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Epicedium in Obitum illustriss. Herois Henrici Comitis Derbiensis, &c. Oxon. 1593. 4to.

In Assertorem Chymicæ, sed veræ Medicinæ Desertorem Fra. Anthonium, Matthæi Gwynn Adversaria. Lond. 1611. 4to. A life of Gwinne will be found in Wood's

Athen. Oxon.

GWINNETH, John. A brief Declaration of the notable Victory, giuen of God to Quene Mary, made in the Church of Luton, by John Gwinneth Vicar there, the 23 July, in the first Yere of her Reign. 16mo.

Thirty-two leaves. An account of Gwynneth will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon.

A playne Demonstration of John Frithes Lacke of Witte and Learnynge, in his Vnderstandynge of holie Scripture, and of the olde holy Doctours, in the blessed Sacrament of the Aulter, newly set foorthe by John Gwynneth Clerke. London by Tho. Powell, 1557. 4to. Cc 3, in fours. Boswell, 993, 11. 14s.

A manifeste Detection of the notable

Falshed of that Part of John Frithes Boke, which he calleth his Foundacion, and bosteth it to be inuincible: newly set

focrthe by John Gwinneth Clerke. Londini. 1554. Impr. in the Hovs of T. Berthelet. 4to. Contains 51 leaves, besides

the title.

A Declaracion of the State, wherin all Heretikes dooe lead their Liues: and also of their continuall Indeuer, and propre Fruictes, which beginneth in the 38 Chapiter, and so to Thende of the Woorke. By John Gwynnethe Clerke. Prouer. 16. (25.) Londini 1554. Impr. in the Hovs of T. Berthelet. 4to. Contains 52 leaves (though numbered 51) besides title, apology, & the arguments of the chapters. Inglis, 729, 11. 14s.

GWINNETT, R. See THOMAS, Elizabeth.

GwYN, David. Certaine English Verses penned by David Gwyn, who for the Space of elueven Yeares and ten Moneths was in most grieuous Servitude in the Gallies, vnder the King of Spaine, &c. London by Richard Hudson.


In this volume, consisting of eleven pages, are three poems, presented to Q. Elizabeth Aug. 18. 1588: the 1st consisting of 92; the 2d. of 60; the 3d. of 80 lines. Strettell, 628, morocco, 131. 16s. North, pt. iii. 491, 12l. Perry, pt. i. 1786, 121. 12s.

GWYNN, John. London and Westminster improved. London, 1766. 4to.

To which is prefixed a discourse on public magnificence; with observations on the wherein the study of the polite arts is restate of arts and artists in this kingdom, commended as necessary to a liberal education: concluded by some proposals relative to places not laid down in the plans. This work, now scarce, displays excellent taste, and anticipates nearly all the improvements since made, or now contemplated. The dedication to the King was written by Dr. Sam. Johnson. Reed, 4196, 12s. Baker, 248, 13s. Dent, pt. i. 1479, morocco, 11. 17s. Collation.-Pp. xvi and 132, with 4 plans at pp. 76, 101, 101, & 105.

GWYNNE, John. Military Memoirs of the great civil War; and an Account of the Earl of Glencairn's Expedition, 1653-4. By a Person who was Eye and Ear Witness to every Transaction. With an Appendix. Edinb. 1822. 4to. 11. 16s.

Of this curious work on Scottish history 500 copies were printed: the introduction was written by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. GIFFARD, &c. see GIFFORD,


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A. - An Inquisi- | Church of the first Centuries: wherein are tion against Paper- intersperst Animadversions


on J. H.'s View of Antiquity. London, 1680. 8vo. persecutors. H. J.-Choice Compendium, or DAVIES, John, of a Collection of the newest and most Hereford. delightful Songs. London, 1681. H. J.-The Græcian Story, being an historical Poem, with the Grove, by J. H. London, 1684.

The initials A. H. 'Abraham Hartwell I

think.'-Ant. a Wood.

H. F.- See HUTCHINSON, Francis.

H. H.-A Consultorie for all Christians, most godly and earnestly warnyng all People to beware least they beare the Name of Christians in Vain. Worcester by John Oswen, 1549. 16mo.

Black letter. Inglis, 295, 11. 18s.
H. H.-see HOLLAND, H.

H. I.-The Divel of the Vault, or the Unmasking of Murther, in a brief Declaration of the Caco-licke -complotted Treason lately discovered, a Poem. By I. H. London, 1606. 4to.

A curious poetical tract on the Gunpowder Plot. Steevens, 834, 17s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1004, 4l. 4s.

H. I. The Hovse of Correction: or certayne Satyricall Epigrams, &c. written by I. H. Gent, London, 1619. small 8vo.

4to. 5s.

With a frontispiece, containing a portrait of the author J. H. i. e. J. Harrington, under a tree.

H. J.-Lancaster's Massacre, or

the new Way of advancing the Protestant Religion, and expressing Loyaltie to the King and Queene. 1643.4to.

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Pp. 56. Probably written by John man.
Heath. Bindley, pt. iii. 1550, 31. 13s. 6d.
Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 924, 51. 5s.

H. J.-King Charles his Entertainment and London's Loyaltie, being a true Relation and Descrip

tion of the Manner of the Citties Welcome, and Expression of the Subjects Love to his Royall Majestie, at his Return from Scotland, London, 1641. 4to.

Six pages.

Η. J.-Αρχαλοσκοπια : or, a View of Antiquity, presented in a short, but sufficient Account of some of the Fathers, by J. H. M. A. London, 1677. 8vo. 5s.

Remarques relating to the State of the

The dedication to Henry Wriothesly, Earle of Southampton' is signed I. Н. A copy is in the Marquess of Stafford's library. and English, by H. L. London by Henry Bynneman, 1570. 4to.

H. L.-Dictionnairie, French

Inglis, 526, morocco, 41. 11s.

H. P. The Promine, conteining the Maner, Place, and Time of the maist illuster King James the sext, his first Passage to the Feildis : directit to his Hienes be P. H. familiar Seruitour to his Maiestie. Edinburgh be Johne Ros, for H. Carteris, 1580. 16mo.

H. P. See HUME, Patrick.

H. R.-A Discourse of the na

tional Excellencies of England,


Hollis, 550, 5s. 6d.

H. R.-Paradoxical Assertions and philosophical Problems, full of Delight and Recreation for all Ladies and youthful Fancies. London, 1659. 12mo.

An eccentric little book. -1664. Nassau, pt. i. 2501, 5s.

H. R.-The School of Recreation. London, 1684.

Haworth, 862, 11s.-1710. Haworth, 864, 3s.

H. R.-The Angler's sure Guide, or Angling improved and methodically digested, by R. H. Esq. London, 1706. 12mo. 7s. 6d.

Haworth, 837, russia, 20s. Sotheby's in 1823, 17s. Milner, 729, 10s.

H. R. The royal Pastime of Cock-fighting. London, 1709. 8vo. Sotheby's in 1823, 17s. Milner, 127,

4s. 6d.

H. R. See HAKLUYT, Richard. HEAD, Richard.

H. S. See HARDING, Samuel. HARSNET, Samuel.

H. T.-The Beavtie of the remarkable Yeare of Grace, 1638. the yeare of the great Covenant of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1638. 4to. Eight leaves. Reprinted in 'Various Pieces of fugitive Scotish Poetry,' edited by Laing.

Roxburghe, 9180, 14s.

H. T.-History of Sir Richard Whittington, three Times Lord Mayor of London. Printed for Thackeray, 4to.

With wood cuts. Nassau, pt. ii. 380 41. 1s. H. T.-See HEYWOOD, Thomas. H. W.-Poems by H. W. London, 1655. 8νο.

H. W. See HAMMOND, William. HEALE, William. HICKES,


HABAKKUK. - A new Translation of the Prayer of Habakkuk, the Prayer of Moses, and the CXXXIX Psalm, with a Commentary, &c. by William Green, M. A. Cambridge, 1755. 4to.

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HABINGTON, William. Historie of Edward IV. of England. London, 1640. folio.


With portrait of Edward in a small escutcheon, by Elstracke. Roxburghe, 8393, 9s. Horne Tooke, 307, 16s. 6d. history, written and published at the desire of K. Charles I. is reprinted in the first volume of Kennett's History of England.

- Castara, with a Preface and Notes, by Charles A. Elton. Bristol (1812). 12mo.

Drury, 1693*, 7s. 6d. Habington, says Mr. Park, appears as an amatory poet to possess more unaffected tenderness and delicacy of sentiment than either Carew or Waller; and Sir Egerton Brydges remarks that Habington's poems are almost every where tinged with a deep moral cast, which ought to have made their fame permanent. They are included in Chalmers' Collection.

Castara, in two Parts. London, 1634. 4to. Reed, 6926, 12s. Lloyd, 533, 11.14s. Gordonstoun, 1167, 11. 17s. North, pt. iii. 783, morocco, 11. 18s.

The second edition, corrected and angmented. London, 1635. 12mo. pp. 167, with title, &c. 8 leaves. White Knights, 1849, 12s. Lloyd, 614, morocco, 11. 48. Bindley, pt. ii. 532, 14, 11s. 6d. Retrosp. Review, xii. 274-86.

The third edition, corrected and angmented. London, 1640. 12mo. pp. 228, with engraved frontispiece by W. Marshall, title, the author to the reader, &c. 11 leaves. Dent, pt. i. 921, russia, 15s. Brockett, 1432, morocco, 11. 18s. Bindley, pt. i. 533, 21. 16s. pt. iii. 2213, two leaves wanting, 11, 13s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 355, 31.35.

The Queene of Arragon, a Tragi-comedie.

London, 1640. folio. Rhodes, 2675, 4s. 6d. Roxburghe, 5023, 5s. 6d. Reprinted in Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays.

Observations upon Historie. London, 1641. 8vo. Lloyd, 615, 10s.

HACKE, Capt. William, A Col

lection of original Voyages. London, 1699. 8vo.

Roxburghe, 7144, 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 1397, 5s.

HACKET, John, Bp. of Litchfield and Coventry. Scrinia reserata: the Life of Archbishop Williams. London, 1693. folio.

This work 'though full of elaborate and pedantic absurdity, insomuch that it was roundly declared by a great judge of style,

to be the worst written book in the language, nevertheless abounds with new and curious matter.' - Quart. Review. Prefixed is a portrait of Williams, by White. Bindley, pt. i. 2068, 13s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. 11.118.6d.

Memoirs of Archb. Williams abridged

Cantabrigienses, sive, Exhortatio ad Literas. Londini, 1552.16mo. A copy is in the British Museum.

Oratio Jesu Xti Saluatoris nostri qua

Populum affatus est cum ascendisset Montem. Item, Epistola Sti Jacobi. Ad hæc Psalmus Dauidis centesimus tertius. Omnia hæc comprehensa Versibus Authore D. Gualt. Haddono. Lond. apud Reg. Vuolfium, 1555. 16mo. Contains 2 sheets.

A Sight of the Portugall Pearle, that is the Avnswere of D. Haddon against the

Epistle of Hieronimus Osorius a Portugall,

entitled a Pearle for a Prince. Translated out of Lattyn into Englishe by Abraham Hartwell. London (1565). 16mo.

D. Gualteri Haddoni - Poemata, Studio & Labore Thomæ Hatcheri - collecta et edita. Londini, 1567. 4to.

by W. Stephens. London, 1715. 4to. A Century of Sermons, with the Author's Doctoris, sparsim collectorum Libri duo.

Life by Tho. Plume, D.D. London, 1675. folio. with portrait by Faithorne, and monument by Hollar. 18s.

HACKETT, John. Select and remarkable Epitaphs on illustrious and other Persons, in several Parts of Europe. London, 1757. 12mo. 2 vols.

An excellent collection with translations of such as are in Latin and foreign Languages, and compendious accounts of the deceased, their lives and works.' Reed, 6891, 163. Hibbert, 3613, 18s.


HACKMAN, Rev. James. See

Love and Madness.

Haco's Expedition against Scotland. See JOHNSTONE, Rev. James. HADDINGTON, The Earl of. Poems on several Occasions, London, 1765. 8vo.

• The fourth edition carefully corrected.' -1737. Reed, 6892, 18s. -1761. Bindley, pt. iv. 289. -1783. Roxburghe, 3488, 11s. 6d.

HADDON, Walter, LL.D. G. Haddoni Lucubrationes passim collectæ & editae, Studio & Labore Thomæ Hatcheri. Londini,

1567. 4to.

This collection of orations and epistles is dedicated D. Gulielmo Cecilio, equiti,' &c. Bindley, pt. ii. 1906, 17s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 198, 19s. Q. Elizabeth being asked whether she preferred Haddon or Buchanan as men of learning? she replied, Buchananum omnibus antepono, Haddonum nemini postpono.'

Poematum Gualteri Haddoni, Legum Londini, 1576. 16mo. 742. Beloe's Anecd. v. 217-23.

Bindley, pt. ii.

Contra Hieron. Osorium, eiusq; odiosas Insectationes pro Euangelicæ Veritatis necessaria Defensione, Responsio apologetica, per clariss. Virum Gualt. Haddonum inchoata, deinde suscepta & continuata per

Ioan. Foxum. Lond. 1577. 4to. Contains 414 leaves, besides dedication to Sebastian King of Lusitania, by John Fox, then 'Pio Lectori G. Haddonus, S.'; and at the end 'Pericope ad Lectorem,' 3 pages only. Constable, 504, 16s.

Against Ierome Osorius Bysshop of Siluane in Portingall and against his slanderous Inuectiues. An Aunswere apolo

geticall, for the necessary Defence of the Euangelicall Doctrine and Veritie. First taken in Hand by M. Walter Haddon, then vndertaken and continued by M. John Foxe, and now englished by James Bell. London by John Daye, 1581. 4to. 10s. 6d. Contains 510 leaves, besides dedication to Philip Earl of Arundel and an epistle to the Christian Reader, both by J. Bell; then, Osorius' dedication to Sebastian. At the end, 'A knitting up to the Reader.' The second part of this work is reprinted in the eighth volume of The Fathers of the English Church.

HADLEY, George. A new and complete History of the Town and County of the Town of Kingston upon Hull. Kingston upon Hull,

1788. 4to.

Towneley, pt. ii. 931, 21. 12s. 6d.-Collation. Pp. 887, besides title, dedication, and preface, 5 leaves: index, 11 pages, and directions for the 16 plates, and a pedigree. Pages 185-8 are repeated and follow :-p. 788 for 782.

Introductory grammatical Remarks on the Persian Language, with a Vocabulary | Characters of the Chinese; with

English and Persian, the Spelling regulated by the Persian Character. Bath, 1776. 4to. According to Dr. Adam Clarke, this grammar can be of little use to any who ever intend to read the language, as there is not a Persian character in the whole book!

Grammatical Remarks on the practical and current Dialect of the Jargon of Hindostan, &c. &c. Calculated for the common Practice in Bengal. The Third Edition, corrected and enlarged, with familiar Phrases and Dialogues, &c. 8vo. 4s.

Grammar of the corrupt Dialects of the Jargon of Hindostan (commonly called Moors); with a Vocabulary of familiar Phrases, Notes, &c. London, 1809. 8vo. 10s. 6d. - 1801. 8vo.

HAENSEL, Rev. John Gottfixed. Letters on the Nicobar Islands. London, 1812. 8vo. 3s.

This short account, by a Missionary of the United Brethren, is written with great

simplicity and appearance of truth, and contains much information on the inhabitants, as well as the soil, climate, &c. of these islands.

HAFEZ. A Specimen of Persian Poetry: or, Odes of Hafez, with the English Translation and Paraphrase, by John Richardson, F.S.A. London, 1774. 4to. 5s.

According to Dr. Adam Clarke, a very useful work, and, without exception, the best that can be put into the hands of a mere learner who is unacquainted with Latin. -London, 1802. 4to. 7s.

Select Odes from the Persian Poet Hafez. Translated into English Verse, with Notes critical and explanatory, by John Nott. London, 1787. 4to. Fonthill, 1870, 5s.

Persian Lyrics, or scattered Poems from the Duvan-J-Hafiz; with Paraphrases in Verse and Prose, a Catalogue of the Gazels as arranged in a Manuscript of the Works of Hafiz, in the Chetham Library at Manchester, and other Illustrations. By T. H. Hindley. London, 1800. 4to. 12s.

Hafod.-A Catalogue of the Hafod Library, in two Parts. 1806-7. 8vo.

Part 1. A Catalogue of the Pesaro Library now at Hafod. 1806. 8vo. A Catalogue of the Hafod Library. Part second. Hafod. 1807. 8vo. The magnificent mansion at Hafod was on the 13th March, 1807. totally consumed by fire.

HAGER, Joseph, D. D. An Explanation of the elementary

an Analysis of their ancient Symbols and Hieroglyphics. London, 1801. folio.

Dent, pt. i. 1335, russia, 18s. A literary quack who has published some unintelligible trash which he calls Chinese, and something equally contemptible on the Babylonian bricks.'-Quart. Review.

Jos. Hager, univ. pap. doctoris, de Var Hunnorum pariter atque Hungarorum Disquisitio; adversus Paulum Beregszaszy, philos. profess. Patakiensem. Lond. 1800. 4to. pp. 16.

Picture of Palermo. By Dr. Hager. Translated from the German, by Mrs. Mary Robinson. London, 1800. 12mo. 4s. A Dissertation on the newly discovered Babylonian Inscriptions. London, 1801.

4to. 5s.

HAGGAI.-Aggeus the Prophte declared by a large Commentary (by James Pylkynton). London,

1560. 16mo.

Introduced with a preface by James Pylkynton. It contains Ff 6, in eights, but Z is omitted. Denyer, 7, 11. 1s. Horne Tooke,

9, 10s. 6d.

The two first and two last

sheets of this volume are printed in a different letter from the remaining parts.

Aggeus and Abdias Prophetes, the one corrected, the other newly added, and both at large declared (with an Exposition by James Pilkington). London, 1562. 16mo. Inglis, 8, 13s.

Haggevs the Prophet. Where vnto is added a most plentifull Commentarie gathered out of the publique Lectures of D. J. J. Gryneus, &c. transl. by Chr. Fetherstone. London, 1586.16mo.

HAGGARD, John, LL.D. Reports of Cases in the Consistory Court of London, containing the Judgments of Sir William Scott. London, 1822. royal 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 2s.

A valuable collection.

Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty during the Time of Lord Stowell, 1822-5. chiefly relative to Maritime Contracts, and Wages of Merchant Seamen. royal 8vo. 18s.

Report of the Judgment in Dew v. Clark and Clark, delivered by Sir John Nicholl, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Easter Term, 1826, London, 1826. 8vo. 65. HAGGITT, J. Two Letters to a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, on the Subject of Gothic Ar

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