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Liber primus, Clio (Græce). Oxoniae, in Officina Josephi Barnesii, 1591. 4to. pp. 69, including the title.

Histor. Libri ix. Gr. et. Lat. cum H. Stephani Apologia pro Herodoto, etc. Cura Tho. Gale. Londini, 1679. folio. 18s. A respectable and useful edition, with many valuable corrections from the collation of two MS.

Histor. Libri ix. Gr. et Lat. ex Editione Jac. Gronovii. Glasg. 1761.12mo. 9 vols. A beautiful and correct edition from the Foulis press. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1442, 11. Drury, 1751, 11. 15s. FINE PAPER. Williams, 846, morocco, 71.

Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. accedunt Annotationes selectæ, necnon Index Latinus, ex Edit. Wesselingii et Reizii. Edinb. 1806. 12mo. 7 vols. 21. 2s. A neat and correct edition, dedicated to Professor Porson, who is said to have revised the sheets of the first volume. LARGE PAPER. White Knights, 1897, morocco. Drury,

1754, morocco, 31. 19s.

Herodoti Historiarum Libri ix. Græce. Editionem Reizii Morte interruptam continuavit G. H. Schæfer: accedit Index Rerum necnon Editionis Wesselingianæ cum Edition. Reizii et Schæferi Collatio. Oxonii, 1808. 8vo. 2 vols. 15s. An excellent reprint of Reizius' edition from the Clarendon press. LARGE PAPER. Drury, 1833, cum Porti Lexicon. Oxon. 1810, russia, 11. 13s.

Herodoti Historiarum Libri ix. Gr. et Lat. Textus Wesselingianus passim refictus; Argumentorumque ac Temporum Notatio, Opera Frid. W. Reizii: accedunt Index Rerum, necnon Editionis Wesselingianæ cum Edit. Reizii et Schæferi Collatio. Oxonii, 1809. 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. In this reprint by N. Bliss, many unwarrantable liberties have been taken with the text. At the end of vol. ii. are a Tabula Chronologica and Goldastus' Lexicon, not in the Leipsic edition. Vol. iii. contains the Latin version. Drury, 1753, 18s. LARGE PAPER. 11. 1s.

Historiarum Libri, Gr. cum Notis Reizii et Schaeferi. Oxon. 1814. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. LARGE PAPER, in royal 8vo. 15s.

Herodoti Historiæ, Gr. ex Recensione Joh. Schweighæuseri: accedit Varietas Lectionis Edd. Schweighæuseri. Reitzii et Schæferi, ac Wesselingio-Valckenarii, cum Indice Rerum. Edinb. 1817. 8vo. 2 vols. The following generally accompanies this edition: Wesselingii, Valkenarii, Schweighauseri in Herodotum Adnotationes omnes. 8vo. 2 vols.

Histor. Libri, Gr. et Lat. ex Recensione J. Schweighæuseri, cum ejusdem et aliorum Annotat. accedunt variæ Lectiones & Porti Lexicon Ionicum. Glasguæ, 1818. 8vo. 6 vols. Drury, 1836, morocco, 41. 10s.

Histor. Libri, Græce, ex Recensione J. Schweighæuseri. Glasg. 1818. 8vo. 2 vols.


Historiarum Libri, Gr. cum Notis Reizii & Schæferi. Oxon. 1820. 8vo. 2 vols. Drury, 1837, 16s. 6d.

Herodotus, Græce, ex Editione Reizii. Lond. 1823. 18mo. 7s. Uniform with the Regent's classics.

Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. recensuit et Notis Valckenærii, Wesselingii, aliorumque et suis illustravit J. Schweighæuser; accedit Porti Dictionarium Ionicum. Lond. 1824. 8vo. 6 vols. 31.

Herodotus, Græce, ex Recensione J. Schweighæuseri; accedunt Tractatus de Geographia Herodotea, Summaria, etc. (curante J. Bailey). Lond. 1824. 8vo. 2 vols. 17. Is.

The famous History of Herodotus. London, 1584. 4to. This translation contains only the two first books, Clio and Euterpe. Forster, 395, 15s. 6d. Reed, 4217, 19s. The volume contains fol. 119, besides dedication to 'Mayster Robert Dormer,' and an epistle 'To the Gentlemen Readers,' both signed B. R. probably Barnaby Rich.

The Ægyptian and Grecian History of Herodotus, transl. from the Greek by Isaac Littlebury. Third Edition. London, 1737.8vo. with two maps. This translation is in general very faithful, though not elegant. -First edition. London, 1709. 8vo. 2 vols. Roxburghe, 7501, 9s. 6d. -Second edition. London, 1723. 8vo. 2 vols. -London, 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. -Oxford, 18 . 8vo. in 1 vol.

The History of Herodotus, transl. from the Greek, with Notes by the Rev. Wm. Beloe. London, 1791. 8vo. 4 vols. This translation is more paraphrastical than that of Littlebury. Drury, 1841. 11. 1s. -Second edition improved. London, 1806. 8vo. 4 vols. -London, 1812. 8vo. 4 vols. -London, 1822. 8vo. 4 vols.

The History of Herodotus, translated from the Greek, with Notes, by J. Lempriere. London, 1792. 8vo. vol. i. 6s. No more published.

Herodotus literally translated into English Prose, with Notes from Rennell, Larcher, &c. Oxford, 1824. 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 1s.

Herodotus, transl. by Peter Edmund Laurent, with Notes illustrative and critical, a geographical Index, an introductory Essay, and a Summary of the History. Oxford, 1827. 8vo. 2 vols.

Maps and Plans illustrative of Herodotus. Oxford, 1825. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Drury, 1838, 5s.

Notes on Herodotus, historical and

critical. Translated from the French of P. H. Larcher. 1827. 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 10s. Questions on Herodotus, 1825. 12mo. 4 parts. 1s. each.

Lexicon Herodoteum, instruxit Joh. Schweighæuser. 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 10s.

Annotationes in Herodoti Musas, sive Historias, Scriptoribus Wesselingio, Valckenario, aliisque. Edidit et suas addidit Joh. Schweighæuser. Lond. 1824. 8vo. 2 vols. 11. Is.

HEROLT, John. Sermones Discipuli de Tempore per Circulum Anni, cum Promptuario Exemplorum. London. per Julianu Notarii, 1510. 4to.

A copy of this work is in the British Museum.

HERON, Robert. Letters of Literature. By Robert Heron, Esq. London, 1785. 8vo.

Generally attributed to Pinkerton. Roxburghe, 6468, 5s. Fonthill, 1191, 11s. Robert. History of Scotland, from the earliest Times to the Era of the Abolition of the hereditary Jurisdictions of Subjects, in the Year 1748. Perth, 1794-9. 8vo.

6 vols.

Brockett, 1499, 11. 6s.

Observations made in a Journey through the Western Counties of Scotland, in the Autumn of 1792. Perth, 1793. 8vo. 2 vols. Drury, 1843, 5s. Fonthill, 2592, 11. 11s. 6d.

A new and complete System of universal Geography. To which is added, a philosophical View of universal History. 8vo. 4 vols.

Heron Family. A genealogical and historical Table of the Families of Heron, verified throughout by Records, and other authentic Documents. Printed in the Year 1797. folio. 12s.


impartially considered. lated from the German. London, 1768. 8vo.

Hollis, 572, morocco, 13s. resold Bindley, pt. ii. 308, 17. 8s. The author of this work was prosecuted.


HERRERA, Ant. de. del Regno de Escosia, en las 44 Años de Maria Estuarda Reyna. Madr. 1589. 12mo.

A copy is in the British Museum. Reprinted in the second volume of Jebb. -Lisboa, 1590, 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum.

The general History of the vast Continent and Islands of America, commonly called the West Indies, from the first Discovery thereof: with the best Ac

count the People could give of their Antiquities. Translated by Capt. John Stevens. London, 1725-6. 8vo. 6 vaὶς. with maps and cuts. Roxburghe, 8920, 11. 17s. Fonthill, 1490, 14. 1s. Hibbert, 3808, 11. 6s. -1740. 8vo. 6 vols. Wil

lett, 1229, date 1743, 31. 4s.

Herrera's Account of the first Dis. covery of America by Columbus, with a brief Description of the Caribbee Islands,

will be found in the fifth volume of the Churchill Collection of Voyages and Travels.

Fernando de, Thomas Moro. Madrid, 1617. Svo. 9s.

HERRICK, Robert. The Works, with a biographical Notice. Edinb. 1823, or London, 1825. crown 8vo. 2 vols. 11. Is.

Best edition, with a wood-cut portrait of Herrick. LARGE PAPER, in 4to.

Twenty-five copies printed. Notices of Herrick will found in Nichols' Leicester. shire, Dr. Drake's Literary Hours, and in the Retrospective Review, v. 156-8.

Hesperides: or, the Works both Humane and Divine. London, 1648. 8vo.

Printed by the late Sir Richard Heron, Hibbert, 3809, 11. 10s. Nassau, pt. i. Bart. for private distribution.

Genealogical Tables of the Families of the Herons of Newark. 1799. folio, with a map of Northumberland. A copy is in the British Museum. Marquis of Townshend, 1745, 12. 148.

HERPORT, Rev. Brian. An Essay on Truths of Importance to the Happiness of Mankind, wherein the Doctrine of Oaths, as relative to religious and civil Government, is

1564, russia, 11. 178. Inglis, 688, 34.17s. Dowdeswell, 328, russia, 47. 48. Bindley, pt. ii. 448, 47. 16s. Bibl. Angio Poet. 340, 81. 8s. Collation-Title, Dedic. to Charles Prince of Wales, and Errata, 3 leaves; Hesperides, pp. 1-398; His Noble Numbers, date 1647, title and pp. 1-79, with portrait by W. Marshall

Select Poems from the Hesperides,

with occasional Remarks by J. Nott, D.D.) Bristol (1810). small 8vo. pp. 253, with the head, autographe, and seal of the poet. Drury, 1844, 9s. 6d.


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Certaine Rules or Advertisements for

this Time of pestilentiall Contagion: with a Caveat to those who weare about theire Necks impoisoned Amulets as

Preservatives from the Plague. London,

1610. 4to. -London, 1625. 4to.

Preservatives against the Plague. London, 1665. 4to.

Mischeefes Mysterie. 1617. and November the 5. 1605. 1641. See VICARS, John.

Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Letters to William DunI combe, Esq. deceased, from the Year 1728 to the Year 1757, with Notes and an Appendix. London, 1777. 12mo. 3s. 6d.

Seven Sermons on public Occasions. London, 1763. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Herring. A Herrings Tayle : Contayning a poeticall Fiction of diuers Matters worthie the Read

ing. London, for Matthew Lownes,

■1598. 4to.

E 2, in fours.

HERSCHEL, Carolina. Catalogue of Stars. London, 1798. folio. 10s. Taken from Mr. Flamsteed's observations contained in the second volume of the Historia cœlestis, and not inserted in the British catalogue. With an index, to point out every observation in that volume belonging to the Stars of the British catalogue. To which is added, a collection of errata that should be noticed in the same volume. By Carolina Herschel. With introductory and explanatory remarks to each of them, by William Herschel, LL.D. Published by order, and at the expense of the Royal Society.

J. F. W. A Treatise of

Light. 4to.

HERST, Richard. See ARROWSMITH, Edmund.

HERTFORD, Earl of. Expedition into Scotland. See Scotland.

Collection of the Treaties and Conventions, and reciprocal Regulations at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws, &c. London, 1827. 8vo. 3 vols. 11. 18s.

A valuable work compiled from authentic documents. -London, 1820. 8vo. 2 vols.

HERVEY, Lord. Letters between Lord Hervey and Dr. Middleton concerning the Roman Senate. Published from the original Manuscripts by Thomas Knowles, D.D. London, 1778. 4to.

With portrait. Drury, 2578, 3s. Willett, 1154, 8s. Heath, 2215, 19s.

- Chr. Letters from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Germany, in the Years 1759, 1760, and 1761. London, 1785. 8vo. 3 vols.

Willett, 1231, 13s. Fonthill, 2685, 2l. 7s.

- Fred. The naval History of Great Britain. London, 1779-80. 8vo.

In little estimation. Dent, pt. i. 954, 16s. 6d. James, A.M. Works. London, 1797. 8vo. 7 vols. 21. 10s. Hervey's works are still held in con

siderable estimation.. -1790, crown 8vo.

9 vols.

Meditations and Contemplations. London, 1748. 8vo. 2 vols. -1758. 2 vols. Willet, 1232, 6s. 6d. -1796. royal 8vo. 2 vols. Heptinstall's edition. LARGE PAPER. Williams, 850, morocco, 21. 17s. Nassau, pt. i. 1565, 18s. -London, 1803. royal 8vo. 2 vols. with plates. -London, 1818. 12mo. With illustrations by Westall.

Meditations and Contemplations in blank Verse, by T. Newcomb, A.M. small 8vo. 2 vols. 5s.

Letters illustrative of the Author's

amiable Character, and many Circumstances of his early History not generally known. 1811.

The Life and Character of James Her

vey, by John Brown. London, 1822.

8vo. 10s.

Herveiana; or graphic and literary Sketches of the Life and Writings of the Rev. James Hervey. Scarbro', 1822.


HESIOD. Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Variorum, edidit Th.

HERTSLET, Lewis. A complete | Robinson. Oxon. 1737. 4to. 15s. This excellent edition does not contain the ancient Greek scholia. Roxburghe, 2365, morocco, 11. 7s. Willett, 1155, 11. 78. LARGE PAPER. Hibbert, 3911, 21. 19s. Heath, 3413, 37. 10s. Dent, pt. ii. 272, russia, 21. 188. Drury, 2165, russia, 31. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1497, russia, by Roger Payne, 71. 10s. LARGEST PAPER in folio. Ten copies printed. Duke of Grafton, 432, morocco, 100l. A letter written by Dr. Robinson to

Egerton Bishop of Durham, with a large paper copy of the Hesiod, is printed in Beloe's Anecdotes, ii. 433.

The Georgicks of Hesiod, by George Chapman; translated elaborately out of the Greek. London, 1618. 4to. pp. 48. Dedicated to Sir Francis Bacon, Knight, after which are commendatory verses by Michael Drayton and Ben Jonson. Reed, 6935, 11. 14s. Sotheby's in 1821, 51. 5s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 100, 12l. 12s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1862, 181. 18s.

The Works, translated from the Greek by Mr. T. Cooke. London, 1728. 4to. 6s. With a bust. A respectable translation with notes by Theobald and the Earl of Pembroke. Hollis, 657, 11s. -1740. 12mo. -1743. 4s. Reprinted in An

derson's and Chalmers' Collections of the Poets.

The Remains of Hesiod the Ascræan, translated from the Greek, into English Verse, with a preliminary Dissertation and Notes, by C. A. Elton. London, 1810. fsc. 8vo. 6s. This translation is highly commended by Dr. Drake in his Literary Hours.

HESKYNS, Thomas, D.D. The Parliament of Chryste. Antwerpe by Williaın Silvius, 1566. folio.

This answer to Jewel on the sacrament was replied to by Dr. Fulke.


The Life of Ulric Zwingle, the Swiss Reformer, translated from the French, by Lucy Aikin. London, 1812. 8vo. 9s.

HESSE, Andreas. The Govern

ment of all Estates, translated by N. Boorman. London by H. Denham. 16mo.

Black letter. Gordonstoun, 1142, 9s. 6d. HESSEN, The Landgrave of. See MONINGS, Edward.

Hester.-A newe Enterlude drawen oute of the Holy Scripture, of Godly Queene Hester. MDLXI. London by Wyllyam Pickerynge and Thomas Hacket. 4to.


A copy is in the Kemble collection of plays, now the property of the Duke of Devonshire.

HETT, Thomas. A Confutation of an astrologicall Discourse, with a Prediction of the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 1583. 16mo. 4s.

Written in answer to John Harvey. HETLEY, Sir Thomas. Reports taken in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th of King Charles I. argued by most of the King's Serjeants at the Common Pleas Bar. London, 1657. folio. 10s.

HEUDE, William. A Voyage up the Persian Gulf, and a Journey from India to England in 1817. By Lieut. William Heude. London, 1819. 4to.

Pp. 252, with plates, published at 11.55. Drury, 2168, 5s. 6d.

Hew. A merry Jest of (by) Dane Hew, Munk of Leicestre: and how he was foure Times slaine, and once hanged. John Alde. 4to.

London by

A copy is in the Bodleian Library. It is reprinted in Brydges' British Bibliographer, ii. 593-601.

HEWARDINE, William. Hilaria, or the festive Board. 1798.

With portrait. Reed, 6913, 15s. 6d. HEWLETT, Rev. John. Commentaries and Annotations on the holy Scriptures. London, 1816. 8vo. 5 vols.

Earl of Kerry, 272, 11. 17s. See BIBLE.

[blocks in formation]


Hewson reduc'd; or, the Shoemaker return'd to his Trade. 1661. 4to.

HEXHAM, Henry. A Tongue Combat, lately happening betweene two English Souldiers in the Tiltboat of Gravesend. London, 1623,


In this singular work will be found many phrases current among the common people at the commencement of the 17th century. Gordonstoun, 1227, 8s. Nassau, pt. i. 1933, 98.

Journall of the Taking in of Venlo, Roermont, the memorable Siege of Mastricht and Limburch with some other Townes. Delph. 1633. 4to. with a plan. White Gordonstoun, 1226, 6l. 68. Knights, 1945, 11.

Relation of the Siege of the Busse and the Surprising of Wesell. Delph. 1630. 12mo.

A copious English and Nether-Dutch Dictionary. With a Grammar. Rotterd. 1648. 4to.-Amended, enlarged and enriched by Dan. Manley. Rotterd. 1675.


HEY, John, D.D. Lectures in Divinity delivered in Cambridge. Cambridge, 1796. 8vo. 4 vols. 11. 11s. 6d.

Williams, 854, morocco, 41. 6s. -Cambridge, 1822. 8vo. 4 vols. 21. 2s.

A Set of Discourses on the malevolent Sentiments. Newport-Pagnel, 1801. 8vo.


General Observations on the Writings of Saint Paul. Buckingham, 1811. 8vo. This volume was not printed for sale.

Richard, LL.D. Three Dissertations on the pernicious Effects of Gaming, Duelling, and on Suicide. Cambridge, 1812. 8vo. 6s.

An esteemed work. The dissertation on duelling gained a prize (May 1784) in the univerity of Cambridge.

William. Tracts and Essays

moral and theological.
1822. 8vo. 12s.

An esteemed work.

The Life of William Hey, Esq. By John Pearson. London, 1822. 8vo. with portrait. 12s. -A new edition. post 8vo. 2 vols.

HEYDON, Sir Christopher, Knt. A Defence of judicial Astrologie, in Answer to Mr. John Chamber. Camb. 1603. 4to. 12s.

'A work full of no common reading and carried on with no mean arguments.' -Ant. à Wood. See CARLETON, George.

An astrological Discourse in Justification of the Validity of Astrology. London, 1650. 12mo.

John. Eugenius Theodidactus. The Prophetical Trumpeter sounding an Allarum to England. London, 1655. Svo.

In verse. Lloyd, 634, russia, 31. 3s.

The Discovery of the wonderfull Preservation of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, &c. in an Epistle to his Excellency; &c. London, 1647. 12mo. 7s. Reprinted in the fourth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts.


new Method of Rosie-crucian Physick. London, 1658. 4to.

The Rosie-crucian Axiomata; or, general Rules to know all Things, past, present and to come. Lond. 1660. 12mo.

The Idea of the Law charactered from Moses to King Charles, with the Idea of Government and Tyranny. London,

1660. 8vo.

The holy Guide: leading the Way to the Wonders of the World. London, 1662. 12mo. with portrait by T. Cross. Williams, 855, russia by Roger Payne, 21. 7s.

The Harmony of the World, being a Discourse wherein the Phenomena of Nature are consonantly salved and adapted to inferiour Intellects. London, 1662, with portrait by Cross. Hibbert, 3815, morocco by Roger Payne, 11. 5s. The Rosie-cross uncovered. London, 1662. 8vo.

Ocia imperialia, being select Exercises of Philosophy, Policy, War, Government. Hibbert, 3818, russia London, 1663. by Roger Payne, 11s.

The wise Man's Crown : or, the Glory of the Rosie-cross. London, 1664. 12mo. with portrait by W. Sherwin.

Theomagia, or Temple of Wisdom, in three Parts, spiritual, celestial and elemental. London, 1664, with portrait of Heydon, a small bust, with ornaments. Hibbert, 3817, russia by Roger Payne, 11. 9s.

Elhavareuna, or the English Physitians Tutor, whereunto is added Psonthon

phanchia. London, 1665. With plates and a portrait of the author by Cross. Hibbert, 3816, russia by Roger Payne, with his bill, 11 9s.

A quintuple rosie-crucian Scourge for the Correction of George Thompson. London, 1665. 4to.


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