M. Clarke Country Breeding Dances Credit of Country 'Squires. 328 Effects of Avarice and Luxury upon Employ- Court of Inquisition on Maids and Bachelors 320 Embroidery recommended to the Ladies on Paradise Lost, 267, 273, 279, 285, 291, 592 Enlargement of the Mind in a future State 123 55 67 Eloquence of Beggars 613 606 218 Encoring in the Theatres. 314 Endeavours of Mankind to get rid of their Bur- 558, 559 English Tongue, The. 135 Tragedy. 39, 42 635 201 70, 74 Ephesian Matron, The 11 350 Epicure Mammon's Letter on Eating. 344 189 Epigram on the Spectator 488 181 Epitaph in Pancras-churchyard 538 252 Equestrian Lady 485 from a Person supposed to be Crazed 377 and Petition on the Exercise of the Fan 134 from Estcourt-from Sir Roger 261 from a Lover, and Answer-from John Trott on his Courtship on Love, Wit, Drinking, Gaming, &c. 140 Messiah, The, a Sacred Eclogue from a Lover and Young Lady on Masquerades on Military Life by various Soldiers 378 Method of Political Writers affecting Secrecy on Parents forcing the Inclinations of Mischief of Board Wages 88 of Mothers not Nursing their Children 246 533 of Party-spirit 125, 126 on a Partnership between a Goose and Mischiefs of Party-rage in the Female Sex 57 82 Miseries of Debt and Bankruptcy 456 from the Playhouse, on the Dismission from a Shopkeeper on his Wife's Greek 278 On the Abuse of Metaphors |