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Smith and Stevens. Lond. 1814. 8vo. 12s.

The hypothesis on which this elaborate work is formed, has been set aside by the valuable publication of Dr. Hales. This

BEDE, The venerable. England's learned and pious divine published various

Old Religion faithfully gathered out of Bede, by H. B. Antwerp, 1658. 12mo. 5s.

Epistolæ duæ, necnon Vitæ




Gerwiensium. Accessit Egberti Arch. Ebor. Bedsæ æqualis Dialogus de Ecclesiastica Institutione. Ex antiquis Codd. MSS. in lucem emisit et notis illustravit Jac. WaDublin. 1664. 8vo. 5s.


Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth, translated by Wilcock. Sunderland, 1818.

Brockett, 3266, 6s.

Axiomata philosophica, Studio M. Joannis Kroeselie. Impensis R. Oliff, 1592. 8νο.

-Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam. Vide SAVILE, Henry. BEDELL, William, Bp. of Kil

more. A Protestant Memorial, or the Shepherd's Tale of the Powder Plot, a Poem in Spenser's Style, published from the original MS. found among the Papers of the late Dr. Dillingham. London, 1713. 8vo. 15s.

Boswell, 174, 11. 10s. A life of this pious and exemplary divine, was published by Bishop Burnet, 1685, 8vo. Bishop of Ely, 76, 5s. 6d. Reprinted 1692, and Dublin, 1736, 1758. The edition 1736 on THICK WRITING PAPER. Williams, 313, morocco, 11. 11s. 6d.

Some Original Letters, concerning the Steps taken towards a a Reformation of Religion at Venice, on the Quarrel between that State and Pope Paul V. Dublin,

1742. 12mo.

A copy is in the British Museum. Reed, 1700, 11s. Among the Lambeth MSS. no. 772, is one by Bishop Bedell in answer to Alabaster, 1604.

BEDFORD, Arthur. Scripture Chronology demonstrated by astronomical Calculations; as also by the Year of Jubilee, and the Sabbatical Year among the Jews. London, 1730. folio, 18s. LARGE PAPER, 11. 45.

sermons, and treatises, several of which were against Play-houses and music. His Serious Remonstrance, 1709, 8vo. Wil

liams, 162, morocco, 16s.

BEDFORD, Hilkiah. Hereditary

Right of the Crown of England asserted, &c. Lond. 1713. folio, 5s. Harbin, a nonjuring clergyman, and Mr. B. was fined 1000 marks, and imprisoned three years for writing, printing, and publishing the same. Bindley, pt. i. 572, 15s:

The real author of this work was George

Bedford. The Epitaph of the most noble and valiant Jasper, late Duke of Bedford. London, by W. de Worde. 4to.

Consisting of eight pages. A copy is in the Pepysian library of Magdalen College, Cambridge.

An account of the Russells, Earls of Bedford, was published 8vo. by A. L. 16-: a Life of Francis Earle of Bedford, by George

Whetstone, 1585. 4to. and a Sermon at his

Funeral, by Tho. Sparke, D.D. Oxon, 1585. 16mo.

Anecdotes of the House of Bedford, from the Norman Conquest to the present Period. London, (1796.) 8vo. 3s.

Written in answer to 'A Letter to a Noble Lord, from the pen of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke.

Bedford Level. - Collection of Laws, together with an introductory History thereof, by Charles Nalson Cole. Second Edition, with Additions. London, 1803. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The edition of 1761 is less complete. An account of a considerable number of tracts

written on the subject of the surveys of the fens in this part of the country, and the disputes arising thereupon, may be seen in

Gough's Brit. Topog. i. 195, &c. Many of the tracts are in the British Museum and

London Institution Libraries.

Bedford Marbles.-Outline Engravings of the Woburn Abbey Marbles. 1822. folio.

Containing 48 engravings in outline, 28 from the antique, the others from marbles by Chantrey, Westmacott, Thorvalsden and Canova, from drawings by Corbould; with an appendix containing a dissertation

on the Lanti Vase, by Mr. Christie, and on an ancient hymn to the graces by Ugo Foscolo. A copy is in the British Museum.

Bedford Missal. See GOUGH, 1733-4.8vo. 8 vols. consisting of Richard.

BEDLOE, Captain William. The Life and Death of Captain William Bedloe. London 1681. 8vo. with a portrait, by R. White. 18s.

Bedloe's gallantries and rogueries recorded in this volume beggar description. Bindley, pt. ii. 1173, 11. 168.

A Narrative of the Popish Plot. Lond. 1679, folio, pp. 35, 3s. 6d.; and a tragedy, The excommunicated Prince, according to the title, written by Bedloe, was published 1679, folio, 3s. 6d. See Wood's Fasti, ii. 373.

BEDWELL, William. Kalendarium Viatorivın generale. The Traveller's Kalendar, serving generally for all Parts of the World. London, 1614. 8vo.

A copy is in the British Museum.

Mohammedis Imposture; whereunto is annexed the Arabian Trvdgman. London, 1615. 4to.


Another, entitled 'Mahomet unmasked,' 1642, 4to.

[blocks in formation]

Twenty copies privately printed by Sir Cuth. Sharp. Brockett, 1685, 4s. 6d.

100 Nos.

Edited by Eustace Bridgell. Bindley,

pt. i. 293, 9s. For another periodical pubJames, LL.D. and in 1759, 8 Nos. ap

lication entitled The Bee, see ANDERSON,

peared with the same title, written by Oliver Goldsmith.

BEEARDE, Richard. A godly Psalın of Mary Queen, which brought us Comfort all, Thro God whom we of Deuty praise that give her Foes a Fall. London, 1557. 8vo.

A celebration of the accession of Queen

Mary. With psalm-tunes, in four parts. Beearde likewise published a poetical broadside, entitled 'Alphabetum Beeardi,' printed by W. Copland.

BEECHEY, F. W. and H. W. Proceedings of the Expedition to explore the Northern Coasts of Africa in 1821 and 1822, comprehending an Account of the Syrtis and Cyrenaica, of the ancient Cities, composing the Pentapolis, and other various existing Remains. London, 1827. 4to. 31. 3s.

BEECKMAN, Captain Daniel. Voyage to and from the Island of Borneo in the East Indies. Lond. 1718. 8vo. 5s.

An interesting work, even at this distance of time, reprinted in the eleventh volume of Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. Roxburghe, 7305, 5s.

BEEDOME, Poems Divine and Humane. London, 1641. 8vo.

Reed, 6562, 11. 16s. Bindley, pt. i. 457, 41. 53. Reprinted in Wit a Sporting, 1657. Bee Hiue of the Romishe Church, translated out of Dutch into English, by Geo. Gilpin, the Elder. London, 1580. 16mo. 10s. 6d.

Jon. Slang. A Dictionary of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, the Pit, the Bon-ton, and the Varieties of Life, forming the completest and most authentic Lexicon Balatronicum hitherto of-pt. i. 218, mor. 11. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes,

fered to the notice of the Sporting World, by Jon Bee, Esq. Editor of the Fancy, Fancy Gazette, Living Picture of London, and the like of that. London, 1823.

Bee, The, or universal Weekly Pamphlet, by a Society of Gentlemen and Booksellers. London,

Black letter. Dedicated to 'Master Philip Sidney, Esq.,' by John Stell, at whose proper costs and charges this worthy book was translated and printed. North,

pt. i. 212, mor. 11. 15s. The Edition, 1623, Bindley, pt. iii. 709, 7s. 6d. Edition Knights, pt. i. 406, 3s.

Sotheby's in 1824, 6s. White

BEEK, J. Triumph Royal; containing a short Account of the most remarkable Battels, &c. of the House of Nassau. London, 1692.8vo. 5s.



Beer. Warm Beere, farre more wholsome then that which is drunke cold. Cambridge, 1641. 12mo.

Bindley, pt. iii. 2203, 11s. 6d. Reprinted 1724, 8vo.

Beeriad, The, or Progress of Drink. Gosport, 1736. 4to.

Reed, 6686, 6s. 6d. Sotheby's in March, 1823, 7s.

BEEVERELL, James. Les Delices de la Grand Bretagne et de l'Irlande. Leyde, 1707. 12mo. 8 vols. with many plates, 11. 1s.

Valuable, says the Quarterly Review, as having perishable features most of which have already past away. White Knights, 1191. Nassau, pt, i. 229, 11. 1s. Towneley, pt. ii. 52, 11. 11s. M. of Townshend, 692, 21. 38.

A Second Edition. Leide. 1727.12mo. 8 vols.

Dent, pt. i. 590, 13s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 2093, 11. 9s. Drury, 427, 11. 13s. Sotheby's in 1823, 21. 12s. 6d. Edwards, 626, mor. 51. The plates only in 4to. Williams, 220, 13s.

Beggar. History of the Blind Beggar of Bednal Green. Lond. n. d. 4to.

Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 426, russia, 14s. Saunders in 1818, 1l. Is. There is a play with the same title, by Jo. Day, 1659, 4to.

The Begger's Ape, a Poem. London. 4to. with a frontispiece. Reed, 6687, 11. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 397, 31. 10s. Towneley, pt. i. 390.

The Supplication of Beggars. See FISH, Simon.

- Praise of Antiquity and Commodity of Beggery, Beggers, and Begging, a Poem. London, 1621. 4to. with a frontispiece.

Bindley, pt. iii. 2271, 3L 9s.

BEHMEN, Jacob. Works, to which which is prefixed the Life of the Author. With Figures illustrating his Principles. Left by the

Rev. William Law, M.A. Lond. 1764-81. 4to. 4 vols. 11. 16s.

- The Life of one Jacob Boehmen: wherein is contained a perfect Catalogue of his Workes. London, 1644. 4to. 5s.

Another life of this celebrated mystic was published by Francis Okely, 1780, 8vo.

BEHN, Mrs. Aphra. Plays. The
Second Edition. London, 1716.
2 vols. with portrait by Vander

This edition contains 15 plays, seven in
Vol. i. and eight in Vol. ii. Field, 119,
date 1702-16. 11. 9s.

Plays. London, 1724. 12mo. 4 vols. with portrait, by R. White, after T. Riley.

In this edition Prologues and Epilogues
are omitted. Nassau, pt. i. 230, 11. 178.
Original Editions, as published in

Forced Marriage, 1671.
The amorous Prince, 1671.
The Dutch Lover, 1673.
Adelazar, 1677.

The Town Fop, 1677.
The Rover, part i. 1677.
The Debauchee, 1677.
Sir Patient Fancy, 1678.
The feigned Courtezans, 1679.
The Rover, part ii. 1681.
The City Heiress, 1682.
The false Count, 1682.
The Roundheads, 1682.
The young King, 1683.
The luckey Chance, 1687.
The Emperor of the Moon, 1687.
The Widow Ranter, 1690.
The younger Brother, 1696.
Bindley, pt. i. 741, 11. 5s. Roxburghe,
4442, &c. (except the Debauchee) 21. 3s.
Mrs. Behn likewise published:
Poems. London, 1684, 8vo. 4s. Mis-
cellany being of a Collection of Poems,
by several hands, 1685, 8vo. 4s. Ly-
cidus, or the Lover in Fashion, trans-
lated by Mrs. A. Behn, 1688, 4to. 4s.
Lover's Watch, 1686, 8vo. with front.
4s. Histories and Novels, 1698, 1718,
8vo. 1722, 1735 (eighth edition) &c.
12mo. 2 vols. 5s.

[ocr errors]

To her also are attributed love letters 12.2
between a Nobleman (Ford Lord
Grey) and his sister (the Countess
of Berkley.)

BEHRENS, Geo. Henning. Na-
tural History of Hartz Forest, in

Germany, translated by John An-
dree. London, 1730. 8vo. 3s. 6d.
BEKINSAU, John. De supremo
et absoluto Regis Imperio. Lon-
dini, 1546. 8vo.

Dedicated to King Henry VIII. Re-
printed in the first volume of Monarchia S.
Romani Imperii, &c. by Melchior Goldastus
Hamensfeldius. Franc. 1621, folio, Dr.
Dibdin mentions a doubtful edition of the

23. 6d.

date of 1537.

[blocks in formation]

Contains pp. 18. Bibl. Anglo-Poet, 3, (4 leaves MS.) 31. resold at Saunders' in 1818, 11. 18s.

Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesle. Lond. by James Roberts, 1605, 4to.

To this reprint consisting of 17 leaves, was affixed 'The second part,' a very inferior and servile production. A copy is in the Bodleian.

Adam Bel, Clim of the Cloughe, and William of desle. London, 1668. 4to.

Roxburghe, 3403, 41.

medie of See me and See me not: acted in the Low Countries, by an honest Company of Health-Drinkers. London, 1618. 4to.


Phillips and Winstanley have erroneously attributed this piece to Thomas Nash. copy is in the British Museum. Inglis' Old Plays, 12, 47. 1s. Sotheby's in April, 1821, 51. 2s. 6d.

Belfast. Historical Collections.

Belfast, 1817. 8vo. only as a book of reference.

A meagre collection of annals, useful

Select Papers of the Literary Society of Belfast. 1809, &c. 4to. Fasc. i. ii. iii. iv. 3s. each.

BELFOUR, John. History of Scotland, from the earliest accounts to the present time. Lond. 1770. 8vo. 5s.

[blocks in formation]

Honour of Chivalry, or the Clou-famous and delectable History of Don Belianis of Greece, translated out of Italian. London, 1650.4to.

Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and young William of Cloudesley. The second Part. London, 1616. 4to.

This edition differs considerably from the former one, printed in 1605.

BEL, William. The Testament of William Bel, Gentleman, left written in his owne Hand; with Annotations at the End, and Sentences by his Sonne, Francis Bel. Doway, 1632, 12mo.

A copy is in the British Museum. BELCAMP, Jo. V. Consilium et Votum pro ordinanda ac stabilienda Hibernia. Lond. 1651. folio.

A copy is in the British Museum. BELCHIER, Dabridgecourt. Hans Beer Pot his invisible Co

Black letter. Steevens, 1156, 11s. An edition 1671, 4to. 2 parts. Goldsmid, 4403, 6s. 6d.-1673, (by Kirkman.) Goldsmid, 404, 13s. 6d.-1683, (by Shurley). Goldsmid, 405, 11. 1s.-1694, Roxburghe, 6364, 11. 6s.-1703. 4to. 2 parts. Nassau, pt. i. 1285, 9s. White Knights, 369, 10s. Goldsmid, 406, (the continuation) russia, 31. 4s.

BELING, Richard. Vindiciarum Catholicorum in Hibernia, Rerum in Hibernia gestarum ab Anno 1641, ad Annum 1649. Paris. 1650. 12mo.

A rare book published under the name of Philopater Irenæus, unknown to Nicolson, and most bibliographers. Gordonstoun, 1767, 51

Innocentiæ suæ impetitæ per Reverendissimum Fernensem, (Nic. French) Vindiciæ. Paris. 1652. 12mo.

Beling's account of the transactions of Ireland, during the period of the rebellion, is esteemed more worthy of credit than any written by the Romish party.

BELING, Richard. Annotationes in Johannis Poncii Librum, cui Titulus, Vindiciæ Everse: accesserunt Belingi Vindiciæ. Paris. 1654. 8νο.

BELKNAP, Jeremy, A.M. History of New Hampshire. Philadelphia, and Boston, 1784-92. 8vo. 3 vols. 15s.

Vols. I. and II. are historical. Vol. III. relates to climate, soil, produce, &c.

BELL, -. The Confession, Obstinacy, and Ignorance of Father Bell, a Romish Priest, wherein is declared the manner of his Tryal,

Condemnation and Execution on Monday, December 10, 1643. 1643, 4to.

Nassau, pt. ii. 1325, 11s.

- Andrew, D.D. Elements of Tuition. Lond. 8vo. 3 parts, 11. 8s. - Benjamin. System of Surgery. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. 7 vols. 11. Is.

The former editions appeared Edinb. 1783-8, 8vo. 6 vols. 1792, 6 vols. 1796, 7 vols. Bell likewise published several other surgical works.

BELL, Charles. Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting. Second Edition. London, 1824. 4to. with plates. 21. 12s. 6d.

The former edition 1806, 4to. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. 1409, 11. 10s. Duke of York, 715. 11. 14s.

Anatomy of the Brain, explained in a Series of Engravings. London, 1811. 4to. 21. 2s.

A former edition appeared in 1862, 4to. Mr. Bell has likewise published other valuable works, the principal of which are Engravings from Specimens of Morbid Parts, preserved in the Author's Collection now in Windmill Street, and selected from the Divisions inscribed Urethra, Vesica, Ren morbosa et læsa. London, 1813. folio, 11. 16s.

A description of Bell's Museum, has

been published, 4to. 2s. System of Operative Surgery, founded on the Basis of Anatomy. London, 1814. 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 18s.

Illustrations of the great Operations of
Surgery, Trephine, Hernia, Amputa-
tation, Aneurism, and Lithotomy.
London, 1821. large 4to. with 21
plates, 31. 15s. plain, 51. 5s. coloured.
Engravings of the Arteries. Third Edi-
tion. London, 1824. 8vo. plain 15s.
coloured 11. 1s.

The first edition appeared in 1801.

BELL, George Joseph.
mentaries on the Laws of Scotland,
and on the Principles of Mercantile
Fourth Edition.
Edinburgh, 1821. 4to. 2 vols.
41. 14s. 6d.

- Henry. Historical Essay on the Original of Painting. London,

1728. 8vo. 4s.

Henry Nugent. Huntingdon Peerage: to which is prefixed a genealogical and biographical History of the illustrious House of Hastings, including a Memoir of the present Earl and Family. London, 1820. 4to.

Contains pp. 403, with a portrait of the Earl of Huntingdon. The genealogical account of the family is wholly recomposed from the most authentic sources, and the

singular circumstances attending the establishment of the claim to the title of Huntingdon, which had been unclaimed for nearly thirty years are detailed with more spirit and vivacity than truth. To the unsold copies a new title page was affixed in 1821, with the addition of a Genealogical Table, and portraits of the Countess of Huntingdon, Jane Shore, Lady Jane Grey, Henry Hastings of the Woodlands, and the Author.

- Major James. Chronological Tables of Universal History, brought down to the end of the Reign of George III. London, 1820. royal folio, 11. 10s.

John. Gratiarum Actio ob

profligatam Hispanorum Classem, que Ecclesie Dei in vtroque Britanniæ Regno extremam Vastitatem minata est. Edinb. 1590.16mo.

A poem, in Latin elegiac verse, consist

ing of six leaves, dedicated by the author

Johanes Belus, to Mr. Robert Bruce, M. in Edinburgh.

of Antermony. Travels from St. Petersburg, in Russia, to divers A former edition appeared in 1807. parts of Asia. Glasg. 1763. 4to. 2 vols.

Engravings, explaining the Course of the Nerves. London, 1817. 4to. 11. 1s.

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