ARCHER, Rev. James. Sermons for every Sunday in the Year. Ist and 2d Series. London, 1817, 22. 8vo. 4 vols. 21. 25. These excellent Catholic Sermons have passed through several editions. ARCHER, John, M.D. Every Man his own Doctor: to which is added, an Herbal. London, 1673. 8vo. with portrait. White Knights, pt. i. 219, 10s. The former edition appeared in 1671. In Beloe's Anecdotes, i. 199-200, is a list of inventions by this celebrated physician. Archery.-Art of Archerie. London, 1634. 8vo. with a frontispiece. Nassau, pt. i. 63, 8s. Bindley, pt. i. 72, 14s. Poems in English and Latin on the Archers and Royal-Company of Archers, by several Hands. Edinb. 1726. 12mo. 5s. ARCHIMEDES. Quæ supersunt omnia, cum Eutochii Commentariis (Græce). Ex recensione Josephi Torelli, cum nova Versione Latina. Accedunt Lectiones variantes ex Codd. Mediceo et Parisiensibus. Oxon. 1792. folio. The most complete and magnificent edition of this author's works. Willett, 134, 11. 158. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 154, morocco. Drury, 382, russia, 21. 19s. - Arenarius, et Dimensio Circuli: Eutacii Ascalonitæ in hanc Comment. Gr. cum Versione et Notis Joh. Wallis. Oxonii. 1676. 12mo. 3s. A former edition appeared 1666. - Opera, Apollonii Pergæi Conicorum Libri IV. Theodosii Sphærica, Methodo nova illustrata per Is. Barrow. London, 1675. 4to. 6s. A neat edition, highly praised by Mon tucla. is added, the Dissertation of Christopher Clavius on the same Subject, from the Latin. Lond. 1784. 8vo. 3s. A masterly translation, with curious and pertinent notes and illustrations. Portions of the Theorems of Archimedes will be found in Whiston and Barrow's versions of Euclid. Architecture. - The Grecian Orders of Architecture delineated and explained from the Antiquities of Athens, also Parallels of the Orders of Palladio, Scammozzi and Vignola, to which are added Remarks concerning public and private Edifices; with Designs. London, 1768. folio. 11. 5s. en Rudiments of ancient Architecture, with a Dictionary of Terms. The second Edition, much larged. London, 1794. royal 8vo. with 11 plates, and a portrait of James Stuart on the title page, 6s. A very useful work, reprinted 1804, 1810. The first edition appeared in 1789. - Essays on Gothic Architecture, by the Rev. T. Warton, Rev. J. Bentham, Captain Grose, and the Rev. J. Milner, with a Letter to the Publisher. The second Edition, to which is added a List of the Cathedrals of England, with their Dimensions. London, 1802. 8vo. with twelve plates, 10s. 6d. A valuable and esteemed work, reprinted 1808. 10s. 6d. The first edition appeared in 1808. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. 1063, 14s. Fonthill, 1088, 17s. ARCHYTAS, &C. Political Fragments of Archytas, Charondas, Zaleucus, and other ancient Pythagoreans, and Ethical Fragments of Hierocles, translated from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 6s. Fragments of Archytas will be found in Gale's Opuscula Mythologica, &c. Cantab. 1670. Amst. 1688. Ardai Viraf Nameh, or the Revelations of Ardai Viraf; translated from the Persian and Guzeratee Versions, by J. A. Pope. London, 1816. 8vo. 5s. Arden of Feversham. -The lamentable and true Tragedie of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent. Printed for Edward White, 1592. 4to. This black letter play, from which Lillo has not unfrequently copied whole lines, was reprinted 1599. 4to. 1633. 4to. 15s. and lastly 1770. 8vo. with a ridiculous preface imputing it to Shakespeare, 3s. 6d. LARGE PAPER, 6s. Edition 1599. Forster, 1144, 31. Edition 1633. Rhodes, 1633, 11. Sotheby's in Nov. 1826, 11.7s Roxburghe, 4049, 11. 7s. Forster, 1127, 11. 148. Bindley, pt. i. 157, 21. 2s. Edition 1770. Bindley, pt. i. 17, 7s. ARETÆUS Of Cappadocia. Ætiologica, Semeiotica et Therapeutica, Gr. et Lat. ex Recensione et cum Notis Joannis Wigan. Oxonii. 1723. folio. 10s. 6d. LARGE PAPER, 11. 1s. Of this beautiful and correct edition 300 song. See Solomon. copies were printed. Funeral Elegy, consecrated to the Memory of his ever honoured Lord King, late B. of London, &c. 1621. In the British Museum catalogue the Accedens of Armory is erroneously attributed to Richard Argall. ARGENSOLA, (Barth. Leon. de). The Discovery and Conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands; translated from the Spanish. London, 1708. 4to. with 4 plates. Dent. pt. i. 291, 7s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 183, 8s. Towneley, pt. ii. 115, 10s. 6d. Argumentum Anti-Normanicum: a seasonable Treatise, wherein is proved that William the Conqueror did not get the imperial Crown of England by the sword, but by the election and consent of the people. London, 1689.8vo. 5s. This publication, occasioned by a work of William Pettyt's, entitled ' Antient. Rights of the Commons of England, 1680, was answered by Dr. Brady in his Introduction to Old English History. It is by some attributed to Atwood, and by others to Cooke. ARGYLE, Archibald Campbell, Marquis of. Instructions to a Son, and Maxims of State. London, 1661. 12mo. with portrait. Lloyd, 34, 19s. Roxburghe, Supplement, 541, 11. 3s. Bindley, pt. i. 51, 11.4s. Stanley, No. 18, russia, by Roger Payne, 21. 12s. 6d. against the Marquess of Argyle and his Complices, Jan. 23, 1661. London, 1661. 4to. In the Roxburghe Library was a copy of the above, with the Marquis's answer, &c. Seven Tracts, no. 1080, 17. 11s. 6d. A similar collection is in the British Mu seum. ARGYLE, Archibald Campbell, Duke of. Catalogus Librorum, A.C.D.A. (Archib. Campbell Ducis Argatheliæ.) Glasguæ, 1758. 4to. Privately printed. Reed, 184, 7s. 6d. Brockett, 747, 11s. Dibdin, 2, 11s. ARIOSTO, Lodovico. Orlando Furioso. Birmingham, 1773. 8vo. and 4to. 4 vols. with plates by Bartolozzi and others. The last production of Baskerville's press. Brunet in his Manuel du Libraire mentions, that the plates in the 4to. are not so good as those in the 8vo. edition, seem and likewise that some sheets in the first volume to have been reprinted. OCTAVO, Willett, 41, 61. Strettell, 41, morocco, 51. Baker, 153, morocco, (with the addition of several proofs.) 121. 15s. QUARTO, Drury, 339, morocco, 10/. 10s. Fonthill, 2418, morocco, 10l. 5s. Dent. pt. i. 292, morocco, 121. Stanley, 268, morocco, 211. Heath, 2042, morocco, 221.1s. Orlando Furioso, with an ARIOSTO, Lodovico. Orlando Furioso, now secondly imprinted. London, 1607. folio, pp. 450. Garrick, 267, 11. 1s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 317, 21. 12s. 6d. Orlando Furioso, now thirdly revised and amended, with the ad dition of the author's (1. e. Harington's) Epigrams, (4 Books.) London, 1634. folio, pp. 496. The title page is engraved, and has Harington's portrait at the bottom, by Cockson. Towneley, pt. ii. 155, 2/. Nassau, pt. i.. 206, 21. 1s. Bindley, pt. i. 167, 21. 5s. Roxburghe, 2973, 21. 16s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 312, mor. 31. 3s. Bibl. AngloPoet, No. 318, 31. 13s. 6d. Heath, 2043, morocco, 31. 13s. 6d. Orlando Furioso in Italian and English, by Temple Henry Croker. London, 1755, 4to. 2 vols. 11. 53. In some copies of this edition (which is in no estimation,) the name of Temple Henry Croker, in others, that of Wm. Huggins appears as the translator. It is said that many copies were destroyed by fire. Orlando Furioso, translated, with notes, by John Hoole. London, 1783, 8vo. 5 vols. with port. of Hoole. explanation of equivocal words, and poetical figures, and an elucidation of all the passages concern-tors, and grossly ignorant of the Italian ing history and fable. By Agostino Isola. Camb. 1789. 8vo. 4 vols. A very correct correct edition of the original. Steevens, 588, 17s. - Orlando Furioso, con note, castigato da Leonardo Nardini, ad uso degli Studiosi della Lingua Italiana. Londra, 1801. 12mo. 4 tom. 14s. A neat edition. Drury, 220, 12. 10s. Other editions by Romualdo Zotti, London, 1814. 12mo. 4 vols. 12s.; by Boschini, 1815, 18mo. 6 vols. 8s. Orlando Furioso in English Heroical Verse, by (Sir) John Haringto. London, by Richard Field, 1591. Folio, pp. 450, 11. 5s. The title containing port. of Sir John H. engraved by W. Rogers. First edition. According to the Quarterly Review, an abridgment of considerable merit, written in sterling English; on the contrary by Ellis termed an inaccurate and feeble ver sion. Bibl. Anglo-Poet, 316, 31. 3s. Jadis, 204, 11. 16s. According to the Quarterly Review, Hoole is the most contemptible of translalanguage. Reprinted 1799. 8vo. 5 vols. (some on large paper). 1807. royal 18mo. 5 vols. &c. and inserted in Chalmers' Collection of Poets. Edition 1783. Heath, 2044, 11. 10s. Williams, 66, 11. 7s. Edition 1799. LARGE PAPER, Nassau, pt. i. 57, 11. 18s. Fonthill, 1316, with proof plates, 41. 10s. A first volume of this translation was published, with vignettes, after Mortimer, 1773. 8vo. Garrick, 32, 9s. The Orlando reduced to twenty-four books, the narrative connected, and the stories disposed in a regular series, by John Hoole. London, 1791. 8vo. 2 vols. In little estimation. Reed, 6535, 7s. Edwards, 154, morocco, 11.7s. Orlando Furioso, translated into English verse by William Stewart Rose, London, 1825-7. post 8vo. vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. A spirited translation, says T. Moore. A translation in English prose, with notes, by Christopher Johnson, 8vo. vol. 1, has just appeared. ARIOSTO, Lodovico. An Abregement of Roland Furious, translait out of Ariost; together with some Rhapsodies of the author's youthful Braine: and last, ane Schersing out of true Felicete, composit in Scottesh Meiter be Stewart of Baldyneis. For an account of this MS. see the Restituta, vol. i. pp. 313-17. Le Satire ed altre Rime, Lib. ii. con le Annotazioni di Paolo Rolli. Londra, 1716. 8vo. 3s. LARGE PAPER, D. of Grafton, 628, 5s. ARISTARCHUS. De Magnitudinibus et Distantiis Solis et Lune Liber. Pappi Alex. Fragmentum e secundo Libro Collectionis Mathematicæ. Gr. et Lat. Notis Joh. Wallis. Oxon. 1688, 8vo. 4s. Also inserted in the Opera Mathematica of Wallis. Oxon. 1699, in folio. or the Principles of Composition. London, 1791. 8vo. pp. 432, 6s. This work written by the ingenious and learned Dr. Withers, was originally pub - Satyres, in English, by Ger- lished in numbers. At the end, are Re vis Markham. London, 1608. 4to. pp. 108. This version is clained by Robert Tofte in a note (p. 6) of his translation of Bened. Varchi's Blazon of Jealousie. Perry, pt.iv. 396, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 341, 16s. Gordonstoun, 100, 21. 10s. Sotheby's in May, 1823, 21. 12s. 6d. Seven Planets gouerning Italie, with a new addition of three most excellent Elegies, written by the same Lodovico Ariosto. Lon don, 1611. 4to. praise of Men, the other in Disgrace of Women; with certain other Ita lian Stanzas and Proverbs. By R.(obert) T.(ofte) Gentleman. London, 1597. 4to. Comedie, Scholastica, dei Suppositi, e la Lena. Londra, 1737-9. 12mo. 3 vols. A translation of the Supposes by Geo. Gascoyne appeared in 1566, and is reprinted in the third volume of Hawkins's Origin of the Drama. ARISTÆNETUS. Love Epistles, translated from the Greek into English Metre, (by Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Mr. Halhed.) London, 1771. 8vo. 5s. A much esteemed version. A former version, entitled 'Letters of Love and Gallantry,' 1750, 8vo. 4s. and translations, or rather imitations, of some of the epistles will be found in Tom Brown's Works. marks on Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, with proposals for a new English Dictionary. ARISTEAS. Historia LXXII. Interpretum, Gr. et Lat. Accessere Veterum Testimonia de eorum Versione. Oxonii, 1692. 8vo. 4s. A spurious work. LARGE PAPER. Drury, 221, 11. Williams, 70, morocco, 11. 10s. Reprinted by Archdeacon Hody, with a confutation in 'De Bibliorum Textibus originalibus,' Oxon. 1705, folio. - History of the Septuagint written by Aristeas 1900 years since. Newly done into English by J. Done. The second edition revised and very much corrected from the original. London, 1685, Another translation of Aristeas will be found in Wm. Whiston's Authentic Records, pt. ii. 8vo. 1727. The celebrated poet Thomas Moore, is said to have been greatly indebted to Enoch's History in his poem entitled the Loves of the Angels. ARISTIDES, Ælius. Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat.cum Notis et Emendationibus Gul. Canteri, &c. Adjunctis insuper Veterum Scholiis et Prolegomenis Sopatri Apameensis. Ex Recensione Sam. Jebb. Oxonii, 1722-30. 4to. 2 vols. LARGE PAPER. 'Editio longe præstantissima,' Gosset, 61. 16s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 293, morocco, 8l. 2s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 276, mo- rocco, 81. 15s. Willett, 97, 91. Heath, Græce, ex optimis Exempl. emenda- tæ; cum Latina Versione, variis Lec- tionibus, Notis et Emendationibus: accedunt deperditarum Comedia- rum Fragmenta, et Index Verbo- rum, Nominum propriorum, &c. a Rich. Fr. Phil. Brunck. Oxonii. A reprint of the edition Argentor. 1781-3. 8vo. 4 vols. with the notes at the foot of the A neat edition. Drury 231, mor. 18s. variis Lectionibus, &c. a R. F. P. Brunck. Lond. 1823.8vo. 3 vols. - Comœdiæ cum Scholiis et Varietate Lectionis, recensuit Imm. tina, deperditarum Fragmenta, In- dex locupletissimus, Notæque Rei- sigii, Beckii, Dindorfii, Schutzii, Bentleii, Dobreii, Porsoni, Elmsleii, Williams, 73, 11s. Another edition, 1755.3s. Mitchell, A.M. Lond. 1820, 22. A highly valuable and classical version. Four Comedies translated - The Clouds, now first entirely translated into English, with the principal Scholia, and Notes critical and explanatory, by James White. An admirable version done in a species of easy blank verse, with learned and judi- cious notes. Roxburghe, 4376, 2s. 6d. Clouds, will be found in Stanley's History led Hey for Honesty, down with Christopher Wren, performed the character - The World's Idol; or Plutus the God of Wealth, from the Greek, by H. H. B. together with his Notes and a short Discourse upon it. Roxburghe, 4378, 8s. Rhodes, 447, 165. A translation of the Plutus, by E. F. J. |