Page images

tails of various ancient Edifices. | Westminster. London, 1823. at

London, 1820-1. super-royal folio. 4 parts complete, in 2 vols.

Published at 12/. 12s. Sotheby's in 1823, 71. A highly valuable and faithful

delineation of hitherto inedited monuments. PROOFS on India paper. Published at 211.

Miscellaneous Etchings, by J. S. Cottman, from his own Designs, containing 28 Prints of Antiquities, with an Index. 1812. super-royal folio. 21. 12s. 6d.

Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Norfolk. Yarmouth, 1812-7. imperial folio. 10 nos. This work consists of 60 etchings, representing exterior and interior views of the most celebrated remains of antiquity in the county, with a general index. Dent, pt. i. 677, 31. 16s.

Engravings of sepulchral Brasses in the County of Suffolk. Yarmouth. 7 nos.

Engravings of the most remarkable of the Sepulchral Brasses in the County of Norfolk. Yarmouth, 1813-6. imperial 4to. 16 nos. This work'tending to illustrate the ecclesiastical, military and civil costume of former ages, as well as to preserve memorials of the most ancient families in that county' consists of 84 plates, with a general index. Sotheby's in 1823, 21. 193. Antiquities of St. Mary's Chapel, Cambridge. 1819. folio. Sotheby's in 1823, 10s. Cotswold Games. See Annalia


COTTA, John. The Triall of Witch-craft. London, 1616. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 2207, 5s. Second edition. Lond. 1625. 4to.

A short Discoverie of the vnobserved Dangers of the ignorant and vnconsiderate Practisers of Physicke in England. Lond. 1612. 4to. See Oldys' Brit. Libr. 34-41.

A trve Discovery of the Empericke, with the Fugitive, Physition and Quacksalver. Lond. 1617. 4to.

Medicinæ Chymicæ, et veri potabilis Auri Assertio, ex Lucubrationibus Fra. Anthonij Londinensis. Oxon. 1623. 4to.

COTTESFORD, Sam. A Treatise against Traitors: taken out of Jeremie 40; 13-16, and 41; 1-4. Meete for all faithful Subiects in

these dangerous Dayes. London,

1591. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Bindley, pt. i. 1223, 21. 12s. 6d. COTTINGHAM, L. N. Plans, Elevations, Sections, Details and Views, with Mouldings, full size, of the Chapel of K. Henry VII. at

las folio. A useful work, consisting of 45 plates, LARGE PAPER. 51. 5s. published at 31. 3s. On DRAWING PAPER. 71. 75.

Working Drawings for Gothic Ornaments, selected and composed from the best Examples. London, 1822. atlas folio. 38 plates, with a description. Published at 11. 18s.

Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details at large of Westminster Hall. London, 1822. imperial folio. Published at 11. 16s.

Grecian and Roman Architecture, on 24 large folio Plates. London, 1824. Published at 11.5s. This work is arranged so as to form perfect studies for young artists and workmen, the plans, views and details of each being given on the same plate.

COTTON, Charles, The genuine poetical Works of Charles Cotton, Esq. The sixth Edition corrected. London, 1771.12mo. with cuts. 5s.

Consisting of I. Scarronides. II. Lucian burlesqued. III. The Wonders of the


A Panegyrick to the Kings most excellent Majesty. Lond. 1660. folio.

Scarronides, or Virgile Travestie, being the first Book of Virgils Æneis in English,

Burlesque. Lond. 1664. 8νο.

Scarronides, or Virgile Travestie. A mock Poem on the first and fourth Books of Virgils Æneis in English, Burlesque. Lond. 1672. 8vo. 3s.

Burlesque upon Burlesque. London, 1675. 8vo. 3s. Second Edition corrected. 1686. 8vo. 3s.

The Planter's Manual. London, 1675. 12mo.

The complete Angler: being Instructions how to angle for a Trout and Grayling in a clear Stream. London, 1676. 12mo. This treatise is frequently bound up with the third and fourth editions of Walton, and is reprinted with every subsequent edition.

The Wonders of the Peake. London, 1681. 8vo. pp. 90. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 124, 63.-1699. 8vo.

Poems on several Occasions, by Charles Cotton. London, 1689. 8vo. Bindley, pt. i. 1024, 12s.

The compleat Gamester.

London, 1674.8vo. 7s. 6d.

First edition, with an engraved frontispiece and portrait. The preliminary part of this volume describes an ordinary, and the various tricks and manners of the frequenters.

Rev. Henry, D. C. L. A List of Editions of the Bible and Parts

thereof in English, from the Year MDV. to MDCCCXX. With an

Appendix containing Specimens of Translations and bibliographical Descriptions. Oxford, 1821. 8vo. 8s.

Pp. xxi. and 168. Intended as an appendix to Lewis' History of the English Translations of the Scriptures, though it will be found a very useful publication to those who may not be possessed of that


The Typographical Gazetteer. Oxford, 1825. 8vo. pp. xvi & 219.

Memoir of a French Translation of the new Testament, in which the Mass and Purgatory are found in the sacred Text: together with Bishop Kidder's Reflections on the same: accompanied by Notes. London, 1827. 8vo.

Joseph. The bloudy Tenant. London, 1647. 4to.

Gordonstoun, 477, 4s.

Nathaniel, M.D. Various Pieces in Verse and Prose, many of which were never before published. London, 1791. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s.

Sir Robert. Cottoni Posthuma; divers choice Pieces of that renowned Antiquary Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet. By J. (ames) H.(owell). London, 1679. small 8vo.

Pp. iv and 351, including a dedication to Sir Robert Pye, Knight. Prefixed is a port. of the author by T. Cross. Heath, 4423, 9s. 6d. 'A work full of learning and parliamentary topics.' - Nicolson. Petyt terms it a fictitious work, and on the other hand, Barrington observes, that it contains several valuable and curious particulars. Former editions, 1651, 1672.

Contents of the Edition 1679.-1. A Relation of the Proceedings against Ambassadors who have miscarried themselves, &c. 2. That the Kings of England have been pleased, usually, to consult with their Peers in the great Council and Commons in Parliament, of Marriage, Peace and War. An edition entitled, The Antiquity and Dignity of Parliaments. 1679. folio. It is also to be found in the second volume of the Harleian Miscellany. 3. That the Soveraigns Person is required in the great Councils, or Assemblies of the State, as well at the Consultations, as at the Conclusions. 4. A Discourse of the Lawfulness of Combats to be performed in the Presence of the King or the Constable and Marshal of England. A former edition. London, 1651. 4to. 5. A

brief Abstract of the Question of Precedency between England and Spain. 6. A Remonstrance of the Treaties of Amity and


Marriage before time, and of late, of the House of Austria and Spain, with the Kings of England, to advance themselves to the Monarchy of Europe. Arguments whether it be more 7. Twenty-four dient to suppress Popish Practices against the due Allegiance of his Majesty. 8. The Manner and Means how the Kings of England have from Time to Time supported and repaired their Estates. 9. An Answer to certain Arguments raised from supposed Antiquity and urged by some Members of the lower House of Parliament, to prove that Ecclesiastical Laws ought to be enacted by temporal Men. 10. The Argument of the House concerning the Liberty of the Person of every Freeman. 11. A Speech

delivered at Oxford in the first Year of the

Reign of K. Charles I. 12. A Speech

touching the Alteration of Coyn. 13. The Danger wherein this Kingdom now standeth and the Remedy. Anedition 1628. 4to. Also, reprinted in the first number of Morgan's Phenix Britannicus and in the fourth

volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. 14. Valour anatomized in a Fancie. By Sir Philip Sidney. 1581. Also to be found in the second number of Morgan's Phenix Britannicus. 15. Sir Francis Walsingham's Anatomizing of Honesty, Ambition and Fortitude. Written in the Year 1590. 16. (A separate tract) An Answer to such Motives as were offer'd by certain military Men to Prince Henry inciting him to affect Arms

more than Peace. With a short View of the Life and Reign of Henry III. The second Edition, very much corrected, and a Preface added by Sir John Cotton, Baronet. To which is annexed the French Charity, written upon Occasion of Prince Harecourt's Coming into England, translated into English by F. S. J. E. London, 1675. small 8vo. Pp. 142, besides title, dedication to Mr. Walter Chetwind and preface, 3 leaves. Lloyd, 358, date 1665? with portrait by T. Cross, morocco, 11s. An edition of the answer. London, 1655. 8vo.

Sir R. Cotton's other W'orks. A Treatise against Recusants, in Defence of the Oath of Allegiance. London,

1641. 4to.

A short View of the long Life and Raigne of Henry the third, King of England. Presented to King James. Printed 1627. 4to. Published anonymously. Keprinted in the first number of Morgan's Phœnix Britannicus.-1641. 4to.-1642. With portraits of the kings by Faithorne, and of Sir J. Hayward. Towneley, pt. i. 325, 16s. 6d. Inglis, 412, 4s. 6d. Dowdeswell, 339, 13s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 766, date 1652? 15s. This

edition is reprinted in the fourth volume of of the holy Scriptures. London,

the Somers Collection of Tracts.-1651. 8vo. In Cottoni Posthuma.-1680. 4to. Dedicated to K. Charles II.

No Post from Heaven nor yet from Hell: collected by Sir Rob. Cotton, and put to Presse by G. A. Oxford, 1643. 4to.

Warrs with foreign Princes dangerous to our Commonwealth; with a List of all the Confederates from Henry the first's Reign to the End of Queen Elizabeth. London, 1657. 8vo.

An exact Abridgment of the Records (Rolls of Parliament) in the Tower, from the Reign of K. Edward II. unto K. Richard

III. collected by Sir Robert Cotton: revised by William Prynne, Esq. London, 1657 or 1689. fol. 18s. A meagre and often erroneous abridgment. Heath, 4392,

14s. 6d. Marq. of Townshend, 1951, 10s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. 11. 5s. Marq. of Townshend, 1950, 11. 10s. Brockett, 795,

11. 12s.

A choice Narrative of Count Gondomar's Transactions during his Embassy in England. London, 1659. 4to. 31⁄2 sheets, with a portrait of the Count. Reprinted in the third number of Morgan's Phenix Britannicus. The original edition was published in 1620 under the title of Vox Populi, or Newes from Spaine.

Abstract out of the Records of the Tower touching the King's Revenue. London. 4to.

A Discourse of foreign War. London, 1690. 8vo. with portrait.

Cottonian Library & MSS. See British Museum.

Roger. A Direction to the Waters of Lyfe. London, 1590.


Dedicated to 'Maister Hugh Broughton, teacher of Diuinitie.'-' To the Reader.' 51 leaves. Reprinted 1592. 4to. Strettell, 578, 11. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 2200, 11. 8s.

An Armour of Proofe, brought from the Tower of David to fight against the Spannyardes and all Enimies of the Trueth, by R. C. London, 1596. 4to.


A notice of this poetical tract, written in six line stanzas, dedicated to Talbot, Earl of Shrewsburie' &c. will be found in the Restituta, iii. 138-40. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 122, imperfect, 6l. 6s. Strettell, 576, morrocco, 71. Bindley, pt. i. 2198, 10l. 10s. Sotheby's in 1821, 21. 2s.

A spirituall Song: containing an historicall Discourse from the Infancy of the World untill this present Time, &c. drawen out

by G. Simson and W. White, 1596.4to.

Pp. 26, in five line stanzas. Dedicated to 'Sir Francis Drake Knight.' See Restituta, iii. 141-4. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 121, imperfect, 5l. 5s. Strettell, 577, morocco, 61. 16s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 2199, 81. 5s. Sotheby's in 1821, 21. 2s. Sir Rowland.


Latin and English Poems on the Death of Sir Rowland Cotton, of Bellaport, in Shropshire. London, 1635. 4to. 10s. 6d.


De l'Administration de la Justice criminelle en Angleterre, et de l'Esprit du Gouvernement Anglois. Paris, 1820. 8vo.

A sensible, useful and ingenious work. An English translation appeared. London, 1822. 8vo. 9s.

COUCHMAN, Giles. An Exhortation or Warninge to beware of greater Plagues and Troubles then are yet come vpon this Realme for the Sinnes and Wickednes that hath been and is yet dayly committed therein. London, 1551.8vo. Councils for Reformation of Religion, &c.

The Confessyon of the Fayth of the

Germaynes, exhibited to the most victoCouncell or Assemble holden at Augusta,

rious Emperour Charles the V. in the

the Yere of our Lord 1530. To which is added the Apologie of Melancthon, who defendeth with Reasons inuincible the translated by aforesayde Confessyon, Rychard Tauerner, at the Commaundement of his Master, the ryght honourable

Master Thomas Cromwel, chefe Secretare to the Kynges Grace. London, by Robert Redman, 1536. 8vo. 31. 3s. Contains E 3, in octaves. The articles of the confession may be seen in the collection or Harmony of Confessions, printed by Thomas, at Cambridge. 1586.

A Protestation in the Name of the King and the whole Councel and Clergy of England, why they refuse to come to the Pope's Councel, at his Call. London, by Tho. Berthelet, 1536.

A Protestation made for the most mighty and most redoubted King of England, &c. and his hole Counsell and Clergie, wherein is declared that neither Highnesse, nor his Prelates, neyther any other Prince or Prelate, is bound to

come or send to the pretended Counsell | Sentences, pithy Sayings, quaint Observa

that Paul, Bishop of Rome, fyrst by a Bull indicted at Mantua, a Citie in Italy, and now late by another Bull, hath prolonged to a Place no Man can telle where. London, by Tho. Berthelet, 1537. 4to. Another edition this same year seems to have been printed abroad. See also Henry VIII.

The Causes why the Germanes wyll not go nor consente vnto the Councell which Paul the 3. now Bp. of Rome, hath called to be kept at Mantua in Italy, and to begynne the 23 Daye of Maye, An. 1537. Southwark, by James Nicolson, 1537. 8vo.

A Treatise concerning general Councills, the Byshopes of Rome and Clergy. Lond. in Æd, T. Berthelet. 1538.12mo. The Actes of the Disputation in the Cowncell of the Empyre, holden at Regenspurg: Translated owt of Latyne into English by Mylys Couerdale. 8vo. In this book are the names of all the states, which are called Protestants.

The Abbreuyacyon of all generall

Councellys. By John Gowgh, 1539. 16mo. Newes concernynge the general Coucel holden at Trydent by the Emperoure and the Germaynes wyth all the Nobles of Hungarye, Constanople and Rome, translated oute of Germayne into Englysh by Ihon Holibush. London, by Thomas Raynalde, 1548. 16mo. 11. 1s. Ten leaves. This tract commences at back of title, as an epistle, tho' unaddressed.

A godly and necessarye Admonition of the Decrees and Canons of the Counsel of Trent, celebrated vnder Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the Yeares of our Lord M.D.LXII. and M.D.LXIII. Lately translated out of Latine. London, by John Day, 1564. 4to. 18s. Contains 125 leaves, besides the preface. No author's name, but supposed to be done by Abp. Parker, or by his appointment. The council began in 1545, and concluded in 1563. Consult Strype's Annals, i. p. 415, 451.

The Declaration of the Fathers of the Councell of Trent, concerning the Going vnto Churches, at such Time as hereticall Seruice is saied, or Heresy preached. Without Place, Printer's Name, or Date. 8vo. 40 pp.

Countryman's Recreation in Planting, Graffing and Gardening: whereunto is added, the Art of Angling (by Thomas Barker). London, 1654. 4to.

Nassau, pt. i. 1045, 5s. White Knights, 1157, morocco, 11. 10s. 136, 17s.

Bindley, pt. ii.

The Country-man's new Commonwealth: being an exact Epitome of many witty

tions, both divine and morall, partly collected and gathered out of the best approved Authors, both moderne and domesticke. London, 1647. 8vo. pp. 48. This work is divided under the usual heads of sententious selections, and would have its moral value as a vade-mecum for the pocket of either Countryman or Cockney, who was in quest of a companionable directory, which might amuse while it offered instruction.-Restituta.

Country Conversations: being an Account of some Discourses that happen'd in a Visit to the Country last Summer, on divers Subjects; chiefly of the modern Comedies, of Drinking, of translated Verse, of Painting and Painters, of Poets and Poetry. London, 1694. sm. 8vo. pp. 86. The preface is addressed to the Wits.' This work, divided into five sections, is written in imitation of "La maniere de bien penser, par le Pere Bouhours."

COUPER, Robert, M.D. Notes and Observations on the early Part of the History of the British Isles. London, 1807. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

COURAYER, P. F. D.D. Dissertation sur la Validité des Ordinations des Anglois. 2 vols. Defense de la Dissertation. 4 vols. Brux. 1723, 6. 8vo. 6 vols.

An English translation of the dissertation. London, 1725. 8vo. An edition. Dublin, 1725. 8vo. Williams, 534, 14s. and of the Defence. 1728. 8vo. 3 vols.

Declaration de mes derniers Sentimens
sur les différens Dogmes de la Religion.
Lond. 1787. 8vo.
Bell, D. D. A translation. 1787. 12mo.
Published by Wm.

2s. 6d.

Traité où l'on expose ce que l'Ecriture nous apprend de la Divinité de Jésus Christ. Londres, 1811. 8vo. pp. 367.

COURCELLES, M. Extract from the Dispatches of M. Courcelles, French Ambassador at the Court of Scotland, M.D.LXXXVI. Edinb. 1828. 4to.


Printed at the expense of the Bannatyne Court. The Court of good Counsell. London, 1607. 4to.

The title of this collection of morall discourses and counsells is The Court of good Counsell wherein is set downe the true Rules, how choose a good Wife from a bad; and a Man should Woman a good Husband from a bad.


Wherein is also expressed, the great care that parents should have, for the bestowing of their children in marriage and likewise, how children ought to behave themselves towards their parents: and how maisters ought to govern their servants; and how servants ought to be obedient to their maisters. Set forth as a patterne for all people to learne wit by; published by one that hath dearly bought it by experience. Nassau, pt. i. 1047, 7s. Reed, 1980, 12s.

Court Tales, or a History of the Amours of the present Nobility. London, 1717. Rox8vo. An infamous publication. burghe, 6410, 10s. 6d. Second Edition. 1731 or 2. 8vo. Roxburghe, Supplement, 621, 15s. 6d.

The Court of ciuill Courtesie, fitlie furnished with a pleasant Port of stately Phrases and pithie Precepts. Out of the Italian, by S. R. Gent. (probably Samuel Rowlands). London, 1591. 4to. E, in fours. Roxburghe, 1356, 17s. Gordonstoun, 632, 21. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 2008, 21. 19s. A former edition. 1577. 4to. Roxburghe, 1355, 17s,

Court Parrott, a Miscellany in Prose and Verse. London, 1733. 8vo. Nassau, pt. i. 777, 10s.

The Court Career, Death shadow'd to Life, or Shaddowes of Life and Death, a pasquil Dialogue. 1659. 4to. Reed, 1978. 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 1841, 8s. 6d.

Court and no Country, with the Humours of Sir Roger de Coverley, to which

will be added Groans of the Barracks or the Confusion of Sir Arthur Vantrype, the celebrated Dutch Artist. 1753. 8vo. King & Lochée's in Feb. 1808. 15s. Roxburghe, 4096, 7s.

Cand Country, a Play of seven Acts; in which will be revived the entertaining Scene of The blundering Brothers; to which is added, The comical Humours of Punch: the whole concluding with the grand Masque called The Downfall of Sejanus. Written by a Masquerader, and dedicated to those who were present at the last Ball, on Thursday, Jan. 16th. 1735. folio. Reed, 8656, 15s. 6d. Rhodes, 2662, 5s. Bindley, pt. iv. 1108, with front. by Hogarth, 10s. 6d.

Courts of Law.

Diuersite de Courtz et lour Iurisdictions et alia necessaria et utilia. Lond. per me Rob. Redman, 1522. 16mo. In this edition an x is supposed to have been omitted in the colophon, as mention is made of a statute which did not pass till 21 Hen. viii. c. ii. (1529). The work has been ascribed to Fitzherbert. Other Editions. 1525. 16mp.-Lond. in Ædibus Rich. Pynson, 1526. 16mo. It ends on the reverse of C vij. Rob. Redma, 1528. 16mo.


contains C 7, in eights. Tho. Berthelet. 1530.16mo. C 4, in octaves.-W. Myddylton, 1543. 16mo. C 4, in eights.-(H. Smyth, 1545). 16mo. In English, 1646. 12mo. 3s. Reprinted at the end of Horne's Mirror, printed 1768.

The Maner of kepynge a Court Baron and a Lete, 1546. Lond. per me Robertum Toye. 8vo. E 4, in eights.-Lond. 1547. 8vo. Lond. per me Rob. Redman. 8vo. 38 leaves. Lond. by W. Powell, 1552.

Lond. 1650. 4to.

The Order of keeping a Court Leet and Court Baron. Lond. 1603. 12mo.

The Boke that treateth to keep a Court Baron. Lond. in Æd. T. Berthelet. 1539. 16mo.

Courtenay Family.

De Stirpe et Origine Domus de Cour tenay, quæ cœpit a Ludovico Crasso, Franconum Rege. Paris, 1607. Sotheby's in 1824, with the subsequent proceedings 1608, 1609, and the pedigree 1610, 101. 5s. Representation du Procedé pour la Conservation de l'Honneur de leur Maison, Branche de la Royalle Maison de France. Paris, 1613. 8vo.

Representation du Subject qui a portè
Messieurs des Salles & de Frauuile de la
Maison de Courtenay a se retirer hors du
Royaume. 1614. 8vo.

COURTNAY, Earl of Devonshire; or, the Troubles of Queen Elizabeth. London, n. d. 4to.

This play, dedicated to the Duke of Devonshire, was never acted. Reed, 4789, 15s. Roxburghe, 4039, 4s. 6d

Courtship, Religious. See Defoe, Daniel.

Coustos, John. Sufferings for Free-Masonry, and for his refusing to turn Roman Catholic in the Inquisition at Lisbon. London, 1746. 8vo. with portrait. 6s.

The Con

COUTEAU, J. В. fessions of James Baptiste Couteau. London. 1794. 12mo. 2 vols. with nine engravings. 7s.

This severe satire on the depravity of French manners was written by Robert Jephson, Esq.

COVE, Rev. Morgan, D. C. L. Essay on the Revenues of the Church of England; with an Inquiry into the Necessity, Justice, and Policy of an Abolition or Commutation of Tithes. 1816. 8vo. 18s.

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