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ADAMS, John. The renowned City of London; surveyed and illustrated in a Latine Poem-translated into English by W. F. of Gray's Inn. London, 1677? 4to.

Fourteen leaves. This poem, unnoticed by Gough in his Anecdotes, is reprinted in the tenth volume of the Harleian Miscellany.

ADAMS, LL.D. John. History of the principal Republics in the World. A new Edition. London, 1794. 8vo. 3 vols. 15s.

The former edition of this work entitled 'A Defence of the Constitution of the United States of America, appeared in 8vo. 3 vols. 1787-8. Adams likewise published ' An Essay on Canon and Feudal Law, 1782, 8vo. (5s.) and took an active part in modelling the constitution of the United States,

of which he was vice-president under Washington.

ADAMS, Rev. John. View of universal History, from the Creation to the present Time. London, 1795. 8vo. 3 vols. 12s. to 15s.

This writer published many other useful works, well calculated for the improvement and entertainment of youth.

ADAMS, Captain John. Sketches taken during two Voyages to Africa, between the Years 1786 and 1800; including Observations



Country between Cape Palmas and the River Congo, &c. &c. &c. London, 1823. 8vo. pp. 265. Published at 7s. 6d.

A valuable little work.

ADAMS, John Quincy. Letters on Silesia, written during a Tour through that Country in the Years 1800, 1801. London, 1804. 8vo. pp. 400, with a map, 7s.

A work containing some interesting information, especially on the manufactures of Silesia. This writer has likewise pub

lished a curious and interesting work on our ancient weights and measures, printed at Washington, 1821.

ADAMS, Joseph, M.D. Memoirs of the Life and Doctrines of the late John Hunter. London, 1816. 8vo. 9s.

This able physician has likewise published some valuable works, particularly

'Observations on Morbid Poisons.' London, 1807, 4to. 11. Is.

ADAMS, Robert. Expeditionis Hispanorum in Angliam vera Descriptio, anno 1588. Roberto Adamo, Authore. 1589. 4to.

Accompanied with eleven maps, Augustinus Ryther sculpsit.' The Queen's arms are on the last map. These maps will also be found in 'A Discourse concerning the Spanish Fleet in 1588, by Petricio Ubaldino.' 1589. Copies of both works are in the British Museum.

ADAMS, Robert. The Narrative of Robert Adams, a Sailor, who was wrecked in the year 1810, on the Western Coast of Africa, was detained three years in Slavery by the Arabs of the Great Desert, and resided several months of that period in the City of Tombuctoo; with a Map, Notes, and an Appendix. London, 1816. 4to. 10s. 6d. A curious, marvellous, but authentic narrative. The Notes by Mr. Dupuis, the

British Vice-Consul at Mogadore, will, says the Quarterly Review, be read with interest, and may be consulted with advantage. Drury, 130. 12s. Fonthill Library, 3689.

11. 10s.

ADAMS, T. History of the antient Town of Shaftesbury, from Alfred the Great.

the Founder,

Sherborne, (1809) 12mo.

Contains pp. 221, (B-Ee 5.) with title, a list of subscribers pp. 5, and portrait of Alfred the Great, by T. J. Woodman.

ADAMS, Thomas. Commentary upon the second Epistle of Saint Peter. London, 1633. folio. 10s. to 15s.

Workes, viz. The White Devil, the Fatal Banket, the Sinner's Passing Bell, &c. London, 1629. folio. 10s. to 15s.

ADAMS, William, M. A. Complete History of the Civil Wars in Scotland, 1644-6. Second Edition, with considerable Additions. Edinb. 1724. 9s.

The first edition, with a new title page. ADAMS, William, D. D. An Essay on Mr. Hume's Essay on Miracles. London, 1752. 8vo. 2s.6d.

An admirable answer to Hume, reprinted 1754. This able writer likewise published several volumes of Sermons, &c.


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ADAMS, William. Vitruvius Scoticus, a Collection of Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Public Buildings, &c. &c. in Scotland. Edinburgh, folio, with 160 plates by Cooper. 63s.

Fonthill, 1921, 61.

ADAMS, Sir William. A practical Inquiry into the Causes of the frequent Failure of the Operations of Depression, and of the extraction of the Cataract, as usually performed, &c. London, 1817. 8vo. 16s. A valuable accession to the chirurgical

library. This celebrated oculist has likewise published several other works on the same subject.

ADAMSON, Henry. The Muses Threnodie, or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Mr. Gall, with a Description of Perth, and an Account of Gowrie's Conspiracy. Edinburgh, 1638. 4to.

Lloyd, 205, 6l. 8s. 6d. This work was reprinted at Perth, 1774, 8vo. 2 vols. with Notes, by James Cant, 9s. to 12s.

ADAMSON, John. The Muses' Welcome to King James VI. at his return to Scotland, anno 1617. Edinb. 1618. folio.

With portrait. A copy is in the British Museum. All the speeches are re

printed in Nichols' Progresses of King

James. Dowdeswell, 618, 21, 5s. Nassau, Pt. i. 200, 24 14s. Bindley, Pt. ii. 1055, 61. 2s. 6d. Sotheby's, in April, 1822, 51, 5s. Constable. 262, 71,

The Traveller's Joy; to which is added, The Ark, a Poem. 1623. 12mo.

of, also his Answere and Refutation of the Buke falslie called the King's Declaration. 1598. 8vo.

ADAMSON, Poemata sacra, et alia, Opera, Studio T. Voluseni. Londini, 1619. 4to.

Roxburghe, 2753, 7s. 6d. Gordonstoun, 34, 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i, 526, 12s.

This writer, who was one of the commissioners for settling the constitution of the

Church of Scotland, likewise published De Sacro Pastoris Munere Tractatus,' Lond. 1619, 8vo. 'Refutatio Libelli de Regimine Ecclesiæ Scoticanæ, Lond. 1620.' 8vo. and Sermons, 1623, 8vo.

Catechismus, Edin. 1581. vide


Vita et Palinodia, 1620. vide MELVIN, A.

ADANSON, Michael. Voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree, and the River Gambia. Translated from the French. London, 1759. 8vo.


An interesting work, chiefly relating to conchology, reprinted in vol. xvi. of Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. Fonthill Library, 2851. 16s.

ADDINGTON, Stephen, D.D. A Dissertation on the religious knowledge of the ancient Jews and Patriarchs; to which is added, a Specimen of Greek and English Concordance. Lond. 1757. 4to. 3s. 6d.

This work, written by a dissenting minister of considerable learning, contains, according to Orme, some sensible reasoning and biblical illustration. He likewise published 'The Life of St. Paul,' 1784, 3s. 6d. and several other works.

Dioptra Gloriæ Divinæ; ADDINGTON, Sir William. An seu, Enarratio Psalmi xix, et in Abridgement of Penal Statutes.

eundem Meditationes. Edinb. 1637. 4to.

This writer likewise published 'Methodus Religionis Christianæ. Edinb. 1637. 8vo. ADAMSON, John. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens. Lond. 8vo. 2 vols. with a portrait of Ignez de Castro, 11. 4s.

An elegant, amusing, and elaborate performance, for which the author was elected an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Portugal. Large paper, 11. 16s.

The fourth edition, with Additions. By Sir William Addington. To which is added a Continuation of the Statutes to the 51st. Geo. III. London, 1812. 4to. 21. 2s.

The former editions of this work appeared 1775.1786.1795.

ADDISON, Joseph. The Works. edited by Tickell. Lond. 1721, 4to. 4 vols. with portrait and plates. Roxburghe, 6958, 21. 4s. Marquis of Townshend, 127, 31. Large Paper, Willett, 68, 41.

ADAMSON, Patrick, Archbishop The Works. Birmingham, of Saint Andrews, The Recantation 1761. 4to. 4 vols. with portrait and

plates, by Grignion after Hayman. A beautiful and esteemed edition. Copies of this as well as the other works, printed by Baskerville, are seldom found free from stains. Roxburghe, 6960, 57. 15s. 6d. Willett, 69, 61. 12s. 6d. Heath, 1666, 61. 15s. Drury, 131, 71. Marq. of Townshend, 129, morocco, 81. 8s. Baker, 141, with plates, proofs and etchings, 91. 5s. Williams, 105, morocco, by Derome,

14/ 14s.

ADDISON, Joseph. The Works. Lond. 1804. 8vo. 6 vols.

Large paper. Sotheby's in 1820, 21. Ss. Earl of Kerry, 626, russia 41. 4s.

learned divine the father of Joseph Addison, likewise published a life of Mahomet, an account of the Jews, &c. which are held in some estimation.

Addition to the Sea Journall; or Navigation of the Hollanders into Java, with a Vocabulary of Words used at St. Laurence. Imprinted by Wolfe, 1598. 4to.

Black letter, with cuts. Jadis, 267.31.19s. Addresses. The genuine rejected Addresses, presented to the Committee of Management for Drury Lane Theatre; preceded by that written by Lord Byron, and adopted by the Committee. Lon

- The Works. A new edition, with Notes by Richard Hurd, Lord Bishop of Worcester. Lond. 1811. don, 1812. 8vo. 4s. 8vo. 6 vols. with portrait, 31. 12s. Large Paper, 51. 8s.

Dr. Johnson observed of Addison. 'Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addison.'

The Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose, and Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in 1701, 1702, 1703, with Life by Tickell. London, 1765. 8vo. 4 vols. with portrait.

Grave, No. 2, 21. 10s. Roscoe, 1407, 3/.11s. Frequently reprinted in 12mo.

Evidences of the Christian Religion, with Notes, by G. Seigneux de Correvon, translated by Purdy. London, 1807. 8vo. 7s.

This valuable posthumous treatise, much

esteemed both at home and abroad, has been frequently reprinted, and is inserted by Bishop Watson in his Collection of The

ological Tracts.

Dialogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Medals, especially in Relation to the Latin and Greek Poets. London, 1726. 12mo. 3s. Addisoniana. Lond. 1824. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d.

A collection of anecdotes and facts con

nected with the life, times, and contempora

ries of this celebrated writer.

ADDISON, D.D. Lancelot, West Barbary; a short Narrative of the Revolutions of Morocco and Fez, with their Customs, Oxf. 1671.8vo.


Reprinted in vol. xv. of Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. This

- Rejected Addresses; or the New Theatrum Poetarum. Lond. 1812. 12mo. 5s.

A jeu d'esprit, by Horace and James Smith, comprising a number of parodies on living poets, executed with great humour, discrimination, and good taste. It has been frequently reprinted.

ADDY, William. Stenographia, or the Art of Short Writing, completed in a far more compendious method than any yet extant. London, 1695. 8vo. with portrait, by J. Sturt, 5s..

More remarkable for the accuracy and elegance of its graphical execution, than for any considerable improvement in the art.

ADLERFELD, Gustavus. Military Memoirs of Charles XII. King of S Sweden. London, 1740. 8vo. 3 vols. with plans of the battles and sieges, 12s.

Written with great fidelity by the gentleman of the bedchamber to Charles XII.

Admiralty.-Laws, Ordinances, and Institutions of the Admiralty of Great Britain, Civil and Military. London, 1746, or 1767. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s.

Statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, and Ships of War, &c. Lond. 1768, 4to. 10s.

The edition of 1742 or 1755, 5s. Admonition, A faithful, of a certain true Pastor or Prophete, sent into the Germanes at such time as

certain great Princes went about to bryng Alienes into Germany, and

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Admonition to the Bishoppes of Winchester, London, and others, &c. Roane by Michael Wood, 1553. 16mo. 15 pp.

Black letter. This treatise begins on the back of the title page.

Admonition to the Parliament. See CARTWRIGHT, Thomas.

Admonition to the People of England. See COOPER, Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln.

ADOLPHUS, John. The British Cabinet; containing Portraits of illustrious personages, engraved from Original Pictures; with Biographical Memoirs, by John Adolphus. London, 1799-1800, 4to.

In little estimation. Lloyd, 206,11. 5s. Bindley, part i. 117.11. 8s. Bishop of Ely, 163, 11. 108. LARGE PAPER, in folio; Roxburghe, 8591, 31. 18s.

- The History of England, from the Accession of K. George III. to 1783. Fourth Edition. London, 1817. 8vo. 3 vols. 11. 1s.

The former editions appeared in 1802, 1805. This work is intended as a continuation of Hume and Smollett.

The Political State of the British Empire. London, 1818. 8vo. 4 vols. 18s.

This author, who is a barrister of considerable professional reputation, likewise published Biographical Memoirs of the French Revolution, 1799, 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. and a History of France, 1790-1802, 1803, 8vo. 2 vols. 9s.

Adventurer, The, a periodical paper, commencing Nov. 7, 1752, to March 9, 1754, folio.

One hundred and forty Nos. in 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Duke of Grafton, 409, 2/. 4s. This periodical was conducted by Dr. John

Hawkesworth, with the assistance of Drs. Richard Bathurst, Sam. Jolinson and Jos. Warton, reprinted 1754, &c. 12mo. 4 vols. and 8vo. 3 vols. and inserted in the various

editions of the Essayists. An elegant edition was published by Sharpe, 1806, 12s.

Advocates, Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of. See Scotland.

ADY, Thomas. A Candle in the Dark, or a Treatise concerning the Nature of Witches and Witchcraft. London, 1656, 4to.

An excellent article on Witchcraft will

be found in the Retrospective Review, vol. v. 87-136.

ADYE, Stephen Payne. A Treatise on Courts Martial; also an Essay on Military Punishments and Rewards. Eighth Edition. London, 1810. 12mo. 5s.

The former editions of this treatise appeared 1769, 1785, 1801, 1805.

EGIDIUS Columna. Tractatus

solennis Fratris Egidij de Ordine Fratrum Augustinensium de Peccato Originali. Oxoniæ, MCCCCLXXIX. 4to.

A copy is in the Bodleian Library.

ÆLFRIC, successively Bishop of Wilton and Archbishop of Canterbury. A Saxon Treatise concerning the Old and New Testaments now first published in print with English of our Times, by William L'isle of Wilburgham. London, 1623. 4to. 10s. 6d.

Contains A-V 3, with title and prefatory matter, 30 leaves. Nassau, pt. i. 149, 15s.

In this work will be found a very learned Epistle, by W. L'isle, and reprints of (1) A Testimony of Antiquity, touching the Sacrament,' with a Preface by Josselin. (2) The Words of Elfric, written to Wulffine Bishop of Scyrburne, &c. (3) 'The Lord's Prayer, the Creed and Ten Commandments in the Saxon and English Tongue.' These articles were formerly printed by John Day.

ÆLIANUS. Claudius. De Natura Animalium Libri xvii. Gr. et Lat. curante Abr. Gronovio. Londini, 1744. 4to.

2 vols. vol. 1, pp. 603. Vol. 2, pp. 605-1128. An excellent and ample

edition. Gossett, 244, 11. 11s. 6d. Willett, 72, 14. 15s. Large Paper, Drury, 133,

morocco, 31. 4s. Dent, pt. i. 116, (with

the Varia Historia, Lug. Bat. 1731, 2 vols.) in morocco, 111. In the Classical Journal,

No. 28, are J. Stackhousii Emendationes in Elianum.

ÆLIANUS, Claudius. A Registre of Hystories in English, by Abr. Fleming. London, for Thomas Woodcock, 1576. 4to.

Black letter, pp. 176, with a dedication to Dr. Goodman and commendatory verses. Sir M. M. Sykes, 109, 11. 6s.

Various Histories, translated by T. Stanley. London, 1665. 8vo. 5s.

This translation is by the son of the learned editor of Æschylus, and was reprinted 1670, 1677.

Tactics, or the Art of Embattelling an Army, translated by John Bingham. London, 1616-31. folio, 2 vols. 11. 1s.

ENEAS Sylvius. Vide PICCO


ENIGMAS. Thesaurus Enigmaticus, or a Collection of the most ingenious and diverting Ænigmas or Riddles, Lond. 1725. 8vo. 4 parts in 1 vol.

White Knights, Pt. i. 15. 9s.

ERODIUS, or Ayrault, Peter. A Discourse for Parents' Honour and Authoritie. Translated by John Budden, LL.D. London, 1614. 12mo. 5s.

Occasioned by the author's son, having been seduced by the Jesuits.

ESCHACIUS, Major. Rationis et Adpetitus Pugna: hoc est, de Amore Edvardi iij Regis Angliæ.

1592. 18mo. 11. 10s.

An edition Hafn. 1612. 4to. of which a copy is in the British Museum, Bindley, pt. ii. 743. 14. 6s.

ESCHINES. Æschinis Oratio in Ctesiphontem; et Demosthenis Oratio pro Corona, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis P. Foulkes et T. Freind. Oxon. 1695. 8vo.

5s. to 7s.

Best edition, with portraits of the orators LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 13. merocco 11. 6s. Steevens 194, 11. 10s. Williams, 11, morocco 11. 11s. Reprinted 1715, 1726, 1732. Of the edition 1715 there are copies on large paper. Williams, 12, morocco, 11. 13s.

ESCHINES. Ibid. Græce, cum Delectu Annotationum. Oxon.

1801. 8vo. Large paper, 10s. 6d. 8vo. of which editions there are likewise co

Reprinted, Oxon, 1807, 1814, and 1820,

pies on large paper, 3s.

The Orations of Æschines

against Ctesiphon and Demosthenes de Corona. Translated and illustrated with Notes by Andrew Portal. Oxford, 1755, 8vo. 5s.

A correct and almost verbal translation, reprinted 1814. 12mo. Dr. Thomas Leland likewise published an excellent translation, with very learned and useful



ESCHYLUS. Tragœdiæ, cum Scholiis Græcis, Fragmentis Versione et Comment. T. Stanleii. Londini, 1663, vel 4. folio.

An edition of preeminent excellence. Some copies want the dedicatory epistle and the privilege. Dent, pt. i. 139, mor. 41. 2s. Steevens, 451, 41. 5s. Duke of Grafton, 652, russia, 41. 10s. Williams, 113, morocco, 5. Drury 177, morocco, 51. 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 138, morocco, 71. 7s. Heath, 3514, russia, 91. 9s. Fonthill, 3355, 111. 11s.

Roxburghe, 3555, 6l.

Tragœdiæ, Græce, cum variis Lectionibus. Glasg. 1746. 4to.

A most correct edition of Stanley's Text, elegantly printed. Drury 137, 9s. FINE PAPER. Heath, 3516, 15s.

Ibid. Gr. cum Versione Latina et Lectionibus variantibus. Glasguæ, 1746, small 8vo. 2 vols. 16s 6d. Fine paper, 15s.

A neat edition, though not so correct as the 4to. edition of the same date.

Ibid. Gr. cum Versione Latina. Glasgue, 1794, veneunt Londini, 1806. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d.

Printed from a copy of Pauw's edition (Hag. Com. 1745), corrected by the celebrated Porson, without the Professor's consent or knowledge. LARGE PAPER. Williams, 20, morocco, 41. 8s.

Ibid. Græce, cum Emendationibus et novis Lectionibus. Glasguæ, 1795. folio, published at

41. 4s.

A handsome edition printed from the text of Stanley, corrected by Professor Porson. 52 copies were printed on small, and 11 or 12 on large paper. Flaxman's designs are frequently inserted. Large paper, Sir M. M. Sykes, Pt. i. 137, with Flaxman's plates, in morocco,

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