MAGAZINE No. 25, JANUARY 1884. he New Year Solar Reaction. entenary Celebrations Manchester and Salford-Accrington-Birmingham (Wretham Road) BOOK NOTICES. The New Age: A Series of Lectures on the Second Coming, the Judgment, and the New Church. In continuation of a Series of Seven Lectures on the Dead Churches of Christendom. By Rev. John Faulkner Potts, B.A.. entenary Lectures by the Rev. John Presland, Argyle Square, King's Cross, London: Why was a New Church Inaugurated a Hundred Years ago? The Inspiration and Interpretation of the Word of God. The Tri-une God: How to understand the Divine Trinity without dividing the Divine Unity Man a Spiritual Being ruined by Sin. ew Church Almanac and Year Book. 1884. Compiled by James Speirs he Month Published for the General Conference of the New Church, PRICE SIXPENCE. Several Articles intended for publication are omitted, to give place to the Centenary Reports. Communications must be sent to the Editor, the Rev. R. STORRY, Heywood, Lancashire; those for the "Chronicle" of Church events should reach the Editor not later than the 15th. All communications must be accompanied by the writer's name and address, though not necessarily for publication. ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements for the wrapper (also notices of births and marriages) to be sent only to the publisher, Mr. JAMES SPEIRS. Those intended for insertion in the following month's number must be received by the 20th. ALL ADVERTISE MENTS ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, s. d. Three lines (27 words)..... 1 0 Half a Page. s. d. 7 6 14 0 No Advertisement inserted under 1 0 25 per cent. discount off six or more insertions. Births are inserted in the Magazine at 1s. 6d., and Marriages at 2s. 6d. each. HAMSTEAD HILL SCHOOL, HANDSWORTH, BIRMINGHAM. Conducted by T. C. LOWE, B.A. Assisted by Highly Competent Masters, Resident and Visiting. Country Air, Commodious Premises, Beautiful Situation, Extensive Grounds, Cricket Field, etc. etc. PROSPECTUSES ON APPLICATION. EDUCATION FOR YOUNG LADIES. JESMOND LODGE, near Malton, York. -- MRS. ABBOTT and her Daughters receive a limited number of Young Ladies to Board and Educate. The Course of Instruction comprises the usual subjects of a thorough and accomplished Education, grounded in the corresponding development of the moral and mental powers. The lessons in Music, Singing, Drawing, Painting, Dancing, and Calisthenics, are by eminent Masters. Experienced English and Foreign Governesses, highly qualified and thoroughly conversant with the principal Continental languages, reside in the House. The Session is divided into Three Terms : From 20th September to 20th December, 20th January to 20th April, 20th April to 20th July. Pupils prepared for the University Local Examinations, and the Royal Academy of Music. W ANTED & PASTOR for the WORSLEY (LANCASHIRE) SOCIETY. For full particulars apply to HERBERT NOAR, 301 Chapel Street, Salford. Now ready, price 6s., post free, NEW STUDIES IN BY A GRADUATE OF OXFORD. 'Very suggestive, and well calculated to promote reflection, and to lead to further inquiry. Will be gladly welcomed as a most acceptable addition to our general literature. The work is throughout attractive, and we are tempted to linger upon its pages. We strongly commend it to the notice of our readers.'-New Church Magazine. LONDON: ELLIOT STOCK, 62 PATERNOSTER ROw; Or of the AUTHOR, 2 GIPSY HILL VILLA, UPPER NORWOOD, S.E. |