Look once more ere we leave this specular mount Westward, much nearer by south-west, behold Where on the ^Egean shore a city stands Built nobly, pure the air, and light the soil ; Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence... Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical - Page 103by Christopher Wordsworth - 1859 - 452 pagesFull view - About this book
| Richard Meadowcourt - 1748 - 56 pages
...fbecular Mount Weftward, much nearer by South- Weft, behold "Where on th' Mgean Shore a City ftands . .... Built nobly, pure the Air, and light the Soil, Athens...Mother of Arts And Eloquence, native to famous Wits Or hofpitable, in her fweet Recefs City or Suburban, ftudious Walks and Shades j See there the Olive-Grove... | |
| John Milton - 1753 - 356 pages
...learning. M 3 239. -fnre i66 PARADISE REGAINS. Bookiv. Built nobly, pure the air, and light the foil, Athens the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence, native to famous wits Or hofpitable, in her fweet recefs, City' or fuburban, ftudious walks and fliadesj 240 See 239. ' pure... | |
| Gentleman of Oxford - 1778 - 198 pages
...to merit the regard and approbation «f both. .. . . MILTON's PARADISE REGAINED. Built nobly, pare the Air, and light the Soil, ATHENS! The .eye of Greece, Mother of Art* And Eloquence, native to famous Wits* ; ' And hofpitable ; in her fweet Receft, City, or Suburban,... | |
| John Milton - English poetry - 1785 - 366 pages
...place, as it was the great feat of learning. . . J i66 Built nobly, pure the air, and light the foil, Athens the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence, native to famous wits Or hofpitable, in her fweet recefs. City' or fuburban, ftudious walks and fhades ; 240 See 239. —pure... | |
| John Bell - English poetry - 1788 - 630 pages
...more ere we leave this specular mount Westward, much nearer by southwest, behold Where on the iEgean shore a city stands Built nobly, pure the air, and...the soil, Athens the eye of Greece, mother of arts z40 And eloquence, native to famous wits Or hospitable, in her sweet recess. City' or suburban, studious... | |
| Gentleman of Oxford - 1788 - 188 pages
...in fatiritcJltr-Rcw, Landtti, ,:; soKi.v-.io3 MILTON'S PARADISE REGAINED... J;<T Built nobly, pore the Air, and light the Soil, ATHENS ! The eye of Greece,...Mother of Arts And Eloquence, native to famous Wits/ Aadhofpitable; in her Cweet Recefs» '"..'.".«' jj." City, or Suburban, ftudious Walks and Shades... | |
| Robert Anderson - English poetry - 1795 - 738 pages
...behold Where on the JEgezn Shore a city (lands Built nobly, pure the air, and light the foil, •Adieu, the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence, native to famous wits Or hofpitable. in her fwcet recefs. City orfuburban, ftudisus walks and fhades; S« 'here the olive grove... | |
| William Tasker - Classical literature - 1798 - 264 pages
...Behold " Where on th' JEgezn (hore a city ftands, " Built nobly. pure the air, and light the foil, Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence ; native to famous wits Or hofpitable, in her fweet recefs City or (uburbs, ftudious walks and (hades." You, I know, are much... | |
| 1803 - 200 pages
...of St. Haul's Church VarJ ; And J. ROBINSON, in Paternofter Row, London. MILTON's PARADISE REGAINED. Built nobly, pure the Air, and light the Soil, ATHENS...Mother of Arts And Eloquence, native to famous Wits, And hofpitable ; in her fweet Recefs, City, or Suburban, ftudious Walks and Shades ! Book iv. V. 239.... | |
| John Milton - 1807 - 434 pages
...more ere we leave this specular mount Westward, much nearer by south-west, behold Where on the /tgeiiu shore a city stands Built nobly, pure the air, and...the soil, Athens the eye of Greece, mother of arts 240 And eloquence, native to famous wits Or hospitable, in her sweet recess. City' or suburban, studious... | |
| John Aikin - 1807 - 696 pages
...Epicurean sects," behold •Where, on the Aegean shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air, anil light the soil, Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence. Not much more than two centuries elapsed from the time of Pisistratus, till the fall of Grecian liberty... | |
| 1858 - 860 pages
...philosophy. The city was ireff suited for study ; it was, as our own great epic poet has described it, "Built nobly, pure the air, and light the soil, Athens,...eloquence, native to famous wits, Or hospitable : in her iweet recess, City or suburban, studious walks and shades." fie absence of any commercial or political... | |
| John Milton - 1810 - 540 pages
...more, ere we leave this specular mount Westward, much nearer by southwest, behold; Where on the JEgean shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air, and...native to famous wits Or hospitable, in her sweet recess, City or suburban, studious walks and shades. See there the olive grove of Academe, Plato's... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 560 pages
...southwest, behold; Where on the Jf.gf.an shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air, and light tlie soil ; Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts And...native to famous wits Or hospitable, in her sweet recess, City or suburban, studious walks and shade*. See there the olive grove of Academe, Plato's... | |
| William Hayley - Poets, English - 1810 - 418 pages
...more, ere we leave this specular mount Westward, much nearer by southwest, behold; Where on the ^Egean shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air, and light the soil; VOL. IV. G Athens, the eye ef Greece, mother of aits And eloquen£p, native to famous \vits Or hospitable,... | |
| John Milton - 1810 - 414 pages
...more, ere we leave this specular mount Westward, much nearer by southwest, behold ; Where on the ^Egean shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air, and light the soil ; VOL, iv. G lADISE REGAINED. » re of Greece, mother of art :, native to famous wits in her sweet... | |
| Walter Hutchinson Aston - Bible - 1811 - 326 pages
...countryman, who so sweetly sung, what he so deeply, so exquisitely, felt : behold Where on th' jEgean shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air, and light the soil, t Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts, > And eloquence ; native to famous wits, Dryden should... | |
| John Milton - 1813 - 270 pages
...specular mount, Westward, mueh nearer by math-west, behold, Where on the Egean shore a cky stands, Bnilt nobly, pure the air, and light the soil, Athens, the eye of Greece, and mother of arts 249 And eloquence, native to famous wits Or hospitable, in her tweet recess, City1... | |
| Edward Dodwell - Greece - 1819 - 686 pages
...contemplated Athens from this spot, and in a transport of admiration had exclaimed— " Look !—on th' Egean shore a city stands, Built nobly ; pure the air, and...native to famous wits, Or hospitable, in her sweet recess, City, or suburban, studious walks and shades! See, there the olive grove of Academe, Plato's... | |
| Edward Dodwell - Greece - 1819 - 680 pages
...Athens from this spot, and in a transport of admiration had exclaimed — " Look ! — on th' Egean shore a city stands, Built nobly ; pure the air, and light the soil ; 1 Plutarch's Life of Solon. ' Paradise Regained, b. 4. PANORAMA FROM THE MUSJEUM. 395 Athens : the... | |
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