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Alike regretted in the dust he lies,
Who yields ignobly, or who bravely dies.
330 Of all my dangers, all my glorious pains,
A life of labours, lo! what fruit remains?
As the bold bird her helpless young attends,
From danger guards them, and from want defends; 425

In search of prey she wings the spacious air,

335 And with the untasted food supplies her care:

For thankless Greece such hardships have I braved,
Her wives, her infants, by my labours saved;
Long sleepless nights in heavy arms I stood,
And sweat laborious days in dust and blood.

340 I sack'd twelve ample cities on the main,

When Peleus in his aged arms embraced
His parting son, these accents were his last:
My child! with strength, with glory, and success,
Thy arms may Juno and Minerva bless!
Trust that to heaven; but thou, thy cares engage
To calm thy passions and subdue thy rage:
From gentler manners let thy glory grow,
And shun contention, the sure source of woe,
That young and old may in thy praise combine.
The virtues of humanity be thine.-
This, now despised, advice thy father gave;
Ah! check thy anger, and be truly brave.
If thou wilt yield to great Atrides' prayers.
Gifts worthy thee his royal hand prepares;
If not but hear me, while I number o'er
The proffer'd presents, an exhaustless store.
Ten weighty talents of the purest gold,
And twice ten vases of refulgent mould;
Seven sacred tripods, whose unsullied frame
Yet knows no office, nor has felt the flame;
Twelve steeds unmatch'd in fleetness and in force,
And still victorious in the dusty course
(Rich were the man whose ample stores exceed
The prizes purchased by their winged speed):
Seven lovely captives of the Lesbian line,
Skill'd in each art, unmatch'd in form divine:
The same he chose for more than vulgar charms,
When Lesbos sunk beneath thy conquering arms,
All these, to buy thy friendship, shall be paid,
And join'd with these, the long-contested maid;
With all her charms, Briseïs he'll resign,
And solemn swear those charms were only thine;
Untouch'd she stay'd, uninjured she removes,
Pure from his arms, and guiltless of his loves.
These instant shall be thine; and if the powers
Give to our arms proud Ilion's hostile towers,
Then shalt thou store (when Greece the spoil divides)

And twelve lay smoking on the Trojan plain:
Then at Atrides' haughty feet were laid
The wealth I gather'd, and the spoils I made.
Your mighty monarch these in peace possess'd;

345 Some few my soldiers had, himself the rest.
Some present too to every prince was paid;
And every prince enjoys the gift he made;
I only must refund, of all his train;

See what pre-eminence our merits gain!
350 My spoil alone his greedy soul delights;

My spouse alone must bless his lustful nights:
The woman, let him (as he may) enjoy;
But what's the quarrel then of Greece to Troy?
What to these shores the assembled nations draws?






With gold and brass thy loaded navy's sides.


Besides, full twenty nymphs of Trojan race

With copious love shall crown thy warm embrace;

Such as thyself shall choose; who yield to none,

Or yield to Helen's heavenly charms alone.

355 What calls for vengeance, but a woman's cause?
Are fair endowments and a beauteous face
Beloved by none but those of Atreus' race?
The wife whom choice and passion both approve,
Sure every wise and worthy man will love.
360 Nor did my fair-one less distinction claim;
Slave as she was, my soul adored the dame.
Wrong'd in my love, all proffers I disdain;
Deceived for once, I trust not kings again.
Ye have my answer-what remains to do,
Your king, Ulysses, may consult with you.
What needs he the defence this arm can make?
Has he not walls no human force can shake?
Has he not fenced his guarded navy round,
With piles, with ranıparts, and a trench profound?



Yet hear me farther: when our wars are o'er,

If safe we land on Argos' fruitful shore.

There shalt thou live his son, his honours share,
And with Orestes' self divide his care.

370 And will not these (the wonders he has done!)
Repel the rage of Priam's single son?
There was a time ('twas when for Greece I fought
When Hector's prowess no such wonders wrought; 465
He kept the verge of Troy, nor dared to wait

Yet more-three daughters in his court are bred,
And each well worthy of a royal bed;
Laodice and Iphigenia fair,

375 Achilles' fury at the Scæan gate;

He tried it once, and scarce was saved by fate.
But now those ancient enmities are o'er;
To-morrow we the favouring gods implore;
Then shall you see our parting vessels crown'd,

380 And hear with oars the Hellespont resound.

And bright Chrysothemis with golden hair;
Her shalt thou wed whom most thy eyes approve,
He asks no presents, no reward for love:
Himself will give the dower; so vast a store.
As never father gave a child before.
Seven ample cities shall confess thy sway,
Thee Ænopè and Pheræ thee obey,
Cardamyle with ample turrets crown'd,
And sacred Pedasus for vines renown'd;
Epea fair, the pastures Hira yields,
And rich Antheia with her flowery fields:
The whole extent to Pylos' sandy plain,
Along the verdant margin of the main:
There heifers graze, and labouring oxen toil;
Bold are the men, and generous is the soil:
There shalt thou reign, with power and justice crown'd,
And rule the tributary realms around.

Such are the proffers which this day we bring,
Such the repentance of a suppliant king.
But if all this relentless thou disdain,
If honour, and if interest plead in vain,
Yet some redress to suppliant Greece afford,
And be amongst her guardian gods adored.
If no regard thy suffering country claim,
Hear thy own glory, and the voice of fame:
For now that chief, whose unresisted ire
Made nations tremble, and whole hosts retire,
Proud Hector, now, the unequal fight demands,
And only triumphs to deserve thy hands.

Then thus the goddess-born: Ulysses, hear
A taithful speech, that knows nor art, nor fear;
What in my secret soul is understood,
My tongue shall utter, and my deeds make good.
Let Greece then know, my purpose I retain :
Nor with new treaties vex my peace in vain.
Who dares think one thing, and another tell,
My heart detests him as the gates of hell.

Then thus in short my fix'd resolves attend,
Which nor Atrides nor his Greeks can bend;
Long toils, long perils, in their cause I bore,
But now the unfruitful glories charm no more.
Fight or not fight, a like reward we claim,

The wretch and hero find their prize the same;

The third day hence, shall Pthia greet our sails,
If mighty Neptune send propitious gales;
Pthia to her Achilles shall restore

The wealth he left for this destested shore:
385 Thither the spoils of this long war shall pass,
The ruddy gold, the steel, and shining brass;
My beauteous captives thither I'll convey,
And all that rests of my unravish'd prey.
One only valued gift your tyrant gave,


And that resumed, the fair Lyrnessian slave.
Then tell him, loud, that all the Greeks may hear,
And learn to scorn the wretch they basely fear;
(For, arm'd in impudence, mankind he braves,
And meditates new cheats on all his slaves;
395 Though shameless as he is, to face these eyes
Is what he dares not: if he dares, he dies)
Tell him, all terms, all commerce I decline,
Nor share his council nor his battle join;
For once deceived, was his; but twice, were mine.

400 No-let the stupid prince, whom Jove deprives
Of sense and justice, run where frenzy drives;
His gifts are hateful: kings of such a kind
Stand but as slaves before a noble mind.
Not though he proffer'd all himself possess'd,

405 And all his rapine could from others wrest;
Not all the golden tides of wealth that crown
The many peopled Orchomenian town;








Not all proud 'Thebes' unrivall'd walls contain,
The world's great empress on the Egyptian plain,
410 (That spreads her conquests o'er a thousand states,
And pours her heroes through a hundred gates,
Two hundred horsemen, and two hundred cars
From each wide portal issuing to the wars);
Though bribes were heap'd on bribes, in number more

415 Than dust in fields, or sands along the shore;
Should all these offers for my friendship call;
'Tis he that offers, and I scorn them all.
Atrides' daughter never shall be led

(An ill-mateh'd consort) to Achilles' bed;



Like golden Venus though she charm'd the heart,
And vied with Pallas in the works of art.
Some greater Greek let those high nuptials grace,
I hate alliance with a tyrant's race.
If heaven restore me to my realms with life,
The reverend Peleus shall elect my wife.
Thessalian nymphs there are, of form divine.
And kings that sue to mix their blood with mine.
Blest in kind love, my years shall glide away,
Content with just hereditary sway;
There, deaf for ever to the martial strife,
Enjoy the dear prerogative of life.
Life is not to be bought with heaps of gold;
Not ail Apollo's Pythian treasures hold,
Or Troy once held, in peace and pride of sway,
Can bribe the poor possession of a day!
Lost herds and treasures, we by arms regain,
And steeds unrivall'd on the dusty plain:
But from our lips the vital spirit fled,
Returns no more to wake the silent dead.
My fates long since by Thetis were disclosed,
And each alternate, life or fame, proposed;
Here if I stay, before the Trojan town,
Short is my date, but deathless my renown:
If I return, I quit immortal praise
For years on years, and long-extended days.
Convinced, though late, I find my fond mistake,
And warn the Greeks the wiser choice to make:
To quit these shores, their native seats enjoy,
Nor hope the fall of heaven-defended Troy.
Jove's arm display'd asserts her from the skies;
Her hearts are strengthen'd, and her glories rise.
Go then, to Greece report our fix'd design;
Bid all your councils, all your armies join,
Let all your forces, all your arts conspire
To save the ships, the troops, the chiefs from fire.
One stratagem has fail'd, and others will:
Ye find Achilles is unconquer'd still.
Go then-digest my message as ye may-
But here this night let reverend Phenix stay:
His tedious toils and hoary hairs demand
A peaceful death in Pthia's friendly land.
But whether he remain, or sail with me,
His age be sacred, and his will be free.

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525 And Phoenix felt a father's joys in thee:
Thy growing virtues justified my cares,
And promised comfort to my silver hairs.
Now be thy rage, thy fatal rage, resign'd;
A cruel heart ill suits a manly mind:
530 The gods (the only great, and only wise)




Are moved by offerings, vows, and sacrifice;
Offending man their high compassion wins,
And daily prayers atone for daily sins.
Prayers are Jove's daughters, of celestial race,
535 Lame are their feet, and wrinkled is their face;
With humble mien and with dejected eyes,
Constant they follow where Injustice flies:
Injustice, swift, erect, and unconfined,
Sweeps the wide earth, and tramples o'er mankind,
540 While prayers, to heal her wrongs, move slow behind.

Who hears these daughters of almighty Jove,
For him they mediate to the throne above:
When man rejects the humble suit they make,
The sire revenges for the daughters' sake;
545 From Jove commission'd, fierce Injustice then
Descends, to punish unrelenting men.
Oh let not headlong passion bear the way;
These reconciling goddesses obey:

Due honours to the seed of Jove belong;



550 Due honours calm the fierce, and bend the strong. 640
Were these not paid thee by the terms we bring,
Were rage still harbour'd in the haughty king;
Nor Greece, nor all her fortunes, should engage
Thy friend to plead against so just a rage.

555 But since what honour asks, the general sends,


The son of Peleus ceased: the chiefs around
In silence wrapp'd, in consternation drown'd.
Attend the stern reply. Then Phenix rose;
(Down his white beard a stream of sorrow flows.)
And while the fate of suffering Greece he mourn'd, 560 A great example drawn from times of old;
With accent weak these tender words return'd :

And sends by those whom most thy heart commends,
The best and noblest of the Grecian train;
Permit not these to sue, and sue in vain!
Let me, my son, an ancient fact unfold,

Hear what our fathers were, and what their praise 650
Who conquer'd their revenge in former days.
Where Calydon on rocky mountains stands,
Once fought the Ætolian and Curetian bands;
565 To guard it those, to conquer these advance;


And mutual deaths were dealt with mutual chance.
The silver Cynthia bade Contention rise,
In vengeance of neglected sacrifice;

On Eneus' fields she sent a monstrous boar, 570 That levell'd harvests, and whole forests tore:

Divine Achilles! wilt thou then retire,
And leave our hosts in blood, our fleets on fire?
If wrath so dreadful fill thy ruthless mind,
How shall thy friend, thy Phenix, stay behind?
The royal Peleus, when from Pthia's coast
He sent thee early to the Achaian host;
Thy youth as then in sage debates unskill'd,
And new to perils of the direful field;
He bade me teach thee all the ways of war;
To shine in councils, and in camps to dare.
Never, ah never let me leave thy side!
No time shall part us, and no fate divide.
Not though the god, that breathed my life, restore
The bloom I boasted, and the port I bore,
When Greece of old beheld my youthful flames,
(Delightful Greece, the land of lovely dames!)
My father, faithless to my mother's arms,
Old as he was, adored a stranger's charms.
1 tried what youth could do (at her desire)
To win the damsel, and prevent my sire.
My sire with curses loads my hated head,
And cries, Ye furies! barren be his bed.
Infernal Jove, the vengeful fiends below,
And ruthless Proserpine confirm'd his vow.
Despair and grief distract my labouring mind!
Gods! what a crime my impious heart design'd!
I thought (but some kind god that thought suppress'd)
To plunge the poniard in my father's breast:
Then meditate my flight; my friends in vain
With prayers entreat me, and with force detain.
On fat of rams, black bulls, and brawny swine,
They daily feast, with draughts of fragrant wine:
Strong guards they placed, and watch'd nine nights

This beast (when many a chief his tusks had slain)
Great Meleager stretch'd along the plain.
Then, for his spoils a new debate arose,
The neighbour nations thence commencing foes.

575 Strong as they were, the bold Curetes fail'd,
While Meleager's thundering arm prevail'd:
Till rage at length inflamed his lofty breast,
(For rage invades the wisest and the best.)
Cursed by Althæa, to his wrath he yields,
580 And in his wife's embrace forgets the fields.
'She from Marpessa sprung, divinely fair,
And matchless Idas, more than man in war;
The god of day adored the mother's charms:
Against the god the father bent his arms:


585 The afflicted pair, their sorrows to proclaim,
From Cleopatra changed this daughter's name,
And call'd Alcyone; a name to shew
The father's grief, the mourning mother's woe.
To her the chief retired from stern debate,
But found no peace from fierce Althea's hate:
Althea's hate the unhappy warrior drew,
Whose luckless hand his royal uncle slew:
She beat the ground, and call'd the powers beneath
On her own son to wreak her brother's death:
Hell heard her curses from the realms profound,
And the red fiends that walk the nightly round.
In vain Ætolia her deliverer waits,
War shakes her walls, and thunders at her gates.
She sent ambassadors, a chosen band,
Priests of the gods, and elders of the land







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Your sire received me, as his son caress'd,

600 Besought the chief to save the sinking state:

With gifts enrich'd, and with possessions bless'd.

Their prayers were urgent, and their proffers great:

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He stands relentless, and rejects them all.


And now the elected chiefs, whom Greece had sent, Pass'd through the host and reach'd the royal tent Then rising all, with goblets in their hands, The peers, and leaders of the Achaian bands Hail'd their return: Atrides first begun: Say, what success? divine Laërtes' son! Achilles' high resolves declare to all; Returns the chief, or must our navy fall?


Great king of nations! (Ithacus replied) Fix'd is his wrath, unconquer'd is his pride; 705 He slights thy friendship, thy proposals scorns And, thus implored, with fiercer fury burus. To save our army, and our fleets to free, Is not his care; but left to Greece and thee. Your eyes shall view, when morning paints the sky,



Meanwhile the victors' shouts ascend the skies;
The walls are scaled; the rolling flames arise:
At length his wife (a form divine) appears,
With piercing cries and supplicating tears;
She paints the horrors of a conquer'd town,
The heroes slain, the palaces o'erthrown,
The matrons ravish'd, the whole race enslaved
The warrior heard, he vanquish'd, and he saved
The Ætolians, long disdain'd, now took their turn
And left the chief their broken faith to mourn.
Learn hence, betimes to curb pernicious ire,
Nor stay till yonder fleets ascend in fire;
Accept the presents; draw thy conquering sword;
And be amongst our guardian gods adored.

Thus he. The stern Achilles thus replied:
My second father, and my reverend guide!
Thy friend, believe me, no such gifts demands,
And asks no honours from a mortal's hands:
Jove honours me, and favours my designs;
His pleasure guides me. and his will confiues.
And here I stay (if such his high behest),
While life's warm spirit beats within my breast.
Yet hear one word, and lodge it in thy heart:
No more molest me on Atrides' part:
Is it for him these tears are taught to flow,
For him these sorrows? for my mortal foe?
A generous friendship no cold medium knows,
Burns with one love, with one resentment glows:
One should our interests and our passions be;
My friend must hate the man that injures me.
Do this, my Phœnix, 'tis a generous part;
And share my realms, my honours, and my heart
Let these return: our voyage, or our stay,
Rest undetermined till the dawning day.

He ceased: then order'd for the sage's bed
A warmer couch with numerous carpets spread.
With that, stern Ajax his long silence broke,
And thus, impatient, to Ulysses spoke:
Hence let us go-why waste we time in vain
See what effect our low submissions gain!
Liked or not liked, his words we must relate,
The Greeks expect them, and our heroes wait.
Proud as he is, that iron-heart retains
Its stubborn purpose, and his friends disdains.
Stern, and unpitying! if a brother bleed,
On just atonement, we remit the deed;
A sire the slaughter of his son forgives;
The price of blood discharged, the murderer Lives:
The haughtiest hearts at length their rage resign,
And gifts can conquer every soul but thine.
The gods that unrelenting breast have steel'd,
And cursed thee with a mind that cannot yield.
One woman-slave was ravish'd from thy arms &
Lo, seven are offer'd, and of equal charms.
Then hear, Achilles! be of better mind;
Revere thy roof, and to thy guests be kind;
And know the men, of all the Grecian host,
Who honour worth, and prize thy valour most.
Oh soul of battles, and thy people's guide !
(To Ajax thus the first of Greeks replied)
Well hast thou spoke! but at the tyrant's name
My rage rekindles, and my soul's on flame
"Tis just resentment, and becomes the brave;
Disgraced, dishonour'd, like the vilest slavel
Return then, heroes! and our answer bear:
The glorious combat is no more my care;
Not till, amidst yon sinking navy slain,
The blood of Greeks shall dye the sable main,
Nor till the flames, by Hector's fury thrown,
Consume your vessels, and approach my own;
Just there the impetuous homicide shall stand,
There cease his battle, and there feel our hand.
This said, each prince a double goblet crown'd

And cast a large libation on the ground;
Then to their vessels, through the gloomy shade
The chiefs return; divine Ulysses leads.
Meantime Achilles' slaves prepared a bed,
With fleeces, carpets, and soft linen spread:
There, till the sacred morn restored the day.
In slumbers sweet the reverend Phenix lay
But in his inner tent, an ampler space,
Achilles slept; and in his warm embrace
Fair Diomede of the Lesbian race.
Last, for Patroclus was the couch preparea,
Whose nightly joys the beauteous Iphis shared;

/10 Beneath his oars the whitening billows fly,
Us too he bids our oars and sails employ,
Nor hope the fall of heaven-protected Troy:
For Jove o'ershades her with his arms divine,
Inspires her war, and bids her glory shine.

715 Such was his word: what farther he declared,
These sacred heralds and great Ajax heard.
But Phenix in his tent the chief retains,
Safe to transport him to his native plains,
When morning dawns: if other he decree,

720 His age is sacred, and his choice is free.
Ulysses ceased the great Achaian host
With sorrow seized, in consternation lost,
Attend the stern reply. Tydides broke
The general silence, and undaunted spoke:
25 Why should we gifts to proud Achilles send?




Or strive with prayers his haughty soul to bend?
His country's woes he glories to deride,
And prayers will burst that swelling heart with pride.
Be the fierce impulse of his rage obey'd;

7:30 Our battles let him, or desert, or aid;

Then let him arm when Jove or he think fit;
That, to his madness, or to heaven commit:
What for ourselves we can, is always ours;
This night let due repast refresh our powers
735 (For strength consists in spirit and in blood,
And those are owed to generous wine and food
But when the rosy messenger of day
Strikes the blue mountain with her golden ray
Ranged at the ships, let all our squadrons shine

740 In flaming arms, a long extended line:
In the dread front let great Atrides stand,
The first in danger, as in high command.
Shouts of acclaim the listening heroes raise,
Then each to heaven the due libations pays;
745 Till sleep, descending o'er the tents, bestows
The grateful blessings of desired repose.










The Night Adventure of Diomed and Ulysses. 760 Upon the refusal of Achilles to return to the army, the distress of Agamemnon is described in the most lively manner. He takes no rest that night, but passes through the camp, awaking the leaders, and contriving all possible methods for the public safety. Menelaüs, Nestor, Ulysses, and Diomed are employed in raising the rest of the captains They call a council of war, and determine to send scouts into the enemy's camp, to learn their posture and discover their intentions. Diomed undertakes this hazardous enterprise, and makes choice of Ulysses for his companion. In their passage they surprise Dolon, whom Hector had sent on a like design to the camp of the Grecians. From him they are informed of the situation of the Trojan and auxiliary forces, and particularly of Rhesus, and the Thracians who were lately arrived. They pass on with success; kill Rhesus, with several of his officers, and seize the famous horses of that prince, with which they return in triumph to the camp.




The same night continues: the scene lies in the two camps.



ALL night the chiefs before their vessels lay,
And lost in sleep the labours of the day:
All but the king; with various thoughts oppress'd,
His country's cares lay rolling in his breast.
As when by lightnings, Jove's ethereal power
Foretells the rattling hail of weighty shower,
Or sends soft snows to whiten all the shore,
Or bids the brazen throat of war to roar;
By fits one flash succeeds as one expires,
And heaven flames thick with momentary fires.
So bursting frequent from Atrides' breast,
Sighs following sighs his inward fears confess'd
Now o'er the fields, dejected, he surveys
From thousand Trojan fires the mounting blaze
Hears in the passing wind their music blow,
And marks distinct the voices of the foe.
Now looking backwards to the fleet and coast,
Anxious he sorrows for the endanger'd host.
He rends his hairs in sacrifice to Jove,
And sues to him that ever lives above:
Inly he groans; while glory and despair
Divide his heart, and wage a doubtful war.
A thousand cares his labouring breast revolves
To seek sage Nestor now the chief resolves,
With him, in wholesome counsels, to debate
What yet remains to save the afflicted state.
He rose; and first he cast his mantle round,
Next on his feet the shining sandals bound;
A lion's yellow spoils his back conceal'd;
His warlike hand a pointed javelin held.
Meanwhile his brother, press'd with equal woes,
Alike denied the gifts of soft repose,
Laments for Greece; that in his cause before
So much had suffer'd, and must suffer more.
A leopard's spotted hide his shoulders spread
A brazen helmet glitter'd on his head:
Thus (with a javelin in his hand) he went
To wake Atrides in the royal tent.
Already waked, Atrides he descried,
His armour buckling at his vessel's side.
Joyful they met; the Spartan thus begun:
Why puts my brother his bright armour on?
Sends he some spy, amidst these silent hours,
To try yon camp, and watch the Trojan powers?
But say, what hero shall sustain that task,
Such bold exploits uncommon courage ask;
Guideless, alone, through night's dark shade to go
And 'midst a hostile camp explore the foe.

To whom the king: In such distress we stand,
No vulgar counsels our affairs demand:
Greece to preserve is now no easy part,
But asks high wisdom, deep design, and art.
For Jove averse our humble prayer denies,
And bows his head to Hector's sacrifice.
What eye has witness'd, or what ear believed.
In one great day, by one great arm achieved,
Such wondrous deeds as Hector's hand has done,
And we beheld, the last revolving sun?
What honours the beloved of Jove adorn.
Sprung from no god, and of no goddess born,
Yet such his acts, as Greece unborn shall tell,
And curse the battle where their fathers fell.

Now speed thy hasty course along the fleet,
There call great Ajax, and the prince of Crete:
Ourself to hoary Nestor will repair;
To keep the guards on duty, be his care;

(For Nestor's influence best that quarter guides,
Whose son with Merion o'er the watch presides.)
To whom the Spartan: These thy orders borne,
Say shall I stay, or with dispatch return?

There shalt thou stay (the king of men replied),
Else may we miss to meet, without a guide,
The paths so many, and the camp so wide.
Still, with your voice, the slothful soldiers raise,
Urge, by their father's fame, their future praise
Forget we now our state and lofty birth;
Not title here, but works, must prove our worth
To labour is the lot of man below;

And when Jove gave us life, he gave us woe.
This said, each parted to his several cares;
The king to Nestor's sable ship repairs;
The sage protector of the Greeks he found
Stretch'd in his bed, with all his arms around,
The various-colour'd scarf, the shield he rears
The shining helmet, and the pointed spears:
The dreadful weapons of the warrior's rage,
That, old in arms, disdain'd the peace of age.

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While others sleep, thus range the camp alone? Seek'st thou some friend, or nightly sentinel? Stand off, approach not, but thy purpose tell.


O son of Neleus! (thus the king rejoin'd)
Pride of the Greeks, and glory of thy kind!
Lo here the wretched Agamemnon stands,
5 The unhappy general of the Grecian bands;
Whom Jove decrees with daily cares to bend,
And woes that only with his life shall end!
Scarce can my knees these trembling limbs sustain, 100
And scarce my heart support its load of pain.
10 No taste of sleep these heavy eyes have known;
Confused and sad, I wander thus alone,
With fears distracted, with no fix'd design:
And all my people's miseries are mine.

If aught of use thy waking thoughts suggest,
15 (Since cares, like mine, deprive thy soul of rest,)
Impart thy counsel, and assist thy friend;
Now let us jointly to the trench descend,
At every gate the fainting guard excite,
Tired with the toils of day and watch of night:



20 Else may the sudden foe our works invade,
So near, and favour'd by the gloomy shade.
To him thus Nestor: Trust the powers above,
Nor think proud Hector's hopes confirin'd by Jove: 115

How ill agree the views of vain mankind,

25 And the wise counsels of the eternal mind?
Audacious Hector, if the gods ordain,
That great Achilles rise and rage again,
What toils attend thee, and what woes remain !
Lo, faithful Nestor thy command obeys;
$0 The care is next our other chiefs to raise;
Ulysses, Diomed, we chiefly need;
Meges for strength, Oïleus famed for speed,
Some other be dispatch'd of nimbler feet,
To those tall ships, remotest of the fleet,
35 Where lie great Ajax, and the king of Crete.
To rouse the Spartan I myself decree;
Dear as he is to us, and dear to thee,
Yet must I tax his sloth, that claims no share
With his great brother in his martial care.

40 Him it behoved to every chief to sue,

Preventing every part perform'd by you,
For strong necessity our toils demands,
Claims all our hearts, and urges all our hands.
To whom the king: With reverence we allow
15 Thy just rebukes, yet learn to spare them now.
My generous brother is of gentle kind,
He seems remiss, but bears a valiant mind;
Through too much deference to our sovereign sway,
Content to follow when we lead the way.
50 But now, our ills industrious to prevent,

Long ere the rest, he rose, and sought my tent.
The chiefs you named, already at his call,
Prepare to meet us near the navy wall;
Assembling there, between the trench and gates,
55 Near the night-guards, our chosen council waits.
Then none (said Nestor) shall his rule withstand,
For great examples justify command.

With that the venerable warrior rose;
The shining greaves his manly legs inclose;

60 His purple mantle golden buckles join'd,
Warm with the softest wool, and doubly lined.
Then, rushing from his tent, he snatch'd in haste
His steely lance, that lighten'd as he pass'd.
The camp he traversed through the sleeping crowd,

65 Stopp'd at Ulysses' tent, and call'd aloud.
Ulysses, sudden as the voice was sent,

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Awakes, starts up, and issues from his tent.
What new distress, what sudden cause of fright, 160

Thus leads you wandering in the silent night?

O prudent.chief! (the Pylian sage replied)

Wise as thou art, be now thy wisdom tried:
Whatever means of safety can be sought,
Whatever counsels can inspire our thought,
Whatever methods, or to fly or fight;

75 All, all depend on this important night!

He heard, return'd, and took his painted shield:
Then join'd the chiefs, and follow'd through the field.
Without his tent, bold Diomed they found,
All sheath'd in arms, his brave companions round:

80 Each sunk in sleep, extended on the field,
His head reclining on his bossy shield.

A wood of spears stood by, that, fix'd upright,
Shot from their flashing points a quivering light.
A bull's black hide composed the hero's bed;

85 A splendid carpet roll'd beneath his head.

Then, with his foot, old Nestor gently shakes
The slumbering chief, and in these words awakes:




Rise, son of Tyaeus. to the brave and strong Rest seems inglorious, and the night too long. But sleep'st thou now? when from yon hill the foe Hangs o'er the fleet, and shades our walls below?

At this, soft slumber from his eyelids fled;
The warrior saw the hoary chief, and said:
Wondrous old man! whose soul no respite knows
Though years and honours bid thee seek repose.
Let younger Greeks our sleeping warriors wake;
Ill fits thy age these toils to undertake.

My friend (he answer'd), generous is thy care
These toils, my subjects and my sons might bear
Their loyal thoughts and pious loves conspire
To ease a sovereign, and relieve a sire.
But now the last despair surrounds our host,
No hour must pass, no moment must be lost;
Each single Greek, in this conclusive strife,
tands on the sharpest edge of death or life:
Yet, if my years thy kind regard engage,
Employ thy youth as I employ my age;
Succeed to these my cares, and rouse the rest;
He serves me most, who serves his country best.

This said, the hero o'er his shoulders flung
A lion's spoils, that to his ancles hung;
Then seized his ponderous lance, and strode along.
Meges the bold, with Ajax famed for speed,
The warrior roused, and to the entrenchments led.
And now the chiefs approach the nightly guard;
A wakeful squadron, each in arms prepared:
The unwearied watch their listening leaders keep
And, couching close, repel invading sleep.
So faithful dogs their fleecy charge maintain,
With toil protected from the prowling train,
When the gaunt lioness, with hunger bold,

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Then thus (the godlike Diomed rejoin'd)
My choice declares the impulse of my mind.
How can I doubt while great Ulysses stands
195 To lend his counsels, and assist our hands;
A chief, whose safety is Minerva's care;
So famed, so dreadful, in the works of war.
Bless'd in his conduct, I no aid require;
Wisdom like his might pass through flames of fire. 290




It fits thee not, before these chiefs of fame,
(Replied the sage) to praise me or to blame:
Praise from a friend, or censure from a foe,
Are lost on hearers that our merits know.
But let us haste-Night rolls the hours away.
205 The reddening orient shews the coming day,
The stars shine fainter on the ethereal plains,
And of Night's empire but a third remains.
Thus having spoke, with generous ardour press d,
In arms terrific their huge limbs they dress'd.
210 A two-edged falchion Thrasymed the brave,
And ample buckler, to Tydides gave:
Then in a leathern helm he cased his head,
Shornof its crest, and with no plume o'erspread:
(Such as by youths unused to arms are worn.
No spoils enrich it, and no studs adorn).
Next him Ulysses took a shining sword,
A bow and quiver with bright arrows stored:
A well-proved casque, with leather braces bound,
(Thy gift, Meriones) his temples crown'd:




A boar's white teeth grinn'd horrid o'er his head.
This from Amyntor, rich Ormenus' son,
Autolychus by fraudful rapine won,
And gave Amphidamas; from him the prize


225 Molus received, the pledge of social ties;
The helmet next by Merion was possess'd,
And now Ulysses' thoughtful temples press'd.
Thus sheath'd in arms, the council they forsake,
And dark through paths oblique their progress take.


Springs from the mountains toward the guarded fold:
Through breaking woods her rustling course they hear:
Loud, and more loud, the clamours strike their ear 216
Of hounds and men; they start, they gaze around,
Watch every side, and turn to every sound.

Thus watch'd the Grecians, cautious of surprise,

Each voice, each motion, drew their ears and eyes; 220 Soft wool within; without, in order spread,

Each step of passing feet increased the affright;
And hostile Troy was ever full in sight.
Nestor with joy the wakeful band survey'd,
And thus accosted through the gloomy shade
Tis well, my sons! your nightly cares employ;
Else must our host become the scorn of Troy.
Watch thus, and Greece shall live-The hero said;
Then oer the trench the following chieftains led.
His son, and god-like Merion, march'd behind,
(For these the princes to their council join'd).
The trenches pass'd, the assembled kings around
In silent state the consistory crown'd.
A place there was yet undefiled with gore,
The spot where Hector stopp'd his rage before.
When night descending, from his vengeful hand
Reprieved the relics of the Grecian band:
(The plain beside with mangled corps was spread,
And all his progress mark'd by heaps of dead.)
There sat the mournful kings: when Neleus' son
The council opening, in these words begun :


230 Just then, in sign she favour'd their intent,
A long-wing'd heron great Minerva sent:
This, though surrounding shades obscured their view,
By the shrill clang and whistling wings, they knew.
As from the right she soar'd, Ulysses pray'd,
235 Hail'd the glad omen, and address'd the maid:
O daughter of that god, whose arm can wield
The avenging bolt, and shake the dreadful shield!
O thou! for ever present in my way,
Who all my motions, all my toils survey!




240 Safe may we pass beneath the gloomy shade,
Safe by thy succour to our ships convey'd !
And let some deed this signal night adorn,
To claim the tears of Trojans yet unborn.
Then godlike Diomed preferr'd his prayer:
245 Daughter of Jove, unconquer'd Pallas! hear.
Great queen of arms, whose favour Tydeus won,
As thou defend'st the sire, defend the son.
When on Æsopus' banks the banded powers
Of Greece he left, and sought the Theban towers, 340
Peace was his charge; received with peaceful show,
He went a legate, but return'd a foe:
Then help'd by thee, and cover'd by thy shield,
He fought with numbers, and made numbers yield.

Is there (said he) a chief so greatly brave,
His life to hazard, and his country save?
Lives there a man who singly dares to go
To yonder camp, or seize some straggling foe ?
Or favour'd by the night approach so near,
Their speech, their counsels, and designs to hear?
If to besiege our navies they prepare,
Or Troy once more must be the seat of war?
This could he learn, and to our peers recite,
And pass unharm'd the dangers of the night;
What fame were his through all succeeding days,
While Phœbus shines, or men have tongues to praise!
What gifts his grateful country would bestow!
What must not Greece to her deliverer owe!.
A sable ewe each leader should provide,
With each a sable lambkin by her side;
At every rite his share should be increased,
And his the foremost honours of the feast.


So now be present, O celestial maid!

255 So still continue to the race thine aid!

A youthful steer shall fall beneath the stroke,
Untamed, unconscious of the galling yoke,
With ample forehead, and with spreading horns,
Whose taper tops refulgent gold adorns.



Fear held them mute: alone untaught to fear,
Tydides spoke-The man you seek is here.
Through yon black camps to bend my dangerous way,
Some god within commands, and I obey.
But let some other chosen warrior join,



To raise my hopes, and second my design.
By mutual confidence, and mutual aid,

The heroes pray'd, and Pallas from the skies
Accords their vow, succeeds their enterprize,
Now, like two lions panting for the prey,
With deathful thoughts they trace the dreary way,
Through the black horrors of the ensanguined plain, 355

Great deeds are done, and great discoveries made:
The wise new prudence from the wise acquire,
And one brave hero fans another's fire.

Contending leaders at the word arose: Each generous breast with emulation glows:

265 Through dust, thro' blood, o'er arms and hills of slain.
Nor less bold Hector, and the sons of Troy,
On high designs the wakeful hours employ;
The assembled peers their lofty chief enclosed,
Who thus the counsels of his breast proposed:




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