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ANDERSON, James. Ane godly Treatis, calit the first and second Cumming of Christ, with the Tone of the Wintersnycht. 1595. Edinburgh, be Robert Smyth. 16mo.

A poem in seven-line stanzas consisting of 16 leaves. Another edition was printed at Edinburgh by Andro Hart.

Essay shewing that the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland is imperial and independent. Edinburgh, 1705. 8vo. 5s.

For this work, written to confute the mistakes of Drake, and misrepresentations of Atwood, the parliament of Scotland ordered the author a reward, and thanks to be delivered to him by the Lord Chancellor.

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Royal Genealogies, or the genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, from Adam to these Times. Lond. 1732. folio.

The most useful and valuable work of the kind, and probably the most difficult and laborious one ever undertaken by author or printer. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 146, LARGE PAPER, russia, 6l. 5s. Some copies bear the date of 1736, with new addenda and corrigenda after the preface. Bindley, pt.i. 159, 31. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 203, 21. 8s.

Selectus Diplomatum et Numismatum Scotiæ Thesaurus, auxit et locupletavit Thomas Ruddimanus. Edinb. 1739. folio.

A highly valuable and useful work, with plates engraved by Sturt. Dent, pt. i. 146, 61. 6s. Towneley, pt. i. 72, 6l. 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 204, 71. 12s. 6d. Sir M. М. Sykes, pt. i. 145, 74. 17s. 6d. Brockett, 268, 101. 10s. It is said some copies were printed upon fine paper. The introduction by Ruddiman was afterwards inadequately translated and published with notes. Edinb. 1773. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Brockett, 2653, 9s.

A Genealogical History of the House of Yvery: in its different Branches of Yvery, Luvel, Perceval and Gournay. London, 1742.royal 8vo. 2 vols.

This work, written principally by the Rt. Hon. John Percival, first Earl of Egmont, was privately printed.

Collation.-Vol. I. Title, pp. i-xii, 1-30,

xiii-xxxvii. (misprint xxix) title to book 1, PP. 1.-457 (misprint, 455).

N.B. In some copies p. xxxvii. has been cancelled, and by additional matter extended to p. xli.

Detached Genealogical Tables.

Auberie de B llomonte.

XII Tables of the eldest Branch of the
House of Yvery, on seven leaves.
Table to Book III.
Descent from the Barons of Kary.
Table to Book IV.

Table the first of the fifth book (at the
back) the quarters of Sir Richard de
Perceval, first of that name.

Table the second of the fifth book.


'Orate pro Anima Ryc. Perceval.' The Manor of Weston-in-Gordano. Tomb of Rycharde Percyvale-м.сссс. lxxxiii.

Vol. II. Title, 'To the Reader,' 2 leaves, title to book vi. pp. i-533. Pages 446 and 447 are missing, and between pp. 452-3, are duplicate pages 453 to 460. Detached Genealogical Tables.

Table to the sixth book.
Sydenham, Cave, Tilly, Kitsford, Peck-

stone and Redmere. House of De la More. Earls of Flanders, &c.

The thirty-two Quarters of the Children
of John, Lord Visc. Perceval, and the
Lady Catharine Cecil his wife.
Table to Book 7.


The Mannor of Sydenham.
Loghart Castle, near Mallow in Ireland.
Castle of Liscarrol, in the County of Cork.
The Castle of Kanturk.

Map of Part of the Estate of the Right
Hon. John Percival, Earl of Egmont.

Mount Pleasant, near Tunbridge Wells. Beverston Castle.

PORTRAITS engraved by Faber. Rich. Perceval Esq. died 1620. Alice Wife to Rich. Perceval Esq. living


The Right Hon. Sir Philip Perceval Kt. died 1647.

Catharine, Wife to Sir Philip Perceval
Kt. died 2 Jan. 1681-2.
George Perceval Esq. ob. 25 March

The Rt. Hon. St In°. Perceval Bart. ob. 1665.

Catharine, Wife to Sr. Iohn Perceval
Bart. died 17 Aug. 1679.
Robert Perceval Esq. dyed 5 of June,

Sir Philip Perceval Bart. dyed 11th of
Sepr. 1680.

Sr In°. Perceval Bart. died 1686.

Catharine, Wife to Sr. Ino. Perceval | 1799-1802. 8vo. 6 vols. 11. 10s.

Bar', died 2d of Feb. 1691-2.

The Honble. Philip Perceval Esq. born 13th of Nov. 1686.

The Right Honble. Iohn Perceval Earl
of Egmont born July 12, 1683.
The Rt. Honble. Catharine Wife to John
Perceval Earl of Egmont born 1689.
Sir Philip Parker Knt, knighted by Q.

Elizth. 1578.

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Fonthill, 2210, 141, 14s. M. of Townshend, 33, russia, 201. Brockett, 33, morocco, 23l. White Knights, pt. i. 113. morocco, 141. Bindley, pt.i. 34, 151. Evans in March, 1814, 18l. 18s. Duke of Grafton, 906, 161. 5s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 37. mor.

221. Dent, pt. i. 48, russia. 211. 10s. Maddison, 291. Baker, No. 13, (with the arms emblazoned, ruled with red lines, and bound in morocco) 311. 10s. Gough, No. 64 (without portraits) 4l. 10s.

ANDERSON, James, LL. D. An

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Account of a Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra in 1823, under the Direction of the Government of Prince of Wales's Island. London, 1826. 8vo. with maps and plates, 16s.

A critique on this work appeared in the Quarterly Review, xxxiv. 99-110.

Patrick, M.D. The Colde

Account of the present State of the Spring of Kinghorne Craig, his admirable and new tryed Properties, so far foorth as yet are found true by Experience. Edinb. 1618. 4to.

Hebrides and Western Coasts of Scotland. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. with a map, 5s.

Written expressly to point out means of improvement.

The Bee; or Literary Weekly Intelligencer. London, 1790-4. Small 8vo. 18 vols. with portraits. Complete sets of this valuable periodical

work, in which Dr. Anderson received material assistance from men of taste and

learning are of rare occurrence. It was printed on three papers. coarse, common, and fine. Constable, No. 17. 11. 10s.

- Essays relating to Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Fifth edition, with Additions and Corrections. London, 1800. 8vo. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. The first edition appeared 1775. 8vo. 1 vol. anonymously.

Recreations in Agriculture and Natural History, Arts and Miscellaneous Literature. London,

With wood-cut view of the Colde

Spring,' on back of title. Gordonstoun,

60, 11. 11s. 6d. Another work of rare

occurrence by this author is entitled 'Grana Angelica.' Edinb. 1635. 12mo.

R. Rudiments of Tamul Grammar: combining with the Rules of Kodun Tamul, or the ordinary Dialect, an Introduction to Shen Tamul, or the elegant Dialect of the Language. Lond. 1821. 4to. 18s.

Walter, D.D. History of France during the Reigns of Francis I. and Charles IX. To which is prefixed, a Review of the general History of the Monarchy, from its Origin to that Period. London, 1769. 4to. 2 vols. 10s. 6d.

ANDERSON, Walter, D.D. History of France, from the Commencement of the Reign of Henry III. to the general Peace of Munster. London, 1775 82. 4to. 5 vols. 11. 11s. 6d.

This writer's French histories are in no estimation.

Philosophy of Ancient Greece Investigated; with Remarks on the delineated Systems of their Founders; and some Account of their Lives and Characters, and those of their most eminent Disciples. Edinburgh, 1791. 4to. pp. 585. 15s.

A work of much learning written with a view to supply the deficiences of Stanley's History of Philosophy. Anderson's Lon


don Commercial Dictionary and General Sea-Port Gazetteer; with the Duties of Customs and Excise brought down to the present time. A new edition. London, 1826. 8vo. 11. 1s.

A useful work.

ANDRADA, Jacintho Freire of. Life of Don John de Castro Viceroy of India, wherein are seen the Portuguese Voyage in the East Indies, their Discoveries and Con quests there, &c. translated by Sir Peter Wyche, Knt. London, 1664, folio, with a head by Faith

orne and cuts.

The work from which this is translated is esteemed one of the best written books

in the Portuguese language. Roxburghe,

9217, 7s. M. of Townshend, 196, 11s.

ANDREAS, Anthony. Anthonii Andree super duodecim Libros Metaphysicæ Quæstiones, per Thomam Penketh. Per me Johannem Lettou, 1480. folio.

Supposed to be the first book printed in London. Dr. Dibdin states, that a copy of this work wanting two leaves at the beginning is in the library of Magdalen College, Ox ord. Several other editions were published abroad in the 15th Century.

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Earl of Huntington, Lorde Hastings, &c. White Knights, 115, mor. 11. 1s. An edition, 1595. Inglis, 19. 10s.

ANDREWE, Laurence. The wonderful Shape and Nature of Man, Beastes, Serpentes, Fowles, Fishes, and Mousters, translated out of diuers Authors, by Laur. Andrew, of Calis, and printed at Antuerpe, with Pictures, by Joh. Doesborow (1510) folio.

Black Letter. Laurence Andrewe likewise published The Valuation of Golde and Siluer,' and a translation of 'The Boke

of Distyllacion, by Jherom Brunswyke.'

Thomas. The Unmasking of a feminine Machiavell. Lond. 1604. 4to.

Contains 22 leaves. Dedicated to M.D. Langworth, Archdeacon of Wells.

A poetical tract of little inerit, containing a description of the Battle at Newport, in Flanders, 22nd June, 1600. Inglis, Old Plays, 4to. No. 2, 31. Nassau, pt. i. 164, 61. 6s. ANDREWES, George. Dictionary of the Slang and Cant Languages. London. 12mo. 5s.

ANDREWS, Capt. Journey from Buenos Ayres, through the Provinces of Cordova, Tucuman, and Salta, to Potosi, thence by the Deserts of Caranja to Arica, and subsequently to Santiago de Chili and Coquimbo. London, 1827. post 8vo. 2 vols. PP. 665.

A clear and sensible work, containing much valuable information.

George. Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, in the 11 and 12 years of King George III. with additional Notes and References, &c. by G. W. Vernon. London, 1792. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Best edition. The former edition 1754, in folio, 7s. 6d.

H. C. Botanist's Repository for new and rare Plants, containing coloured Figures of such Plants as have not hitherto appeared in any similar Publication, with Descriptions in English and Latin. Lond.

1797-1814, 4to. 10 vols.

Edwards, 730, 6 vols. 157, 15s. White Knights, pt. i. 156, 8 vols. 20l. 9s. 6d. Roscoe, 1767, 9 vols. 301. 19s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 255, 10 vols. morocco, 39/. 7s. 6d.


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vate use.

This manual of devotions formed of sentences from the sacred scriptures, and the writings of the fathers, was compiled by this learned prelate for his own priIt was found after his decease 'worn in pieces by his fingers and wet with his tears.' The first edition was printed at Oxford, 1674. 18mo. with a portrait by D. Loggan, 15s. A translation by N. Drake appeared 1675. 18mo. 3s. and another by George Stanhope, D.D. 1730.8vo. 4s. which latter has been frequently reprinted.

XCVI Sermons, published by his Majesties Special Commandment. London, 1531. folio, with portrait, 11. 1s.

Reprinted 1635. 1641. 1661. Some of this eminent divine's sermons were published in 1589, without his consent.

Patern of Catechistical Doctrine, or Exposition of the Ten Commandments. London, 1642. folio, with portrait, 9s.

Reprinted 1650. 1675. each with a portrait.

- Collection of Posthumous and Orphan Lectures delivered at St. Paul's and St. Giles's. Lond. 1657. fol. with a portrait by Vaughan, 15s. The most popular of all his productions. A former edition 1649. folio. 12s.

Seventeen Sermons modernised by the Rev. Charles Daubeny, Archdeacon of Sarum. London, 1821. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

This learned and eminent divine published several other works, chiefly controversial, particularly Tortura Torti, 1609, 4to. and Responsio ad Apologiam Card. Bellarmini, 1610, 4to. both of which are considered unanswerable.

W. Eusebius. Review of Fox's Book of Martyrs. Nos. 1 to 40.

Androboros, a Biographical sau, pt. i. 1987, russia, 11. 10s. Lloyd, 112, Farce in three acts, viz. the Senate, 11. 19s. Inglis, 872, 21. 15s. ANGEL, John. History of Irethe Consistory, and the Apotheosis, land. Dublin, 1781. 12mo. 2 vols. printed at Moropolis, (i. e. Μωρος 55s. πολις) since August. (170-.) 4to.

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are very rare.



Editio altera. Subjungitur Andronici Libellus (edente Th. Gaisford). Oxon. 1809. 8vo. 8s.

A valuable critical edition.

- Paraphrase on the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle, translated by William Bridgman. London, 1807. 4to. 18s.

In this translation Bridgman was greatly assisted by Thomas Taylor, the translator of Plato, Aristotle, &c.

ANEAU, Bart. ΑΛΕΚΤΟΡ. The Cock. Containing the first Part of the most excellent and mytheologicall Historie of the valorous Squire Alector; Sonne to the renowned Prince Macrobius Franc-Gal; and to the Peerelesse Princesse Priscaraxe, Queene of High Tartary. London, 1590. 4to.

Black letter. A copy in Longman and

Co.'s Catalogue for 1816. No. 5482, (supposed unique) was marked 15l. 15s.

Anecdotes of Polite Literature. London, 1764. 12mo. 5 vols.

An amusing and judicious selection, very neatly printed. Steevens, 944, 16s. 6d. Hollis, 30, 11. 2s.

Angel. The Life of the Rev. Fa. Angel, of Joyeuse, Capuchin Preacher. Douay, 1623. 8vo. with three portraits.

A copy is in the British Museum. Nas

ANGELL, Christ. Christ. Angell a Grecian, who tasted of many Stripes and Torments inflicted by the Turkes, his Account of the Cruelties he endured; also his Epistle in Commendation of England, particularly Oxford and Cambridge, where he resided for some years. Oxford, 1617. 4to. with wood cuts.

In Greek and English. Marq. of Towns-hend, 145, 17. 63. Inglis, 112, 11. 11s. Nassau, pt. i. 166, 21.

Encomion of the famous Kingdom of Great Britain, and the two flourishing Sister Universities, Cambridge and Oxford. Cambr. 1619. 4to.

A copy is in the Bodleian Library. Enchiridion de Institutis Græcorum Gr. et Lat. Cantab. 1619. 4to. 15s.

A Latin copy of this work 'learnedly noted' by George Fhelavius, according to Ant. à Wood, appeared at Francof. 1655. Græcæ. Copies of both editions are in the

8vo. entitled Status et Ritus Ecclesiæ

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