The Koran: Commonly Called the Alcoran of Mohammed; Translated Into English Immediately from the Original Arabic, with Explanatory Notes, Taken from the Most Approved Commentators. To which is Prefixed a Preliminary Discourse, by George Sale ... 6th Ed., with a Memoir of the Translator, and with Various Readings and Illustrative Notes from Savary's Version of the KoranJ. B. Lippincott & Company, 1871 - 802 pages |
From inside the book
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Page 61
... reward thereof . And they believe that not only mankind , but the genii and irrational animals also shall be judged on this great day ; when the unarmed cattle shall take vengeance on the horned , till entire satisfaction shall be given ...
... reward thereof . And they believe that not only mankind , but the genii and irrational animals also shall be judged on this great day ; when the unarmed cattle shall take vengeance on the horned , till entire satisfaction shall be given ...
Page 65
... reward than the favour of being converted into dust ; and for this they quote the authority of their prophet . But this , however , is judged not so very reasonable , since the genii , being capable of putting themselves in the state of ...
... reward than the favour of being converted into dust ; and for this they quote the authority of their prophet . But this , however , is judged not so very reasonable , since the genii , being capable of putting themselves in the state of ...
Page 73
... rewards of their good deeds , as well as the men , and that in this case God will make no distinction of sexes ... reward of valiant men and con- summate soldiers , the kisses of boys and beauteous damsels . Vide Gell Noct . Att ...
... rewards of their good deeds , as well as the men , and that in this case God will make no distinction of sexes ... reward of valiant men and con- summate soldiers , the kisses of boys and beauteous damsels . Vide Gell Noct . Att ...
Page 108
... reward of him who , leaving the Koran and the Sonna , applied himself to the study of scholastic divinity . Al Ghazali , on the other hand , thinks that as it was introduced by the in- vasion of heresies , it is necessary to be retained ...
... reward of him who , leaving the Koran and the Sonna , applied himself to the study of scholastic divinity . Al Ghazali , on the other hand , thinks that as it was introduced by the in- vasion of heresies , it is necessary to be retained ...
Page 115
... reward or suffer the punishment due to each soul ; and 3. That God will be seen at the resurrection , not with the bodily eyes , but those of the understanding . 6. The Jâhedhians , or followers of Amru Ebn Bahr , surnamed al Jâhedh , a ...
... reward or suffer the punishment due to each soul ; and 3. That God will be seen at the resurrection , not with the bodily eyes , but those of the understanding . 6. The Jâhedhians , or followers of Amru Ebn Bahr , surnamed al Jâhedh , a ...
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Common terms and phrases
Abraham Abu Jahl Abulfed Abulfeda according afterwards Al Beidâwi alms angels answered apostle Arabs Beidâwi Caaba called cause chap chapter children of Israel Christians command creatures D'Herbel day of resurrection death Disc divine evil faith father favour fear follow genii give God's grievous Hareth hath created hearts hell fire honour ibid Idem idolaters idolatry idols infidels inhabitants INTITLED Jallalo'ddin Jesus Jews judgment knoweth Korân Koreish Medina mercy Mohammed Mohammed's Mohammedans Moses Moslems night opinion paradise passage was revealed person Pharaoh pleaseth prayer Prelim pretend prophet punishment received religion REVEALED AT MECCA reward Savary say unto scriptures sect sent down unto servants signifies signs unto soul Spec suppose surely Syria Thamud therein thereof things thou shalt thy LORD tribe true believers truth ubi sup unbelievers unto thee Verily verse Vide Poc wherefore wicked words worship Yahya Zamakh Zamakhshari
Popular passages
Page 18 - There is no piety in turning your faces towards the East or the West, but he is pious who believeth in God, and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Scriptures and the Prophets...
Page 20 - The month of Ramadan shall ye fast, in which the Koran was sent down from heaven, a direction unto men, and declarations of direction, and the distinction between good and evil. Therefore let him among you who shall be present in this month fast the same month ; but he who shall be sick, or on a journey, shall fast the like number of other days.
Page 7 - Surely those who believe, and those who Judaize, and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believeth in God, and the last day, and doth that which is right, they shall have their reward with their Lord; there shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved.
Page 86 - Unto every one of you have we given a law, and an open path ; and if God had pleased, he had surely made you one people; but he hath thought fit to give you different laws, that he might try you in that which he hath given you respectively. Therefore strive to excel each other in good works : unto God shall ye all return, and then will he declare unto you that concerning which ye have disagreed.
Page 85 - Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they should not live...
Page 41 - Koreish, the most noble and polite of all the Arabians, but with some mixture, though very rarely, of other dialects. It is confessedly the standard of the Arabic tongue...
Page 24 - GOD the object of your oaths," that ye will deal justly, and be devout, and make peace among men ; ' for God is he who heareth and knoweth. GOD will not punish you for an inconsiderate word ' in your oaths ; but he will punish you for that which your .hearts have assented unto: GOD is merciful and gracious.
Page 154 - Ye know not whether your parents or your children be of greater use unto you. This is an ordinance from God, and God is knowing and wise.
Page 76 - They who believe not in God and his apostles, and would make a distinction between God and his apostles, and say, We believe in some of the prophets, and reject others of them, and seek to take a middle way in this matter; these are really unbelievers, and we have prepared for the unbelievers an ignominious punishment.
Page 64 - Over each of these apartments they believe there will be set a guard of angels, nineteen in number, to whom the damned will confess the just judgment of God, and beg them to intercede with him for some alleviation of their pain, or that they may be delivered by being annihilated.