faith of our FATHER ABRAHAM. which he had being yet uncircumcised.

13 For the PROMISE that he should

be the HEIR of the WORLD, was not

to ABRAHAM, or to his Seed through the Law, but through the RIGHTEOUSNES OF FAith.

14 For if they which are of the LAW be HEIRS, FAITH is made void, and the PROMISE made of none Effeat.

Gal. v. 4 CHRIST is become of no Effect unto you, whosoever of you are JUSTIFIED by the Law; ye are fal

len from GRACE.

s For we through the SPIRIT wait for the Hope of RIGHTEOUSNESS by FAITH.

6 For in JESUS CHRIST, neither Circumcifion availeth any thing, nor Uncircumcifion, but FAITH which WORKETH by LOVE.

fhould glory, fave in the Cross of our Gal. vi. 14 But God forbid that I LORD JESUS CHRIST, by whom the World is CRUCIFIED unto me, and I

unto the World.

Is For in CHRIST JESUS neither Circumcifion availeth any thing, nor 20 And

16 And as many as walk according to this Rule, PEACE be on them, and MERCY, and upon the ISRAEL of

20 And as for Ifhmael, I Uncircumcifion, but a NEW CREAhave heard thee: behold, I TURE. have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly : twelve Princes fhall he beget, and I will make him a great Nation.

21 But my Covenant will


Col. ii. 11 In whom alfo ye are circumcifed with the Circumcifion the Body of the SINS of the FLESH, made without Hands, in putting off by the CIRCUMCISION OF CHRIST.

I establish with Ifaac, whom Sarah fhall bear unto thee at this fet Time in the next Year,

22 And he left off talking with him, and GOD went up from Abraham.

23 And Abraham took Ishmael his Son, and all that were born in his House, and all that were bought with his Money, every Male among the Men of Abraham's Houfe; and circumcifed the Flesh of their Fore-fkin, in the self-fame Day, as GOD had faid unto him.

24 And Abraham was ninety Years old and nine when he was circumcifed in the Flefh of his Fore-skin.

25 And Ishmael his Son was thirteen Years old when he was circumcifed in the Flesh of his Fore-skin.

26 In the felf-fame Day was Abraham circumcifed, and Ishmael his Son.

27 And all the Men of his House, born in the House, and bought with Money of the Stranger, were circumcifcd with him


1 Abraham entertaineth three Angels. 9 Sarah is reproved for laughing at the ftrange Promise. 17 The Deftruction of Sodom is revealed to Abraham. 23 Abraham maketh Interceffion for the Men thereof.

Ver. 1


ND the LORD appeared unto him in the Plains of Mamre and he fat in the Tent-door in the Heat of the Day.


2 And he lift up his Eyes and looked, and lo, three Men tood by him and when he faw them, he ran to meet them from the Tent-door, and bowed himself toward the Ground,

F z

3 And

3 And faid, My LORD, if now I have found Favour in thy Sight, país not away, I pray thee, from thy Servant.

Heb. xiii. 2 Be not forgetful to entertain Strangers; for thereby fome have entertained ANGELS unawares.

4 Let a little Water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your Feet, and reft your felves under the Tree.

5 And I will fetch a Morfel of Bread, and comfort ye your Hearts; after that you fhall pafs on for therefore are ye come to your Servant. And they faid, So do as thou

haft faid.

6 And Abraham haftned into the Tent unto Sarah, and faid, Make ready quickly three Meafures of fine Meal, knead it, and make Cakes upon the Hearth.

7 And Abraham ran unto the Herd, and fetched a Calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young Man; and he hafted to dress it.

8 And he took Butter and Milk, and the Calf which he had dreffed, and fet it before them; and he stood by them under the Tree, and they did eat.

9 And they faid unto him, Where is Sarah thy Wife? and he faid, Behold, in the Tent.

10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the Time of Life; and lo, Sarah thy Wife shall have a Son. And Sarah heard it in the Tent-door, which was behind him.

11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old, and well stricken in Age and it ceafed to be with Sarah after the Manner of Women.

12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herfelf, faying, After I am waxed old, fhall I have Pleafure, my Lord, being old alfo?

13 And the LORD faid unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, faying, Shall I of a furety bear a Child, which am old?

14 Is any thing too HARD for the LORD? At the Time APPOINTED Will I return unto thee, according to the Time of Life, and Sarah fhall have a SoN.

15 Then Sarah denied, faying, I laughed not for fhe was afraid. And he faid, Nay, but thou didft laugh.

16 And the Men rofe up from thence, and looked toward SODOM: And Abraham went with them to bring them on their Way.

17 And the LORD faid, Shall I hide from Abraham that Thing which I do ;

18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and MIGHTY NATION, and all the NATIONS of the Earth fhall be BLESSED in him?

19 For I know him, that he will COMMAND his CHILDREN and his Houfhold after him, and they fhall KEEP THE WAY of the LORD, to do JUSTICE and Judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.

20 And the LORD faid, Because the Cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their SIN is very GRIE


21 I will go down now, and fee whether they have done altogether according to the Cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.

22 And the Men turned their Faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.

23 And Abraham drew near, and faid, Wilt thou also DESTROY the RIGHTEOUS with the WICKED?

24 Peradventure there fhall be FIFTY Righteous within the City wilt thou alfo deftroy, and not SPARE the Place for the fifty Righteous that are therein.

25 That be far from thee to do after this Manner, to SLAY the RIGHTEOUS with the WICKED: and that the Righteous fhould be as the Wicked, that be far from thee: fhall not the JUDGE of all the EARTH do RIGHT?

26 And the LORD faid, If I find in Sodom FIFTY Righteous within the City, then will I fpare all the Place for their Sakes.

27 And Abraham anfwered and faid, Behold, now have I taken upon me to SPEAK unto the LORD, which am but DUST and ASHES.

28 Perdventure there fhall lack FIVE of the fifty Righteous: wilt thou destroy all the City for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy


29 And he spake unto him yet again, and faid, Peradventure there fhall be FORTY found there. And he faid, I will not do it for forty's Sake.

30 And he faid unto him, Oh let not the LORD be ANGRY, and I will fpeak: Peradventure there fhall THIRTY


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