CHU A poem, of four leaves, consisting of twelve stanzas, dedicated to Lord Henry Seamer. Reprinted in the second volume of Nichols' Progresses of Q. Elizabeth. 1788. The Welcome home of the Erle of Essex. London, 1599. Reprinted in Nichols' Progresses of Q. Elizabeth. The History of the civil Wars of France. London, 1600. 4to. A trve Discovrse historicall of the succeeding Governovrs in the Netherlands, and the ciuill Warres there begun in the Yeare 1565. with the memorable Services of our honourable English Generals, Captaines, and Souldiers, especially vnder Sir Iohn Norice, Knight, there performed from the Yeere 1577. vntill the Yeere 1589. and afterwards in Portugale, France, Britaine and Ireland, untill the Yeare 1598. Translated and collected by T. C. Esqvire and Ric. Ro. London, for Mat. Lownes, 1602. 4to. Pp. 166, dedicated to 'Sir Edward Seymour, Knight,' after which are addresses in Latin verse to Sir John Norice by Peter Bizar. A copy is in the British Museum. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 107, 51. 5s. Reed, 6715, 21. North, pt. iii. 714, 6s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 837, 41. 10s. Jadis, 137, 13s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 711, 11. 6s. Churchyard's Good Will. Sad and heavy Verses in the Nature of an Epitaph, for the Losse of the Archbishop of Canterbury, lately deceased, Primate and Metropolitane of all England. Written by Thomas Churchyard, Esquire. London, by Simon Stafford, 1604. Reprinted from a copy, supposed unique, in the Marquis of Stafford's collection, in the second volume of the Heliconia. A blessed Balme to search and salve Sedition. Printed by Simon Stafford, 1604. 4to. A poem of six leaves, written in stanzas of seven lines, to the King, upon the plot, for which the two priests Watson and Clark were executed. A Pæan triumphall: upon the King's publick Entry from the Tower of London to Westminster, on March the fifteenth, 1603. A poem written in heroick verse, and printed in ten pages. A Myrrour for Man where in he shall see the myserable State of thys Worlde. By Thomas Churschard. London, by Roberte Toye. 4to. Three leaves, printed according to Tanner, in the reign of K. Edward VI. See Dibdin's Lincoln Nosegay, no. xvii. The Lamentation of Church yardes Fryndshippe. A ballad printed by Wyer. Black letter. Reed, 6754. - Choise: a general Rehearsall of Warres, wherein is five hundred severall Services of Land and Sea, as Sieges, Battailes, &c. London, by Edward White. n. d. 4to. Black letter. The Devises of Warre and a Play at Awsterly, her Highness (Queen Elizabeth) being at Sir Thomas Gresham's. Of this work, though printed, no copy at present is known to exist. The Wonders of the Air, the Trembling of the Earth and the Warning before the Judgementday. London. 4to. In prose. Inscribed to Doctor Cæsar. The Worthines of Wales, the last Booke. Twelve long Tales for Christmas, dedicated to twelve honourable Lords. A Book of a sumptuous Shew in Shrovetide, by Sir Walter Rawley, Sir Robert Carey, M. Chidley, and M. Arthur Gorge; in which Book was the whole Service of my Lord of Lester mentioned, that he and his Traine did in Flaunders; and the Gentlemen Pensioners proved to be a great Piece of Honour to the Court. It is doubtful whether these three last articles, though mentioned by Churchyard, ever appeared in print. Churchyard's Chips concerning Scotland, with historical Notices and a Life of the Author, by CHYLINSKI, Samuel Boguslaus. Account of the Translations of the Bible into the Lithvanian Tongue. Oxford, 1659. 4to. George Chalmers. London, 1817. 8vo. Pp. iv. and 211. Ably edited. Manuscripts. A Rebuke to Rebellion. A Poem in the Royal MSS. in the British Museum 17 B vii. printed in the second volume of Nichols' Progresses of Queen Elizabeth. 1788. CHYTREUS, David. A Postil or orderly Disposing of certeine Epistles vsually red in the Church of God vppon the Sundayes and Holydayes throughout the whole MS. Harl. 6999, Yeere, translated into English, by Arthur Golding. London, 1570.4to. Dedicated to 'Sir Walter Myldmay, Knight.' The Postil on 489 pages, then a Declaration of Mr. Churchyard, under his own Hand, of Lord Arran's Message by him to Lord Hunsdon. art 111. Again For further notice of this poet, see Ames by Herbert. Ritson's Bibl. Poet. Censura table and exposition of words. Boswell, Literaria. British Bibliographer. Wood's 619, 6s. 6d. Inglis, 354, 18s. Athen, Oxon. by Bliss. Bibliographical 1577. Miscellanies. Churchyard's Chips, edited by George Chalmers. CHURTON, Ralph. The Lives of William Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln and Sir Richard Sutton, Knight, Founders of Brazen Nose College. Oxford, 1800. 8vo. Pp. 602, including dedication, preface, contents and index. Plates. Portrait of Bishop Smyth. p. 1. St. John's Hospital Litchfield. p. 86. Collegium Aenei Nasi. p. 310. Portrait of Sir Richard Sutton. p. 405. The continuation of the pedigree of Smyth, on two sheets, forming pages 468, 9, with an asterick. The autographs and seals of Bishop Smyth and Sir Richard Sutton. p. 483. The Pedigree of Sutton forms p. 533, with an asterick. Bindley, pt. i. 983, 15s. Dent, pt. i. 431, 17s. Fonthill, 3647, 11. 158. Williams, 438, morocco, 5l. 7s. 6d. Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Pauls, chiefly compiled from Registers, Letters, and other authentic Evidences. Oxford, 1809. A soueraigne Salue for a sick Soule, englished by W. F. London, 1590. 16mo. Prefixed is an introduction To the Reader.' D 4, in eights. CIBBER, Colley. Dramatic Works of Colley Cibber, Esq. London, 1777. 12mo. 5 vols. with portrait. Best edition. Drury, 850, 11. 11s. 6d. Roxburghe, 3929, 11. 2s. Heath, 1960, 11. 3s. -1721. 4to. 2 vols. -1760. 12mo. 4 vols. Reed, 8044, 15s. An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, Comedian, with an historical View of the Stage during his own Time. A new Edition with Notes. London, 1822. 8vo. 10s. One of the most amusing specimens of biography in the language, and the best history of the English stage during the time Cibber, the hero of the Dunciad, was concerned with it. An able notice of the work will be found in the Retrosp. Rev. i. 166-81. First edition. 1740. 4to. with a portrait after V. Loo by G. V. Gucht. Bindley, pt. i. 1821, 5s. 6d. Roxburghe, 9298, 8s. 6d. Field, 1149, 5s. -1740, 8vo. Field, 1162, 6s. 6d. -1750. 8vo. with portrait. Heath, 1919, 7s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 1022, 6s. Reed, 8045, with expla. nations, amendments, &c. of ditto, 1740, Fourth edition, with an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English 10s. Stage: a Dialogue on old Plays and old Players and a List of dramatic Authors and their Works. 1756. 12mo. 2 vols. with portrait, 6s. Roxburghe, 9299, 11. 1s. The Trial of Colley Cibber, for writing a Book intitled An Apology for his Life, &c. London, 1740. 8vo. 2s. 6d. A Blast upon Bays, or a new Lick at the | Cibber. Part. I. To which is prefixed, a Laureat. London, 1742. 8vo. 2s. 6d. A brief Supplement to Colley Cibber, Esq. his Lives of the late famous Actors and Actresses. By Tony Aston. 8vo. Reed, 8046, 21. 5s. Field, 1153, 11. 16s. Colley Cibber's Jests. Newc. 1761. 12mo. 5s. race. A Rhapsody upon the Marvellous; arising from the first Odes of Pindar and HoBeing a Scrutiny into ancient poetical Fame, demanded by modern common Sense. By Colley Cibber, Esq. P. L. London, 1750. 4to. A Letter to Mr. Cibber on his Transformation of King John. London, 1745. 8vo. 2s. A Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope. London, 1742. 8vo. The Egotist or Colley upon Cibber. London, 1743. 8νο. Another occasional Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope. London, 1744. 8vo. Sawney and Colley: a poetical Dialogue occasioned by a Letter from the Laureat of St. James,' to the Homer of Twickenham. London, folio. Field, 1155, illustrated with portraits and a curious satirical print of Pope, 19s. The Character and Conduct of Cicero, considered, from the History of his Life, by the Rev. Dr. Middleton. London, pt. ii. 1747. 4to. The Laureat or right Side of Colley Cibber. London, 1740. 8vo. Bindley, 1370, 3s. 6d. CIBBER, Theophilus. The Lives of the Poets of G. Britain and Ireland to the Time of Dean Swift. Compiled from ample Materials, scattered in a Variety of Books, and especially from the MS. Notes of the late ingenious Mr. Coxeter and others, collected for this De sign. London, 1753. 12mo. 5 vol. According to Dr. Drake, these lives (principally written by Shiels, a Scotchman, and corrected, in the style and diction, by Theophilus Cibber) are not devoid of merit; they communicate some traditionary information; are, in point of style, tolerable correct; and embrace 213 names, from the period of Chaucer to about the middle of the 18th century. On the other hand, the late Mr. Gifford pronounced them a 'wretched tissue of ignorance and malice.' Bindley, pt. i. 965, 16s. Reed, 6650, 15s. familiar Epistle from Mr. Theophilus Cib Apology for the Life of Mr. T- C-, Ascribed to The Harlots Progress, or the Ridotto al' Fresco, a grotesque Pantom. Entertainment. London, 1733. 4to. Rhodes, 784, 78. Reed, 7758, with Triumph of Peace by Dodsley and Choice of Apollo, 81. Patie and Peggy; or, the fair Foundling, a Scotch Ballad Opera. London, 1730. 8vo. Roxburghe, 4608, 5s. 6d. Romeo and Juliet, revised and altered from Shakespeare. London (1748). 8vo. Roxburghe, 3862, 11s. An historical Tragedy of the civil Wars in the Reign of King Henry VI. London (1723). 8vo. Roxburghe, 3843, 8s.Second edition. 1724. 8vo. The Lover, a Comedy. London, 1730. 8vo. 2s. 6d. The Auction, a Farce. London, 1757. 8vo. 2s. Buskin and Sock: Controversal Letters between Sheridan, Tragedian, and Cibber, Comedian. Dublin, 1743. 8vo. Cibber and Sheridan, or the Dublin Miscellany. Dublin, 1743. 12mo. the Cibber's two Dissertations on Theatres, with an Appendix, in three Parts. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Reed, 8043, 6s. An Epistle from Mr. Theophilus Cibber to David Garrick, Esq. to which are pre fixed, some occasional Verses, Petitions, Rox A Lick at a Liar: or Calumny detected: being an occasional Letter to a Friend by Theophilus Cibber, Comedian. London.8vo. Four original Letters from Theo. Cibber to Mr. Sloper and Mrs. Cibber. London, 1739. 8vo. The Comforts of Matrimony exempli fied. London, 1739. 8vo. Cuckoldom's Glory, or the Horns of the righteous exalted, in a Sermon preached at Salter's Hall, on Sunday the 29th of Oct, 1738. Dedicated to Mr. Theo. C-r (1739). 8vo. with a frontispiece. Field, 1518, 6s. 6d. The Tryals of two Causes between Theophilus Cibber Gent. Plaintiff, and William Sloper, Esq. Defendant. London, 1740. 8vo. The Lives and Characters of the most eminent Actors and Actresses of G. Britain Eight Tracts by and concerning Theoand Ireland, from Shakespear to the pre-philus Cibber, with curious prints, &c. sent Time. Interspersed with a general inserted. Reed, 8043. 51. 5s. resold, History of the Stage. By Mr. Theophilus Field, 1157, 21. CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Opera omnia quæ extant, a Dionysio Lambino Monstroliensi ex Codicibus Manuscriptis emendata & aucta: -Eiusdem D. Lambini Annota tiones, seu Emendationum Rationes singulis Tomis distinctæ, &c. Fragmenta omnia quæ extant, &c. Londini, per Ioh. I. & Edm. C. (John Jackson & Edm. Carpenter) 1585. 8vo. 9 vol. - Opera omnia, ex Cod. MSS. Fide emendata, Stud. Jani Gulielmii et Jani Gruteri. Londini, 1680-1. folio. 4 tom. in 2 vol. 12s. An incorrect reprint. The preface was written by Dr. Adam Littleton. LARGE PAPER. 11. 4s. Opera, ex Editione Oliveti. Glasguæ, 1749. 12mo. 20 vol. A very beautiful and correct edition of Olivet's text. FINE PAPER. Duke of Grafton, 387, 51. Opera, cum Indicibus, variis Lectionibus, et Clave. Oxon. 1783. 4to. 10 vol. A very elegant and correct reimpression of the text of Olivet, with various readings. Drury, 978, russia, 61. 8s. 6d. White Knights, 1118, 51. 15s. 6d. The full length portrait of Cicero, engraved by Sherwin, is frequently wanting. A volume 'Josephi Oliveti Delectus Commentariorum in M. T. Ciceronis opera omnia. Oxonfi, 1821. 4to. One hundred copies printed. - Opera omnia, ex Recensione J. Aug. Ernesti. Oxonii, 1810, 8vo. 8 vols. A correct and elegant reprint. - Opera omnia, ex Recensione J. Aug. Ernesti; cum ejusdem Notis et Clave Ciceroniana. Londini, 1819. 8vo. 8 vol. A correct and elegant edition. There are copies on LARGE PAPER. - Opera, ex Recensionibus Oliveti et Ernesti, edita a Johanne Carey, LL.D. Londini, 1820. 18mo. 12 vols. 21. 2s. The Regent's edition. -MT. Ciceronis de Oratore. Londini, 1573. 8vo. - M. T. Ciceronis de Oratore ad Quintum Fratrem Libri tres. Cantabrígiae, ex Officina Johannis Legat, 1589. 32mo. 5s. 1696. 8vo. 2s. 6d. An edition of little moment. LARGE PAPER. Williams, 444, morocco, 11. 7s. Heath, 4244, 6s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 1549, 11s.-Oxon. 1706. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Omnes qui ad Artem Oratoriam pertinent Libri, cum Interpretatione et Notis Jac. Proust, ad Usum Delphini. Oxon. 1714, 16, 18. 8vo. 3 vol. 18s. An esteemed edition. Gough, 793,4, 11. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 439, morocco, 41. Heath, 4281, 21. 3s. Drury, 861, morocco, 31. 16s. Williams, 445, 9 & 50, morocco, 51. 5s. Vol. II. containing Libri de claris Oratoribus, is used to complete the variorum edition of Cicero. Williams, 448, morocco, 11. 13s. Ad Quintum Fratrem Dialogi III de Oratore, ex MSS. emendavit, Notisque illustravit Zach. Pearce. Cantab. 1732. 8vo. 5s. A valuable edition. LARGE PAPER. Duke of Grafton, 266, 14s. Dent, pt. i. 436, morocco, 21. 1s. Williams, 446, morocco, 11. 19s. 453, morocco, 21. 5s.First edition. Cantab. 1716. 8vo. Roxburghe, 2229, 2s. -Londini, 1746. 8vo. 6s. This edition has some additional notes.Lond. 1771. 8vo. Heath, 4180, 5s.Lond. 1778. 8vo. - Glasg. 1749. 12mo. De Oratore Libri tres, ex Editione Jo. Aug. Ernesti, cum Notis variorum. Oxonii, 1809.8vo. An accurate reprint, with notes from various commentators. Drury, 868, morocco, 14s. LARGE PAPER. De Oratore. de claris Oratoribus, Oratoriæ Partitiones et Topica, Curâ Stewart. Edinb. 1812. royal 8vo. 4s. De Oratore, ex Editione Jo. Aug. Ernesti, à Greenwood. Londini, 1824. 8vo. 8s. De Oratore. Translated into English by G. P. (arry). London, 1723. 8vo. De Oratore, translated with Notes historical and explanatory by Wm. Guthrie Esq. Second Edition revised and corrected. London, 1755. 8vo. Williams, 447, 12s. The first edition pt. i. 698, 6s. was published in 1742.-1758. Nassau, Cicero on the compleat Orator, in three Books or Dialogues, inscribed to his Brother Quintus. Translated into English, with Notes and Illustrations by George Barnes. London, 1762. 8vo. 5s. A heavy, verbose and inaccurate translation. Brutus and Orator, now first transl. into English, by E. Jones. London, 1776. 8vo. A translation of more than common merit; faithful, elegant and perspicuous. Nassau, pt. i. 701, 6s. Academica, recensuit, variorum Notis suas immiscuit, et Turnebi Petrique Fabri Commentarios ajunxit Jo. Davisius. Cantab. 1736. 8vo. 6s. Best edition. Cantab. 1725. 8vo. 3s. LARGE PAPER. 6s. 6d. Roxburghe, Suppl. 56, De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum Paradoxon, Bentleii. Cantab. 1718. 8vo. 3s. This edition according to Ernesti is ⚫ luculenter nitide et diligenter castiga.' Roxburghe, 1271, 2s. 6d. De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum Libri V ex Recens. Jo. Davisii, cum ejusdem Animadversionibus et Notis Variorum. Cantab. 1741. 8vo. Best edition. Edwards, 239, 7s. Dent, pt. i. 447, morocco, 16s. - 1728, 4s. LARGE PAPER. Oxon. 1809. 8vo. 7s. LARGE PAPER. 128. Drury, 885, morocco, 163. Williams, 456, morocco, 11. 8s. - Tully's five Books de Finibus, translated into English by S. P. Gent. (Samuel Parker) revised by Jeremy Collier: together with an Apology for the philosophical Writings of Cicero, by Mr. Henry Dodwell. London, 1702. 8vo. 3s. M. T. Ciceronis Quæstiones Tusculanae per Erasmum. Londini, 1577. 8vo. Tusculanarum Quæstionum Libri V. cum Comment. Davisii et Emendat: R. Bentleii. Cantab. 1738. 8vo. 6s. Best edition. -1708 or 1709. 2s. 6d. -1723. 3s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 447, morocco, 19s. Williams, 457, morocco, 11. 7s. 1730, 5s. - Oxon. 1805. L. P. Williams, 458, morocco, 11. 13s. Tusculanæ Lond. 1759. 12mo. 4s. Quæstiones. A neat and correct edition by Bowyer. Tusculanarum Disputationum Libri, Davisii: accedunt Bentleii Emendationes hactenus ineditæ. Oxon. 1805. 8vo. 63. This edition contains 25 pages of notes by Bentley, never before published. LARGE PAPER. Drury, 876, morocco, 19s. De Natura Deorum Libri III. cum Notis variorum recensuit, suisque Animadversionibus illustravit emaculavit Jo. Davisius. Cantab. 1744. 8vo. 6s. Best edition. - 1718.3s8. LARGE PAPER. Duke of Grafton, 113, 4s. Dent, pt. i. 444, morocco, 17s. Williams, 454, morocco, 11. 11s. 6d.-1723, 3s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. 65.-1733, 8vo. 4s.-Oxon. 1807, 8vo. 7s. L. P. 12s. Williams, 455, morocco, 11. 6s. |