334 CAM Pages numbered incorrectly from this Jr. end. CAM Memoirs of Dr. Archibald Cameron, by | Life and Writings, Notes, &c. &c. Andrew Henderson. London, 1753. 8vo. Treason, Sedition, and Rebellion fully and impartially considered. With Remarks upon the case of the unhappy Dr. Cameron. London, 1753. 8vo. CAMERON, Charles. The Baths of the Romans explained and illustrated, with the Restorations of Palladio corrected and improved: to which is prefixed an introductory Preface, pointing out the Nature of the Work, and a Dissertation upon the State of the Arts during the different Periods of the Roman Empire. London, 1771. atlas folio. 31. 3s. In English and French. Combe, 613, 11. 2s. Towneley, pt. ii. 519, 31. 3s. Fonthill, 1805, 51. 15s. Edwards, 196, with the plates of the ancient cielings and pictures coloured, 111. 11s. Jenny. See ARBUTINOT, Archib. CAMFIELD, Benjamin. A theological Discourse of Angels and their Ministries. London, 1678. 8vo. 4s. CAMOENS, Luis de. The Lusiad, or Portugalls historicall Poem; written in the Portingall Language by Luis de Camoens; and now newly put into English by Richard Fanshaw, Esq. London, 1655. folio. Pp. 246, dedicated to William Earle of Stafford, with a bust-portrait of Camoens, and full length portraits of Prince Henry of Portugal and Vasco de Gama. A crititique on this version will be found in the Quarterly Review, xxvii. 26-9. Heath, 2139, 11. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 106, russia, 11. 6s. Bindley, pt. i. 1137, 11. 10s. Lloyd, 818 (title wanting) 21. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 256, 31. 10s. by Lord Viscount Strangford. London, 1804. crown 8vo. Pp. 160. Lord Byron observes "It is to be remarked, that the things given to the public as Poems of Camoens, are no more to be found in the original Portuguese, than in the Song of Solomon.'-1808.-1810. Brockett, 2928, 7s. CAMOENS, Luis de. The Lusiad an Epic Poem in ten Cantos. Transl. into English Verse, with Notes. By Thomas Moore Musgrave. London, 1826. 8vo. Published at 11. 1s. Memoirs of Camoens have been published by John Adamson, 1820. 8vo. 2 vols. Campaigns. The History of the Campaigns of 1796 and 1797, in Germany and Italy; and of the Campaigns of 1799 in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Hol land. Translated from the French. London, 1800-1. 8vo. 6 vols. 21. 2s. Roxburghe, 8550, 5 vols. 21. 2s. A History of the Campaigns of the British Forces in Spain and Portugal. London, 1812-14. 8vo. 5 vols. 18s. L. P. 11. 5s. paigns of 1812, 13, and 14, commemorated by a Series of twelve Views coloured. London, 1814. folio. Duke of York, 1250, 11. 4s. The Campaign of Waterloo, published by Bowyer. 1816. folio. Duke of York, 1254, 11. 7s. The Triumphs of Europe in the Cam The Campaigns of the Duke of Wellington. Paris, 1817. folio. IMPERIAL VELLUM PAPER. Duke of York, 1255, morocco, 15s. ON VELLUM. Duke of York, 1256, morocco, 171. 17s. Another published by Colnaghi, 1812. folio. Duke of York, 1015, PROOFS, some on India paper. 11. 19s. A Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New OrThe Lusiad; or the Disco-leans, under General Ross, Pakenham very of India, translated by Wm. Julius Mickle. Second Edition (with some Emendations and Additions). Oxford, 1778. 4to. 10s. 6d. According to the Quarterly Review a highly admirable but unfaithful translation of this prince of Portuguese poets. Heath, 2140, 11. 11s. 6d. The first edition appeared 1776. 4to. 7s. 6d. Reprinted 1798. 8vo. 2 vols. Edwards, 158, 10s. 6d.-1807. 12mo. 3 vols. with plates. - Poems, with Remarks on his and Lambert, in the Years 1814 and 1815; with some Account of the Countries visited. By the Author of The Subaltern.' London, 1826. 8vo. 12s. In this excellent work, the author describes the scenes and feelings which belong to a soldier's life, with peculiar clearness and force.' CAMPAN, Madame. Memoirs of the private Life of Marie Antonette, Queen of France and Navarre: to which are added, Recollections, Sketches and Anecdotes, illustrative of the Reigns of Louis | Journal of the Adventures and XIV. Louis XV. and Louis XVI. A most important and amusing work, published at 11.8s. The same in French. 8vo. 2 vols. Published at 11. 4s. Ad CAMPANELLA, Thomas. Another work, entitled Discourse touch- from Campania a Province in Italy. Pp. 8. A copy is in the British Museum. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 659. 31. 3s. CAMPBELL, A. D. Grammar of the Teloogoo Language, commonly called the Gentoo. Madras, 1816. 4to. Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language, commonly called the Gentoo. Madras, 1821. 4to. 51. 5s. Escape of the Young Chevalier, after the Battle of Culloden. London, 18-. 12mo. 3s. 6d. CAMPBELL, Alexander. His tory of Lieth, from the earliest Accounts to the present Period; with a Sketch of the Antiquities of the Town. Leith, 1824. 8vo. 8s. 6d. Hon. Archibald. Doctrines of a middle State between Death and the Resurrection; of Prayers for the Dead and the Necessity of Purification. London, 1721. folio. 6s. A curious work, according to Boswell, written by a learned and respectable gentleman, a non-juring bishop. Bindley, pt. i. 1133, 9s. - Archibald, D.D. The Authenticity of the Gospel-histor justified: and the Truth of the Chris tian Revelation demonstrated, from the Laws and Constitution of Human Nature. Edinb. 1759. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. Archibald. Voyage round the World, from 1806 to 1812, Alexander. Introduction to in which Japan, Kamschatka, the History of Poetry in Scotland, the Aleutian Islands, and the with a Conversation on Scottish Sandwich Islands were visited, Song. To which are subjoined &c. Edinburgh, 1816. 8vo. 6s. Songs of the Lowlands of Scotland, with characteristic Designs by David Allan. Edinb. 1798-9. 4to. 2 vol. ' A valuable work, containing much interesting matter in a miscellaneous form.'Park. Dent, pt. i. 637, 21. 2s. Bindley, pt. i. 1647, 21. 6s. Goldsmid, 151, 21. 2s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 887. Constable, 219, 31. 4s. Gough, 858, 11. 11s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Roxburghe, 3191, 3l. 4s. date 1788? Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 580. 31. 7s. date 1793? Journey from Edinburgh through Parts of North Britain. London, 1802. 4to. 2 vols. Pp. 840, with forty-four engravings. A model to the tourist. Nassau, pt. i. 640, 11. 1s. Roxburghe, 7218, russia, 21. 3s. Impartial History of the Rebellion in Scotland in the Years 1745-6; to which is added a A work containing much curious and in teresting information particularly relative to the Sandwich Islands. Colen, John WOOLFE, and James GANDON. Vitruvius Britannicus, or, the British Architect; containing the Plans, Elevations and Sections of the regular Buildings, both publick and private, in Great Britain, with Variety of new Designs. London, 1715, 17, 25, 67, 71. folio. 5 vols. Fonthill, 2513, vols. i. ii. iii. 61. 6s. 1723, vols. iv. v. 6l. 16s. 6d. LARGE PAPER, 5 Dent, pt. i. 501, Roxburghe, 1647, vols. Nassau, pt. i. 675, 191. 19s. Ed- Bindley, pt. i. 938, vols. Donald. Journey over Land
to India, partly by a Route never Pp. 504. Fonthill, 3102, 31. 1s. Rox- 1796. 12mo. 3s. CAMPBELL, Duncan. See DE- - George, D.D. Lectures on A most valuable and excellent work, The Philosophy of Rhetoric. London, 1776. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Lectures on systematic Theology and A Dissertation on Miracles, with a Cor- 8vo. 9s. Lectures on the Pastoral Character. Sir Hugh, of Calder. An Constable, 115, 7s. 6d. - Hugh, LL.D. The Case of James. A Treatise on mo- dern Faulconry. Edinb. 1773. 8vo. 5s. 6d. CAMPBELL, John, LL.D. The - History of the Old Testament, In little estimation. - A political Survey of Britain. A very useful work, displaying wonder- Lives of the British Admirals, LARGE Best edition, with portraits. - John. Reports of Cases Starkie and by Ryan and Moody. Rev. John. Travels in South These narratives contain accounts of - John. The Stafford Peerage: Two genealogical tables should accompany - Robert. The Life of John Brockett, 566, 10s. Earl of Kerry, 21, 15s. Specimens of the British Poets, with biographical and critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry. London, 1819. crown Svo. 7 vols. A much esteemed selection. Brockett, 570, 21. 2s. Drury, 683, morocco, 5l. 15s. 6d. Of the essay prefixed to the first volume, three copies were printed on paper of an imperial octavo size. The Poetical Works, now first collected. London, 1828. post 8vo. 2 vols. 18s. Prefixed is a portrait after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Gertrude of Wyoming and other Poems. Lond. 1800 4to. -1810. 8vo. -1816.12mo. -1820.12mo. with plates after Westall. Theodric, a domestic Tale, with other Poems. London, 1824. fsc. Svo. 8s. 16s. The Pleasures of Hope, with other Poems. 1803. 4to. with plates. Roxburghe, 3539, White Knights, 4637, 13s. Frequently reprinted. One of the most beautiful didactic poems in our language.' - Lord Byron. CAMPENSIS, John. A Paraphrasis vpon all the Psalmes of Dauid, traslated oute of Latyne into Englyshe. 1535.24mo. B, in eights. Prefixed is an epistle Vnto the Reader.' After the Psalms, is a table, and 'The boke of Solomon called Ecclesiastes. CAMPION, Edmund. A true Report of the Disputation.or rather priuate Conference, had in the Tower of London, with Edm. Campion, lesuite. Lond. 1583.4to. 10s. 6d. This is considered the best vindication of the proceedings against Edm. Campion. Reed, 3542, 11, 12s. An Advertisement and Defence for Trueth against her Backbiters, and specially against the whispering Favourers and Colourers of Campion's, and the rest of his Confederats Treasons. 1581. 4to. One sheet of four leaves, the last page blank. A briefe Censure vppon two Bookes written (by W. Charke and M. Hanmer) in Answere to M. Edmonde Campions Offer of Disputation. Doway, by John Lyon, 1581. 16mo. 84 pp. Lloyd, 319, 11s. Roscoe, 624, 8s. Ascribed to Rob. Parsons. To this censure W. Charke made a reply. A particular Declaration or Testimony of the undutiful and traytorous Affection, borne against her Majesty, by Edmond Campion, Jesuit, and other condemned Priests, witnessed by their own Confessions. London, 1582. 4to. 3 sheets and a half. Lloyd, 493, 9s. Inglis, 326, 17s. Nassau, pt. i. 880, inlaid, 11. 18s. Towneley, pt. ii. 1567, 8s. Reprinted in the sixth number of Morgan's Phoenix Britannicus. A true Reporte of the Death and Martyrdome of M. (Edmund) Campion, Iesuite and Preiste, and M. (Rodulph) Sherwin, and M. (Alexander) Bryan, Preistes at Tiborne, the first of December, 1581. Observed and written by a Catholike Preist, which was present thereat. Whereunto is annexid certayne Verses made by sundrie Persons (Doway, 1582). 16mo. 26 leaves. This anonymous tract is attributed to Robert Parsons. Lloyd, 1095, 4l. 9s. It was written in answer to one by Ant. Munday, entitled A Discoverie of Edmund Campion, and his Confederates. French, Paris, 1582. 12mo. and into Italian, Turino, 1582. 4to. A Defence of the Censure gyuen vpon two Bookes of William Charke and Meredith Hanmer, whiche they wrote against M. Edmond Campian, and against his Offer of Disputation. An. 1582.8vo. Prefixed are an epistle by 'The setter forth of this booke' (i. e. Robert Parsons). The answere to the preface.' 'The contentes.' The censure is given entire in paragraphs, printed in Italics; the defence of each follows, printed in Roman. 173 pages, be sides the prefixes, and a table at the end. Edmundi Campiani Iesvitæ Rationes decem, quibus fretus, Certamen Anglica næ Ecclesiæ Ministris obtulit in Causa | some House neere Redding, to Queen Fidei, et ad eas Gvlielmi Whitakeri Responsio. Antv. 1582. 8vo. 7s. Edmundi Campiani oblati Certaminis in Causa Fidei Rationes decem redditi Academicis Angliæ. Addita est brevis Narratio Vitæ & Martyrii eiusdem Campiani. Ingolst. 1584. 12mo Rationes decem quibus fretvs Certamen Adversaris obtulit in Causa Fidei Edmundus Campianus. Herbip. 1589. 12mo. This work, says Granger, written against the Protestant religion, has been solidly answered by several of our best divines. The Roman Catholics, according to Ant. à Wood, count it an epitome of all their doctrine. - Rochelle, 1585. 8vo. -Cadomi, 1616.- Antv. 1631. 3s. 6d. These reasons were first printed in the house of one Stonor, a Cath. gent. living near to Henley, in Oxfordshire, an. 1581, afterwards, at least five times, publicly beyond the seas, (of which one was at Aug. Trev. 1583 in Concertat. Eccles. Cath.) and at length were translated into English Lond. 1687. 4to. These reasons were very learnedly answered by Will. Whittaker of Cambridge, and replyed upon by John Durey, a Scot; which Durey was answered by Dr. Laur. Humphrey.'-Ant. à Wood. Edmundi Campiani Opuscula omnia nunc primum e MS. edita. Mediol. 1625.16mo. CAMPION, Edmund. See MUNDAY, Anthony. CHARKE, William. HANMER, Meredith. ELLYOT, George. WHITAKER, William. ВOMBIN, Paul. A life of Campion will be found in Dr. Bliss' edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. i. 473-8. CAMPION, Thomas. Observations in the Art of English Poesie. Printed by Ric. Field, 1602. square 12mo. This gave rise to Daniel's Defence of Rhyme. The observations, consisting of 25 leaves, are reprinted in Ancient critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy. London, 1815. 4to. Campion's object was to prove that the English tongue was capable of admitting as many and various measures as the Greek and Latin, and to explode what he terms 'the childish titilation of riming.' The Description of a Maske, presented before the Kinges Majestie, at White-Hall, in Honour of the Hayes, and his Bride, Daughter and Heire to the Lorde Dennye. London, 1607, 4to. On the back of the title is a whole-length figure of a man richly dressed in the costume of the stage. Roxburghe, 4543, 15s. Dent, pt. i. 638, 11. 1s. Rhodes, 705, 10l. Reprinted in Nichols' Progresses of K. James I. A Relation of the late Royall Entertainment given by the Lord Knowles, at Caw Anne, in her Progresse towards the Bathe, vpon the seuen and eight and twentie Dayes of Aprill 1613. London, 1613.4to. White Knights, 1549, morocco, 11. 2s. Garrick, 1845. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 592, 21.5s. pt. iii. 791, 1t. 1s. Dent, pt. i. 1145, 37. 11s. Rhodes, 707, 101. Reprinted in Nichols' Progresses of K. James I. Songs (7) of Mourning: bewailing the vntimely Death of Prince Henry. Worded by Tho. Campion. And set forth to bee sung with one Voyce to the Lute or Violl : By John Coprario. London, 1613. folio. Ten leaves. 51. 5s. A copy of this publication, inscribed in a copy of Latin verses to Frederick, Count Palatine, the brother-inlaw of Prince Henry, is in the Bodleian Library. The Description of a Maske, presented in the Banqueting Roome at Whitehall, at the Mariage of the Earl of Somerset and the Lady Frances Howard. Whereunto are annexed divers choyse Ayres composed from this Maske, that may be sung with a single Voyce to the Lute or Baseviall. London, 1614. 4to. Dent, pt. i. 639, 11. 7s. pt. ii. 723, 31. 4s. Rhodes, 706, 101. Reprinted in Nichols' Progresses of K. James I. Tho. Campiani Epigrammatum Libri II. Vmbra. Londini, 1619. 12mo. Of the two Books of Epigrams, the first contains 225, the latter, 228, then follows the Umbra, a long Poem, with 13 Elegies. A new Way of making fowre Parts in Counter-point, by a most familiar, and infallible Rvle. Secondly, a necessary Discourse of Keyes and their proper Closes. Thirdly, the allowed Passages of all Concords perfect, or imperfect, are declared. Also by Way of Preface, the Nature of the Scale is expressed, with a briefe Method teaching to sing. Pr. by T. S. for John Browne. 8vo. These musical instructions, probably published about 1613, were reprinted as The Art of setting or composing of Musick in Parts.' London, 1660. 8vo. as 'The Art of Descant, or composing Musick in Parts,' &c. 1674. 8vo. Some of Campion's poems are printed in Davison's Poetical Rhapsody. CAMPIS, Thomas de. Fiue notable Chapytres moche profytable for euery Man, dylygently to recorde, and after do folowe thyrtene Degrees of Mortyfycacyon. Impr. by me Rob. Wyer. 16mo. Contains c 6, in eights. At the end ، Hec, Thomas de Campis.' CAMUS, C. S. L. A Treatise on the Teeth of Wheels, Pinions, &c. Translated from the French, |