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been read unto you, in former passages of the Korân, to be forbidden But depart from the abomination of idols, and avoid speaking that which is false being orthodox in respect to GOD, associating no other god with him; for whoever associateth any other with GoD is like that which falleth from heaven, and which the birds snatch away, or the wind bloweth to a far distant place. This is so. And whoso maketh valuable offerings unto God,' verily they proceed from the piety of men's hearts. Ye receive various advantages from the cattle designed for sacrifices, until a determined time for slaying them: then the place of sacrificing them is at the ancient house. Unto the professors of every religion have we appointed certain rites, that they may commemorate the name of GoD on slaying the brute cattle which he hath provided for them. Your God is one God: wherefore resign yourselves wholly unto him. And do thou bear good tidings unto those who humble themselves; whose hearts, when mention is made of God, are struck with fear; and unto those who patiently endure that which befalleth them; and who duly perform their prayers, and give alms out of what we have bestowed on them. The camels slain for sacrifice have we appointed for you as symbols of your obedience unto God: ye also receive other advantages from them. Wherefore commemorate the name of GOD over them, when ye slay them, standing on their feet disposed in right order: and when they are fallen down dead, eat of them; and give to eat thereof both unto him who is content with what is given him, without asking, and unto him who asketh. Thus have we given you dominion over them, that ye might return us thanks. Their flesh is not accepted of God, neither their blood; but your piety is accepted of him. Thus have we given you dominion over them, that ye might magnify GOD, for the revelations whereby he hath directed you. And bear good tidings unto the righteous, that God will repel the ill designs of the infidels from the true believers; for God loveth not every perfidious unbeliever.* Permission is granted unto those who

Either by asserting wrong and impious things of the Deity; or bearing false witness against your neighbours.

Because he who falls into idolatry, sinketh from the height of faith into the depth of infidelity, has his thoughts distracted by wicked lusts, and is hurried by the devil into the most absurd errors.$

1 By choosing a well-favoured and costly victim in honour of him to whom it is destined. They say Mohammed once offered a hundred fat camels, and among them one which had belonged to Abu Jahl, having in his nose a ring of gold: and that Omar offered a noble camel, for which he had been bid three hundred dinârs.'

The original may also be translated generally, Whoso regardeth the riles of the pilgrimage, &c. But the victims seem to be more particularly intended in this place.


Jallalo'ddin understands this passage in a restrained sense, of the former nations who were true believers; to whom God appointed a sacrifice, and a fixed place and proper ceremonies for the offering of it.

That is, as some expound the word, standing on three feet, having one of their fore feet tied up, which is the manner of tying camels to prevent their moving from the place. Some copies instead of sawaffa read sawaffena, from the verb safana, which properly signifies the posture of a horse, when he stands on three feet, the edge of the fourth only touching the ground.

• Or, as the words may also be rendered, Unto him who asketh in a modest and humble manner, and unto him who wanteth but dareth not ask.

Announce happiness to those who exercise beneficence. God will destroy the

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take arms against the unbelievers, for that they have been unjustly perse cuted by them (and GoD is certainly able to assist them): who have been turned out of their habitations injuriously, and for no other reason than because they say, Our LORD is GOD. And if God did not repel the violence of some men by others, verily monasteries, and churches, and synagogues, and the temples of the Moslems, wherein the name of God is frequently commemorated, would be utterly demolished. And God will certainly assist him who shall be on his side: for GOD is strong and mighty. And he will assist those who, if we establish them in the earth, will observe prayer, and give alms, and command that which is just, and forbid that which is unjust. And unto God shall be the end of all things. If they accuse thee, O Mohammed, of imposture; consider that, before them, the people of Noah, and the tribes of Ad and Thamud, and the people of Abraham, and the people of Lot, and the inhabitants of Madian, accused their prophets of imposture: and Moses was also charged with falsehood. And I granted a long respite unto the unbelievers: but afterwards I chastised them; and how different was the change I made in their condition' How many cities have we destroyed, which were ungodly, and which are now fallen to ruin on their roofs? And how many wells have been abandoned, and lofty castles? Do they not therefore journey through the land? And have they not hearts to understand with, or ears to hear with? Surely as to these things their eyes are not blind, but the hearts are blind which are in their breasts. They will urge thee to hasten the threatened punishment; but Gon will not fail to perform what he hath threatened and verily one day with thy LORD is as a thousand years, of those which ye compute. Unto how many cities have I granted respite, though they were wicked? Yet afterwards I chastised them: and untc me shall they come to be judged at the last day. Say, O men, verily I am only a public preacher unto you. And they who believe, and do good works, shall obtain forgiveness and an honourable provision. But those snares which are spread for the believers. He hateth the deceiver and the infidel Savary.

This was the first passage of the Koran which allowed Mohammed and his followers to defend themselves against their enemies by force, and was revealed a little before the flight to Medina; till which time the prophet had exhorted his Moslems to suffer the injuries offered them with patience, which is also commanded in above seventy different places of the Koran.®

That is, The public exercise of any religion, whether true or false, is supported only by force; and therefore, as Mohammed would argue, the true religion must be established by the same means.

"How many guilty cities have we overthrown! They are now buried under their own ruins."-Savary.

That is, How many spots in the deserts, which were formerly inhabited, are now abandoned? a neglected well being the proper sign of such a deserted dwelling in those parts, as ruins are of a demolished town.

Some imagine that this passage intends more particularly a well at the foot of a certain. hill in the province of Hadramaut, and a castle built on the top of the same hill, both belonging to the people of Handha Ebn Safwân, a remnant of the Thamudites, who, having killed their prophet, were utterly destroyed by God, and their dwelling abandoned.'

See 2 Pet. iii. 8.

Al Beidâwi, &c. Vide the Prelim. Disc. sect. ii. p. 34, &c.

• Iidem.

who endeavour to make our signs of none effect shall be the inhabitants of hell. We have sent no apostle, or prophet, before thee, but, when he read, Satan suggested some error in his reading. But GoD shall make void that which Satan hath suggested: then shall GoD confirm his signs; for God is Knowing and wise. But this he permitteth, that he may make that which Satan hath suggested, a temptation unto those in whose hearts there is an infirmity, and whose hearts are hardened (for the ungodly are certainly in a wide disagreement from the truth): and that they on whom knowledge hath been bestowed may know that this book is the truth from thy LORD, and may believe therein; and that their hearts may acquiesce in the same: for God is surely the director of those who believe, into the right way. But the infidels will not cease to doubt concerning it, until the hour of judg. ment cometh suddenly upon them; or until the punishment of a grievous day overtake them. On that day the kingdom shall be God's: he shall judge between them.* And they who shall have believed, and shall have wrought righteousness, shall be in gardens of pleasure; but they who shall have disbelieved, and shall have charged our signs with falsehood, those shall suffer a shameful punishment. And as to those who shall have fled their country for the sake of God's true religion, and afterwards shall have been slain, or shall have died; on them will GOD bestow an excellent provision; and GOD is the best provider. He will surely introduce them with an introduction with which they shall be well pleased;† for God is knowing aud gracious. This is so. Whoever shall take a vengeance equal to the injury which hath been done him, and shall afterwards be unjustly treated; verily GoD will assist him: for God is merciful, and ready to forgive. This shall be done, for that God causeth the night to succeed the

The occasion of the passage is thus related. Mohammed one day reading the 53d chapter of the Korân, when he came to this verse, What think ye of Allât, and al Uzza, and of Manâh the other third goddess? the devil put the following words into his mouth, which he pronounced through inadvertence, or, as some tell us, because he was then half asleep, viz. These are the most high and beauteous damsels, whose intercession is to be hoped for. The Koreish, who were sitting near Mohammed, greatly rejoiced at what they had heard, and when he had finished the chapter, joined with him and his followers in making their adoration: but the prophet being acquainted by the angel Gabriel with the reason of their compliance, and with what he had uttered, was deeply concerned at his mistake, till this verse was revealed for his consolation."

We are told however by al Beidâwi, that the more intelligent and accurate persons reject the aforesaid story; and the verb, here translated read, signifying also to wish for any thing, they interpret the passage of the suggestions of the devil to debauch the affections of these holy persons, or to employ their minds in vain wishes and desires.

"Or, a day which maketh childless; by which some great misfortune in war is expressed: as the overthrow the infidels received at Bedr. Some suppose the resurrection is here intended.

"Then will the balance be in the hand of God. He will judge between mortals.”Savary.

"He will introduce them into an abode that shall enchant them. He is wise and gracious."-Savary.

▾ And shall not take a more severe revenge than the fact deserves.

By the aggressor's seeking to revenge himself again of the person injured, by offering nim some further violence.

The passage seems to relate to the vengeance which the Moslems should take of the infidels, for their unjust persecution of them.

• Yahya.

Al Beidâwi, Jallalo'ddin, Yahya, &c. See chap. 16, p. 223.

day, and he causeth the day to succeed the night; and for that God beth heareth and seeth. This, because God is truth, and because what they invoke besides him is vanity; and for that God is the high, the mighty. Dost thou not see that God sendeth down water from heaven, and the earth becometh green? for God is gracious and wise. Unto him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth: and GoD is self-sufficient, worthy to be praised. Dost thou not see that God hath subjected whatever is in the earth to your service, and also the ships which sail in the sea, by his command? And he withholdeth the heaven that it fall not on the earth, unless by nis permission: for God is gracious unto mankind, and merciful. It is he who hath given you life, and will hereafter cause you to die; afterwards he will again raise you to life, at the resurrection: but man is surely ungrateful. Unto the professors of every religion have we appointed certain rites, which they observe. Let them not therefore dispute with thee concerning this matter: but invite them unto thy LORD: for thou followest the right direction. But if they enter into debate with thee, answer, GoD well knoweth that which ye do: GOD will judge between you on the day of resurrection, concerning that wherein ye now disagree. Dost thou not know that God knoweth whatever is in heaven and on earth? Verily this is written in the book of his decrees: this is easy with GOD. They worship besides God, that concerning which he hath sent down no convincing proof, and concerning which they have no knowledge: but the unjust doers shall have none to assist them. And when our evident signs are rehearsed unto them, thou mayest perceive, in the countenances of the unbelievers, a disdain thereof: it wanteth little but that they rush with violence on those who rehearse our signs unto them. Say, Shall I declare unto you a worse thing than this? The fire of hell, which God hath threatened unto those who believe not, is worse; and an unhappy journey shall it be thither. men, a parable is propounded unto you; wherefore hearken unto it. Verily the idols which ye invoke, besides GOD, can never create a single fly, although they were all assembled for that purpose: and if the fly snatch any thing from them, they cannot recover the same from it." Weak is the petitioner, and the petitioned. They judge not of God according to his due estimation: for God is powerful and mighty. God chooseth messengers from among the angels," and from among men: for GoD is he who heareth and seeth. He knoweth that which is before them, and that which is behind them: and unto God shall all things return. O true believers, bow down, and

Which it will do at the last day.

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The commentators say, that the Arabs used to anoint the images of their gods with some odoriferous composition, and with honey, which the flies ate, though the doors of the temple were carefully shut, getting in at the windows or crevices.

Perhaps Mohammed took this argument from the Jews, who pretend that the terr.ple of Jerusalem, and the sacrifices there offered to the true God, were never annoyed by flies; whereas swarms of those insects infested the heathen temples, being drawn thither by the steam of the sacrifices."

Who are the bearers of the divine revelations to the prophets; but ought not to be the objects of worship.

Pirke Aboth, c. 5, sect. vi. vii.

• Vide Selden. de Diis Syris, Synt. 2, c. 6.

prostrate yourselves, and worship your LORD: and work righteousness, that ye may be happy: and fight in defence of God's true religion, as į behoveth you to fight for the same. He hath chosen you, and hath not imposed on you any difficulty in the religion which he hath given you, the religion of your father Abraham: he hath named you Moslems heretofore, and in this book; that our apostle may be a witness against you at the day of judgment, and that ye may be witnesses against the rest of mankind. Wherefore be ye constant at prayer; and give alms: and adhere firmly unto God. He is your master; and he is the best master, and the best protector.




* [XVIII.] Now are the true believers happy: who humble themselves in their prayer, and who eschew all vain discourse, and who are doers of alms-deeds; and who keep themselves from carnal knowledge of any women except their wives, or the captives which their right hands possess (for as to them they shall be blameless: but whosoever coveteth any woman beyond these, they are transgressors): and who acquit themselves faithfully of their trust, and justly perform their covenant; and who observe their appointed times of prayer: these shall be the heirs, who shall inherit paradise; they shall continue therein for ever. We formerly created man in a finer sort of clay; afterwards we placed him in the form of seed in a sure receptacle: afterwards we made the seed coagulated blood; and we formed the coagulated blood into a piece of flesh: then we formed the piece of flesh into bones and we clothed those bones with flesh: then we produced the same by another creation. Wherefore blessed be God, the most excellent Creator! After this shall ye die: and afterwards shall ye be restored to life, on the day of resurrection. And we have created over you seven heavens: and we are not negligent of what we have created. And we send down rain from heaven, by measure; and we cause it to remain on the earth we are also certainly able to deprive you of the same. And we cause gardens of palm-trees, and vineyards, to spring forth for you by means thereof; wherein ye have many fruits, and whereof ye eat. And

* "Be immovable in the faith. God is your master. Courage unto the servant, and praise unto the patron!"-Savary.

viz. The womb.

i. e. Producing a perfect man, composed of soul and body.

+ We accomplished our creation by animating it with life."-Savary.

See cap. 6, p. 108, note c.

• Literally, seven paths; by which the heavens are meant, because, according to some expositors, they are the paths of the angels and of the celestial bodies: though the original word also signifies things which are folded or placed like stories one above another, as the Mohammedans suppose the heavens to be.

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