An elegant edition was published 1802, with wood cuts by Bewick, 5s. LARGE PAPER, 8s. This celebrated poet has likewise published Wild Flowers, 1806. Miscellaneous Poems, 1806. The Banks of Wye. May Day, with the Muses, 1822.12mo. The Remains in Poetry and Prose, 1824. fscap. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. BLOOMFIELD, Rev. S. T. Recensio synoptica Annotationis sacræ, being a critical Digest and synoptical Arrangement of the most important Annotations on the New Testament, exegetical, philological, and doctrinal. London, 1827.8vo. 8 vols. One of the most important works in sacred literature which has been offered to the attention of Bible students for many years.-Horne. BLORE, Edward. Monumental Remains of noble and eminent Persons. London, 1825. imperial 8vo. 5 pts. with 30 plates, 31. 15s. An elegant work, which it is to be regretted did not meet with sufficient encouragement. Quarto, 6l. 6s, INDIA PAPER proofs, 91. - Thomas. History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Stamford, (1811). royal folio. vol. 1, part ii. This work merits great praise, and deservedly ranks very high among such pub lications. History of the Manor and Manor House of South Winfield, in Derbyshire. London, 1793. 4to. No. iii. of the Miscellaneous Antiquities, in continuation of the Biblioth. Topogr. Brit. Bindley, pt. i. 909, 6s. Drury, 568, 7s. Account of the Public Schools, Hospitals, and other charitable Foundations in the Borough of Stanford. Stanford, 1813. 8vo. B-3 A 3, besides title, introduction and contents. BLOSIUS, F. Mirrour for Monkes. Paris, 1676. 18mo. with front. and plates. Of little value or authority; reprinted in the Oxford and Pinkerton's Collections of Voyages and Travels. Nassau, pt. i. 419, 7s. The first edition appeared 1636, 4to. Fonthill, 2612, 11.; reprinted 1637, 1650, 1669, Nassau, pt.i. 276, 5s. Tho. Academie of Eloquence. London, 1654. 12mo. The title engraved by W. Faithorne containing portraits of Lord Bacon and Sir P. Sidney. 1656. Nassau, pt. i. 273, 11. - Glossographia, or Dictionary of hard Words. London, 1719. 8vo. 5s. The best edition. It was first printed in 1656: reprinted 1670, 1671, 1674, 1679, 1691, 1707. Boscobel, or the compleat History of his sacred Majesties most miraculous Preservation after the Battle of Worcester. The third edition, with Additions. London, 1680. Best edition. Parti. 81 pp. Part ii. 90 PP. also five plates. Pen'd, says A. à Wood, with great truth and fidelity. Baker, 44, russia, 21. 3s. A notice of the work and its various editions will be found in the Re trosp. Review, xiv. 47-68. The edition 1660. Bindley, pt. i. 616, 13s. Towneley, pt. ii. 52, 16s. Williams, 270, with portraits of Charles II. Mrs. Jane Lane, Richard Penderell, and the plan, morocco, 41. 14s. 6d.-1662. with port. of Charles II. ground plot and plan. Jadis, 72, morocco, 21. 8s.-1692. Nassau, pt. i. 290, 17s.1725. Roxburghe, 8475, 1l. 16s.-1748. White Knights, pt. i. 511, 9s. Law Dictionary and Glossary of obscure Words and Terms, in ancient Law, Records, &c. by W. BLOUNT, Charles. Miscella- Nelson. London, 1717. folio, 5s. - Fragmenta Antiquitatis; or, ancient Tenures of Land, and jocular Customs of Manors, with considerable Additions, by H. M. Beckwith. Lond. 1815.4to. 21.12s.6d. Best edition of a very popular work. FINE PAPER, 31. 3s. The original edition, London, 1679, 8vo. Heath, 4558, 7s. New Edition, with Alterations, Additions, White Knights, pt. i. 473, mor. 11. 5s. neous Works. Lond. 1695. 12mo. 4s. Best edition. The former editions, 1679, 1691. EE &c. by Josiah Beckwith. York, 1784. 8vo. Roxburghe, 977, 11.10s. Supplement, 553, 16s. Dent, pt. i. 229, russia, 11s. Nassau, pt. i. 275, 11. Art of Making Devises. See Estienne (Henry.) Thomas Pope. Censura celebrium Authorum; sive Tractatus in quo varia Virorum doctorum de clarissimis cujusque Seculi Scriptoribus Judicia traduntur. Londini, 1690. fol. 10s. 6d. Heath, 222, 18s. An erudite work, much esteemed by the curious, reprinted at Geneva, 1694, 4to. and again 1710 and 1718. Contains pp. 392. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 73, 11. 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 735, 1s. 6d. Heath, 221, 3s. 6d. Reed, 6690, with MS. additions by Mr. Wm. Oldys, 31. 11s. Essays. Lond. 1697.8vo. 5s. Mr. Chalmers observes, that 'in point of learning, judgment, and freedom of thought, these essayes are in no way inferior to those of the celebrated Montaigne.' BLOW, John. Amphion Anglicus. London, 1700. folio, with portrait by R. White. Nassau, pt, i. 445, 6s. Towneley, pt. ii. 339, 11. 1s. Blue Blanket.-Historical Account of the Blue Blanket, or Craftsmen Banner, with the Prerogatives of the Crafts of Edinburgh. Edinb. 1780. with cuts. Nassau, pt. i. 1576, 6s. BLUMENBACH, J. F. Manual of the Elements of Natural History: translated from the tenth German | Edition, by R. T. Gore. New BLUMENTHAL, Life of General De Zieten, translated from the German, by the Rev. B. Beresford. Berlin, 1803. 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. Blundell Gallery.-Engravings and Etchings of the principal Statues, Busts, Bass-Reliefs, Sepulchral Monuments, Cinerary Urns, &c. in the Collection of Henry Blundell, Esq. at Ince. 1809. imperial folio. Privately printed. Only twenty copies are said to have been struck off for presents. A copy is in the British Museum. Combe, 1052, with a MS. memorandum of the plates, morocco, 331. 12s. 6d. BLUNDEVILLE, Thomas. Three Treatises, the one called the learned Prince, the other the Fruites of Foes, the thyrde the Porte of Rest. London, by Wyllyam Seres, 1561. The first is written in four-lined stanzas, and contains C 3, in fours; the second, likewise in four-lined stanzas, with a separate title page, contains E 2 in fours; the third tract, which also has a separate titlepage, is in prose, and contains K in fours. The whole are taken from Plutarch. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 51, 121. 12s. resold by Saunders in 1818, for 51. 15s. 6d. Reprinted according to Herbert, 1568, 1580, and n. d. Treatise declaringhowe many Counsels, and what Maner of Counselers a Prince that will gouerne well ought to haue. Lond. by William Seres (1570). 16mo. This treatise dedicated to the 'Erle of Leycester,' contains Q in fours. It was first written in Spanish by Federigo Furio, and afterwards translated into Italian, by Alfonso D'Ulloa. Methode of wryting and reading Hystories, according to the Precepts of Francisco Patritio, and Accontio Tridentino. Lond. 1574. 16mo. This treatise, dedicated to the 'Erle of Leycester,' contains H in fours. Briefe Description of vnuersal Mappes and Cardes, and of their Vse; and also the Vse of Ptholemey his Tables. Lond. 1589.4to. Black letter. Dedicated to Mr. Francis Windam. F2, in fours, with the mariner's quadrant to fold. Inglis, 167, 11s. BLUNDEVILLE, Thomas. His Exercises containing sixe Treatises. London, 1594. 4to. Each tract has a separate title-page, but the folios are continued to 350, with tables and projections. Reprinted 1597, 4to. with the addition of 'A briefe Description of vniversal Maps and Cards,' &c. - Art of Logike. Lond. 1599. 4to. Contains Preface To the Reader. A Postcript. The Contents,' 170 pages. Booke containing the ryding and breakinge greate Horses. London, by William Seres. 4to. Contains besides prefixes, F 4, in eights. At the end are 50 wood cuts of the halter and various sorts of bitts. - The foure chiefest Offices belonging to Horsemanship. Lond. 1580. 4to. 7s. 6d. The last three tracts have distinct titlepages, &c. The first treatise contains 22 leaves; the second, 80; the third, 22; the last, 86; besides their several prefixes. Reprinted 1597 and 1609. First edition, 1565-6. Inglis, 165, imperfect, 10s. - The Theoriques of the seven Planets. London, 1602. 4to. Blundeville likewise published The Making, Description and Use of the Two Instruments for Sea-men to find out the Latitude.' London, 1602. 4to. BLUNT, Charles. Essay on Mechanical Drawing. Lond. 1811. royal 4to. 31. 3s. BLUNT, H. Henry. See BLOUNT, Rev. J. J. Vestiges of ancient Manners and Customs discoverable in modern Italy and Sicily. London, 1823. 8vo. 9s. 6d. Contains pp. 293. Drury, 476, 18s. - Veracity of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, argued from the undersigned Coincidences to be found in them, when compared, 1. with each other, and 2. with Josephus. London, 1828. 8vo. An admirable supplement to Dr. Lardner's Credibility of the Gospel History, and to Dr. Paley's Horæ Paulinæ. - Leonard. Asse upon Asse, a Poem, 8vo. Steevens, 1047. BOADEN, James. Inquiry into the Authenticity of various Pictures and Prints, which, from the Decease of the Poet to our own Times, have been offered to the Public as Portraits of Shakspeare. London, 1824. 8vo. with five portraits, 15s. LARGE PAPER, in 4to. 11. 11s. 6d. Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, Esq. including a History of the Stage from the Time of Garrick to the present Period. London, 1825. 8vo. 2 vols. with portrait after Sir T. Lawrence. 28s. Mr. Boaden likewise published Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, 8vo. 2 vols. with a portrait of this celebrated actress after Sir Thomas Lawrence. BOARDMAN, Thomas. Dictionary of the Veterinary Art. Lond. 1805. 4to. with 39 plates, 17. 1s. BOATE, Gerard. Irelands Natural History, published by Samuel Hartlib. London, 1652. 12mo. 3s. 6d. 'A work excellent in its kind; as not only full of truth and certainty, but written with much judgment, order and exactness.' -Nicolson. Bindley, pt. i. 600, 5s. 6d. Natural History of Ireland, in three parts, by Dr. Gerard Boate, Thomas Molineaux, M.D. and others. Dublin, 1726. 4to. Towneley, pt. ii. 143, 11s. Bindley, pt. i. 729, 15s. Heath, 4778, 18s. An edition, Dublin, 1755. 4to. Marquis of Townshend, 375, 11. 11s. 6d. Another, Dublin, 1799, 4to. BOAYSTUAU, Peter. Theatrum Mundi, whereunto is added a Worke of the Excellencie of Mankynd. Englished by John Alday. London, 1574. 16mo. Black letter. Contains 287 pages, besides title, dedication to Sir Wm. Chester Knt. the printer to the reader; Peter Boays tuau to the reader; and table. Burton was probably acquainted with this work, as there are many passages in his Anatomy of Melancholy, which bear a strong resemblance. Boswell, 227, 3s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 461, 4s.--An edition without date, Steevens, 773, 4s. 6d. Inglis, 93, 8s.Another, 1581. Sotheby's in 1824, 19s. BOBBIN, Tim. See COLLIER, John. BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. The Decameron, translated from the Ital BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. Il De-ian. London, 1741. 8vo. 10s. 6d. camerone. Londra, 1725. 4to. 14s. An accurate edition. 'Ristampato secondo l'Edizione dell' Anno 1527, da P. Rolli.' Drury, 570, morocco, 11. 7s. LARGE PAPER, in folio, 11. 11s. 6d. Stanley, 488, red mor. 151. An edition of the Decamerone, Lond. 1727, 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Decamerone (da Vincenzio Martinelli, colla Prefazione dell' Editore, e Vita di Boccaccio, Tavola ed Osservazioni). Londra, 1762. royal 4to. 18s. A fine edition, containing pp. xvi. and 574, Tavola, 8 pages, and 'Osservazioni,' 35 pp. also a port. of Martinelli, engraved by F. Bartolozzi. White Knights, 481, morocco, 31. Nas sau, pt. i. 277, 10s. The Decameron, translated from the Italian. The second Edition, corrected and improved, to which are prefixed, Remarks on the Life and Writings of Boccaccio, and an Advertisement (by Dubois.) London, 1804. 8vo. 2 vols. 16s. ROYAL PAPER, 11. 11s. 6d. Reprinted 1820, 8vo. 10s. 6d. 1822, 18mo. 4 vols. 7s. The Boke calledde John Bochas descriuinge the Falle of Princis Princessis and other Nobles, traslated ito Englissh, by John Ludgate, &c. London, by Richard Il Decamerone. Londra, Pynson, 1494. folio. 1792. 4to. 11. 1s. A reprint of Martinelli's edition. There are several editions bearing the imprint of London, which were printed abroad. There First impression, in black letter, consisting of 214 leaves, with wood cuts. are two sets of signatures, each running in eights; the first extends to v, the second to H, which has only three printed leaves. The prologue occupies 3 leaves, a i being blank. Copies are in the Bodleian and in Earl Spencer's library. Towneley, pt. i. russia, Il Decamerone, con un Discorso critico da Ugo Foscolo. Londra, 1825. crown 8vo. 3 vols. with a portrait and ten engravings by Fox, from designs by Stothard, by Richarde Pynson, 1527. folio. 12s. 6d. 'In this new and beautifully printed edition of the Decameron, the text has been carefully revised by Signor Foscolo, whose prefatory essay on the genius of Boccaccio will afford great pleasure and instruction to the admirers of the old Italian novelist.' LARGE PAPER, in demy 8vo. 41. 14s. 6d. ON INDIA PAPER, 61.6s. One copy was taken off upon VELLUM, now in the collection of George Hibbert, Esq. Stothard's Illustrations are sold separately, 11. Proofs, 21. India Paper Proofs, 31. - Decameron, translated into English. London, 1625, 1620. folio, two parts. Part i. 1625. Bindley, pt. i. 191, 11. 13s. Part ii. 1620. White Knights, 767, russia, 11. 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 190, 11. Gordonstoun, 313, 11. 4s. Two Parts, 1625, 1620. Garrick, 527, 11. 13s. Nassau, pt. i. 446, with both the fronts. and wood-cuts, 21. 11s. Novels and Tales. London, 1684. folio, with portrait by White, 9s. Another, London, 1712, 8vo. Goldsmid, 693, 7s. Roxburghe, 6305, 11. 4s. 271. 16s. 6d. Another Edition. London, This edition has double columns, running titles, and the leaves numbered, with catch-words, regularly every page to folio xxxviii. afterwards only at the close ofevery signature, and even then sometimes omitted. It contains fol. ccxvi. Dent, pt. i. 345, russia, 91. Another Edition. by R. Tottel, 1554. folio. London, Black letter, with wood cuts. Prefixed are a table of contents, and The Prologe of John Lydgate,' at the end of which is a cut of the author. The poem is divided into and ends on fol. ecxix. To this edition is nine books, with a cut before each of them, annexed 'The Daunce of Machabree,' which finishes on fol. CCxxiii. Towneley, pt. i. 428, 21. 12s. 6d. White Knights, 772, 31. 3s. Alchorne, 92, 31.9s. Bibl. AngloPoet. 416, 6l. 6s. Another Edition. London, by John Wayland, 1558. folio, 21. 2s. This edition in black letter, without cuts, seems to have been printed at two presses. The first seven books contain 'folio Clxiiii, besides the title and table of contents on sign. + six leaves, and the first prologue on three leaves more, not numbered, though part of sig. A. The eighth and ninth books with a fresh set of signatures, contain fol. xxxvii; and have another leaf with the title 'A Memorial of such Princes,' &c. at the back of which is The copy of the Queenes Maiesties Letters Patentes.' Roxburghe, 3261, morocco, 13l. 2s. 6d. Field, 1735, russia, 31. 3s. Another Edition. London, by John Wayland. folio. Black letter. A copy of this edition is in the British Museum. Nassau, pt. i. 447, 112. 12s. Roscoe, 1329, 21. 18s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 260, russia, 31. 13s. 6d. 'The work is not improperly styled a set of tragedies. It is not merely a narrative of men eminent for their rank misfortunes. The plan is perfectly dramatic astorparty suggested by the pageants of the times. Every personage is supposed to appear before the poet, and to relate his respective sufferings: and the figures of these spectres are sometimes finely drawn. The book never was popular here, because it had no English examples.'-Warton. London, by Thomas Purefoote, 1569. 12mo. Black letter. According to Warton, 'Tye has unluckily applied to this tale, the same stanza which he used in translating the Acts of the Apostles.' Sigismonda and Guiscard. See WALTER, William. De Præclaris Mulieribus, translated from Bocasse, by Henry Parcare, Knight, Lord Morley. London, 1789. 8vo. A translation of the Preface, and a Specimen of the work only in Waldron's Literary Museum. BOCAGE, Madam du. Letters concerning England, Holland and Italy. London, 1770. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. An entertaining work. BOCCALINI, Trajan. Advertisements from Parnassus, translated into English, by H. Carey, Earl of Monmouth. Lond. 1656 or 7. folio, with portrait of the Earl Philocopo, composed in Italian, by M. Iohn Bocace, turned into English, by H. G. London, by Faithorne, 5s. by Abell Jeffes, 1587. Dedicated to M. Wm. Rice, Esq.' L, in eights. Towneley, pt. i. 290, 21. Is. Amorous Fiammetta, done into English, by B. Giouano del M. Temp. (Bart. Young of the Mid. Temple). With Notes in the Margine, and with a Table in the Ende of the cheefest Matters. Printed by I. C. 1587. 4to. Dedicated to 'Sir William Hatton Knight. Thomas Newman. To the noble & gallant Dames of the Cittie of Castale, in Mon Ferrato: Gabriel Giolito. - The authour his Prologue. Fiammetta speaketh.' 123 leaves. Inglis, 169, 51. 15s. 6d. Roxburghe, 6308, 10l. 10s. - A pleasaunt and delightfull History of Galesus, Cymon, and Iphigenia, describing the Fickleness of Fortune in Love, translated out of Italian into English verse, by T. C. Gentleman. Printed by Nicholas Wyer. 12mo. Black letter, in stanzas. A notable Historye of Nastagio and Trauersari, no less pitiefull than pleasaunt, translated out of Italian into English Verse, by C.T. Reprinted 1669, 1674, with the Politick Touchstone, and in 1706, with a preface by Hughes, the Poet. Other works by this writer have been translated into English, viz. Newes from Parnassus. Helicon, 1622, 4s. and The new-found Politicke, 1626, 4to. 6s. Bocco, Paulus. Icones et Descriptiones variorum Plantarum Siciliæ, Melite, Galliæ et Italiæ. Oxon. 1674. 4to. 8s. Edited by Morison. Boccus. The History of Kyng Boccus and Sydracke. Translated by Hugo of Caumpeden oute of Frenche in to Englisshe. Lond. by Thomas Godfray. (1510?) 4to. Black letter. B. to S. 4, in the second alphabet, with title and table of contents. A romance in verse, consisting of questions and answers, 362 in number. Steevens, 774. (no title) 21. 19s. Roxburghe, 3272, 301. resold White Knights, 550, 351. 14s. See Warton's Poetry, ii. 408. Ames, by Dibdin, iii. 20. Ritson's Bibl. Poet. 501. Wood, by Bliss, i. 104, 465. The Boke of Demaundes, of the Scyence of Philosophe and Astronomye, betwene Kynge Boccus and the Phylosopher Sydracke. Printed by Rober Wyer. 12mo. |