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Black letter.

Contains G, in eights. Reprinted in the second volume of the Harleian Miscellany. Nassau, pt. i. 100,

11. 10s. Inglis, 53, 11. 14s. White Knights, 281, russia, 31.3s. Roxburghe, 8421, 31.4s. Strettell, 123, 31. 4s. Denyer, 1, 31.133.6d. Another edition. London, 1729. royal 8vo. with port. of Lord Cobham.

Edited by the Rev. John Blackbourne. Nassau. pt. i. 101, 12s. Roxburghe, 8422, 14s. Bindley, pt. i. 442, 16s. Williams, 136, in pig-skin, 11. 4s. Heath, 4309, 11. 9s. Duke of Grafton, 879, 11. 9s. ON VELLUM, (of which a copy is in the British

Museum,) Dent. pt. i. 177, (with portraits mounted upon vellum inserted,) 61. 6s. Williams, 135, morocco, 91. 12s.

Mysterye of Iniquyte contayned within the heretycall Genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dyclosed and confuted by Johan Bale, An. M.D.xlij. Geneva, by Mychael Woode, 1545. 16mo.

Black letter. Contains M, in eights. A copy is in the British Museum. White Knights, 280, russia, 21. 18s. Inglis, 50, 31. 13s. 6d.

BALE, John, Bishop of Ossory. Actes of Englysh Votaryes, comprehendynge their vnchast Practyses and Examples by all Ages, from the Worldes Begynnynge to thys present Yeare, collected out of their owne Legendes and Chronycles. Wesel, 1546. 8vo.

Black letter. A copy is in the British Museum. White Knights, 277, with pt. 2, London, 1551, russia, 31. 9s.

Actes of Englysh Votaryes. London, by Thomas Raynalde, 1548. 8vo.

Black letter. Contains 86 leaves.

The First two Partes of the Actes, or unchast Examples of the English Votaryes. Lond. by Abraham Vele, 1550-1. 16mo.

Black letter. 79 leaves, besides the dedication. Nassau, pt. i. 98, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 464, 11. 13s.

Another edition. London,

by Jhon Tysdale, 1560. 16mo.

Black letter. The first part contains N 4, in eights, besides the dedication. The se

cond, Vin eights. White Knights, 278, russia, 11. Is. Inglis, 52, 11. 1s. Gough, 250, 11. 2s. Denyer, 6, 11. 8s. Horne Tooke, 37, 11. 11s.

First Examinacyon of Anne Askewe, lately martyred in Smythfelde by the Romysh Popes Vpholders, with the Elucydacyon of Johan Bale. 1546. 12mo.

Marp. in Hessen,

Black letter. In the British Museum. White Knights, 283, mor. 13s. White Knights, 281, (both parts) 31. 13s.6d. and 282, 21. 12s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 463, (both parts) 3/.13s. 6d.

Lattre Examinacyon of Anne Askewe, lately martyred in Smythfelde by the wycked Synagoge of Antichrist, with the Elucydacyon of Johan Bale. Marp. in Hessen, 1547. 12mo.

Black letter. In the British Museum. Inglis, 51, 2l. 33.

Confession of the Synner after the sacred Scriptures. Collected by John Bale, 1549. 8vo.

BALE, John, Bishop of Ossory. | Clergie of London Dyocese. Basil.

Dialogue or Comunycacyon to be had at a Table betwene two Chyldren, gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by Johan Bale, for the 2 yonge Sonnes, Johan and Paule, 1549.

Laborvouse Journey, and Serche of John Leylande for Englandes Antiquitees. Lond. 1549.


Dent, pt. i. 1248, mor. 2/. 2s. Reprinted at Oxford in the Lives of Leland, Hearne and Wood, in 1772; at the same time some copies were printed separately.

Ymage of both Churches after the Reuelacion of Saincte John the Euangelyst. London by me John

Wyer, 1550. 4to. 11. 11s. 6d.

Black letter. The first part contains

84, the second 88, and the third 83 leaves. Another edition. Impr. by me Rycharde Wyer, 1550. 12mo. Another edition. London, by John Daye and William Seres. 16mo.

Black letter. In three parts, introduced with a preface, and adorned with cuts. Part i. contains T in eights. Part ii. contains t 4, in eights. Part iii. Rr, in eights, all double signatures. White Knights, 279, russia, 19s. Inglis, 54, 11. 13s. Another edition.

by Tho. East. 18mo.

Black letter.


Another edition. London, by R. Jugge. 18mo.

Black letter. Nassau, pt. i. 99, 168.

Apology of Johan Bale, against a ranke Papyst, Anno Do. M.cccC.L. A brefe Exposicyon also upon the xxx Chapter of Numeri, which was the fyrst Occasion of thys present VaryLondon by John Daye. 8vo.


Black letter.

Vocacyon of Joha Bale to the Bishoprick of Ossory in Irelande, his Persecucions in the same, and finall Delyueraunce. Rome, 1553. 8vo.

Black letter. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. vi. A copy is in the British Museum.

A Declaration of Edmonde Bonner's Articles, concerning the


A portion of this work, 'A Testimony geuen forth by Fraunces Baldwin Atrebatius, concerning the baudy Behaviour and lecherous Life of Doctor Thomas Martyn,' is reprinted in the fourth number of Morgan's Phenix Britann cus.

BALE, John, Bishop of Ossory. Another Edition. London, by Jhon Tysdale, 1561. 16mo.

Black letter. Contains folio 70, besides the preface. A copy is in the Bodleian library. Inglis, 56, 11. 15s.

Historye of the Christen Departynge of the reverede Ma, D. Martyne Luther, translated into Englysh, by Johan Bale. (At end.)

Thus endeth the Oracyo or Processe rehearced off Philippe Melanchton at the Buryall of the Reuerende Man, Doctor Martyne Luther, Translated by Johan Bale. Anno M.D.L.XVI. 8vo.

Black letter. Contains folio 21. The date is evidently a misprint for 1546. Bale died in 1563.

Pageant of Popes. Englished with sondry Additions by J(ohn) S(tudley). London, by Tho. Marshe, 1574, 4to.

Black letter. Nassau, pt. i. 372, 16s. Bindley, pt. i. 1079, 17s. 6d. Sotheby's in 1825, 11. 2s. North, pt. iii. 722, morocco, 11. 4s. Inglis, 137, illustrated and bound in morocco, 41. 8s.

- Expostulation or Complaynte agaynst the Blasphemyes of a franticke Papyst of Hamshyre. London, by John Daye. 16mo. Black letter. Contains C, in eights, the last leaf blank. Dedicated to 'Joha Duke of Northumberland.'


WRAGHTON, William.

BALES, Peter. Writing Schoolemaster; conteining three Bookes in one; the first teaching swift Writing; the second, true Writing; the third, faire Writing. London, by Thomas Orwin, 1590. 4to.

Black letter. Dedicated To Sir Christopher Hatton, Knight.' R 3, in fours. An edition, 'with sundry new editions,'

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With a preface and a life of the author, by Goodal. Roxburghe, 1054, 10s. 6d.

Sir Andrew. See SIBBALD, Sir Robert, M.D.

Ballad. An Answere to a Romish Rime, lately printed and entituled, A proper new Ballad.Written by that Protestant and Catholike J. R. London, 1602. 4to.

The Ballad is given in 24 stanzas, Roman type, and the answer by J. R. in 46 stanzas, black letter. 20 leaves. Perry, pt. i. 209, 11. 2s. According to the author's address there was an answer in prose by Crowley, in 1588.

- A Ballad Book. Edinb. 1824. Thirty copies printed for private distribution, by the editor, C. K. Sharpe, Esq.

Ballads.-A Collection of Old Ballads, corrected from the best and most antient Copies extant, with Introductions historical and critical. London, 1726-38. 12mo. 3 vols. with plates.

This collection is, by Dr. Farmer, as

Sir James, Bart. Historical Works, (viz. The Annales of Scotland, from MLVII | MDCAL and Memorialls and Passages of Church and State, from MDCXLI-MDCLII. &c.) Published from the original MSS. pre-cribeds to Ambrose Phillips. Dent, served in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates (by James Haig.) Edinb. 1824, or Lond. 1825. 8vo. 4 vols. with portrait by Lizars. BALGUY, John, D.D. Twenty Sermons on various Occasions. London, 1750. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s.

The writings of this eminent divine of the church of England, are held in consi

derable estimation, particularly his Essay

on Redemption.

- Thomas, D.D. Works, edited by James Drake.

1822. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s.


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The most popular of all this Puritan Divine's works. It was fourteen times printed before the year 1632, and has been translated into Turkish, by Wm. Seaman. Oxford, 1660. 8vo.

Thomas, and F. BEATTY. Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, Ireland, 1807-11. Dublin, 1821-3. royal 8vo. 2 vols.

21. 19s. 6d.

178, 41. Duke of York, 3837, 41. White Knights, pt. i. 285, 41. 5s. Roxburghe, 3220, 4l. 14s. 6d. Perry, pt. xi. 882, 51. Dibdin, 714, 51. 10s. Gough, 254, 6/. 17s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 509, 71. 7s. Strettell, 988, morocco, 71. 7s. Nassau, pt. i. 104, 71. 12s. 6d. Sotheby's in May, 1823, 71. 17s. 6d.

- A Collection of Old Ballads.

Glasgow, 1755.

Scarce ancient Ballads;
never before published.

Aberdeen, 1822. 12mo.

The Common Place Book of ancient and modern Ballads, and Metrical Legendary Tales, an original Selection, many never before published. Edinburgh, 1824.

The ballads in this selection 'many never before published,' are all modern,

BALLARD, George. Memoirs of several Ladies of Great Britain, who have been celebrated for their Writings or Skill in the learned Languages, Arts and Sciences. Oxford, 1752. 4to.

An entertaining work, comprising notices of the lives and writings of 62 ladies, commencing with Juliana of Norwich, and ending with Constantia Grierson. Bindley, pt.i. 902, 17s. Sir P. Thompson, 127, 11. 8s. Williams, 215, morocco, 11. 14s. Reprinted in London, 1775, 8vo. 10s. 6d. A very large collection of Ballard's epistolary correspondence is in the Bodleian Library. BALMFORD, James. Dialogue


concerning the Unlawfulness of Sonnets. London, 1778. small playing at Cards or Tables, or any other Game consisting in Chance. London, for Richard Boile. 12mo.

Contains 8 leaves. Addressed to 'Master Lional Maddison,' &c. The dedication is dated 1593. In the British Museum are two editions, one with the date of 1623.

BALNAVES, Henry. Confession of Faith concerning how the troubled Man should seek Refuge in God. Edinb. 1584. 8vo.

With a prefatory epistle from John Knox. Roxburghe, 489, 31. 6s. Balnaves likewise published a Treatise concerning Justification. Edinb. 1550, 1584.

BALTHARPE, J. The Straights Voyage, or St. David's Poem. London, 1671.8vo.

Lloyd, 49, 61. 12s. 6d.

BALTIMORE, Fred. Calvert, Lord. Tour to the East, in the Years 1753 and 1764. With Remarks on the City of Constantinople and the Turks. Also select Pieces of Oriental Wit, Poetry, and Wisdom. London, 1767.8vo. 5s.


Roxburghe, 7256, 3s. 6d. Baker, 23, (with plates) red morocco, 21. 9s. edition was printed at Dublin, 1768.

Gaudia Poetica, Latina, Anglica, et Gallica Lingua composita, Anno 1769. Augustæ, 1770. 4to. with plates.

Privately printed for presents. It is said that only ten copies were printed. Strettell, 366, 31. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 397, morocco, 41. Randolph, 51. 15s. 6d. Reed, 6682, 61. 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 748, morocco, 7/. 7s.

Cœlestes et Inferi.

1771. 4to.


Bindley, pt. ii. 349, 6s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 749, 11. 188. Reed, 6683, 10s. 6d.

BALZAC, J. L. Guez de. Letters and Remaines. London, 1655-8. 8vo. 2 vols.

These letters were formerly in much request, but are now almost forgotten. Bamburgh.

A Catalogue of the Library at Bamburgh Castle, in Northumberland. 4to.

(Privately printed.) Acatalogue of a curious and valuable library, collected by Dr. Tho. Sharp, who died in 1792. Bishop of Ely, 450, 21. 15s. Sotheby's in 1826, 6s. 6d.

BAMPFYLDE, John. Sixteen

These sonnets are highly praised by Dr. Southey, in his specimens, and by the Quarterly Review: they are reprinted in Park's Collection of the Poets.

BAMPFIELD, Francis. All in one. All useful Sciences and profitable Arts in one Book of Jehovah Elokim. Printed, 1677. folio. In two Parts.

Gordonstoun, 808, 8s. Most of the works of this singular character are in the British Museum, and a life of him will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athenæ Oxon. iv. 126-8.

BAMPTON, Lord. See M.Douall, Andrew, Lord Bampton.

Bampton Lecture. A Collection of the Sermons preached at the Lecture, founded by the Rev. John Bampton, from its foundation in 1780 to the year 1827. Oxford and London. 8vo. 50 vols.

This collection of Sermons is seldom met

with complete. Those by Cobb and Tatham are exceedingly scarce, but are said to be reprinting. Williams, 138, 17801821, 44 vols. with some controversial tracts inserted, 39/,

1780, by James Bandinel. 1781, by Timothy Neve. 1782, by Robert Holmes. 1783, by John Cobb. 1784, by Joseph White. 1785, by Ralph Churton. 1786, by George Croft. 1787, by William Hawkins. 1788, by Richard Shepherd. 1789, by Edward Tatham, 2 vols. 1790, by Henry Kett. 1791, by Robert Morres. 1792, by John Eveleigh. 1793, by James Williamson. 1794, by Thomas Wintle. 1795, by Daniel Veysie. 1796, by Robert Gray. 1797, by William Finch. 1798, by Charles Henry Hall. 1799, by William Barrow. 1800, by George Richards. 1801, by George Stanley Faber, 2 vols. 1802, by George Frederic Nott. 1803, by John Farrer. 1804, by Richard Laurence. 1805, by Edward Nares. 1806, by John Browne. 1807, by Thomas Le Mesurier. 1808, by John Penrose. 1809, by J. B. S. Carwithen. 1810, by Thomas Falconer.

1811, by John Bidlake.
1812, by Richard Mant.
1813, by John Collinson.
1814, by William Van Mildert.
1815, by Reginald Heber.
1816, by John Hume Spry.

1817, by John Miiler.

1818, by Charles Abel Moysey. 1819, by Hector Davies Morgan. 1820, by Godfrey Faussett.

1821, by John Jones.

1822, by Richard Whately.

1823, by Charles Goddard.

1824, by John Josias Conybeare.
1825, by H. D. Morgan.
1826, by William Vaux.

1827, by H. H. Milman.

Banbury, The Shepherd of. Rules to know of the Change of the Weather. By John Claridge. London, 1744. Svo. 3s. 6d.

A small work of great popularity among the lower orders of the people, said to have been written by John Campbell, LL.D. Reprinted 1827. 8vo.


Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose. London, 1738-9, 8vo. 2 vols. with plates after Hogarth. 5s.

BANCROFT, Edward, M. D. Essay on the natural History of Guiana, in South America. London, 1769. 8vo. with a plate. 5s.

Besides natural history, this work may be consulted with advantage on the manners, &c. of the natives. Heath, 2753, 7s. 6d. Willet, 61, 15s.

- Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy of permanent Colours, and the best Means of producing them by Dyeing, Calico Printing, &c. London, 1813, 8vo. 2 vols.

The most scientific work on the subject. The first edition of vol. i. 1794, is now of little value.

Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury. Survay of the pretended holy Discipline. London, 1593. 4to. 15s.

for the Presbyteriall Discipline. London, 1593. 4to.

Prefixed are 'An Advertisement to the Reader. The Contents.' Then a collection of sentences from the scriptures and the fathers. 183 pp. White Knights, 848, 11. 4s. Sotheby's in 1824, 21. 6s. Reprinted 1640. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1092, 5s. 6d.

BANCROFT, Thos. Two Bookes of Epigrammes and Epitaphs. (481 in number.) London, 1639. 4to.

Contains pp. 86. A copious account of this volume will be found in the Restituta, ii. 490-6. Nassau, pt. i. 374, mor. 14. 11s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 399, 21. Inglis, 139, mor. 21. 19s. Roxburghe, 3375, 31. 3s. Towneley, pt. i. 391, 41. 14s. 6d. Strettell, 363, mor. 41. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 744, 41. 17s. Lloyd, 226, 10l. 10s. Bibl. AngloPoet. 80, 201.

Glutton's Feavers. London,

1817. 4to.

Presented to the members of the Roxburghe Club, by J. D. Phelps, Esq. Dent, pt. ii. 1204, 12s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1626, 11. 10s. Boswell, 3037, 41. Bindley, pt. iii. 1796, 91. 11s. 6d.

Heroical Lover. Lond, 1658.
Reed, 6554. 11. 10s. 6d.

BANDELLO, Matteo. La prima, la seconda, la terza, e la quarta Parte del Novelle del Bandello. Londra per S. Harding, 1740. 4to. 4 vols in 3.

An elegant reprint of the edition of Lucca 1554 and Lione 1573, parte i. 368 leaves;

parte ii. 391 leaves, including one containing the register; parte iii. 231 leaves; parte iv. 132 leaves, and 4 of introductory matter, including the title. A copy on LARGE PAPER at the sale of the Mac Carthy library produced 326fr.

The tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet written first in Italian by Bandell, and nowe in Englishe by Ar. [thur] Br.[oke] London, by Richard Tottill, 1562

Prefixed is an epistle to the reader, conBlack letter. In fours extends to fo. 84, tents, &c. 464 pp. and the errata. Re- besides four leaves of introduction. This printed 1663. 4to. From this and the following work much information respecting the Puritans may be obtained.

edition, with the title of 1587, is reprinted in Malone's Supplement to Shakespeare 1780; of which reprint about 12 copies were taken off, with new paging, for private distribution. In the British Bibliographer

Daungerous Positions and Proceedings, published and prac-distr tised within this Iland of Brytaine, vnder Pretence of Reformation, and


ii. 113-16) will be found the preface to the edition of 1562, omitted in that of 1587, and also in Malone's reprint.

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