Garden of Recreation, collected out of the most auncient and best Writers in all Ages by John Bishoppe, Gentleman. London for Henrie Cockin, 1578. 4to. The former book, with a new title-page. Matthew. The Life and Adventures of Matthew Bishop, of Doddington, in Oxfordshire, containing an Account of several Ac tions by Sea, Battles, and Sieges by Land, in which he was present, from 1701 to 1711, interspersed with many curious Incidents, entertaining Conversations, and judicious Reflections; written by himself. London, 1744. 8vo. 6s. An amusing piece of autobiography, written by a common sailor, ably noticed in the Retrosp. Rev. N. S. ii. 42, &c. Samuel, Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. Thomas Clare. London, 1796. 4to. 2 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 738, 7s. This writer likewise published Sermons, chiefly upon practical subjects, 1798, 8vo. 4s. William. Reformation of a Catholic deformed, by Will. Perkins. Printed 1604-7. 4to. 2 vols. A life, with a list of the works of this Roman Catholic priest, who was in 1622 created Bishop of Chalcedon by the Pope, will be found in Dr. Bliss' edition of Wood's Athenæ Oxoniensis, iii. 356-7. Bishop.-The Boke of the Descrypcyon of the Images of a very Chrysten Bysshop and of a counterfayte Bysshop. Impr. by Wyllyam Marshall. 8vo. Contains v vij. in eights. The preface consists of ten unnumbered pages. This book, which is quoted by Prynne in his Lordly Prelacie, pp. 337-8, as 'a very rare one,' is a biting and coarse satire against the Roman Catholic Bishops-certain texts of scripture being chosen and commented. upon. The Forme and Maner of makyng and consecrating Bishoppes, Priestes, and Deacons. London, 1552. folio. Reprinted 1559, &c. The first edition appeared 1549. See Archbishops. An edition 1629, reprinted in Sparrow's Collection of Articles, &c. 1671, and frequently since separately. The Sum of the Actes & Decrees made by dyuers Byshopes of Rome, 1538. Translated out of Latyn into Englyshe, and imprinted in ye House of Thomas Gybson. 12mo. 16 leaves. Black letter. Bindley, pt. iii. 852, 16s. 6d. Inglis, 444, 17s. White Knights, 3737, 11. 2s. Lord Bishops none of the Lord's Bishops. London, 1640. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 2528, 11s. In the British Museum is a very large collection of Tracts relating to the Bishops, 1640, &c. An Apology for the ancient Power of the Bishops to sit and vote in Parliaments. London, 1660. 4to. Written by the Rev. Jeremiah Stephens, the learned coadjutor of Sir Henry Spelman, in his Collection of the Councils. In Moule's Bibl. Heraldica will be found a list of the tracts, &c. on this celebrated controversy. The Proceedings and Trial of the Bishops in the Court of King's Bench, Anno Dom. 1688. London, 1689. folio, 6s. Prefixed is a frontispiece, containing their portraits, by White. See SALMON, Ν. of Holiness in the Common Prayer. London, 1721. 8vo. 3s. 6d. A copy on large paper, Willams, 259, morocco, 11. 9s. Another work 'Decency and Order in Publick Worship,' 1723, 8vo. LARGE PAPER, ruled with red lines, Williams, 260, morocco, 11. 2s. BISSETT, Robert, LL.D. History of the Reign of George III. A new Edition completed. London, 1825. 8vo. 6 vols. The edition 1803, 8vo. 6 vols. Earl of Kerry, 29, 2/. 9s. Dr. Bisset likewise published a life of Edm. Burke, 1798. 8vo. 1 vol. and 1800, 8vo. 2 vols. BITAUBE, P. J. Joseph, a Poem, translated from the French, (by the Rev. W. Beloe.) London, 1783. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. BLACK, John. Life of Torquato Tasso; with an Account of his Writings. Edinb. 1810. 4to. 2 vols. with port. by Raimbach. A very valuable and elaborate work. Drury, 564, 11. 2s. Roscoe, 274. 21. 4s. Discourses on our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. London, 1717.8vo. 8 vols. with portrait by V. Gucht. Drury, 466, 11. 1s. Williams, 262, morocco, 51. 18s. BLACKAMORE, A. Ecclesiæ Primitive Notitia; or, a Summary of Christian Antiquities, Index Hæreticus, and an Account of the first eight Councils. Lond. 1722. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. BLACKBURNE, Francis, Archdeacon of Cleveland. Works Theological and Miscellaneous, with Life by his Son. Cambridge, 1804. Evo. 7 vols. with portrait, 11. 4s. The Confessional; or a full and free Inquiry into the Right, Utility, Edification, and Success of establishing systematical Confessions of Faith and Doctrine in Protestant Churches. Third Edition. - Joseph, M.D. Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, pub- London, 1770. 8vo. 5s. lished by John Robinson, LL.D. Edinb. 1803. 4to. 2 vols. 11. 10s. Dr. Black, as a chemist, opened that path of discovery which has since been prosecuted with such splendid success. The author of this work, who is well known to be a very learned clergyman of the Church of England, takes so much notice of all the writers who opposed his sentiments, that there is no need to give a particular enumeration of the several pamphlets which were written against it. W. M. D. An Historical from their Origin to the present BLACK, William. of the Royal Burrows. 1707.12mo. 5s. Remarks on Johnson's Life of Privileges Milton; to which are added, MilEdinb. ton's Tractate of Education and Areopagitica. Lond. 1780. 12mo. 6s. BLACKADDER, J. Life and Diary of Lieut.-Col. J. Blackadder, of the Cameronian Regiment, &c. who served under the Duke of Marlborough, and afterwards in the Rebellion of 1715, in Scotland. By Andrew Crichton. Edinburgh, 1824. 12mo. with portrait, 5s. 6d. BLACKALL, Offspring, Bishop of Exeter. Works, with a Preface by Archbishop Dawes. London, 1723. folio, 2 vols. with portrait by Vertue, 15s. Privately printed, at the expense of Archd. Blackburne, without his name. BLACKER, Valentine. Memoir of the Operations of the British Army in India. London, 1821. 4to. with plates. Published at 41. 14s. 6d. Duke of York, 734,2 vols. mor. 31. 3s. Black-Friars. 1. The doleful Even Song, or a true Narration of that Calamity which befell Mr. Drurye, a Jesuite, and the greater Part of his Auditory, by the P. Tracts. Copies are in the British Museum. The first tract, Nassau, pt. i. 411.21. 3s. The second, King and Lochée's, in March, 1810, 6s. The three tracts. Bindley, pt. ii. 761, 13s. BLACKET, Joseph. with Life by Pratt. 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. BLACKETT, Sir W. nal text. The edition 1716, on large Creation, a philosophical Poem in seven Books. London, 1712. 8vo. 4s. Addison observes, 'This work was undertaken with so good an intention, and executed with so great a mastery, that it deserves to be looked upon as one of the most useful and noble productions in our English verse: and Dr. Johnson says, if he had written nothing else it would have transmitted him to posterity among the first favourites of the English Muse.' Sir Richard Blackmore likewise pub Remains, lished other Poems, viz. Prince Arthur, Memoirs of Sir W. Blackett. Newcastle, 1819. Two hundred and sixty copies printed. Brockett, 2170. Blackguardiana; or, Dictionary of Rogues, Bawds, &c. 8vo. with portraits. Lloyd, 179, 12s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 422, 21. 2s. BLACKLOCK, Thomas, D. D. Poems, with an Essay on the Education of the Blind. To which is prefixed an Account of his Life and Writings, by Henry Mackenzie, 1793. 4to. 10s. 6d. Incorporated in Chalmers' Collection of the British Poets. BLACKMAN, John. Collectarium Mansuetudinum et bonorum Morum Regis Henrici VI. ex Collectiõe Magistri Joannis Blakman. [London, by Robert Copland]. 4to. Black letter, with wood cuts, consisting of ten leaves. Gough, 1106, 31. 8s. Reprinted by Hearne in his edition of Otter borne. BLACK MORE, Sir Richard, M.D. A Paraplırase on the Book of Job, the Songs of Moses, Deborah, and David, and on four select Psalms, some Chapters of Isaiah, and the third Chapter of Habakkuk. London, 1700. folio. 1716. 12mo. A metrical transl. of some little merit as poetry, but little as a version of the origi Eliza, &c., and several Medical works. BLACKSTONE, Henry. Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, from Easter Term, 28 Geo. III. 1788, to Hilary Term, 36 Geo. III. inclusive. The third Edition, corrected, with additional Notes and improved Indexes. London, 1801. Jo. Specimen Botanicum quo Plantarum plurium rariorum Anglise indigenarum Loci natales illustrantur. Lond. 1746. 8vo. 3s. This writer likewise published 'Fasciculus Plantarum circa Harefield sponte nascentium.' Lond. 1737, 8vo. Sir William, Knt. LL.D. Great Charter, and Charter of the Forest, with other authentic Instruments; to which is prefixed an introductory Discourse concerning the History of the Charters. Oxford, 1759. royal 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 924, 8s. Dent. pt. i. 466, 14s. 6d. Steevens, 1752, 11. 2s. Gough, 8657, 11.58. Marquis of Towns hend, 17. 10s. 3d Edition. 4th Edition. 5th Edition. 6th Edition. with port. by Hall. Oxford, 1773, 8vo. 4 vols. 7th Edition. Oxford, 1775, 8vo. 4 vols. Steevens, 1753, 11s. 8th Edition. Oxford, 1778, 8vo. 4 vols. Continued by Ri. Burn, LL.D. London, 1783, 8vo. 4 vols. By Ri. Burn, LL.D. and John Williams. London, 1787, 8vo. 4 vols. Edwards, 602, 16s. By the same. London, 1791, 8vo. 4 vols. Roxburghe, 973, 11. 2s. With Notes and Additions by Edw. Christian. London, 1793-4, 8vo. 4 vols. with portraits of the Judges. By Ed. Christian, 1800, 8vo. 4 vols. Dent, pt. i. 225, 10s. By Ed. Christian, 1803, 8vo. 4 vols. By E. Christian. 4 vols. By J. F. Archbold. 8vo. 4 vols. By J. Williams. 4 vols. London, 1809, 8vo. London, 1811, royal London, 1822, 8vo. 8s. An Analysis, by Baron Field, 1811, 8vo. An Epitome for the Use of Schools, by N. Wanostrocht, LL.D. 12mo. 10s. 6d. Law Glossary of the Latin, Greek, Norman, French, and other Languages, by Thomas Taylor, 1819, 8vo. 9s. Tracts on the subject of Blackstone's Commentaries. Remarks, by James Sedgwick, 1800, 4to. 12s. 1804. Vindication of, against Sedgwick, by Wm. Hen. Rowe, 1806, 8vo. 6s. A Reply to Dr. Priestley. Remarks on the fourth volume of the Commentaries, 1769, 8vo. Letters by Philip Furneaux, D.D. The second edition, with Additions and an Appendix, 1771, 8vo. 4s. Fragment on Government, by Jeremy Bentham, 1776, 8vo. 3s. 1823, 8vo. 8s. A Letter to Dr. Blackstone, occasioned by a Passage in his Commentaries con cerning the Character of the Ecclesiastics of the present Age. 8vo. 6d. - Tracts, chiefly relating to the Antiquities and Laws of England. London, 1771. 4to. 11. 1s. Best edition. CONTENTS. An analysis of the law of England. An essay on collateral consanguinity. Considerations on copyholders. Observations on the Oxford press. An introduction to the great charter. Magna charta, charta de foresta. The former edition, 1762, 8vo. 2 vols. An argument of Sir W. Blackstone in the Exchequer Chamber, in the case of Perrin and Blake, will be found in Hargrave's Law Tracts, and his Memoir con-cerning the authenticity of Dr. Littleton's roll, containing an ancient copy of magna charta, is printed in Gutch's Collectanea curiosa. Reports of Cases determined in the several Courts of Westminster Hall, from 1746 to 1779. London, 1781. folio, 2 vols. 31. 3s. These reports are not generally received by the profession with that approbation which has followed all the other writings of this great author. An edition, Dublin, 1781, 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 2s. Biographical History of Sir William Blackstone. A compilation stolen principally from the account given by Mr. Clitherow, in his preface to the learned Judge's reports. BLACKWALL, Anthony. Introduction to the Classics. London, 1740. 12mo. 2s. 6d. A valuable little book. - The Sacred Classics defended and illustrated. London, 1727-31. 8vo. 2 vols. with portrait by Vertue, 6s. Williams, 264, morocco, 1l. 9s. A second edition, 1737, 8vo. 2 vols. This work, according to Dr. Doddridge, 'gives many well chosen instances of passages in the classics, which may justify many of those in Scripture that have been accounted solecisms. They illustrate the beauty of many others, and contain good observations on the divisions of chapters and verses, by which the sense of scripture is often absurd.' 'Blackwall was a strenuous advocate for the purity of the Greek style of the New Testament, which he vindicates in his first volume. The second volume, which is most valuable, contains many excellent observations on the division of the New Testament into chapters and verses, and also on various readings. The work was translated into Latin by Christopher Woll, and published at Leipsic in 1736, 4to.Horne. BLACKWELL, Elizabeth. Herbal containing 500 Cuts of the most useful Plants which are now used in the Practice of Physick. London, 1737. folio, 2 vols. plain, 253. coloured, 31. 3s. This work, which in its day was highly esteemed, is now in little request. Some copies are dated 1739 or 1751. 1739, Williams, 372, LARGE PAPER, with coloured plates, 51. 15s. 6d. George, Arch-priest of England. A large Examination taken at Lambeth, according to his Majesties' Direction, Point by Point, of George Blackwell. London, 1607. 4to. Gordonstoun, 193, 7s. Answers upon sundry his Examinations, together with his Approbation, &c. Lond. 1607.4to. Consisting of 21 leaves. A life of this divine will be found in Dr. Bliss' Edition of Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ii. 122-4, and most of his writings will be found in the British Museum. Quæstio in G. Blacvellum Angliæ Archipresbyterum a Papa designatum. 1609. 4to. Bindley, pt. iii. 1440, 11s. John. Compendium of Military Discipline. London, 1726 or 9. Thomas. Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer. London, 1735. 8vo. 5s. A production which displays more erudition than genius, and more affectation than elegance. Roxburghe, 9163, 11s. LARGE PAPER. Fonthill, 644, 16s. Heath, 1541, 11. Is. Baker, 41, with the proofs, 1747, 21.4s. Williams, 265, mor. 111.8s. Reprinted 1736, and in 1747, 8vo. appeared Proofs of Letters concerning Mytho logy. London, 1748. 8vo. 4s. A pompous trifle, of which a second edition, or rather a new title-page, appeared in 1757. Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. Edinb. and London, 1753-63, 4to. 3 vols. This work was most ably reviewed by Dr. Johnson in the Literary Magazine. Earl of Kerry, 192, 34.18s. Sir P. Thompson, 134, 21. LARGE PAPER, Roxburghe, 7774, 41.8s. An edition appeared Basil, 1794, 8vo. 7 vols. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, from the Commencement in 1817 to the present Time. Edinb. 8vo. Published monthly. Some copies of October, 1817, contain Hogg's Chaldee Manuscript, which was afterwards cancelled. Brockett, 328, 1817-23, 8l. 15s. BLACKWOOD, Adam. De Conjunctione Religionis et Imperii ad illustriss. Principem D. Mariam Scotiæ Reginam. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Paris. 1575. Adami Blacuodæi adversus Geo. Buchanani Dialogum de Jure Regni apud Scotos pro Regibus Apologia. Pictav. 1581. 4to. Bindley, pt. i, 1475, 9s. 6d. Editio secunda, per Auctorem recognita. Paris. 1583. 8vo. Sanctarum Precationum Proœmia, quibus addita sunt ejusdem Argumenti varii Generis Ode, cum aliis quibusdem Poematüs. August. Picton. 1598. 12mo. Gordonstoun, 176, 11. 1s. - Martyre de la Reyne d' Escosse. Edinb. 1587. 8vo. Anvers. 1588. 8νο. A most virulent invective against Queen Elizabeth. - Bishop Nicolson. Blackwood's works, with his portrait by J. Picart, ap peared at Paris, 1644. 4to. from which edition this tract is reprinted in the second volume of Jebb de Vita, &c. Mariæ. Christopher. Expositions and Sermons upon the ten first Chapters of St. Matthew. London, 1659. 4to. BLACOW, Richard. Letter to William King, LL.D. Principal of the Enquiry translated into English. The St. Mary Hall, in Oxford; conthird edition of the work appeared in 1757. taining a particular Account of the |