CONTENTS. of the Comma, disposed under the par- ticular Rules 150 5. Sentences requiring the application of the Dash; of the Notes of Interrogation and Exclamation; and of the Paren- thetical Characters - - Exercises to promote perspicuous and accurate Writing First, With respect to single Words and Phrases. CHAP. 1. Violations of the Rules of Purity - 2. Violations of the Rules of Propriety - 3. Violations of the Rules of Precision miscuously disposed EXERCISES. PART 1. EXERCISES IN PARSING. CHAP. I. Exercises in PARSING, as it respects ETYMOLOGY alonc. SECT. I. Etymological Parsing Table. WHAT part of speech? 1. An article. What kind? Why? 2. A substantive. Common or proper? What gen der? Number? Case? Why? 3. An adjective. What degree of comparison? To what does it belong? Why an adjective? 4. A pronoun. What kind? Person? Gender? Number? Case? Why? 5. A verb. What kind? Mood? Tense? Number? Person? Why? If a participle, Why? Active or passive? 6. An adverb. Why is it an adverb? 7. A preposition. Why a preposition ? 8. A conjunction. Why? 9. An interjection. Why? SECT. II. Specimen of Etymological Parsing. "Hope animates us." Hope is a common substantive, of the neuter gender, the third person, in the singular number, and the nominative case. [Decline the substantive.) Animates is a regular verb active, indicative mood, present tense, third person singular. [Repeat the present tense, the imperfect tense, and the perfect participle; and sometimes conjugate the verb entirely.] Us is a personal pronoun, first person plural, and in the objective case. [Decline the pronoun.] "A peaceful mind is virtue's reward." A is the indefinite article. Peaceful is an adjective. [Repeat the degrees of comparison.] Mind is a common substantive, of the neuter gender, the third person, in the singular number, and the nominative case. [Decline the substantive.) Is is an irregular verb neuter, indicative mood, present tense, and the third person singular. [Repeat the present tense, the imperfect tense, and the participle; and occasionally conjugate the verb entirely. Virtue's is a common substantive, of the neuter gender, the third person, in the singular number, and the possessive case. [Decline the substantive.] Reward is a common substantive, of the neuter gender, the third person, the singular number, and the nominative |