The Odyssey, tr. by A. Pope1807 |
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addrest Alcinous Antinous arms Atrides attend beneath bleed blest blood bow'r brave breast Calypso ceas'd coast coursers cries crown'd cry'd Cyclops dæmon death decreed deed deep descends dire divine dome dreadful Eumæus Euryclea Eurylochus Eurymachus Ev'n ev'ry eyes fair fame fate father feast flies gen'rous goddess gods grac'd grace grief guest hand haste hear heart heav'n hero Icarius Ithaca Jove king labours Laertes land lord maid Melanthius Menelaus mighty mind monarch native Neptune night nymph o'er palace Pallas peers Phemius Pisistratus plac'd pleas'd pow'r pray'r prince Pylos queen race rage realms rejoin'd reply'd rise roll'd round royal sacred sails shade shining shore sire skies soft sorrow soul Sparta spoke stranger suitors swain Swift tears Telemachus thee Theoclymenus thou thro throne toils touch'd train Ulysses vengeance vessel wand'ring watry waves wine woes wretch youth
Popular passages
Page 4 - Their manners noted, and their states survey'd. On stormy seas unnumber'd toils he bore, Safe with his friends to gain his natal shore: Vain toils! their impious folly dar'd to prey On herds devoted to the god of day; The god vindictive doom'd them never more (Ah men unbless'd) to touch that natal shore.
Page 68 - Jove fix'd it certain, that whatever day Makes man a slave, takes half his worth away.
Page 104 - ... red the full pomegranate glows, The branch here bends beneath the weighty pear, And verdant olives flourish round the year. The balmy spirit of the western gale Eternal breathes on fruits untaught to fail : Each dropping pear a following pear supplies, On apples apples, figs on figs arise : The same mild season gives the blooms to blow, The buds to harden, and the fruits to grow.
Page 104 - Close to the gates a spacious garden lies, From storms defended and inclement skies. Four acres was th...
Page 187 - The gods have other names for things than we. Now where the jointures from their loins depend, The heroes' tails with severing grasps they rend.
Page 129 - Heedless he heard them; but disdain'd reply; The bow perusing with exactest eye. Then as some heavenly minstrel, taught to sing High notes responsive to the trembling string, To some new strain when he adapts the lyre, Or the dumb lute refits with vocal wire, Relaxes, strains, and draws them to and fro; So the great master drew the mighty bow: • And drew with ease. One hand aloft display'd The bending horns, and one the string essay'd.
Page 41 - Her hapless death my brighter days o'ercast, Yet Providence deserts me not at last: My present labours food and drink procure, And more, the pleasure to relieve the poor. Small is the comfort from the Queen to hear...
Page 158 - And social joys, the late transform'd repairs ; The bath, the feast, their fainting soul renews: Rich in refulgent robes, and dropping balmy dews : Brightening with joy their eager eyes behold Each other's face, and each his story told; Then gushing tears the narrative confound, And with their sobs the vaulted roofs resound.
Page 160 - Soon shalt thou reach old Ocean's utmost ends, Where to the main the shelving shore descends; The barren trees of Proserpine's black woods, Poplars and willows trembling o'er the floods: There fix thy vessel in the lonely bay, And enter there the kingdoms void of day : Where Phlegethon's loud torrents, rushing down, Hiss in the naming gulf of Acheron; And where, slow-rolling from the Stygian bed, 610 Cocytus' lamentable waters spread : Where the dark rock o'erhangs th...
Page 79 - Yet I'll direct the safest means to go; That last advice is all I can bestow. To her the power who bears the charming rod : Dismiss the man, nor irritate the god ; Prevent the rage of him who reigns above, For what so dreadful as the wrath of Jove ? Thus having said, he cut the cleaving sky, And in a moment vanish'd from her eye.