Buckley, (Mr.) a drawcansir Bullock and Penkethman, parallel between them 188 Citizens distinguished from cits 18 effects of it 2,34 25 To attend Mr. Bickerstaff's funeral Busy Body, character of that comedy Busy, (lady) described But, the particle, used too frequently CADAROQUE, meaning of that word 7 City politicians reproved 155 19 Shower poetically described 238 248 Clarinda makes an ill choice of a lover 217 38 Clarissa, love of her makes madmen 4 + Clement's (Thomas) proposal to provide for 171 children 261 Cælia, her unhappy marriage with Palamede Cælicola, wherein of the same use to his friends 66, 68, 70, 71, 72 Wherein their discourses may receive addition 66 Their laziness the principal cause of dissen- sions The vanity of some of them wearing scarfs and powdered wigs Clerk of a church reproved The term explained 61 72, 114 68 66,68 270 69 72 Cambrick, the linen-draper indicted in the court Clidemira, a woman of distinction 34 of honour Cane, worn out of affectation theatre Camilla, exit of the person who performed that Petition to wear one Different in their kinds and value Cant of modern men of wit Case, (Dr.) got more by a short distich than Castabella, an eminent prude Cato, a beauty in his character Cato Junior, his advice to Mr. Bickerstaff Celibacy, a great evil to a nation 112 Compassion, how moved in men and women 259 Coaches, vanity of riding in them exposed 141 20 called in 144 162 Company, its greatest perfection 219 68 195 Compassion instanced in a passage of Macbeth 68 161 Often the weakest part about us 41 261 Competency, a guide in the temple of Avarice 261 Complacency, a guide in the temple of Hymen 120 Censor, necessity of the office 144 Complainers, their importunity 146 Roman and British censors compared 162 Complaints concerning reformation. 96 Censurers punished severely after death 156 Complaisance, necessary in the married state 149 Ceremony, invention and use of it 30 Conjugal affection 114 Cervantes, (Michael) his discerning spirit 178 Conscience described Cestus of Venus described Chair, (elbow) for what purpose 268 Constancy, necessary in the married state 192 Challenge, the style of it 25 Contention described 120 Chances, a comedy, character of Chanticleer, (Job) his petition 134 Contradiction, an occasion of it 171 Chaplains, a discourse concerning them Chapel-clerk, explained 72 Conversation, good-will the quintessence of it 45 Caught in a garret 69 Charles, the toyman, his great genius in canes What only gives true relish to it 95 21 al and snuf-boxes 142 A general rule to be observed in it 264 Chastity, its value instanced in Scipio 58 Rules for it 244 Children, manner of nursing them Cheerfulness, necessary in a married state Chicken, a modern diet A scheme to provide for them Chloe, love of her makes coxcombs The fortune disappointed 207 Copenhagen described 12 Christmas Eve 111 Coppersmith, that name explained61 Church, indecent and irregular behaviour at, Harry and Will, their character compared : reproved 140 with the sharpers Country, the charms and pleasures of it 89 Delamira, account of her amours, and the vir Modern entertainments and diversions in it 169 tues atıd management of her fan 82 Ignorant of Mr. Bickerstaff's character Country gentleman, character of a true one Very ceremonious Country life, the true pleasures of it . 89, 169 199 31 Delicates, false, pernicious 148 183 205 Courant, a newspaper 178 250 • Account of its members, and their proceed- Destinies, their speech and present to Jupiter 146 211 ings 250, 253, 256, 259, 265 Cowley, (Mr.) his judgment of a poem The greatest plague of them 91 Dinner postponed 203 Required to hang out their signs 96 Discourse, different talents in it 153 Craft, when it becomes wisdom Critics described rant How obtained in the city A people between the learned and the igno- Opposed to wits 176 29, 165 91 Discretion a guard to one of Hymen's gates 120 68 213 visits, behaviour, and character 74, 143, 184 246 Her discourse in love 10. 29 Reflections on her brother's writings 33 How punished after death 165 Apology for the fair sex 247 A great critic in fits at the opera 4 Conduct in an amour 33 Cauclty to animals Cunning, the greatest cunning of some people 74,79 to appear so A contemptible quality 191 Her happiness with Tranquillus 104 Cupid, a lap-dog, dangerously ill 121 Distress, contemplation of, softens the mind, Custom, the cause of duels 29 and fetters the heart 82 Cynthio, falls in love The effect of a bow from his mistress His resolution, and letter to his mistress 35 Doctor, dumb, at Kensington. 70 85 Dodwell, some account of his opinions 187 Czar of Muscovy, account of his victory 49 Dogget, a comedian, commended 7 His generosity and hospitality to the Swedish His letter to Mr. Bickerstaff 120 officers 34 34 Dogs, a kennel of them to be disposed of Donne, (Dr.) his saying of Guicciardini 88 Dorchester stage-coach advertised Dover Cliff described by Shakspeare 180 Downes the prompter describes the state of the 62 47 124 261 143 H7 Daniel the historian, extract from, on taxes 148 stage 193 manner of preaching 4 66 Dramatists, unskilful, remarks on them 191 Dapper, (parson) his way of preaching 66 Dream of the band of lovers 120. Tim, head of a species Dassapa, (Tom) his potions 48 Dathan, a Jew, tried in the court of honour 256 to Mr. Steele 271 Improprieties therein censured 278- David, (saint) his day, why observed by Mr. Of rural squires 96 Bickerstaff 140 Drinking, essay on 241 perfections A coquette, her interview with Myrtillo. 145 94 A young lady rival to her mother 1206 130 An imaginary mistress 106 : 222 Flea. skeleton of one 119 15, 63, 64 230 Fleming, (gen.) design of his visit to Berlin 2 7 106 45 How matched 227 Flute, its effects in a female concert 157 : 157 When most conspicuous A remarkable instance of it Fortune, the way to be above her ** Emblem of, at the lottery office Good, the ready path to it. Fox, policy of that animal Fox, the, a play, applauded Forbes, (lord) his good offices to Steele 271 Glass, state weather Forecast, (Diana) desires to be quickly pro- Glory, true, inseparable from merit ja 477 vided for 200 Gluttony, modern 25 Fortitude described by Mr. Collier 251 Goatham petition 141 176 Goldsmiths distinguished from coppersmiths 177 Good breeding 5,30 170 Good fortune, the ready path to it 202 ? 170 Goodly, (lady) her fondness for her children 202 Good-nature, an essential quality in a satirist 229 Good-natured old man, the best companion 45 21 Good will and charity, the basis of society 219 125 The quintessence of conversation 45 207 Grammar, not rightly taught 234 11 Grandeur, wherein it truly consists 170 12 Great Britain particularly fruitful in religion 257 135 Great men, behaviour of some of them to their 172 154 Character of the Greenhats, and their relation Grogram, (Jeffery) his petition for interment 106 184 Guardeloop, (Mons.) the French tailor, married $7 Guicciardini the historian, a prolix author 264 Guilt applies the satires Gunner and gunster distinguished Gunster in conversation, who to be so accounted 88 Gyges, his invisible ring allegorically applied 156 Futurity, benefits arising from the prospects of it 156 Wherein its happiness may be supposed to consist 94, 154 41 88 138, 139 The use Mr. Bickerstaff made of it HALL, serjeant, his letter to his comrade 7 Hamlet, various observations and criticisms on 58 that character 243 87 35, 71, 106 94 Hammar, disputes between Protestants and Pa pists there 6 94 Hammond, (John) recovery of his watch 124 Handkerchief, religious, much worn in England 187 17 Hannibal, the Carthaginian, his speech on 14 being recalled from Italy 13 Hannibal, (sir) death and funeral of 15 56 57 187 115 2 Hanover, elector of, remonstrance of his minis- 58 Harpsichord, its music applied to conversation 153 With what instrument joined 157 The folly of it 65 Hart, the player, an ostentation of his 138 Gascon, adventure of one with a widow Gatty, (Mrs.) foremost in the rank of toasts Jack Gainly's sister, her character Genealogy of the Bickerstaffs Matched with the harpsichord 126 Hassock, dispute concerning one 24 Hats, makers of, their petition against laced hats 270 206 Hautboy, in a female concert 11 259 153 157 Genii, their good offices to men 48 Hawksby, his raffling shop 59 Gentleman, what meant by the term 21 Hercules, Prodigus' allegory concerning himon97 A character difficult to support with propriety 66 Hero, how distinguished from a plain honest man 98 Holt, (lord chief justice) his integrity in Industry, knights of armав у зовте 43 Homer, his description of a future state 152 Infidels how to be punished Ghosts of beauties 152 Hippocrates, the character of a generous phy of 156 Historical paintings, the great advantage of them 209 152 Heroic virtue, wherein it consisterom 20 なっト202 152 Heydey, (Jack) whom he reduced 9. 56 sician 154 Historians, usefulness and variety of 1174130 138 14 Indiscreetlin his epithets aquash wohtw anti 6 Initial letters on a tomb-stone His Hiad, in a journal Injuries, scales for weighing them250 Honest fellows described 45 Innocence, its safest guard Honesty as necessary in conversation as in Inquietude, natural, how cured 202 T 141 commerce 219 Honour, the seat of it 202 Described 101 Court of ..250, 253, 256, 262, 265 Horace, his excellencies 173 Insipids, who to be accounted 166 1 A6 15 42 242 Jointures, the mischievous effects of 199, 223 Jonson, (Ben) his manner of writing 21 cert v 157 Joseph the patriarch, his history 90 Journal of Homer's Iliad 233 6 Some account of him and his writings Hornpipe, Lancashire, its part in a female con Horror described by Shakspeare No true greatness without it Project for extirpating such Humphrey, (squire) bubble at Bath Trelooby, his complaint against a sexton at St. Paul's 264 Juno, her method to regain Jupiter's affection 147 268 Justice of Lewis le Grand compared to that of 65 gamesters Juvenal, account of, and his writings 241 Ix, iniquity of that family 205 37 KETTLEDRUM, instrument in a female concert, matched 233 Kidney, master of St. James' coffee-house Husbands, qualities necessary to make good ones 104 What makes a man an ill husband Hush-money demanded 26 242 35 1 157 69 Kings, wicked, how punished in a future state 156 149 Kit, that instrument matched 149, 150 Knaves proved fools Hymen, the god of marriage, a guard at the temple of virtuous love Hymn to the Supreme Being 149 Knights of the industry, their designs on a 26 young heir 56 Knockers, exercise of them taught 120 LABOUR for the public unsuccessful 119 JACK SPRUCE made half mad with a smile 56 206 40 157 40 73 105 67 Ladies, treating them in organ-lofts censured 61 Ladies, their trifling endearments give us mean ideas of their souls A lady thankful to her husband for curing her fits A young lady enchanted by an old rake Lalo, (colonel) killed Lamb, a modern diet Landlord distinguished from an incumbent Landlord, Alexander, his laconic love-letter w 40 23 22 64 148 169 that title city of London in great consternation 40 7 Distinguished from politicians Langham, (Dr.) the astrologer, his peculiar ge Idleness, more destructive than the plague 97 nerosity Idolatry, in what manner inverted 127 Laughter, what, and when becoming rouba 43 Jealousy, her garments, complexion, and office 120 A weighty affair Jervase, (Mr.) a great painter 4,7 The distinguishing faculty in man 63 Jester distinguished from a flatterer 215 Occasioned by scornnswered to 63 The richest generally the best jester 225 Immoderate, a sign of pride m: 47,63 Jesuits, account of their discipline 168 Laura, her perfections and excellent character 54 Iliad put into an exact journal 6 Law, case of, answered 1190 Imagination, the most active principle of the Lazy, (lady) described mind 98 Learning, what it is, and what it is not 58 Immortality, two kinds of it 81 Only improves nature 58 Imperceptibles, natural history of them 119 Imperfection, what idea that word should con 246 Impudence compared with absurdity 168 Le Brun's battle of Porus, its effects Legacy, Noy's, to reclaim his son Leisure, how to employ it innocently Letters, directions for writing them 8 9 112 30 Incest in drunkenness 252 Should be the produce of the place, instanced in one from Switzerland 93 Inconstancy described by Hamlet 106 Incumbent distinguished from a landlord 169 Indenture of marriage drawn up by Mr. Bick erstaff 199 Levity, her post in the temple of Hymen 120 177 Indian kings, their return to the civilities of Libellers censured 92 their landlord. 58 Liberty, its region described 101 Library, female 161 • 248 |