subject of the weights of bodies, i. 487; New York and Liverpool steamers, projected Nitric acid formed by the electric spark, ii. Non-conductors of heat, ii. 183. 0. Object, image of an, in a plane reflector, i. Ocean steam-voyaging limited only by ex- Ocean voyages for steamers and sailing ves- Oersted's experiments in electro-magnetism Olbers discovers Pallas and Vesta, i. 206. Orbit of the moon, i. 321. Orbitual motion of comets, i. 513; of double Ordinary state of the atmosphere, ii. 151. Otto Guericke's electrical machine, i. 105. P. Paddle-wheels of steamboats, ii. 255; de- Palitzch, a peasant near Dresden, first dis- Pallas, i. 206, 208. Papin produces a vacuum by the condensa- Paratonnerres, or lightning conductors, ii. Paschal's experiment on atmospheric pres- Peltier's experimental illustration of the Perihelion and aphelion, i. 482. Periodic comets, i. 423-434. Meridian, standard, i. 563. Metallic contact, accidental discovery of the effects of, i. 363. Metallic pistons, ii. 485. Meteor at Dreux and Mantes in France, i. 601; meteor seen and described by Pel- Meteoric phenomena, various instances of, Meteoric stones and shooting-stars, i. 459- Micrometer, description of, ii. 352. Micrometer-screw, ii. 293. Micrometric wire, ii. 24. Milky-way, the, ii. 378. Minor planets, the, i. 143-156. Molecules, or atoms, ii. 22. Moon, the, i. 307-322. Moon and the weather, i. 405-420. Moon's influence on the tides, i. 212; on the weather, i. 315. Moonlight, ii. 193; physical qualities of, i. 312. Motion and pressure, ii. 207. Multiplier, or galvanometer, ii. 124. Murray's slides, ii. 476. Ν. Napoleon's invitation to Volta to visit Paris, Neap tides, i. 215. Nebulæ and clusters of stars, ii. 383; neb- Nebular hypothesis of Laplace, ii. 395. Negative state of the earth, ii. 156. Newcomen and Cawley's patent for an en- Newcomen's conception of the atmospheric Norman discovers the dip of the magnetic New metals: potassium, sodium, barium, New planets, the, i. 205-208. Newton's speculations on the subject of comets, i. 179, 425; his researches on the | Periodic motion of double stars, ii. 367. Periodic stars, ii. 358. Permament gases, nature of, ii. 315. Phases of the moon, i. 309. Philosophy of force, ii. 208. Phosphorescence, ii. 194. R. Rack rail, ii. 531. Radiation of heat, i. 437-456. i. 446. Physical constitution of comets, i. 513-528; Radiation, reflection, and absorption of heat, of Mars, i. 152. Piazzi discovers Ceres, i. 206. Pion, ii. 336. Piston, application of the, to steam-engine Pistons, ii. 484; metallic pistons, ii. 485. Plan of the working machinery of an engine, Planes of cleavage, ii. 27. Planets, are they inhabited? i. 52; their Planet Herschel, discovery of predicted by Plug-frame, ii. 415. Plurality of worlds, i. 51-64. Pneumatic trough in the chemical laborato- Pointed and blunt lightning conductors, ii. 104. Poisson's analytical works, i. 139. Polarity of the magnet, illustrations of, ii. 113. Pontecoulant predicts a third appearance of Popular fallacies, ii. 85-96. Popular impressions respecting the effects of thunder, ii. 78. Radius-rod, the, ii. 469. Railway, Liverpool and Manchester, ii. Railways, ii. 527. Rain, luminous, ii. 81. Range of the tides, i. 218, 219. the tide Range of vision, ii. 357. Rays of heat exist unaccompanied by light, Rays of light, diverging and converging, ii. Records of mining, ii. 523. Reflection, irregular, i. 260; at plane sur- Reflection of light, i. 259-266; of liquids, i. Reflectors, concave and convex, i. 263. Relation of heat and light, ii. 187-194. Resistance produced by friction, ii. 262; ex- Porosity, ii. 28; all bodies have pores, ii. 29. | Rest and motion, i. 361. Positive and negative electricity, i. 115. Potash and soda, decomposition of, i. 385. Powder-magazines, lightning conductors for, Reviews of the opinions of the English press ii. 106. Power of a locomotive, ii. 554. Revolving shafts in spinning machinery, ii. Priming and lugging of the tides, i. 216. Richmann, death of, i. 126. Princeton steamer, i. 280. Rigel, ii. 336. Principle of heat, most ordinary sources of, Ritter's secondary pile, i. 376. Proportion of the diameter to the stroke of Safety-valve, the, ii. 511. the cylinder of steam-engine, ii. 521. Sabine's observations of luminous clouds, 1 547. Quicksilver passing through the pores of Savery's engine, ii. 405. Sawmill at Southampton, England, ii. 259. Watson and Bevis's experiments in elec- Watt's inventions and improvements in the Weather almanacs, i. 159-168. Waves of light, minuteness of, i. 229. Wedge, screw, and inclined plane, ii. 283- Weight of air, i. 94; of the earth, i. 487. Wells's theory of dew, i. 456. Westerly winds, their effects on sailing ves- Wheatstone's experiments on the speed of Wheel, the, applied to the steam-engine, ii. Wheel and axle, ii. 253. Wheel barometer, i. 292. Wheelwork, ii. 253. Wheelwork and the lever, ii. 243-268. Williams's patent for a method of consuming unburnt gases, ii. 499. Wilson discovers the lateral shock, i. 112. Wollaston's micrometric wire, ii. 23, 24; Worlds, plurality of, i. 51-64. Y. Young's discoveries in the philosophy of Z. Whewell's researches on the subject of the Zigzag lightning, i. 538, 556. Zodiacal constellations, ii. 338. |