From nature's chain whatever link you strike, Tenth or ten thousandth breaks the chain alike.
2. And, if each system in gradation roll, Alike essential to th' amazing whole, The least confusion but in one, not all That system only, but the whole must fall. Let earth, unbalane'd from her orbit fly, Planets and suns run lawless thro' the sky: Let ruling angels from their spheres be hurl'd, Being on being wreck'd, and world on world; Heaven's whole foundations to their centre nod, And nature trembles to the throne of God. All this dread ORDER break-for whom? for thee? Vile worm! Oh madness! pride! impiety! 3. What if the foot, ordain'd the dust to tread, Or hand, to toil, aspir'd to be the head? What if the head, the eye, or ear repin'd To serve mere engines to the ruling mind? Just as absurd for any part to claim To be another, in this gen'ral frame: Just as absurd, to mourn the tasks or pains, That great directing MIND OF ALL ordains. 4. All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body nature is, and God the soul: That chang'd thro' all, and yet in all the same, Great in the earth, as in th' ethereal frame; Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees; Lives thro' all life, extends thro' all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unspent; Breathes in our soul, informs our mortal part, As full, as perfect, in a hair as heart; As full, as perfect, in vile man that mourns, As the rapt seraph that adores and burns: To him, no high, no low, no great, no small; He fills, he bounds, connects and equals all. 5. Cease then, nor ORDER imperfection name; Our proper bliss depends on what we blame, Know thy own point: this kind, this due degree Of blindness, weakness, Heav'n bestows on thee. Submit. In this or any other sphere, Secure to be as blest as thou canst bear:
Safe in the hand of one disposing Pow'r, Or in the natal, or the mortal hour. All nature is but art, unknown to thee; All chance, direction, which thou canst not see;
All discord, harmony not understood;
All partial evil, universal good;
And, spite of Pride, in erring reason spite,
One truth is clear,-WHATEVER IS, IS RIGHT.
Confidence in Divine protection.
1. How are thy servants blest, O Lord!
How sure is their defence! Eternal wisdom is their guide, Their help Omnipotence. 2. In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care, Through burning climes I pass'd unhurt, And breath'd in tainted air. 3. Thy mercy sweeten'd ev'ry soil, Made ev'ry region please; The hoary Alpine hills it warm'd, And smooth'd the Tyrrhene seas. 4. Think, O my soul, devoutly think, How, with affrighted eyes, Thou saw'st the wide extended deep In all its horrors rise!
5. Confusion dwelt in every face, And fear in every heart, When waves on waves, and gulfs in gulfs, O'ercame the pilot's art.
6. Yet then, from all my griefs, O Lord,
Thy mercy set me free; While in the confidence of pray'r My soul took hold on thee.
7. For tho' in dreadful whirls we hung High on the broken wave, I knew thou wert not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save.
8. The storm was laid, the winds retir'd, Obedient to thy will;
The sea that roar'd at thy command, At thy command was still.
9. In midst of dangers, fears, and deaths,
Thy goodness I'H adore;
And praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more.
10. My life, if thou preserve my life, Thy sacrifice shall be;
And death, if death must be my doom,
Shall join my soul to thee.
Hymn on a review of the seasons.
1. THESE, as they change, Almighty Father! these, Are but the varied God. The rolling year Is full of thee. Forth in the pleasing spring Thy beauty walks. Thy tenderness and love, Wide flush the fields; the soft'ning air is balm; Echo the mountains round; the forest smiles, And ev'ry sense, and ev'ry heart is joy.
2. Then comes Thy glory in the summer months, With light and heat refulgent. Then Thy sun
Shoots full perfection thro3 the swelling year;
And oft Thy voice in dreadful thunder speaks; And oft at dawn, deep noon, or falling eye, By brooks and groves, in hollow-whisp'ring gales.
3. Thy bounty shines in autumn unconfin'd, And spreads a common feast for all that lives. In winter, awful Thou! with clouds and storms Around Thee thrown, tempest o'er tempest roll'd. Majestic darkness! On the whirlwind's wing, Riding sublime, thou bidst the world adore; And humblest nature with Thy northern blast. 4. Mysterious round! what skill, what force divine, Deep felt, in these appear! a simple train, Yet so delightful mix'd, with such kind art, Such beauty and beneficence combin'd; Shade, unperceiv'd, so softening into shade, And all so forming an harmonious whole, That as they still succeed, they ravish still.
5. But wand'ring oft, with brute unconscious gaze, Man marks not Thee, marks not the mighty hand, That, ever busy, wheels the silent spheres; Works in the secret deep; shoots, steaming, thence The fair profusion that o'erspreads the spring; Flings from the sun direct the flaming day; Feeds ev'ry creature; hurls the tempest forth; And, as on earth this grateful change revolves, With transport touches all the springs of life.
6. Nature, attend! join every living soul, Beneath the spacious temple of the sky: In adoration join! and, ardent, raise One general song!-
Ye, chief, for whom the whole creation smiles, At once the head, the heart, and tongue of all, Crown the great hymn!
7. For me, when I forget the darling theme, Whether the blossom blows, the summer ray Russets the plain; inspiring autumn gleams; Or winter rises in the black'ning east; Be my tongue mute, may fancy paint no more, And, dead to joy, forget my heart to beat!
8. Should fate command me to the farthest verge Of the green earth, to distant barb'rous climes, Rivers unknown to song; where first the sun Gılds Indian mountains, or his setting beam Flames on th' Atlantic isles; 'tis nought to me; Since God is ever present, ever felt, In the void waste as in the city full;
And where HE vital breathes there must be joy. 9. When e'en at last the solemn hour shall come, And wing my mystic flight to future worlds, I cheerful will obey; there, with new pow'rs, Will rising wonders sing: I cannot go Where UNIVERSAL LOVE not smiles around, Sustaining all yon orbs, and all their suns; From seeming evil still educing good, And better thence again, and better still, In infinite progression. But I lose Myself in HIM, in light ineffable!
Come then, expressive silence, muse his praise. THOMSON
On Solitude.
1. O SOLITUDE, romantic maid!
Whether by nodding towers you tread, Or haunt the desert's trackless gloom, Or hover o'er the yawning tomb, Or climb the Andes' clifted side, Or by the Nile's coy source abide, Or, starting from your half-year's sleep, From Hecla view the thawing deep, Or, at the purple dawn of day Tadmor's marble wastes survey;
You, recluse, again I woo,
And again your steps pursue. 2. Plum'd conceit himself surveying, Folly with her shadow playing, Purse-proud elbowing insolence, Bloated empirick, puff 'd pretence, Noise that through a trumpet speaks, Laughter in loud peals that breaks, Intrusion with a fopling's face, (Ignorant of time and place,) Sparks of fire dissension blowing, Ductile, court-bred flattery bowing, Restraint's stiff neck, grimace's leer, Squint-ey'd censure's artful sneer, Ambition's buskins, steep'd in blood, Fly thy presence, Solitude!
3. Sage reflection, bent with years, Conscious virtue, void of fears, Muffled silence, wood-nymph shy, Meditation's piercing eye, Halcyon peace on moss reclin'd, Retrospect that scans the mind, Rapt earth-gazing revery, Blushing artless modesty, Health that snuffs the morning air, Full-ey'd truth with bosom bare, Inspiration, nature's child, Seek the solitary wild.
4. When all nature's hush'd asleep, Nor love, nor guilt, their vigils keep, Soft you leave your cavern'd den, And wander o'er the works of men; But when Phosphor brings the dawn, By her dappled coursers drawn, Again you to the wild retreat, And the early huntsman meet, Where, as you pensive pass along, You catch the distant shepherd's song, Or brush from herbs the pearly dew, Or the rising primrose view, Devotion lends her heav'n plum'd wings, You mount, and nature with you sings.
5. But when mid-day fervours glow To upland airy shades you go,
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