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1-56, not including half title, &c. two leaves; Analogia Honorum, by Capt. John Logan, pp. 57-215, 221-75. There is a duplicate of p. 65. The second Part of Honour civil, pp. 1-30; A Collection of Tracts relating to the Office of Arms, pp. 31-58; A Dictionary explaining the several Terms used by Heralds, pp. 1-24; An alphabetical Table, 11 leaves. Plates. A list of the portraits, &c. forms one of the tables at the commencement of the work.

Respecting the various editions of this work, its author or authors, and its different editors, see Nicolson's Historical Libraries, Wood's Athen. Oxon. by Dr. Bliss, ii. 297-9, and iii. 36. Moule's Biblioth. Herald. Brydges' Censura Literaria.

Editions. 1st. London, 1610. folio. pp. 284. Pp. 271 & 2 are erroneously marked 265 & 6, and after p. 276 there are duplicate pages 271-6. The prefixtures are, a title, with a wood-cut border, dedication to his most sacred Maiestie, an epigram explaining the frontispiece, and complimentary verses, to the courteous reader, and the table of the first section, together 7 leaves. Copies of this edition sometimes occur with the wood cuts coloured. One of this description is in the British Museum.

2d. London, 1632. folio. Pp. 428. pp. 427, 8, containing ' A Conclusion.' Pp. 193 & 4 are sometimes wanting, the catch-word 'He' on p. 192 agreeing with p. 195. Pp. 411 & 412 are also sometimes missing, and between pp. 20 -1, is a leaf containing an atchieuement for Thomas Howard, Earle of Arundell and Surrey. There are many errors in the pagination, and pp. 168 & 9 are omitted. The prefixtures are a title, dedication to Thomas, Earle of Arvndell and Svrrey,' 'to the iudicious reader,' both by R. Mab, the publisher, & the table of the first section, 4 leaves; complimentary verses, 3 leaves; to the covrteous reader, one leaf.

3rd. London, 1638. folio. pp. 433, besides dedication, preface.

4th. London, 1660. folio. This fourth edition, published previous to the restoration of K. Charles II. is dedicated to the Marquess of Hertford by Richard Blome, after which is an address 'To none but Gentlemen' by Francis Nower. The work is extended to 444 pages. The Register of the Knights of the Garter' is dedicated to the Earl of Northumberland, and the Catalogue of Baronets' to Sir Edmond Bacon, Bart. by Richard Blome. These lists occupy 36 pages.


4th. London, 1660. folio. In this fourth edition 'Oliver's Creatures' are exploded. It is dedicated to K. Charles II. after which is an address 'To the most

concerned, the Nobility:' signed R. B. 'The Display' contains 460 pages: in addition to the list of the baronets, wood-cuts of the arms of those recently made, are inserted; also cuts of the arms of the knights of the bath made at the coronation of K, Charles II.

5th. London, 1679. folio. Bindley, pt. i. 1860, morocco, 41. 148. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Fonthill, 2479, with the arms illuminated, 10l. 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1366, with the arms coloured, 41. 5s. Collation.-Pp. 317; to the generous reader, one page; a conclusion, one leaf; table, 3 leaves. The prefixtures are, a title, two dedications, signed Richard Blome, and an address by R. B. 3 leaves; also Mr. Guillim's preface, a table, and the table of the first section, 3 leaves. Analogia Honorum (by Capt. John Logan) in two Parts, 1677. Pp. 3-181; also tables, four leaves. After p. 160 is a title to the second part, date 1678.-Plates. I. A warrior on horseback, dedicated to James Duke of Monmouth, by Richard Blome. p. 3. II. George Duke of Albemarle. Edw. Le Davis sculp. p. 9. III. Charles Earl, of Carlisle. Abra. Blotling, sculp. p. 10. IV. Bertram Ashburnham. Edw. Le Davis. sculp. p. 10. V. John Lord Belasyse, Barron of Worlabye. R. White sculpsit. p. 10. VI. Anthony Earle of Shaftsbury, p. 14. VII. Heneage Lord Finch. p. 14. VIII. Charles the second (on his throne). p. 19. IX. The royal Atcheivement of his Majesty. p. 19. X. XI. Eleven Atchivements of Dukes. p. 32. XII. Charles Paulet, Marquess of Winchester. R. White sculp. p. 37. XIII. Atcheivements of Marquesses. p. 19. XIV. Robert Earle of Ailesbury. R. White sculpsit. p. 39. XV. Charles Beauclaire, Baron of Heddington and Iames Ld. Beauclaire. R. White sculp. p. 39. XVI-XXV. 80 Atchievements of Earles. p. 39. XXVI. Thomas Belasise, Viscount Falconberg. R. White sculp. p. 44. XXVII. XXVIII. 16 Achivements of Viscounts. p. 44.XXIX. 4 Atcheivments of Bishops. p. 45. XXX. C. Calvert, Baron Baltemore. Abra. Blotling sculp. p. 48. XXXI-XXXIX. 68 Atchivements of Barons. p. 48. XL. Atchivements of Women. p. 70. XLI. Iames, Duke of Yorke. p. 79. XLII. Henry Bennet Earle and Baron of Arlington. p. 79. XLIII. Sr. William de la More. p. 88. XLIV-XLIX. 48 Atchivements of Baronetts. p. 85. L-LV. 48 Atchivements of Knights. p. 107. LVILXIX. 108 Atchivements of Esqrs. p. 151. LXX LXXI. 16 Atchivements of Gentlemen. p. 154. LXXII. LXXIII. The Atchivement of the honourable Citty of London, &c. p. 161.

The Banner display'd. London, 1726

8. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d.

Vol. I. pp. 570. Vol. II. pp. 570 to 894, including the indices of charges and names. Some copies of this abridgment are dated 1755.

Guinea. The golden Coast, or Description of Guiney. London,

1665. 4to. 7s. 6d.

Jadis, 286, 10s.

A true Relation of the inhuman and unparalleled Actions and barbarous Murders of Negroes or Moors, committed on three Englishmen in Old Calabar in Guiney. In the second volume of the Oxford Collection of Voyages and Travels.

Discoveries of the French in 1768 and 1769, to the South-east of New Guinea, with subsequent Visits to the same Lands by English Navigators, who gave them new Names. To which is prefixed, an historical Account of the Voyages and Discoveries of the Spaniards in the same Seas. By M., formerly a Captain in the French Navy. Translated from the French. London, 1791. 4to. Willett, 715, 11s. Drury,

1552, russia, 15s.

GUION, J. M. B. de la Mothe. Poems translated from the French of Madam de Guion by the late William Cowper; to which are added some original Poems of Mr. Cowper, not inserted in his Works. Newport Pagnel, 1801. 12mo.

The exemplary Life of Mme. Guyon, translated by T. Digby Brookes. London,

1806. 8vo. 6s.

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collected in Hindostan. London, 1800. 4to. 2s. 6d.

Guise. An History containinge that which hath happened sens the Departure of the House of Guise, the Constable, and other from the Court being at St. Germains. 1562. 16mo.

Inglis, 699, 14s.

The Destruction and Sacke cruelly committed by the Duke of Guyse and his Company in the Towne of Vassy, the fyrste f Marche, M.D.LXII. London, by Henry Sutton for Edwarde Sutton. 16mo. Seven leaves.

An Answere to the Examination, that is sayde to haue bene made of one named John de Poltrot, called himself the Lord of Mercy, vppon the Death of the late Duke of Guyse; by the Lord of Chastillion, Admyrall of Fraunce, and others named in the said Examination. At Caen. 1562. London, by Rouland Hall for Edward Sutton, 1563. 16mo.

A Summe of the Guisian Ambassade to the Bishop of Rome. 1579. 16mo.

An Advertisement from a French Gentleman, touching the Intention and Meaning which those of the House of Guise have in their late Leuying of Forces and Armes in the Realme of France. Anno 1585. 16mo. Gordonstoun, 114, 12s. 6d.

Gulielmus Neubrigensis. See HEARNE, Thomas. WILLIAM of Newbury.

GULLIVER, John. Travels of Mr. John Gulliver. By John Lockman. London, 1731. 12mo. 2 vols.

With a frontispiece by Hogarth. Steevens, 1209, 2s. 6d. Gough, 1517, 4s. 6d. Willett, 1077, 5s.

Lemuel. See SWIFT, Jon. Modern Gulliver's Travels. Lilliput: being a new Journey to that celebrated Island. By Lemuel Gulliver, jun. London, 1796. 12mo. 3s.

GUMBLE, Thomas, D.D. The Life of General Monck. London, 1671. 8vo. 6s.

With portrait.

An excellent notice of this tory or royalist life of Monk, will be found in the Retrospective Review, xiii. 265-97, xiv. 153-86. Gough, 1602, 9s. 6d.

GUNN, John. An historical Inquiry respecting the Performance Scotland. Lond. 1807. 4to. 7s.6d. on the Harp in the Highlands of

Drawn up by desire of the Highland society. LARGE PAPER. 155.

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1662. 4to.

Gun-powder Plot. - The History of the Gunpowder-Treason: collected from approved Authors, as well Popish as Protestant. London, 1678. 4to.

Pp. 32. The best and most full account

of this plot, reprinted in the second volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts and in the third volume of the Harleian Miscellany.

The Arraignment and Execution of the late Traitors; with a Relation of the other Traitors, which were executed at Worcester, the twenty-seventh of January last past. London, 1606. 8vo. A short narrative, written in a strain of merriment and insult, reprinted in the third volume of the Harleian Miscellany, and in the second volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts.

Consecratio Nonarum Novembris ob Liberationem a Proditione sulphurea. Oxon. 1607. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 172, 17s.

The Gunpowder Treason, with a Discourse of the Manner of its Discovery, &c. London, 1679. 8vo. With a preface by Bishop Barlow. Reed, 4107, 4s. 6d. Gough, 1603, 5s.

Made long since for the anniversary Solemnity on the fift Day of November, in a private Colledge at Cambridge. By A. B. C. D. E. And now by conquering Importunity made publique. For a small Memoriall of Englad's great Deliverance from the Powder-Treason. By E. M. A. D. O. C. London, 1641. 12mo. pp. 144. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 482, 31. 3s.

See GARNET, Henry. VICARS, John, In the British Museum are many tracts relating to the Gun-powder Plot. See Catalogue article Plot.

GUNTER, Edmund. Works. Fifth Edition, corrected, &c. by Will. Leybourne. London, 1673. 4to. 6s.

Best edition of this eminent mathematician's works. A new title-page is prefixed to some copies of this edition, date 1680, and calling it a sixth edition.

GUNTON, Symon. The History of the Church of Peterburgh. London, 1686, folio.

Published by Symon Patrick, D.D. Bindley, pt. i. 1863, 11. 1s. Towneley, pt. ii. 803, 11. 8s. Heath, 4679, 21. 2s. Hibbert, 3553,16s. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 1333, russia, 31. 4s. Baker, 282, 11. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 4367, 4l. 8s. North, pt. ii. 171, russia, 41. 4s. Fonthill, 3352, 71. Brockett, 1325, 11. 14s. Nassau, pt. i. 1758, 31. 19s. Collation. Pp. 348, not including half-title, title, and preface signed S. P.-Plates. 1. The west prospect of the Cathedral. Dan. King sc. 2. The north prospect, D. King del. & sc. p. 23. 3. The east prospect. p. 225. 4. The old altar piece. p. 334. Some copies it is said, hava additional plates.

An Epitome of Mr. Gunton's History of Peterborough Cathedral. The eleventh Edition. Peterb. 1807. 8vo. 45 pp. with a view of the Cathedral.

GURDON, Thornh. The History of the high Court of Parliament, its Antiquity, Pre-eminence and Authority, and the History of Court Baron and Court Leet. London, 1731. 8vo. 2 vols.

Willett, 1080, 9s. 6d.

GURNALL, William. The Christian in complete Armour. London, 1655, 6, 8, 62. 4to. 4 vols.

Sotheby's in 1821, 11. 1s. -Glasg. 1767. folio. 11. 1s. - Lond. 1803. 8vo.

4 vols. 11.18. -Lond. 1821. 8vo. 4 vols. 11. 10s.

GURNEY, Hudson. Observations on the Bayeux Tapestry. London, 1817. 4to.

From the Archæologia, vol. xviii. See APULEIUS.

Joseph. Brachygraphy, or an easy and compendious System of Short-hand, improved by Thomas Gurney. London, 1825. 12mo. 10s. 6d.

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Selected and arranged from Calmet, Brown, Newton, Hurd and other writers. GURTLER, Nicholas. De Wilhelmi III Mag. Britanniæ Regis Expeditione Hiberna Panegyricus. Amst. 1690. folio.

GURTON, Gammer. See STILL, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells. -RITSON, Joseph.

GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS, King of Sweden. The new Star of the North shining upon Gustavus Adolphus. London, 1632. 4to.

King and Lochée's in March 1810, with two portraits of Gustavus, one on horseback, 11. 3s. Towneley, pt. i. 717, with port. of Gustavus, 19s.

See BRAHE, Tycho. HARTE, Rev. Walter. Sweden. - The Swedish Intelligencer.

GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS IV. An historical King of Sweden. Sketch of the last Years of the Reign of Gustavus Adolphus the fourth, late King of Sweden. 1812. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

GUTCH, John. Collectanea curiosa; or, miscellaneous Tracts relating to the History and Antiquities of England and Ireland, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and a Variety of other Subjects. Oxford, 1781. 8vo. 2 vols. Chiefly collected, and now first published, from the Manuscripts of Archbishop San

croft, given to the Bodleian Library by the late Bishop Tanner. Roxburghe, 8580, 15s. Heath, 4536, 15s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 919, 11.

GUTHRIE, Maria. A Tour, 1795-6, through the Taurida, or Crimea, the antient Kingdom of Bosphorus, the once-powerful Republic of Tauric Cherson, and all the other Countries on the north Shore of the Euxine, ceded to Russia by the Peace of Kainardgi and Jassy. London, 1802. 4to.

With a map and engravings of coins, medals, &c. A lively description of the various tribes that inhabit the Crimea. The part which relates to antiquities was written by Dr. Matthew Guthrie. Drury, 1980, 11s. Gough, 1796, 11s. Roxburghe, 7197, 11. 1s.

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the Romans to the Restoration of Charles II. London, 1744-51. fol. 3 vols.

A tory history of England, by no means destitute of merit. Dent, pt. i. 1334, with Ralph's England, 1744, 2 vols. 54. Garrick, 1075, 11. Hibbert, 3854, 11. 18s.

A general History of Scotland, from the earliest Accounts to the present Time. London, 1767-8. 8vo. 10 vols. Published

in numbers. Brockett, 1429, 12. 5s. Towneley, pt. ii. 250, 17. 13s. Garrick, 991, 21. Roxburghe, 8709, 21. 10s.

A complete History of English Peerage; from the best Authorities. London, 1763. 4to. Vol. I. pp. 469. dedicated to K. George III. An erroneous compilation on the plan of Dugdale and Collins. Bindley, pt. iv. 204, date 1742? 3 pts. 7s.

A general History of the World from the Creation to the present Time. By William Guthrie and John Gray, &c. London, 1764-7. 8vo. 12 vol. Published in Numbers. Towneley, pt. ii. 404, 15s. Brockett, 1428, 11. 10s.

A geographical, historical and commercial Grammar. 8vo. Numerous editions. GUTHRY, Henry, Bishop of Dunkeld. Memoirs. London, 1702. 8vo. 6s.

Roxburghe, 8470, 12s. Bp. of Ely, 396, 18s. Hibbert, 3608, 3s. -Glasg. 1747.12mo. 4s. In the Chetham Library

at Manchester is a MS. of these Memoirs,

entitled Records of Dunkeld, from the Year 1560 to 1649, which varies from the printed

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Fragments of a French metrical romance upon Guy Earl of Warwick are printed in Brydges' British Bibliographer, iv. 268-70. 'The Life of the famous Earl Guy, was first written by Walter of Exeter (a Dominican Friar) about the year 1301*.Nicolson.

The Booke of the moste victoryous Prynce Guy of Warwick. London by W. Copland. 4to.

A to Ll 5, in fours. 141 leaves. Al is probably a blank leaf. Steevens, 1193, 51. 10s, resold Roxburghe, 3228, 431. 1s. An abstract of this metrical romance, from several MSS. will be found in the second volume of Ellis' Specimens. See also Sec

tion V. of Warton's History of English and unheard of Cheats and TrePoetry. pannings. London, 1657. 12mo. With a frontispiece. Nassau, pt. i. 1395, 9s.

The History of Guy Earle of Warwick. London by John Cawood. 4to.

The famous History of Guy Earl of Warwick, in Verse by Samuel Rowlands. London, 1667.


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A Memoir on Guy Earl of Warwick. By Samuel Pegge, LL.D. London, 1783.

4to. Part of no. xvii. of Nichols' Bibl. Topog. Britan.

Guy, Thomas. The last Will and Testament of Thomas Guy. London, 1725. 8vo. 2s.

Guyon, L'Abbé. Dissertation on the Amazons.

A translation of this excellent dissertation by Dr. Sam. Johnson appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1741.

Guys, Peter Aug. A sentimental Journey through Greece, translated from the French. London, 1772. 3 vols. 12mo. 6s.

Willett, 1081,9s,

GUYSE, John, D. D. The practical Expositor; or, an Exposition of the new Testament, with occasional Notes and serious Recollections at the End of each Chapter. London, 1739-52. 4to. 3 vols.

According to Messrs. Bogue and Bennett, this work' displays sound judgment, an intimate acquaintance with the original, considerable critical acumen with much seriousness and zeal for truth.' -1761.

4to. 3 vols. with portrait, 21. 2s. -Edinb. 1797. 8vo. 6 vols. - Edinb. 1818. 8vo. 6 vols. 11. 16s. Dr. Guyse was an eminent dissenting divine, in his religious principles Calvinistic.

Guzman, Hinde and Hannam outstript, being a Discovery of the whole Art, Mistery and Antiquity of Theeves and Theeving, with their Statutes, Laws, Customs and Practices; together with many new

Gwedir Family see WYNNE, Sir John.

GWILLIM, Henry. A Collection of Acts and Records of Parliament, with Records of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Law and Equity, respecting Tithes. London, 1801. royal 8vo. 4 vols. 51.

An esteemed work. Since reprinted. GWILLIM, J. See GUILLIM, John.

GWILT, Joseph. Rudiments of a Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue. London, 1829. 8vo.

A comparative View of the Magnitude of the four principal modern Churches in Europe. A folio sheet. 78.

A Treatise on the Equilibrium of Arches. London, 1811. 8vo. 6s. Second Edition. London, 1826. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, in imperial 8vo.

Conduct of the Corporation of the City of London respecting the Rebuilding of London Bridge. London, 1823. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

Notitia Architectonica Italiana, or concise Notices of the Buildings of Architects of Italy. London, 1818. 8vo. 10s.

Sciography, or Examples of Shadows, with Rules for their Projection. Second Edition considerably improved. London, 1824. 8vo. 14s.


The architectural works of Mr. Gwilt are in great estimation.

GWINETT, Ambrose. The Life, strange Voages and uncommon Adventures of A. G. the lame Beggar-man. London. 8vo. 5s.

Frequently reprinted.

GWINN, Eleanor. Memoirs of the Life of Nell Gwinn, Mistress to K. Charles II. London, 1752. 8vo.

A kind of panegyric on Nell. Lloyd, 141, 4s. 6d. Field, 1193, 12s.

GWINNE, Matt. Nero, Tragoedia. Lond. 1603. 4to.

Roxburghe, 3638, 3s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1465, 4s. 6d. -Lond. 1639. 12mo. 2s. 6d.

Vertumnus, Comedia. Lond. 1607. 4to. Reed, 7976, 11. 12s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1464, 4s. Roxburghe, 3639, 4s.

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