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Exercises in PARSING, as it respects ETYMOLOGY alonc.


Etymological Parsing Table.

WHAT part of speech?

1. An article. What kind? Why?

2. A substantive. Common or proper? What gen

der? Number? Case? Why?

3. An adjective. What degree of comparison? To what does it belong? Why an adjective?

4. A pronoun. What kind? Person? Gender?

Number? Case? Why?

5. A verb. What kind? Mood? Tense? Number?

Person? Why? If a participle, Why? Active or passive?

6. An adverb. Why is it an adverb?

7. A preposition.

Why a preposition ?

8. A conjunction. Why?

9. An interjection. Why?


Specimen of Etymological Parsing.

"Hope animates us."

Hope is a common substantive, of the neuter gender, the third person, in the singular number, and the nominative case. [Decline the substantive.) Animates is a regular verb active, indicative mood, present tense, third person singular. [Repeat the present tense, the imperfect tense, and the perfect participle; and sometimes conjugate the verb entirely.] Us is a personal pronoun, first person plural, and in the objective case. [Decline the pronoun.]

"A peaceful mind is virtue's reward."

A is the indefinite article. Peaceful is an adjective. [Repeat the degrees of comparison.] Mind is a common substantive, of the neuter gender, the third person, in the singular number, and the nominative case. [Decline the substantive.) Is is an irregular verb neuter, indicative mood, present tense, and the third person singular. [Repeat the present tense, the imperfect tense, and the participle; and occasionally conjugate the verb entirely. Virtue's is a common substantive, of the neuter gender, the third person, in the singular number, and the possessive case. [Decline the substantive.] Reward is a common substantive, of the neuter gender, the third person, the singular number, and the nominative

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The sciences


The planets

The sun

A volume
The pens
A disposition

An oversight
A design

The governess

An ornament

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