If God don't, why shoud Man vill sins 2 for God determines to save sinners when we speak of CHRIST_recollect? B&: pularity, nor antiquity, not always sure. fellonious sentiment, that merits a Gibbet, 9 - Gods for knowledge in Unison with every other 33-4- Contrast - Adam & Christ...very 5. No Schism prefiir. 4 Judas, & squeamish Modern Divines 58 Dr. Gill - an excellent note, I {which continues on to p: 66. سلام نات 5346.110. N: B : _ the Text refers to the Notes-by.a.b.c.d: ve vis- the letter. a. es begins at page 2 - ends.. 105. Christs obedience, so perfect; that No Conditions of Life left for Us 114 175 118. Covenant, what putsovery soul into it. 7 123_original, and actual gin, Christ bore! 624 = the law to Adaon, inherited all the commands 125= origin of original sin & the very first lie. 126 - Adams Will, and Gods will, in opposition. 26_No Schism – Ib. Pref.iv. 817 all things made for and by Christ: 20 Angels the only reward for their servien 25. Adam_created male & Female, in I Body 34_Covenants with whom all made 40 - Prov: 1!1-23 speaks of XH-Haman hot 26-223-Adam & Eve. N. B. the distinction and difference-about-Body & Person 14:45 20- the Scriptures our only Referees, us 132-3. Original Factual Sin, Christ died for Comp: with Richardsons Consolation I from Trapps, com fom: Vit=}~ The Law cannot condemn-because they have appeale X. Compare with John Brines exc: Discourse, F. "Christ the object of Gods Eternal Delight F20m Prov: VII: 31-32. VoE: of Brines Miscelli's Siugh Broughton. 24 Time-213-214 well worth engraving on every mind, on the Fall-which did certainly take place on The 6th day, & not on the 7th as supposed. Adam & Christ compared Vcontrasted RE: & finely asserts & substantiates how very impossible for Many to be without Original Sin, against Papists. Thundamentals in the Old Jest? well provs, & CHRIST, the name, 684. times in His NT: Vonly twice in the old, both in Daniel |