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Bháginéyyó Maháriṭṭho Dhammásókassa rájinó, appetwá rájasandésań thérasandésamabrawi. “Bhátuj dyánasuháyassa rańṇó té, rájakunjara, ákańkhamáná pabbajjań nichchań wasati sańṇatá. “Sanghamittań bhikkhuniń tań pabbíjétuń wisajjiya; táyasaddhiń mahábódhidakkhiṇań sákhaméwacha." Theriyacha taméwatthań abrawi thérabhásitań: gantwá pitusamipań sá thérí théramatan brawí. Aha “rájá tuwań, amma, apassantá kathań ahań, sókań winódayissámi puttá nantu wiyójanań ?" Aha sá "mé, mahárája, bhátunó wachanań garuń; pabbájaníyácha bahú, gantabbań tattha téna mé.“ "Sattaghátancha, nórahá, mahábódhi mahíruhá; kathannusákhań gaṇhissań ?” iti rájá wichintayi. Amachchassa Mahádéwanámikassa maténa só bhikkhusanghań nimántetwá bhójelwa puchchhi, bhúpati. "Bhanté, Lańkań mahábódhiń pésétummánukhó ?” iti théró Moggaliputtó só “pésétabbáti,” bhásiyá. Katammahá adhiṭṭhánań pańchakań panchachakkhúná abhási rańṇó tań sutwá tussitwa dharaṇipati. Sattayójanikań maggań só mahábódhigáminań, sodhápetwána sakkachchań bhúsápési anékadhá: Suwannań niharápési kat dhakarandyacha: Wissakammócha ágantwá, satuládhára rúpawá, "Katahan kimpamánánannu kórómiti ?" apuchchhi tań: "natwá pamánań, twańyéwa karóhi," iti bhásité, Thus spoke Mahárittho the nephew (of Déwánanpíyatisso) announcing the message of the king as well as of the théro to Dhammásóko; and added, "Sovereign of elephants! the consort of the brother of thy ally the king (of Lanká), impelled by the desire of devoting herself to the ministry of Buddho, is unremittingly leading the life of a pious devotee-for the purpose of ordaining her a priestess, deputing thither the théri Sanghamitta, send also with her the right branch of the great bo-tree."

He next explained to the théri herself, the intent of the message of the théro (her brother Mahindo). The said théri obtaining an audience of her father (Dhammásóko) communicated to him the message of the théro. The monarch replied (addressing her at once reverentially and affectionately); " My mother! bereaved of thee, and separated from my children and grand children, what consolation will there be left, wherewith to alleviate my affliction." She rejoined, "Maharája, the injunction of my brother (Mahindo) is imperative; and those who are to be ordained are many; on that account it is meet that I should repair thither."

The king (thereupon) thus meditated “the great bo-tree is rooted to the carth: it cannot be meet to lop it with any weapon: by what means then can I obtain a branch thereof?" This lord of the land, by the advice of the minister Mahadévo, having invited the priesthood to a repast, thus inquired (of the high priest); "Lord! is it meet to transmit (a branch of) the great bo-tree to Lanká?" The chief priest, the son of Moggali, replied, "It is fitting, that it should be sent ;" and propounded to the monarch the five important resolves of (Buddho) the deity gifted with five means of perception. The lord of the land, hearing this reply, rejoicing thereat, ordered the road to the bo-tree, distant (from Pátalipatto) seven yójanas to be swept, and perfectly decorated, in every respect; and for the purpose of having the vase made, collected gold. Wissakammo himself, assuming the character of a jeweller and repairing thither, inquired "of what size shall I construct the vase." On being told "make it, deciding on the size thyself,"

Suwannáni gahetwána hatthéna parimajjiya, kaṭáhatań khaṇáńyéwa nimminitwána pakkami,—
Nawahatthaparikkhépań, panchahatthań gambhirató, tihatthawikkhambhayutań, aṭṭhangulaghaṇań subhań,
Yuwassahatthinó soṇḍapamánamukhawaddhikań. Gáhápetwána tań rája bálásúriya samappabhań;
Suttayójanadisáya, witthatáya tiyójanań, séndya chaturanginíyá mahábhikkhugaṇénacha,
Upágammá, mahábódhiń nánálańkárabhúsitań, nánáratunachittań, tań wiwidhádharamáliniń,
Nánákusumasańkiṇṇań, nánáturiya ghósitań, pariwárayitwá sénáya, parikkhipiya sániyá:
Maháthérasahasséna pamukhina mahágané; ranná pattábhisékánań suhassénádhíkénacha,
Pariwarayitwá attánań, mahábódhincha, sáhukań ólókési mahábódhiń paggahetwána anjaliń.
Tassá dakkhiņasákháya chatuhatthappamáṇakań ṭhánań khandhancha thapayitwá, sákhá antaradháyisuń.
Tampáțiháriyan diswá, pinitó puthawípati "pújémahań mahábódhiń rajjénáti“ udíriya.
Abhisinchi mahábódhiń mah árajjéna mahípati pupphádihi mahábódhiń pújetwá padakkhinań ;
Katwá atthasu thánésu wanditwána katanjaliń, suwannakhachité pithé nánáratanamandité,
Sawárohéyáwa sákhuchhé tań suwannakaṭáhakań ṭhapápetwána aruyiha, gahétuń sákhamuttamań,
Adiyitwána sówanna tulikáya manósilań, lékhań dátwána sákháya sachchakiriyamaká iti,

receiving the gold, he moulded it (exclusively) with his own hand, and instantly perfecting that vase, nine cubits in circumference, five cubits in depth, three cubits in diameter, eight inches in thickness, and in the rim of the mouth of the thickness of the trunk of a full grown elephant, he departed.

The monarch causing that vase, resplendent like the meridian sun, to be brought; attended by the four constituent hosts of his military array, and by the great body of the priesthood, which extended over a space of seven yójanas in length and three in breadth, repaired to the great bo-tree; which was decorated with every variety of ornament; glittering with the variagated splendor of gems; decked with rows of streaming banners; laden with offerings of flowers of every hue; and surrounded by the sound of every description of music; encircling it with this concourse of people, he screened (the bo-tree) with a curtain. A body of a thousand priests, with the chief théro (son of Moggali) at their head, and a body of a thousand inaugurated monarchs, with this emperor (Dhammásóko) at their head, having (by forming an inner circle) enclosed the sovereign himself as well as the great bo-tree most completely; with uplifted clasped hands, (Dhammásókó) gazed on the great bo-tree.

While thus gazing (on the bo-tree) a portion thereof, being four cubits of the branch, remained visible, and the other branches vanished. Seeing this miracle, the ruler of the world, overjoyed, exclaimed," I make an offering of my empire to the great bo-trce." The lord of the land (thereupon) invested the great bo-tree with the empire. Making flower and other offerings to the great bo-tree, he walked round it. Having bowed down, with uplifted hands, at eight places; and placed that precious vase on a golden chair, studded with various gems, of such a height that the branch could be easily reached, he ascended it himself for the purpose of obtaining the supreme branch Using vermilion in a golden pencil, and therewith making a streak on the

“Lańkádipań yadi itó gantabbań urubodhitó nibbé matikó Buddhassa sásanamhi saché ahań.”
Sayańyéwa mahábódhi sákháya dakkhiṇasubhá chhin·litwána patitthátu idhahéwa kaṭúhaké.
Lékháṭháné mahábódhi chhinditwa sayaméwa sa gandhakaddamapurassa kuṭáhassópariṭṭhitá.
Múlatékháya upari tiyangulatiyangulé, manósíláya lékháya parikkhipí narissaró.
Adiyá thúlamúláni khuddakáni taráhitu tikkhamitwá dasadasa jálí bhútáni otaruń,
Tampáṭaháriyań diswá rájátiwapamóditó tatthéwákási ukkuṭṭhiń samant á parisápicha.
Bhikkhusańghó sádhukárań tuṭṭhachittó pabódhayi chélukkhépa sahassání pawattińsu samantató.
Ewań saténa múlánań tatthá sá gandhakaddamé; patiṭṭhási mahabodhi pasádenti mahájánáń.
Tassá khandhó dasahatthó panchasakhá manórama, chatuhatthá chatuhatthá dasaddhaphalamaṇḍitá.
Sahassantúpasákhánań sákhánań tá samásícha ewań ási mahábódhi manóharasiridhará.
Kaṭdhamhi mahábódhi patiṭṭhitá khané mahí akampi; páțíhíráni ahésuń wiwidhánicha.
Sayań nádéhí tuiyánań déwésu mánusésucha, sádhukára ninádéhi déwabrahmaganassacha,
Mégháṇań, migapákkhínań, yakkhádínań, rawéhicha, rawéhichu mahíkampá ékakóláhalań ahu.

branch, he pronounced this confession of his faith. "If this supreme right bo-branch detached from this bo-tree, is destined to depart from hence to the land Lanka, let it, self-severed, instantly transplant itself into the vase: then indeed I shall have implicit faith in the religion of Buddho."

The bo-branch severing itself at the place where the streak was made, hovered over the mouth of the vase (which was) filled with scented soil,

The monarch then encircled the branch with (two) streaks above the original streak, at intervals of three inches: from the original streak, the principal, and, from the other streaks, minor roots, ten from each, shooting forth and brilliant from their freshness, descended (into the soil in the vase). The sovereign, on witnessing this miracle (with up lifted hands) set up a shout, while yet standing on the golden chair, which was echoed by the surrounding spectators. The delighted priesthood expressed their joy by shouts of "Sádhu," and the crowding multitude, waving thousands of cloths over their heads, cheered. Thus this (branch of the) great bo-tree established itself in the fragrant soil (in the vase) with a hundred roots, filling with delight the whole attendant multitude. The stem thereof was ten cubits high: there were five branches, each four cubits long, adorned with five fruits each. From the (five main) branches many lateral branches, amounting to a thousand, were formed. Such was this miraculous, and delight-creating bo-tree.

The instant the great bo-branch was planted in the vase, the earth quaked, and numerous miracles were performed. By the din of the separately heard sound of various musical instruments-by the "sádhus" shouted, as well by dévos and men of the human world, as by the host of dévos and brahmas of the heavens-by the howling of the elements, the roar of animals, the screaches of birds, and the yells of the yakkhos as well as other fierce spirits, together with the crashing concussions of the earthquake, they constituted one universal, chaotic uproar.

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Bodhiyá phalapattéhi chabbaṇṇarasmiyó subhá, nikkhamitwá chakkawálań sakalań sóbhayísucha.
Sakaṭágammahábódhi uggantwána tató nabhań, aṭṭhasí himagabbhamhi sattaháni adassaná.
Rájá óruyiha píṭhamhi tań sattáhań tahiń wasań, nichchań mahábódhipújań akárési anékadhá.
Atitétamhi sattáhé sabbè himawaláhaká pawisińsu mahábódhiń sasatá rańsiyópicha.
Suddhénabhási dassittha sákaṭáhapatiṭṭhitá mahájanassa sabbassa mahábódhi manóramá.
Pawattamhi mah ábódhi wiwidhép áțiháriyé wimhápayanti janatań paṭhawitalamóruhi.
Páthíréhi nékehi téhi só pinitó, puná mahárájá mahábódhimahárajjéna pújayi.
Mahdb ódhin muhárajjénabhisinchiya pújiya náná pújáhi sattáhań puna tatthéwa só wasí.
Assayujasukkapakkhé paṇṇarasa upósathé aggahési mahábódhiń dwisatt áhachchayé tató,
Assayujakalapakkhé chátuddusa upósathé rathé subhé thapetwána mahábódhiń rathésabhó.
Pújentó tań dinańyéwa upanetwá sakań purań, alańkaritwá bahudhá káretwá maṇḍupań subhań.
Kattiké sukkapakkhassa diné páțipadé tahiń muhábódhiń mahásálamulé páchínaké subhé,
Thapάpetwána kárési pujánéká diné diné gáható sattarasamé diwasétu nawańkurd.

From the fruit and leaves of the bo-branch, brilliant rays of the six primitive colors issuing forth, illuminated the whole "chakkawalan." Then the great bo-branch together with its vase springing up into the air (from the golden chair), remained invisible for seven days in the snowy regions of the skies.

The monarch descending from the chair, and tarrying on that spot for those seven days, unremittingly kept up, in the fullest formality, a festival of offerings to the bo-branch. At the termination of the seventh day, the spirits which preside over elements (dispelling the snowy clouds), the beams of the moon enveloped the great bo-branch.

The enchanting great bo-branch, together with the vase, remaining poised in the cloudless firmament, displayed itself to the whole multitude. Having astounded the congregation by the performance of many miracles, the great bo-branch descended to the earth.

This great monarch, overjoyed at these various miracles, a second time made an offering of the empire to the great bo. Having thus invested the great bo with the whole empire, making innumerable offerings, he tarried there for seven days longer.

On the fifteenth, being the full moon day of the bright half of the month assayujo, (the king) took possession of the great bo-branch. At the end of two weeks from that date, being the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month "assayujo" the lord of chariots, having had his capital fully ornamented, and a superb hall built, placing the great bobranch in a chariot, on that very day brought it in a procession of offerings (to the capital). On the first day of the bright half of the month "kattiko," having deposited the great bo-branch under the great sal tree in the south east quarter (of Pátilaputto) he daily made innumerable offerings thereto.

On the seventeenth day after he had received charge of it, its new leaves sprouted forth simultaneously. From that circumstance also the monarch overjoyed, a third time dedicated the empire to the great bo-tree,

Sakińyéwa ajayińsu tassá téna narádhipó puṭṭhachittó mah áhódhiń puna rajjéna pujayi.
Mahárujjebhisinchitwá mahábódhiń mahissaró kárésicha mahábódhiń pujań nánappakárakań,
Iti kusumapuré saré sarań sá bahuwidhachárudhajá kulá wisálá suruchirapawarórubódhipujá

marunarachittawikásiní akásíti.

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Sujanappasáda sańwégatthaya katé Maháwansé “Mahábódhi gahaṇonáma “ aṭṭhárasamó parichchhédó.

Mahábsdhiń rakkhanatthań aṭṭhárasasu rathésabhó déwakuláni datwána, aṭṭhámachchakulánicha,
Atthabbrahmanakulánich, aṭṭhaseṭṭhakulánicha, gópakánań, tarachchhánań kulingánań kuláńicha;
Tathéwa pésakáránań, kumbhak áránaméwacha, sabbésańwápi sésánań nágayakkhá naméwacha.
Hémasajjugghatéchewa datwa aṭṭhaṭṭhamánadó arópetwá mahábódhiń náwań gangáya bhusitań,
Sanghamittań maháthériń sahékádasabhikkhuni, tathéwárópayitwána Ariṭṭhapamuképicha,
Nagará nikkhamitwána Wińjhaṭawímatichcha só Támalittań anuppattó sattáhénewa bhupati.
Achchuláráhi pujáhi déwánáganarápicha mahábódhíń pujayanti sattáhénéwupágamuń,

The ruler of men, having thus finally invested the great bo-branch with the whole empire, made various offerings to the said tree.

(It was during the celebrations of these festivals that Súmano entered Pátiliputto to apply to Dhammásóko for the relics).

Thus was celebrated in the capital (appropriately called) "the city-of-the-lake of flowers," enchanting the minds of dévos as well as men, this superb, pre-eminent, grand, bo-branch, processional-festival, graced by innumerable superb streaming banners, (of gold and silver, and other pageantry).

The eighteenth chapter in the Mahawanso, entitled "the obtaining the great bo-branch (by Dhammásóko") composed equally for the delight and affliction of righteous men.


The lord of chariots assigned for the custody of the great bo-branch, eighteen personages of royal blood, eighteen members of noble families, eight of the brahma caste, and eight of the settha caste. In like manner eight of each, of the agricultural and domestic castes, as well as of weavers and potters, and of all other castes; as also nágas and yakkhos. This delighter in donations, bestowing vases of gold and silver, eight of each, (to water the bo-branch with) embarking the great bo-branch in a superbly decorated vessel on the river (Ganges); and embarking likewise the high priestess Sanghamitta with her eleven priestesses, and the ambassador Arittho at the head (of his mission); (the monarch) departing out of his capital, and preceding (the river procession with his army) through the wilderness of Winjhá, reached Támalitta on the seventh day. The dévos, nágas and men (during his land progress) kept up splendid festivals of offerings (on the river), and they also reached (the port of embarkation) on the seventh day.

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