533, 13s. An answer, with the life and adventures of Richard Daly, Esq. and an account of the Irish Theatre, appeared in 1792, 8vo. Bills of Mortality. - Collection of the yearly Bills of Mortality, with Graunt's Observations. Sir W. Petty on the Growth of the City of London. Corbyn Morris on the past Growth and present State of the City of London. London, 1759. 4to. Edited by Thomas Birch, D.D. In 1665 appeared Reflections on the Weekly Bills of Mortality, for the Cities of London and Westminster,' 4to. in 24 leaves. BILLYNS, Wm. Five Wounds of Christ, a Poem from an ancient Parchment Roll. Published by W. Bateman. Manchester, 1814. 4to. Black letter, with fac-similes. Twenty five copies printed. Saunders in 1818, with a duplicate set of the plates in colours, morocco, 31. 5s. BILSON, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester. Difference betweene Christian Subiection and vnchristian Rebellion. Oxford, 1585. 4to. 9s. Reprinted London, 1586, 16mo. Certain Observations collected out of this trea tise 1641, will be found reprinted in the fourth volume of the Somers' Collection of Tracts. Perpetval Government of Christes Church. London, 1593. 4to. 5s. phina, his wife; both Virgins and married. London, 1638. 8vo. Travels BINFIELD, William. and Adventures, with an accurate Account of the Dog-Bird. London, 1753. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. BINGHAM, JOs. A.M. Works, containing the Origines Ecclesiasticæ, or Antiquities of the Christian Church; a Scholastical History of Lay Baptism; the French Churches' Apology for the Church of England; a Discourse concerning the Mercy of God to penitent Sinners. London, 1726. folio. 2 vols. An invaluable treasure of Christian antiquities. Gosset, 788, 11. 15s. Bp. of Ely, 231, 11. 168. Origines Ecclesiasticæ; or the Antiquities of the Christian Church. London, 1710-22. 8vo. 10 vols. A Latin edition was published at Halle, 1724-9, in 10 vols. 4to. with a preface by the learned Budæus. An abridgement of this work, by A. Blackmore. London, 1722. 8vo. 2 vols. 8s. Origines Ecclesiasticæ. London, 1821. 8vo. vol. 1. 'Bingham is a writer who does equal honour to the English clergy, and to the English nation, and whose learning is only to be equalled by his moderation and impartiality."-Quarterly Review. P. Reports in the Court of Common Pleas, from Trinity Term 3 Geo. IV. 1822, to Hilary Term 6 Geo. IV. 1825. Lond. 1824-5. royal 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 7s. These reports are regularly continued. BINGLEY, Rev. Wm. Tour round North Wales. London, 1800. 8vo. 2 vols. with views in aquatinta by Alken. In this work the language, manners, customs, antiquities, and botany, are particularly attended to and well described. Bindley, pt. i. 482, 13s. Towneley, pt. ii. 37, 9s. Fonthill, 2192, 21. 25. Another edition, 1804. 8vo. 2 vols. Towneley, pt. ii. 38, 12s. Animal Biography; or Anecdotes of the Animal Creation, arranged according to the System of Linnæus. London, 1803. 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. One of the most entertaining books in ❘ of the Christian Church. London, the English language, frequently reprinted. BINGLEY, Rev. W. Memoirs of British Quadrupeds. London, 1809. 8vo. 2 vols. with 70 plates. At the sale of Nassau's library, pt. i. 253, a copy on large paper. with coloured plates, produced 11. 11s. 6d. This author has published several other works. BINNING, Hugh. Works; viz. Sermons on the Catechism, &c. Edinb. 1735. 4to. 8s. Best edition. Williams, 233, 11. 3s. 一. BIOCHEMO, Royall Game of Chesse Play, illustrated with almost an hundred Gambetts. London, 1656. 12mo. with portrait of Charles I. by Stent. A translation of Greco, by Dr. Budden. Nassau, pt. i. 132, no portrait, 13s. Stanley, 91, 11.7s. White Knights, 463, mor. 11.73. Biographia Britannica: or the Lives of the most eminent Persons of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1747-66. folio. 7 vols. vol. 6, being in two parts. An indispensable work in every English historical library. Steevens, 1801, 74 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 376, 81. 12s. Dent, pt. i. 338, russia, 7l. 10s. Heath, 1524, 101. Hollis, 234, 10l. 10s. Brockett, 287, russia, 111. 1s. 6d. Marquis of Townshend, 412, 12l. 5s. Edwards, 36, russia, 171. LARGE PAPER---Stanley, 52, 271. 16s. 6d. Roxburghe, 9277, 231. enlarged by Andrew Kippis, D.D. and others. Lond. 1777-93. folio. Vols. 1 to 5. An exceedingly valuable work, which it is necessary to possess, as well as the former edition. Bindley, pt. i. 377, 21. 9s. Drury, 797, 21. 9s. Brockett, 288, 21. 3s. Duke of York, 2700, 31. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 6118, 31. 15s. Steevens, 1802, 41. 78. 6d. Roscoe, 271, 51. 5s. Edwards, 37, russia, 6l. A portion of a sixth volume (Featley to Foster) was printed, of which, it is said, only two copies exist. Biographia Classica. A new Edition corrected and enlarged by Edward Harwood, D.D. London, 1778. 12mo. 2 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 256, 15s. A former edition appeared 1740, 12mo. 2 vols. 55. Biographia Ecclesiastica; or, the Lives of the most eminent Fathers 1704. 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. Williams, 253, 11. 16s. Biographia Gallica; or, the Lives of the eminent French Writers of both Sexes, from the Restoration of Learning under Francis I. to the present Time. London, 1752. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. An entertaining collection of anecdote (not lives) relating to most of the noted writers of the French nation. Biographical Collections; or, Lives and Characters, from the Works of the Rev. Mr. Baxter and Dr. Bates; with various Additions interspersed. Together with Abstracts of their Funeral Sermons. London, 1767. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. Memoirs of a considerable number of eminent divines (chiefly among the puritans) of the last age. Biographical Dictionary, A new and general. London, 1798. 8vo. 15 vols. Steevens, 1595, 4l. White Knights, pt. i. 464, russia, 51. 5s. An edition 1784, 8vo. 12 vols. 11. 16s. See CHALMERS, Alexander. Biographical Dictionary of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1816. 8vo. 6s. As accurate a list of the works of the authors living in 1816, as could possibly be compiled. Biographical Magazine, or historical Library. London, 1776. 4to. with portraits. Nassau, pt. ii. 1560, 11. 6s. Another work, entitled Biographical Magazine, containing 140 portraits, 1794, 8vo. Sotheby's in 1825, 15s. Biographical Magazine, containing Portraits, with Lives and Characters of eminent Persons. Twenty-four Nos. complete. Brockett, 318, 11. 16s. Biographical Mirrour. See HARDING. Biographie Moderne: Lives of remarkable Characters during the French Revolution. London, 1811. 8vo. 3 vols. 12s. Two editions of this work, one in 1801, the other with alterations, &c. in 1806, were published at Paris, but immediately suppressed. This is a translation of the edition of 1806. Earl of Kerry, 74, 11. 6s. Biographium Fæmineum; the Female Worthies. London, 1766. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. London, 1641-6. folio, 2 vols. with front. by Elstracke. 10s. 6d. An 'elegant history.' - Bp. Nicolson. BIONDI, Gio. Franc. Eromena, or Love and Revenge, englished by John Hayward. Lond. 1632. fol. Gordonstoun, 316, 7s. 6d. Banished Virgin, englished Biography. Contemporary Biography. London, 1824. 3 vols. with 150 engraved portraits, by John Hayward. London, 1635. 21. 2s. BION. Bionis et Moschi quæ supersunt, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Jo. Heskin. Oxon. 1748. 8vo. 4s. A very elegant and correct edition. Heath, 3458, 7s. 6d. Williams, 254, mor. 11. 1s. Bionis et Moschi Idyllia, Gr. illustrabat et emendabat Gilbertus Wakefield. London, 1795. 8vo. A beautiful and correct edition, printed without accents, fc. 8vo. demy 8vo. and royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER in 4to. Drury, 462, mor. 15s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 230, 11. Williams, 255, mor. 11. 7s. Brockett, 494, morocco, 11. 11s. 6d. Bionis, Moschi et Tyrtæi quæ supersunt, Gr. et Lat. Edinburgi, 1807. 18mo. A beautifully printed edition. - The Idyllia, and other Poems that are extant of Bion and Moschus; transl. from the Greek into English verse. To which are added a few other Translations, with Notes critical and explanatory. 12mo. 6s. 6d. For other editions and translations of Bion see ANACREON, Museus, Poetæ Minores Græci, THEOCRITUS. BION, Nic. Construction and Uses of Mathematical Instruments, by Edm. Stone. London, 1758. folio. 18s. A very excellent and esteemed work. The second Edition contains an Appendix, which makes it greatly preferable to that of 1723, folio. BIONDI, Gio. Franc. Storia della Guerre civili d'Inghilterra. Venezia, 1637, 41, 47. 4to. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. - History of the civill Warres of England, betweene the Houses of Lancaster and Yorke, englished by Henry, Earle of Monmouth. folio. Gordonstoun, 317, 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 396, 5s. Coralbo, a new Romance. London, 1655. folio. Prefixed is a portrait of the Duke of Newcastle on horseback. Sotheby's in December, 1822, 10s. 6d. BIRCH, Thomas, D.D. Life of the Hon. Robert Boyle. London, 1741. 8vo. 5s. Reprinted 1744, of which a copy with MS. notes by the author, is in the British Museum. Edition 1744, Bindley, pt. i. 423, 7s. Heads of illustrious Persons of Great Britain, engraven by Houbraken and Vertue, with their Lives and Characters, by Thomas Birch. Lond. 1743-52. fol. 2 vols. Vol. i. pp. 160, with title and contents, 2 leaves, and 80 portraits, of which 71 are by Houbraken. Vol. ii. pp. 56, with title and contents, 2 leaves, and 28 portraits, of which 23 are by Houbraken. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1533, 81. 8s. LARGE PAPER, (200 copies struck off, 100 before, 100 after the small paper copies.) Dent, pt. i. 340, russia, 181. Fonthill, 1484, 181. 18s. Roxburghe, 9282, 251. 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 1964, russia, 26l. 15s. 6d. Edwards, 47, russia, 271. 6s. Heath, 1526, 341. 13s. An edition, with retouched impressions of the plates, appeared 1813, on small and large paper. - Inquiry into the Share which K. Charles 1. had in the Transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan, afterwards Marquis of Worcester, for bringing over a Body of Irish Rebels to assist that King in the Years 1645 and 1646. London, 1747. 8vo. Reprinted 1756, with an Appendix. Heath, 4462, 5s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 328. 4s. View of the Negotiations between the Courts of England, France, and Brussels, from 1592 Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, from the Year 1581 till her Death. London, 1754. 4to. 2 vols. Dr. Birch has formed his narrative of the most striking facts in the numerous letters of the Bacon family, though, as might be expected, the letters are much abbreviated. Bindley, pt. i. 903, 21. 5s. Heath, 4432, 31. 9s. Nassau, pt. i. 408, 21. 15s. Fonthill, 854, 24. 2s. Marq. of Townshend, 175, 31. 3s. Reed, 3329, 21. 3s. - History of the Royal Society of London. London, 1756. 4to. 4 vols. Reviewed by Dr. S. Johnson in the Literary Magazine. Drury, 562, 21. 8s. Sir P. Thompson, 135, 18s. Life of Henry, Prince of Wales. London, 1760. 8vo. 6s. An excellent and just account of this book will be found in Lodge's Memoir of Prince Henry. Fonthill, 2257, 18s. THICK PAPER. Williams, 258, mor. 11. 17s. Reprinted at Dublin, 1760, 8vo. Birch likewise published a life of John Ward, LL. D. London, 1766, 8vo. la William. Delices de Grande Bretagne: a Series of Views (36 in number) with Descriptions. London, 1791. oblong 4to. In little estimation. Roxburghe, 8568, 11. 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 728, first impres. sions, 31. 5s. - Songe betwene the Quene's Majestie and Englande. London, by William Pickeringe. Reprinted in the tenth volume of the Harleian Miscellany, from a copy, supposed unique, in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, London. BIRCHEDUS Anglice BIRK HEAD. BIRCKBEK, Simon. The Protestant's Evidence. London, 1657. folio. This book was valued by Selden, and other learned men, says Ant. à Wood. A former edition appeared 1634, 4to. BIRD, John. Ostenta Carolina: or the late Calamities of England, with the Authors of them. London, 1661.4to. 6s. Samuel. Lectures vpon the 8 and 9 chapters of the second Epistle to the Corinthians, and upon the 11 Chapter of the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes, and upon the 38 Psalme. Cambridge, 1598. 16mo. 2 vols. in 1. Nassau, pt. i. 259, 13s. Bird likewise published a 'Dialogue between Paule and Demas.' London, 1580, 8vo. 80 leaves, with an epistle to the reader. BIRD. See BYRD. Birds. A proper new Boke of the Armony of Byrdes. London, by John Wyght. 12mo. This curious little volume, consisting of 8 leaves, written in the Skeltonic manner, is reprinted in the fourth volume of Dr. Dibdin's edition of Ames, p. 379-84. Ornithologia Nova: the History of Birds. Birm. 1743. 12mo. 2 vols. This work is adorned with 400 figures of birds, very neatly engraved on wood, in a style superior to any other work of the period. Nassau, pt. i. 2471, 11. 10s. Dent, pt. i. 1077, russia, 11. 8s. Some copies bear the imprint of London, 1745. Bindley, pt. ii. 309, 11. Stanley, 101, mor. 41. 5s. BIRKBECK, Morris. Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. London, 1818. 8vo. A notice of this work, and likewise of the author's Letters from Illinois, will be found in the Quarterly Review, xix. 54-78. BIRKENHEAD, Sir John. The Assembly Man, written in the year 1647. London, 1662-3. 4to. Contains pp. 22, with a front. by Faithorne, supposed to have been intended for Hugh Peters, or some active zealot of that period. Towneley, pt. ii. 1558, 15s. 6d. This once admired character of an Assembly Man, meant to be the representa tive of that celebrated body of divines who met at Westminster for the establishment of church discipline upon the Presbyterian plan, was reprinted 1684, 1704, and in the fifth volume of the Harleian Miscellany. Paul's Church Yard. Theologici, &c. 4to. Libri Centuria se Centuria prima, 8 pages. cunda, 8 pages. A cutting satire against the republicans during O. Cromwell's Protectorate. Reed, 5383, 9s. Two Centuries of Paul's Church-Yard, 12mo. This second edition, to which was added Bibliotheca Parliamenti,' is reprinted in the ninth volume of the Harleian Miscellany. Paterson observed that 'the spirited humour of this little book was admirable, and worthy the pen of a Butler.' Towneley, pt. ii, 53, 16s. Inglis, 91, 17s. Birkenhead's News from Pembroke and Montgomery will be found in the fifth volume of the Harleian Miscellany, and according to Ant. à Wood, this wit and royalist wrote an anniversary poem on the nuptials of John, Earl of Bridgwater, 22 July, 1652. BIRKHEAD, Henry. Poemata in Elegiaca, Iambica, Polymetra Antitechnemata et Metaphrases, membratim quadripertita. Oxon. 1656. 12mo. Birkhead, according to Ant. à Wood, was accounted an excellent Latin poet, a good Grecian, and well vers'd in all human learning. Nassau, pt. i. 258, 11. & Hen. Stubbe. Otium Literarum; sive Miscellanea quæ dam Poemata, &c. Oxon. 1656. 8vo. 4s. Stubbe's Deliciæ Poetarum Anglicanorum were reprinted 1658. 8vo. and had at the end added to them Elogiæ Romæ et Venetiarum. Birth of Mankind. See RAY- An account of this curious black letter tract of eight leaves will be found in Oldys' catalogue of pamphlets affixed to the Harleian Miscellany, no. 529. Pictu BISANI, Alexander. resque Tour through Part of Europe, Asia, and Africa. London, 1793. 8vo. In this work will be found plates after Athenian Stuart's designs. Nassau, pt. ii. 1172, 6s. Dent, pt. ii. 1069, mor. 9s. BISACCIONI, El Conde Mayolino. Gverras civiles de Inglaterra, tragica Muerte de su Rey Carlos. Escrita en Toscanotrad. en Lengva Castellana Don Diego Felipe de Albornoz. Barcelona, 1673. 4to. 4s. BISCOE, Richard, D.D. Histles tory of the Acts of the holy Aposand considered as full Evidence of tles confirmed from other authors, the Truth of Christianity. London, 1742. 8vo. 2 vols. 15s. This learned and elaborate work contains the substance of Dr. Biscoe's Sermons preached at Mr. Boyle's Lecture between the years 1736 and 1738. Dr. Doddridge frequently refers to it as a work of great utility, and as showing, in the most convincing manner, how incontestably the Acts of the Apostles demonstrate the truth of Christianity. Horne. BISHOP, John. Beautifull Blossomes gathered by John Byshop, from the best Trees of all |