demonstrated after a new, plain and easie Method: by Henry Hill, A.M. London, 1726. 4to. 4s. Euclid's Elements; the whole fifteen Books compendiously demonstrated. To which is added, Archimedes' Theorems of the Sphere and Cylinder, investigated by the Method of Indivisibility, never before in English: by Isaac Barrow. London, 1732 & 1751. 8vo. 5s. The editions of 1660, 1686, 1696, 1705, 1715, are of little value. The Elements of Euclid, explained and demonstrated by Claude Francois Millet de Chales. Done out of French by Reeve Williams, and now revised, corrected and greatly improved by Sam. Ashby. London, 1748. 12mo. This contains the first six books, with the eleventh and twelfth. It is an excellent edition, and more useful and accurate than any of the preceding editions from De Chales. The Elements of Euclid, viz. The first six books, together with the eleventh and twelfth. In this Edition, the Errors by which Theon, or others, have long ago vitiated these Books, are corrected, and some of Euclid's Demonstrations are restored. By Robert Simson, M. D. Glasgow, 1756, 4to. 10s. 6d. Reprinted 1762, &c. &c. 8vo. An excellent edition in which Dr. S. has restored no less than nine Theorems to the fifth book, besides the excellent definition of compound ratios. Euclid's Data, restored to their true and genuine Order, agreeable to Pappus Alexandrinus' Account of them, by Rich. Jack. London, 1756. 8vo. 3s. An absurd performance by a vain, self-sufficient author. An Appendix to Euclid's Elements, in seven Books; containing forty-two copper Plates, in which the Doctrine of Solids, delivered in the 11th, 12th, and 15th Books of Euclid, is illustrated, and rendered easy, by new-invented Schemes, cut out of Pasteboard. By John Lodge Cowley. London, 1758. 4to. 7s. 6d. The Elements of Euclid in which the Propositions are demonstrated in a new and shorter Manner than in former Translations: to which are annexed plain and spherical Trigonometry, Tables of Logarithms, &c. By George Douglas. London, 1776. 8vo. 5s. The Elements of Euclid, with Dissertations by James Williamson, B. D. Oxford, 1781-90.4to. 2 vols. 15s. A strictly literal translation, containing 13 out of the 15 books generally ascribed to Euclid. Elements of Geometry, from the Latin Translation of Commandine. Revised by Samuel Cunn. The twelfth Edition, London, 1782. 8vo. 5s. Elements of Geometry; containing the first six Books of Euclid, with two Books on the Geometry of Solids. To which are added, Elements of plane and spherical Trigonometry. By John Playfair. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. 5s. The Elements of Euclid, viz. the first six Books, with the eleventh and twelfth. Together with Elements of plane and spherical Trigonometry, and a Treatise on practical Geometry. By Alexander Ingram. Edinb. 1799. 8vo. 5s. The first, second and sixth Books of Euclid's Elements demonstrated in general Terms; with Notes and Observations for the Use of younger Students, by John Walker. Dublin, 1808. 8vo. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, containing the whole twelve Books, transl. into English, from the Edition of Peyrard. By George Philips. 1826. 8vo. 6s. The first six Books of Euclid's Elements with a Commentary by the Rev. D. Lardner, LL. D. &c. London, 1828. 8vo. 7s. EUDEMARE, Fr. Histoire excellente et heroique du Roy Williaume le Bastard, jadis Roy d' Angleterre et Duc de Normandie. Rouen, 1626. 8vo. EUGENE of Savoy. Memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy. Second Edition, with Notes, &c. London, 1811. 8vo. 10s. 6d. The additions were printed separately for the former edition at 3s. 6d. The French edition. Lond. 8vo. 5s. See CAMPBELL, John, LL.D. DUMONT, J. Eugenia's Tears for Great Brittaynes Distractions. London, 1642. 12mo. 10s. 6d. Prefixed is a frontispiece by Marshall. Eugenius Philalethes, i. e. Tho. VAUGHAN. Eugenius Theodidactus, i. e. Joh. HEYDON. Letters EULER, Leonard. to a German Princess, on different Subjects in Physics and Philosophy, translated from the French by Henry Hunter, D. D. with original Notes, and a Glossary of foreign and scientific Terms. London, 1795. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. White Knights, 1441, 15s.-1802. 8vo. 2 vols. &c. System of Gunnery. See ROBINS, Benjamin. BROWN, Hugh. Elements of Algebra, translated from the French with the Notes of M. Bernoulli, &c. and the Additions of M. de la Grange. Fourth Edition carefully revised and corrected by the Rev. John Hewlett. To which is prefixed, a Memoir of the Life and Character of Euler, by Francis Horner. London, 1828. 8vo. 15s. Former editions. 1797.8vo. 2 vols.-1810. 8vo. 2 vols. 1822. 8vo. 1 vol. A compleat Theory of the Construction and Properties of Vessels, translated by Henry Watson. London, 1776. 8vo. 5s. New Edition, with the Life of the Translator. London, 1790. 8vo. 6s. EUNAPIUS of Sardis. The Liues of diuers excellent Oratours and Philosophers, translated into English, by W. B. Lond. 1579.4to. The original is generally found with Diogenes Laertius. ward. Eunomus. See WYNNE, EdEUNSON, G. The ancient and present State of Orkney, particularly the Capital Borough of Kirkwall. To which are added, The Petty Tyrants; or Grinders of the Poor and other Poems. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1788. 12mo. 5s. Brockett, 1202, 7s. 6d. Eunuchism displayed, describing all the different Sorts of Eunichs. London, 1718. 12mo. Stanley, 693, 8s. 6d. Constable, 346, 6s. Roxburghe, 1936, 5s. Euordanus.- The first and second Part of the History of the famous Euordanus Prince of Denmark; with the strange Adventures of lago, Prince of Saxonie : and of both their severall Fortunes in Loue. London, by J. R. for R. B. 1605. 4to. Black letter. a-z, Aa and Bb, all in fours. A copy is in Earl Spencer's library. Reed, 2656, 11. 12s. EURIPIDES. Quæ extant omnia: Tragœdiæ nempe XX præter ultimam, omnes complete: item Fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX Tragædiarum; et Epistole V. Gr. et Lat. Opera et Studio Iosuæ Barnes. Cantab. 1694. folio. LARGE PAPER. 3546, russia, 81. 8s. Marquis of Townshend, 1077, 41. 6s. Willet, 905, 21. 18s. Steevens, 460, 21. 19s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1217, morocco, 351. 14s. Duke of Grafton, 666, morocco, 311. 10s. Dent, pt. i. 1160, morocco, 211. Williams, 747, morocco, 301, 9s. - Quæ extant omnia, Gr. et Lat. Cura Sam. Musgrave, M.D. Oxon. 1778. 4to. 4 vol. A copious and critical edition. Heath, 3548, russia, 51. 7s. 6d. Drury, 1581, russia, 41. 4s. Willett, 652, 61. 13s. 6d. THICK PAPER. Tragœdiæ, Gr. et Lat. ex Recensione Sam. Musgravii. Glasguæ, 1797. 10 vol. An elegant edition, though not held in equal estimation with the Glasgow Hero dotus and Thucydides. Brockett, 1203, 11. 18. FINE PAPER. Drury, 1427, 11. 12s. Alchorne, 19, 21. 9s. Duke of Grafton, 667, 11. 18s. - Tragœdiæ viginti, cum variis Lectionibus; ex Editione Jos. Barues. Oxon. 1811.32mo. 6 vols. Drury, 1428. in 2 vols. morocco, 13s. 6d. Tragœdiæ, Græce et Latine, ex nova Recognitione Aug. Matthiæ. Oxon. 1821. 8vo. 3 vols. A correct reprint. LARGE PAPER. Twelve copies printed. Williams, 683, morocco, 171. 17s. -- Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Græcis et Notis VV. D.D. Barnesii, Beckii, Blomfieldii, Brunckii, Burgesii, Burneii, Elmslei, Hermanni, Hoepfneri, Jacobsii, Maltbyi, Marklandi, Matthiæi, Monkii, Musgravii, Porsoni, Seidleri, Valckenærii, Wakefieldii, &c. &c. Indicibus locu pletissimis. Glasgue, 1821. 8vo. 9 vols. A most valuable edition, published at 91. 9s. LARGE PAPER, in royal 8vo. published at 136 13s. Drury, 1429, morocco, 131. 17s. Williams, 684, morocco, 181. 18s. Of this edition a certain number of copies of the single plays were worked off separately. The Tragedies of Euripides, translated (by R. Potter). London, 1781-4. 4to. 2 vol. 12s. This translation is by Potter, certainly inferior to his Æschylus and Sophocles. -Oxford, 1814. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. According to the Quarterly Review, a publication of a mass of gossiping, appended to a corrupt text of not only all the plays extant, but the fragments and epistles of Euripides. Prefixed are portraits of EuriThe Nineteen Tragedies and pides and of Barnes by R. White. Heath, Fragments of Euripides. Trans 1 ! Iphigenia in Aulide et in Tauris, Gr. cum Notis Marklandi integris, et aliorum selectis. Oxon. 1810.8vo. 3s. 6d. Jated by Michael Wodhull, Esq. London, 1782. 8vo. 4 vols. According to the Critical Review The translation is accurate and just, the poetry, in general, inharmonious, and the dialogue flat and prosaic.' Reed, 8104, 21.-1809. 8vo. 3 vols. Rhodes, 2635, 11s. Euripidis Medea et Phoenisse, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Græcis integris, Comment. &c. Studio & Opera Wilhel. Piers. Cantab. 1703. 8vo. 4s. A very correct edition. LARGE PAPER. Drury, 1439, in hog-skin, 11. 6s. Heath, 4253, 8s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 761, morocco, by Roger Payne, 21. 5s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1138, morocco by Roger Payne, 31. Williams, 674, morocco, 11. 10s. Medea et Phenisse, Gr. et Lat. Buchanani. Edinb. 1722. 8vo. Medea et Alcestis, Gr. et Lat. ex Versione Geo. Buchanani. Edinb. 1722. 12mo. 3s. 6d. A very correct edition. Hecuba, Orestes et Phœnissæ, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis, &c. Joh. King. Cantab. 1726, 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. Willett, 817, 11. 2s. LARGE PAPER. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1139, in hog-skin, 31. 8s. Heath, 4302, 18s. Dent, pt. i. 760, morocco, 21. Drury, 1431, morocco, 11. 17s. Williams, 675, morocco, 21. 5s. Editio altera, Cura Th. Morell, qui Alcestin adjecit. Lond. 1748.8vo. 2 vols. 15s. The best edition. Bp. of Ely, 370, 17s. Williams, 676, morocco, 11. 19s. Dramata, Iphigenia in Aulide, et Iphigenia in Tauris, Gr. et Lat. Ad Codd. mss. recensuit, et Notulas addidit Jer. Markland. Lond. 1771. 8vo. 5s. Heath, 3560, 11. 11s. Reprinted incorrectly. Lond. 1783. 8vo. ΤΕΤΡΑΛΟΓΙΑ, sive Tragædiarum Delectus ex Euripide, nempe, Medea, Hippolytus, Iphigenia in Aulide et in Tauris, Gr. Oxon. 1771. 8vo. 3s. Alcestis, Andromache et Electra, Gr. cum variis Lectionibus. Oxon. 1806. 8vo. 43. 6d. In usum Scholæ Westmonasteriensis.' Edited by Elmsley. Hecuba, Orestes et Phœnissæ, cum variis Lectionibus et Notis Samuelis Musgravii, M. D. Oxon. 1809. 8vo. 4s. An elegantly printed volume edited by Professor Gaisford. LARGE PAPER. 98. Supplices Mulieres, Iphigenia in Aulide et in Tauris, cum Notis Jer. Marklandi integris et aliorum selectis: accedunt de Græcorum quinta Declinatione imparisyllabica inde formata Latinorum tertia Quæstio grammatica, Explanationes veterum aliquot Auctorum, Epistolæ quædam ad D'Orvillium datæ, cum Indicibus necessariis. editor of this highly valuable edition is Mr. Gaisford, the Greek Professor at Oxford, although it has been assigned to Dr. Elmsley. Most able notices of the edition will be found in the Quart. Rev. vii. 441-64. and in the Museum Criticum, i. 181-98. Another edition in 4to. 11. 4s. Drury, 1588, mor. 11. 148. LARGE PAPER. Twelve or twenty copies printed, 31. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1035, 131. 13s. Dent, pt. i. 1288, russia, 51. 10s. Williams, 481, mo rocco, 51. Hecuba, Orestes, Phœnisse et Medea, Gr. Porsoni. Editio correctior, cui tres Indices accedunt. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 6s. A reprint of Schæfer's edition of 1802. Tragœdiæ IV Porsoni. Editio altera cui accedunt Notæ G. Hermanni et G. H. Schæferi. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 4 vols. 14s. A reprint of the Leipsic edition of 1824. Tragœdiæ IV Latine, ad Editionem Porsoni accommodata. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 63. Heraclidæ et Medea. Ex Recensione P. Elmsley, M. A. qui Annotationes suas et aliorum (præcipue Hermanni) selectas adjecit. Oxon. 1823. 8vo. 12s. 6d. Select Tragedies (viz. the Phœnisse, Iphigenia in Aulis, the Troades, and Orestes), translated from the original Greek (by James Bannister). 8vo. 6s. In general a faithful translation, though neither spirited or poetic. London, 1780. The Hypolytus and Alcestis, literally transl. into English Prose, with Notes. Oxford, 1822. 8vo. 4s. 6d. The Hecuba, Orestes, Phœnician Virgins, and Medea, literally transl. into English Prose, with Notes. Oxford, 1822.8vo. 8. The Bacchæ and Heraclidæ, translated into English Prose, with Notes. Oxford, 1828. 8vo. 4s. 6d. Hecuba, ad Fidem MSS. emendata, et brevibus Notis Emendationum Rationes reddentibus instructa. Londini, 1797. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Edited by the celebrated Professor Porson. An excellent stricture on this edition of Hecuba appeared in the M. Review for 1799, known, say the Edinburgh Reviewers, to be written by a gentleman, to whom Greek literature is more indebted than any other living scholar. In Euripidis Hecubam Londini nuper publicatam Diatribe extemporalis, composuit Gilbertus Wakefield, A. M. Londini. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Hecuba, Porsoni. Editio altera. Cantab. 1802. 8vo. 5s. To this edition of 1802 was added a Supplement, almost every line of which alludes to some blunder committed by the learned Gottfried Hermann, in his Work De Metris Lips. 1796, & his Edition of Hecuba Lips. 1800. LARGE PAPER. 7s. 6d. ON VELLUM. One or more copies printed. Editio altera. Londini. 1808. 8vo. pp. Oxonii, 1811. 8vo. 2 vols.10s. The reputed | 150. Prefixed to some copies is an adEuripidis Orestes, Gr. et Lat. ex Edit. Jos. Barnes. Glasg, 1753. 12mo. 2s. 6d. A beautiful and correct edition, according | 11. 1s. Since the appearance of this edi 4 s vertisement by the booksellers, dated Jan. 1811. Hecuba, translated into English Prose, with the Greek Text of Professor Porson, &c. By T. W. C. Edwards. London, 1822. 8vo. 8s. The Hecuba, with English Notes by the Rev. T. R. Major. 1826. 8vo. 5s. clarissimi Jeremiæ Markland Emendationes. Oxoniæ. 1756. 4to. 5s. An excellent edition, published by Musgrave. Hippolytus, Gr. cum Scholiis, Versione Latina, variis Lectionibus, Valckenaerii Notis integris ac selectis aliorum, quibus suas adjunxit Tr. Henr. Egerton. Oxonii, 1796. royal 4to. Of this magnificent edition only a few copies were printed. Reed, 430, 10s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1037, russia, 11. 19s. Drury. 1586, to Dr. Harwood. FINE PAPER. Williams, 677, morocco, 6s. Orestes, ad Fidem MSS. emendata, et brevibus Notis Emendationum potissimum Rationes reddentibus instructa. Londini, 1798. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Edited by Professor Porson. Duke of Grafton, 669, 15s. 6d. -1811. 8vo. 3s. 6d.-1818. 8vo. 2s. Orestes, translated into English Prose, with the Greek Text of Porson, &c. By T. W. C. Edwards. London, 1824.8vo. 88. Phœnissæ, ad fidem Manuscriptorum emendata, et brevibus Notis Emendationum potissimum Rationes reddentibus instructa. Londini, 1799. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Edited by Professor Porson. 1811. 8vo. 2s. Phœnissæ, cum Notulis edidit G. Burges, A. B. Londini, 1809. 12mo. 5s. Critical notices of this edition will be found in the Quarterly Review, and in the Classical Journal. Phœnissæ, translated into English Prose, with the Greek Text of Porson, &c. By T. W. C. Edwards. London, 1828. 8vo. 8s. Medea, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Græcis et Notis Barnesii. Lond. 1734. 4to. 38.6d. An edition little known. Medea, Gr. et Lat. Glasg. 1775. 2s. LARGE PAPER. Drury, 1584, 3s. Williams, 678, morocco, 6s. Medea, cum Versione et Notis Viri eruditissimi Samuelis Musgrave, M. D. juxta Editionem Oxoniens. Accessere Notæ et Animadversiones Cl. Rich. Phil. Brunckii. Etonæ, 1785. 8vo. 3s. Medea, ad Fidem Manuscriptorum emendata et brevibus Notis Emendationum potissimum Rationes reddentibus instructa. Cantab. 1801. 8vo, 3s. 6d. Edited by Professor Porson. FINE PAPER. 7s.-Lond. 1817. 8vo. 3s. Medea, Gr. recensuit et illustravit P. Elmsley, cum Indice. Oxon. 1818.8vo. 10s. 6d. The Medea, translated into English Prose, with the Greek Text of Professor Porson, &c. By T. W. C. Edwards, M. A. London, 1821. 8vo. 88. Hippolytus, ex MSS. Bibliothecæ Regiæ Parisiensis emendatus, variis Lectionibus et Notis Editoris accessere Viri tion the editor has published 14 nos. of Addenda and Corrigenda. An Hippolytus coronifer, Gr. ad Fidem MSS. et veterum Editionum emendavit et Annotationibus instruxit J. H. Monk. Editio secunda. Cantab. 1813. 8vo. 88. excellent edition. -The former. Cant.1811. 8vo. 6s. Drury, 1445, russia, 8s. Editio tertia. Cantab. 1821. 8vo, 8s. Jocasta by George Gascoigne. 1575. 4to. - 1587. 4to. According to Wodhull, this translation deviates widely from the original for whole scenes together, and every where abounds with the grossest barbarisms of language. See GASCOIGNE, G. Alcestis, Græce, cum variis Lectionibus. Oxon. 1806. 8vo. 2s. Od. Edited by Elms ley. Alcestis emendavit et Annotationibus instruxit Jac. Monk: accedit G. Buchanani Versio metrica. Cantabrigiæ, 1816. royal 8vo. 98. A valuable edition. -Editio tertio. Cantab. 1826. 8vo. Ss. The Alcestes, from the Text of Monk; with the scanning Ordo, and a literal Translation. By W. T. C. Edwards, M. A London, 1824. 8vo. 8s. Andromache, Græce cum Notis. Oxon. 1807. 8vo. Edited by Elmsley, Supplices Mulieres, Gr. et Lat. ad Codd. คารร. recensitum et Notis uberioribus (Jer. Marklandi) illustratum. Accedit de Græcorum quinta Declinatione imparisyllabica et inde formata Latinorum tertia Quæstio Grammatica. Cum Explicatione Locorum, aliquot ex Auctoribus Græcis et Latinis. Lond. 1763. 4to. 10s. 6d. Of this valuable edition, corrected by Dr. Jortin, 250 copies were printed. Heath, 3550, 11. Editio altera. Lond. 1775.8vo. 3s. A reprint of Markland's edition, with several additions, omissions, and corrections. Supplices Mulieres, Gr. cum Notis Marklandi integris et aliorum selectis. Oxon. 1818. 8vo. 8s. Edited by Professor Gaisford. Iphigenia in Aulide. Erasmi Latina Versio metrica Iphigenisæ in Aulide. Londini, 1519. See Maittaire Annales, ii. 339. Troades, Gr. partim Cod. mss, partim Ope Conjecturarum emendata. Subjicitur Appendix in qua Carminibus Euripideis quæ vulgo habentur monostrophica verus et vetus Ordo nunc demum restituitur. Studio G. Burges. Cantabrigiæ, 1807. 8vo. 5s. LARGE PAPER. 68. The performance of an editor, who had scarcely turned his nineteenth year, commended by the late Dr. Elmsley. Different opinions of the merits of this edition will be found in the Quarterly Review, vol. iii. and in the Classical Journal, vol. i. Bacchæ Recensuit et illustravit P. Elmsley, A.M. Oxon. 1821. 8vo. An edition, says Dr. Dibdin, superior to all its predecessors. Drury, 1451, 10s. Heraclidæ, ex Recensione Petri Elmsley, A.M. qui Annotationes suas et aliorum selectas adjecit. Oxon. 1813. 8vo. 6s. An edition superior in all respects to every preceding one. Drury, 1450, russia, 17s. -Oxon. 1824. 8vo. 3s. Notæ philologicæ et grammaticæ in Euripidis Tragedias: e variis Virorum doctorum Commentarüs maxima et Parte selectæ, et Textui Matthiæano accommodatæ. Londini, 1828. 8vo. 2 vol. 18s. Index Græcitatis Euripedeæ. Auctore Dan. Beckio. Editio accurator: cui nunc primùm accedit præcipuarum Editionum, quoad Versuim Notationem attinet, Collatio. Cantab. 1829. 8vo. 15s. Europe. A compleat History of Europe from the year 1600 to the Year 1714. 1705-20.8vo. 18 vol. A copy is in the British Museum. Coxe. 103, 17 vols. 11. 11s. 6d. Europæ Speculum. 1637. See Sandys, Sir Edwin. The general History of Europe, contained in the historical and political Monthly Mercuries from the late happy Revolution in November, 1688, to July, 1690. London, 1692. 4to. Intended as a preliminary volume to the following article. The present State of Europe, or a historical and political Mercury. London, 1690-17-. 4to. - vols. Dunton calls this one of the finest journals of the kind the world has ever seen. The copy in the British Museum, including the preceding article, consists of 27 vols. 1688-1716. The secret History of Europe. London, 1712-15. 8vo. 4 Parts. The secret History of Europe. London, 1724. 8vo. 3 vols. The European Magazine from the Commencement in January 1782 to July 1825 inclusive, 87 vols. New Series. Sept. 1825 to June 1826, 10 nos. 2 vols. London, 8vo. 39 vols. with numerous portraits, &c. Reed, 2538, 1784-1806, 50 vols. 111. 153. Duke of York, 1768, 1784-1826, 88 vols. 111. The European Review, or Mind and its Productions in Britain, France, Italy, Germany, &c. Edinb. 1824-6. 8vo. 6 Nos. All published. Ugo Foscolo was a principal contributor. Euse EUSEBIUS Pamphilus. bii Pamphili, Socratis Scholastici, Hermiæ Sozomeni, Theodoriti et Evargrii, item Philostorgii et Theodori Lectoris quæ extant Historiæ Ecclesiastice, Gr. et Lat. Henr. Valesius Græcum Textum ex mss. Codicibus emendavit, Latine vertit, & Annotationibus illustravit. Gul. Reading novas Elucidationes, partim chronologicas, in hac Editione adjecit. Cantab. 1720. folio, 3 vols. 51. I have read this edition, and it is hardly possible for a better to be published of this very useful and entertaining work.' - Dr. Harwood. Willett, 906, russia, 51. 5s. LARGE PAPER. Heath, 474, russia, 71. 9s. 6d. Duke of Grafton, 102, 61. 6s. Drury, 2216, 71. 10s. The History of the Church, as written in Greek by Eusebius, Socrates and Evagrius, also the four Books of the Life of Constantinople, Constantine's Oration to the Convention of the Saints, and Eusebius Speech in Praise of Constantine. Translated from the Edition of H. Valesius, with a Translation also of Valesius's Notes, and his Account of the Lives and Writings of those Historians. Cambridge, 1683. folio. 11. 1s. |