Invisible Destructive force Behind Vanishing Nation (Helaya)

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Palitha Ariyarathna, Aug 14, 2010 - Political Science

 The book is a re-examination of religious conversion gone through in a surreptitious way also from this book Author mention how the invisible power of invaders trying to Demise Buddhism and Shinhala Nation .At This book examines key point… of cultural war towards their (Sinhalese) own nation , Palitha Aritarathna says that ‘religious conversion is probably one of the most unsettling political events in the life of any society and still no minister, no person would like to talk the truth behind proselytizing effort of NGO and Some of extremist are who believe right religion is their own only. In other way author is use to mention that mutual understanding must be improve and who or they are coming, visiting, working, touring, illegally staying at Another country or Land should respect and protect its origins, (religion and Nationality)planning to demise Buddhism and shinhalese is an a work that stop immediately.. War on religion is a big shame. Avoid, Step back from converting peoples and interposition others land.

Book Name: ‘Invisible Destructive force Behind Vanishing Nation (Helaya wanasana Adisi Balwega (Sinhala Language ) Limited edition not available at book shop edition. Agust/2010


Common terms and phrases

අතර අද අනුව අප අප රට අපට අපේ ආගම ආගමික ආගම් ඇත ඇති ඇමෙරිකානු ඉතා ඉතිහාසය ඉදිරිපත් ඉස්ලාම් එදා එම එය ඔබ ඔවුන් ඔවුන්ගේ කටයුතු කණ්ඩායම් කර කරන කරයි කල කළ කිරීම කෙරූ කොට ක් පමණ ගත ගත් ගැන ගැනීමට ගිය ගෙන ගොස් ඝාතනය ජාතික ජීවිත තම තවද තිබූ තිබේ තුල තුළ තුළින් තොරතුරු දහම දැන් දින දී දෙමළ දේව ධර්ම නමුත් නම් නව නැත නැති නැවත නිර්මාණය නිසා නීති නොවන නොවේ නොහැකි පසු පිළිබඳව පෙර බව බවත් බවය බුදු බුදුදහම බොදු බෞද්ධ බෞද්ධයන් මගින් මත මහනුවර මහා මානව මිනිසුන් මිය මෙම මේ යන යැයි යුතු යුතුය යුද්ධය රජතුමන් රාවණ රැගෙන ලෙස ලොව වඩා වන වල වලට වලින් වශයෙන් වහන්සේ විට විනාශ විය විරෝධී විවිධ විශාල විසින් වී වීම වූ වෙත වෙනත් වේ සංවිධාන සංස්කෘතිය සටන් සඳහන් සඳහා සමහර සම්බන්ධ සහ සාම සිංහල සිංහලයන් සිංහලයා සිට සිටි සිටින සිහල සිහළ සොයා හට හා හැකි හිමි හුදෙක් හෙළ හෝ

About the author (2010)

Palitha Ariyarathna (born May 18, 1974 in Kandy, Sri Lanka) is an Srilankan author and speaker known for his books New Challenge for Buddhism (Buddha Sasanayata Athi Nawa Abiyoga), Invisible Destructive force Behind Vanishing Nation (Helaya wanasana Adisi Balwega), and A Sinhala Buddhist reply to the lessons learnt and reconciliation commission (Ugath Padam saha Prathisandhanaya comisam saba varthawa sandaha sihala bodu pilithurak),Sihala Investigation (Sihala Vimasuma),Forgotten Sky (English Poetry),The truth never be hidden(Sathya Kissida Wasan Kala Nohaka) Sinhala Poetry

Early life

Palitha Ariyarathna grew up in Kandy Srilanka and raised in Srilanka to Buddhist's Parent. Being Buddhist himself, he was taught the true value of life, peace and harmony. He attended Wariypola Sri Sumangala Collage that has a long history about 131 years. School was originated under the name of St Paul's as and a junior school to Trinity Collage Kandy. Later School was named as 'Wariypola Sri Sumangala' with retrospect of the Wariypola Sri Sumangala thero who fought for freedom during the era of imperialism. Before becoming an author, he wrote many Articles to newspapers, magazines, he eventually became as author himself publishing his first book New Challenge for Buddhism (Buddha Sasanayata Athi Nawa Abiyoga) in 2007. He would note this as the turning point of his life as an author. He is working as a rescuer and deep sea diver.

Personal life

Palitha lives in Srilanka with his family. Palitha can speak three languages. He is also an avid swimmer, Scuba Diver, Water skier, Jet skier, Martial artist, Runner and Sky Diver, he loves to enjoy all type of Adventure sports he use to climb mountains and goes to desert camps to stay even overnight. Palitha Ariyarathna is a very dedicated and driven individual. His care and love for others is easily noticed by many of his colleagues, friends, and most importantly his family. He is a great social worker and a member of several charitable organizations in Srilanka and international.Sri Lankan government have received several of his publications.


1.New Challenge for Buddhism (Buddha Sasanayata Athi Nawa Abiyoga)

2.Invisible Destructive force Behind Vanishing Nation (Helaya wanasana Adisi Balwega)

3.A Sinhala Buddhist reply to the lessons learnt and reconciliation commission (Ugath Padam saha Prathisandhanaya comisam saba varthawa sndha sihala bodu pilithurak)

4.Sihala Investigation (Sihala Vimasuma)

5.Butterfly Eyes (English Poetry)

6.Forgotten Sky (English Poetry)

7.The truth never be hidden(Sathya Kissida Wasan Kala Nohaka) Sinhala Poetry

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