ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by F. J. HUNTINGTON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern PREFACE. THE rapid progress of the science of astronomy, for the last few years, has again rendered it necessary to revise the Geography of the Heavens a work, the popularity of which is sufficiently proved by a sale of 250,000 copies. The editor has, therefore, availed himself of the occasion to make such improvements, both in the book and maps, as seemed to be demanded by the progress of the science, and the most approved methods of instruction. Among these improvements we may mention the following : 1. The matter of the book has been thoroughly assorted; the most important paragraphs being printed in large type, and numbered, as in most modern text-books; while that which seemed in the main explanatory of the more important portions, is left in small print. By this means an agreeable variety is afforded to the eye, while the book is made to contain far more matter, and is, consequently, far more complete, than it could otherwise have been. 2. A new set of Questions has been prepared throughout. These are brief, topical and suggestive; and numbered to answer to the paragraphs to which they relate. 3. A complete list of Telescopic Objects in each constellation has been inserted; giving the Right Ascension and Declination of each object; with a brief description of it; and easy landmarks and directions by which it may be found; and references to telescopic views of the same in the new maps. The color and relative magnitude of the components of the double stars, are also given. These Telescopic Objects, compiled with great labor from Smyth's Cycle of Celestial Objects, will be found especially |