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morocco, 17. 11s. 6d.

Inigo. The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain vulgarly called Stone-heng, on Salisbury Plain, restored by Inigo Jones. London, 1655. folio.

According to Gough There were but few copies printed, and most of them lost in the fire of London.' White Knights, 2373, 18s. Towneley, pt. ii. 861, 18s. Duke of Grafton, 897, 11. 1s. Fonthill, 1745, 17. 16s. Dent, pt. ii. 307, 42. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1656, 21. 7s. Collation.-Pp. 110, B-P 3, besides title, two dedications, a portrait of Jones by Hollar, seven folded plates, and three wood-cuts. See Stonehenge.

Designs, consisting of Plans and Elevations for public and private Buildings, published by William Kent. London, 1770. folio. 2 vols. With 73 and 64 plates. Edwards, 186, 31. 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 1974, russia, 31.-London, 1727. folio. Dent, pt. ii. 306, 21. Roxburghe, 1648, 31. 10s. Willett, 1342, 17. 14s. Baker, 564, 11. 6s. Fonthill, 1799, 31. 10s. -1744. folio. with 53 plates. Willet, 1343, 11s. 6d.-By Ware.

1743. 8vo. 6s.

James. Sepulchrorum Inscriptiones: or, a curious Collection of Epitaphs, in English Verse. Westminster, 1727. 8vo. 2 vols.

White Knights, 2205, 11s.

Rev. Jeremiah. A new and

full Method of settling the canonical Authority of the new Testament, London, 1726-7. 8vo. 3 vol.

A valuable and highly esteemed work, a monument of the learning, ingenuity, and indefatigable industry of its author. Heath, 785, 13s. 6d. -Oxford, 1798. 8vo. 3 vols. Horne Tooke, 366, 11. 1s. Dent, pt. i. Drury, 2092, 11. 6s. Hibbert, 1206, 18s. 4262, 17. 6s.

A Vindication of the former Part of St. Matthew's Gospel from Mr.Whiston's Charge of Dislocation. London, 1719. 8vo. A valuable work, by a dissenting Minister in Gloucestershire, republished at the Clarendon Press in 1803. -Salop, 1721. 8vo. Williams, 982, 10s.

John, M.D. The Bathes of Bathes Ayde. London, 1572. 4to.

This tract is praised by Thomas Guidott in his Observations on Bath, 1674. 4to.; and Mr. Park observes, this medical Welchman was a profound genealogist, and in his won

derful pamphlet, traces the pedigree of legendary Bladud up to Adam !!' Sir P. Thompson, 517, 13s.

Dyal of Agues. London, 1566. 4to. From Maunsell's catalogue, pt. ii. p. 14. Buckstones. 1572. London. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 2332, 7s. Sir P. Thompson, 518, 11. 1s. Bindley, pt. iv. 543, 5s.

The Benefit of the auncient Bathes of

A Discourse of the naturall Beginning of all growing and living Things, Heate, Generation, &c. &c. London, 1574. 4to. Inglis, 773, 3s. 6d.

The Art and Science of preseruing Bodie and Soule in all Health, Wisdome and Catholike Religion. London, 1579. 4to. Gordonstoun, 1294, 17. 1s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2134, 13s. 6d.

An Account of Jones and of his Writings will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon.

John. Adrasta; or, the Woman's Spleene and Love's Conquest, a Tragi-Comedie. London, 1635. 4to.

Reed, 8161, 4s. Roxburghe, 5207, 7s. 6d. Bindley, pt. ii. 2309, 8s. Rhodes, 1423, 13s. -J. M.D. Practical Phonography, or the new Art of rightly speling and writing Words by the Sound thereof, and of rightly sounding and reading Words in the Sight thereof, applied to the English Tongue. Lond. 1701.

A curious work, unknown to our modern writers on pronunciation and orthography. See Beloe's Anecdotes, vi. 360-5.

John, LL. D. A Greek and

English Lexicon. London, 1823.

8vo. 11. 10s.

An excellent and valuable work of very great labour, not altogether free of the bias of the author's theological (the Unitarian) creed.

Developement of remarkable Events. Leeds, 1800. 8vo. 2 vols. 15s.

The Epistles to the Romans analyzed. London, 1801. 8vo.

Illustrations of the four Gospels, founded on Circumstances peculiar to our Lord and the Evangelists. London, 1808. 8vo. 6s. Ecclesiastical Researches, with Sequel. London, 1812, 13. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s.

A Series of important Facts demonstrating the Truth of the Christian Religion, drawn from the Writings of its Friends and Enemies in the first and second Centuries. 1820. | and precision of its style.' - Dr. Drake. It

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has been frequently reprinted.

Masonic Miscellanies, in Poetry and Prose. London, 1797. 12mo. 3s.

Theophilus. A History of the County of Brecknock. Brecknock, 1805-9. 4to. 2 vols.

With 31 plates. Vol. I. pp. 371 and index, likewise a dedication, preface, names of subscribers, errata and list of plates, 18 pp. Vol. II. pp. 834, and index; likewise dedication, and preface, xii. pp. additions, &c. seven pages, also additional subscribers, and list of plates, two pages. A work of great labour and research, containing a great mass of information, not always communicated in the most pleasing form.

Thomas. Welsh and English Dictionary. London, 1688. 12mo. 6s.

Reprinted 1777. Dent, pt. i. 1205, 5s. 6d.

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Rowland. The Origin of Languages, and Nations defined Preface by the Rev. Wm. Roand fixed. London, 1764. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

A curious work attempting to prove the Welsh to have been the primeval language.

Hieroglyphic, or a grammatical Introduction to an universal Hieroglyfic Language. London, 1768. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

The Circles of Gomer. London, 1771.

8vo. 5s.

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Rev. Thomas, of Southwark. The Works, with a recommendatory maine. London, 1763. 8vo. 4s. Reprinted 1775. 8vo. Williams, 984, 7s. 6d.

William. A Treatise of Patience in Tribulation. London, 1625. 4to.

Pp. 48. Sotheby's in 1821, morocco, 32. 15s. White Knights, 2153. Bindley, pt. ii. 2116, 22. 10s. Gough, 2028, 2L 12s. 6d. 'First preached before the right Hon. the Countesse of Southampton in her great heauines for the death of her most worthy husband and sonne: afterward inlarged for the helpe of all that are any way afflicted, crossed, or troubled. Herevnto ioyned, the teares of the Isle of Wight, shed on the tombe of their most noble Captaine Henrie, Earle of Southampton, and the Lord Wrio

thesly his sonne. The text is from Rom.

xii. 12. This treatise, for the little it contains relative to the deceased heroes, might have been preached over the body of Jack

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Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos; or a new Introduction to the Mathematics. Lon

don, 1706. 8vo. 4s.

A compendium designed for the benefit and adapted to the capacities of beginners.

The author, who was father to the illustri ous Sir Wm. Jones, published other mathematical works.

William, of Nayland. Theological, philosophical, and miscellaneous Works, with his Life. London, 1801, 8vo. 12 vols.

Earl of Kerry, 287, 61. 19s. Williams, 985, morocco, 81. 13s. Jones of Nayland, was a man of quick penetration of extensive learning, and the soundest piety; and he had, beyond any other man I ever knew, the talent of writing upon the deepest subjects to the plainest understandings.'-Bp. Horsley.

The theological and miscellaneous works of the Rev. William Jones, with Life by Steevens. London, 1810. 8vo. 6 vols. with portrait. 31. 3s.

An Essay on the first Principles of natural Philosophy. London, 1762. 4to. 7s.

Physiological Disquisitions; or Discourses on the natural Philosophy of the Elements, &c. London, 1781. 4to. Heath, 1164, 13s. Gosset, 2942, 11. 2s.

Sermons on moral and religious Subjects. London, 1790. 8vo 2 vols. 16s.

A Course of Lectures on the figurative Language of Holy Scripture, and the Interpretation of it from the Scripture itself. To which are added four Lectures on the Revelation between the old and new Testaments, as it is set forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews. London, 1786. 8vo.

Sir William. The Works of Sir William Jones. 6 vols. Supple

ment. 2 vols. London, 1799, 1801. 4to. 8 vols.


Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 96, 71. 2s. 6d. Duke of York, 2890, 81. 188. Drury, 2381, with Life by Lord Teignmouth and Phillpott's Prize Essay, in 9 vols. morocco, 151. Roxburge, 6976, 6 vols. 67. 15s. Hibbert, 4326, with the Life, 7 vols. morocco, 171. Nassau, pt. i. 2335, russia, 117. 1s. PAPER, in imperial 4to. The supplement was never printed on that size. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 95, 6 vols. morocco, 131. 2s. 6d. - Second edition, with Life by Lord Teignmouth. London, 1807. 8vo. 13 vols. Earl of Kerry, 283, 6l. 2s. 6d.

A Grammar of the Persian Language. London, 1771. 4to. A most elegant and useful work, written in a plain and familiar manner. London, 1775. 4to. A new Edi

tion, corrected and improved by Charles Wilkins, LL. D. F. R. S. London, 1804. The orthography is new modelled throughout, and a few important additions are made.The seventh Edition, with Additions and Improvements. London, 1809. 4to. -The

eighth Edition, with considerable Additions and Improvements by the Rev. Professor Lee of Cambridge. Lond. 1823. 4to. 17. 1s.

Lettre a M. Anquetil du Perron. Lond. 1771. 8vo.

Dissertation sur la Literature Orientale.

Lond. 1771. 8vo.

Poeseos Asiaticæ Commentariorum Libri sex, cum Appendice; subjicitur Limon, seu Miscellaneorum Liber. Londini, 1774. 8vo. One of the most classical performances extant. Heath, 328, 7s. 6d. Williams, 983, morocco, 11.

The History of the Life of Nader Shah, King of Persia; with an Introduction and an Appendix; to which are added, Pieces relative to the French Edition. London, 1773. 8vo. Fonthill, 2915, 10s. In French. Lond. 1770. 4to. Fonthill, 1351, 11. 8s.

Poems consisting chiefly of Translations from the Asiatic Languages. To which are added, two Essays. I. On the Poetry of the

Eastern Nations. II. On the Arts, commonly

called imitative. London, 1772. 8vo. 4s.Second Edition, with Additions. 1777. 8vo. 6s. LARGE PAPER. Hollis, 628, 9s.

The poetical Works of Sir William Jones, with the Life of the Author. Lond. 1807.

12mo. 2 vols. 7s.

An Essay on the Law of Bailments. London, 1781. 8vo. 2s.--The second Edition, with introductory Remarks and Notes, by John Balmanno. London, 1798. 8vo. 5s.Third Edition with Notes and References by W. Nicholls. London, 1823. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The Muse recalled, an Ode, occasioned by the Nuptials of Lord Viscount Althorp and Lady Lavinia Bingham, eldest Daughter of

Charles Lord Lucan, March 6, 1781. By William Jones, Esq. Strawb. Hill. 1781. 4to.

The Moallákat, or seven Arabian Poems, which were suspended on the Temple at Mecca; with a Translation and Arguments, by William Jones, Esq. London, 1782. 4to. 10s. 6d. Reviewed and highly praised in the Retrospective Review, v. 332-42.



The Mahomedan Law of Succession to the Property of Intestates, in Arabic: Engraved Copper-plates from antient Manuscript; with a verbal Translation and explanatory Notes. By William Jones, Esq. of the Middle Temple. London, 1782. 4to. 5s.

Institutes of Hindu Law; or, the Ordinances of Menu, according to the Gloss of Culluca, comprising the Indian System of Duties, religious and civil. Verbally translated from the original Sanscrit, with a Preface, by Sir William Jones. Calcutta, 1794. 4to. London, 1796. 8vo. 6s.

The Principles of Government, in a Dialogue between a Gentleman and a Farmer. By the late Sir William Jones. Republished with Notes and historical Elucidations. By T. S. Norgate. The second Edition much enlarged. Norwich, 1797. This dialogue was first published by W. D. Shipley, Dean of St. Asaph, the author's brother-in-law, for which he was prosecuted at the Shrewsbury assizes.

See ISÆUS. Sacontala.

William. A Treatise on the Art of Music. Colchester, 1784. folio. Sotheby's in 1821, 17. 2s. Intended as a course of lectures, preparatory to the practice of thorough-bass and musical composition.

William. The History of the Christian Church to the 18th Century, including the History of the Waldenses and Albigenses. Fourth Edition. London, 1819.

8vo. 2 vols. 16s.

A valuable work first published under the title of The History of the Waldenses.' 1811. 8vo. 1 vol. 6s. FINE PAPER. 8s.

The Biblical Cyclopædia; or Dictionary of the holy Scriptures, intended to facilitate an Acquaintance with the inspired Writings. 1816. 8vo. 2 vols.

Christian Biography: a Dictionary of the Lives and Writings of the most distinguished Christians of all Denominations, at Home and Abroad, from the Revival of Literature to the present Period. Lond. 1829. 12mo.9s. JONSON, Ben. Works, with Notes critical and explanatory, and a biographical Memoir, by William Gifford. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 9 vols. Best edition, by the ablest of modern commentators, through whose learned and ge

nerous labours Old Ben's forgotten works and injured character are restored to the merited admiration and esteem of the world.'-J. P. Kemble. Bindley, pt. ii. 930, 32. 195. LARGE Drury, 2094, morocco, St. 16s.


Strettell, 748, morocco, 152 10s.

The Workes of Ben Jonson. London, 1616-31.folio. 2 vols. with portrait by Vaughan and engraved title. Jonson's own edition highly praised by Gifford. Dowdeswell, 474, 17. 4s. Gordonstoun, 1306, 1L 15s. Edwards, 144, 31. 5s. Copies of vol. 1. Lloyd, 812, 9s. Rhodes, 2679, 13s. Narsau, pt. i. 2173, 11. Dent, pt. ii. 309, a presentation copy from. Ben Jonson, with an autograph inscription, 112

Works. London, 1641. folio. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. With portrait by R. Vaughan, and frontispiece by Hole. An extremely incorrect edition, supposed by W. Gifford to have been put to the press surreptitiously. It has a medley of dates from 1630 to 1641. Garrick, 1346, 13s. Bindley, pt. iv. 849, 14s. 6d. Sir P. Thompson, 568, two leaves ms. 12 1s. Marquis of Townshend, 1921, 22. 2s. Horne Tooke, 370, 21. 6s. Roscoe, 1355, 31. 15s. Works. London, 1692. folio. with portrait of Jonson, laureated by W. Elder. An inaccurate edition. Sotheby's in 1826, 18s. Roxburge, 3890, 17. 6s. Horne Tooke, 369, 22 5s.

Works. London, 1716. 8vo. 6 vols. with portrait and plates. A bookseller's reprint of the old copy. Willett, 1380, 12 15s. LARGE PAPER. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 56, 17. 17s. Williams, 986, russia, 41 6s.

The Works of Ben Jonson, collated with all former Editions and corrected, with Notes critical and explanatory by Peter Whalley. London, 1756. 8vo. 7 vols. Bindley, pt. ii. 929, 21. 2s. Field, 259, 21. 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 57, 21. 13s. Nassau,

pt. i. 1815, russia, 27. 15s. Dent, pt. i. 1207,

morocco, 41. Reed, 8151, with ms. note of Ben Jonson's writing, 31. 7s. FINE PAPER. Steevens, 1243, 51. 7s. 6d. Dr. Dibdin states that 217. has been given for a large paper copy.

The dramatic Works of Ben Jonson and Beaumont and Fletcher. London, 1811. royal 8vo. 4 vols. An exccrable edition, with portrait of Jonson by Audinet. LARGE

PAPER in 4to.

The comicall Satyre of Every Man out of his Humour, as it was first composed by the Author. Lond. 1600. 4to. Roxburghe, 5218, 17. 2s. Rhodes, 1429, 21. 4s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2289, 37. 4s.

The Fountain of Selfe-Love, or Cynthia's Revels. Written by Ben Johnson. London, 1601. 4to.

Every Man in his Humour, a Comedy. London, 1601. 4to. First edition, surreptitiously printed without dedication or prologue. Rhodes, 1426, 10s. 6d. Roxburghe, 5219, 12. 1s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2288, 12. 14s.

Every Man in his Humour. A portion published as a specimen of a new edition of Ben Jonson's Works in Waldron's Let. Museum.

The Poetaster. London, 1602. 4to. Roxburghe, 5225, 6s. 6d. Boswell, 1976, 10s. Rhodes, 1431, 16s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2291, 21. 2s. London, 1601? 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 2290, 12. 10s.

B. Jon. his Part of King James his Entertainment on passing to his Coronation. Lond. 1604. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 2237, russia, 12. 14s. Strettell, 1229, with portrait of Jonson by Vaughan, 21. 28. White Knights, 1545, morocco, 41. 8s. Rhodes, 1433, 47. 16s. Sotheby's in Nov. 1826, 5l. 10s.

A particular Entertainment of the King and Queen at Althorpe. 1604. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 2336, 24. 1s. Dent, pt. i. 1141, morocco, 42. White Knights, 1547, morocco, 51. 5s. Sotheby's in 1825, 5l. 7s. 6d.

Sejanus, his Fall, a Tragedy. London, 1605. 4to. First edition, without a dedication, but accompanied by several copies of commendatory verses. Roxburghe, 5227, 3s. Rhodes, 1432, 5s. Reed, 8162, 7s. Field, 252, a presentation copy from the author on LARGE PAPER, 221. 10s.

Eastward Hoe, as it was play'd in the Black Friers, by the Children of her Majesties Revels. Made by Geo. Chapman, Ben Jonson, Joh. Marston. London, 1605. 4to. Two editions of the Eastward Hoe, appeared in 1605, with slight variations. In some copies will be found a passage which gave offence to King James. The play is reprinted in Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays. The passage is in Act iii. Sc. 1. commencing only a few industrious Scots perhaps, &c. and ending 'than we do here.' The authors were accused of reflecting on the Scots, for which they were committed to prison, and were in danger of losing their ears and noses.

Hymenæi, or the Solemnities of Masque and Barriers, magnificently performed on the eleventh and twelfth Nights from Christmas, at Court: to the auspicious celebrating of the Marriage-union betweene Robert, Earle of Essex, and the Lady Frances, second Daughter of the most noble Earle of Suffolke, 1606. London, 1606. 4to. Roxburghe, 5222, 12s. Marquis of Townshend, 1684, 15s. Dent, pt. ii. 452, 12. 1s. White Knights, 2155, morocco, 31. 10s.

Ben Jonson his Volpone, or the Foxe, a Comedy. London, 1607. 4to. Rhodes, 1434, 11s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2292, 12. 5s. Duke of Grafton, 712, a presentation copy, with the author's autograph, 91. 9s.

The Description of the Masque with the Nuptial Songs celebrating the happy Mar

riage of John Lord Ramsey, Viscount Hadington, with the Lady Elizabeth Ratcliffe, Daughter to the Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Sussex. 1608. 4to. Boswell, 1978, 11s.

The Characters of two Royal Masques, the one of Blacknesse, the other of Beautie, personated by Anne Queen of Great Britain, &c. with her honourable Ladyes 1605 and 1608 at Whitehall. London (1609). 4to. Boswell, 975, 8s. Rhodes, 1435, 18s. Dent, pt. ii. 450, 27. 18s.

The Masque of Queens, celebrated from the House of Fame: by the most absolute in all State and Titles, Anne, Queen of Great Britain, &c. London, 1609, 4to. Roxburghe, 5224, 8s. The Garrick copy of this masque, now in the British Museum, was the presentation copy of Ben Jonson to the Queen.

A pleasant Comedy called the Case is altered; as it hath been sundry Times acted by the Children of the Black-friars. London, 1609. 4to. Rhodes, 1427, 15s.

Ben Jonson his Case is alter'd. 1609. 4to. Rhodes, 1428, 18s.

Epicæne; or, the silent Woman. 1609. 4to. An edition unknown to Gifford.-1612 _1620.

Catiline, his Conspiracy, a Tragedy. Lond. 1611. 4to. White Knights, 2157, 14s. Rhodes, 1438, 6s. 6d. Roxburghe, 5214, 10s. 6d. -1635.4to. Rhodes, 1439, 3s. 6d. Boswell, 1977, 3s. 6d. -1669. 4to. Roxburghe, 5215, 1s. 6d. Rhodes, 1441, 4s. 6d.

The Alchemist, a Comedy. Lond. 1612. 4to. Rhodes, 1436, 6s. Roxburghe, 5213, 17. 7s.

His Motives. - Printed 1622. 8vo. See Wood's Athen. Oxon.

The fortunate Isles and their Vnion, celebrated in a Masque design'd for the Court on the Twelfth-night. 1624. 4to. A-Di, 13 leaves.

Love's Triumph through Callipolis. Performed in a Masque at Court, 1630. By his Majesty, with the Lords and Gentlemen assisting. The Inventors Ben Jonson; Inigo Jones. London, 1630. 4to. Gordonstoun, 1308, 14s.

Chloridia, Rites to Chloris andher Nymphs, personated in a Masque at Court, by the Queene's Majesty and her Ladies at Shrovetide, 1630. London. 4to. Roxburghe, 5216, 12s. 6d. Gordonstoun, 1307, 11. 1s.

The new Inne: or, the light Heart, a Comoedy. London, 1631. 8vo. Rhodes, 1442, 17s.

Jonsonvs Virbivs, or the Memory of Ben Jonson revived. London, 1638. 4to. pp. 78. 10s. 6d. A collection of verses in praise of Ben Jonson, edited by Brian Duppa, successively Bishop of Chichester and Winchester.

Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 402, 41. 4s. Reprinted in vol. ix. of Mr. Gifford's edition of Ben

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