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34 Bearers of vigour and immortal fatness, milk and sweet beverage and foaming liquor, ye are a freshening draught. Delight my Fathers.

34 He addresses the waters which he pours on the cakes. Immortal fatness imperishable ghṛitam, ghî, or clarified butter which goes to the Gods. According to Mahidhara, amritam here means destroyer or banisher of all disease and death. Sweet beverage: kilala; a kind of Metheglin. Foaming beverage: parisrut; a sort of beer.


SERVE Agni with the kindling-brand, with drops of butter wake the Guest.

In him pay offerings to the Gods.

2 To Agni Jâtavedas, to the flame, the well-enkindled God, Offer thick sacrificial oil.

3 Thee, such, O Angiras, with brands and sacred oil we magnify, O very brilliant, Youthfullest.

4 Rich in oblations, dropping oil, to thee, sweet Agni, let them go.

Accept with favour these my brands.

5 Earth! Ether! Sky!

Like heaven in plenty and like earth in compass! Upon thy back, Earth, place of sacrificing to Gods, for gain of food I lay food-eating Agni.

6 This spotted Bull hath come and sat before the Mother and before

The Father, mounting up to heaven.

This Book contains formulas for the Agnihotra or morning and evening burnt-oblation of milk which is obligatory ou the householder during (with some exception) the whole of his life, and for the Four-monthly sacrifices at the beginning of the three chief seasons, Spring, Rains, and Autumn.

1 This verse and the following contain texts for the Agnyâdhâna, the ceremonial laying-down or establishment of his own sacrificial fires by the young householder. Guest: Agui who is constantly maintained in mens' houses.

2 Jatavedas: knower of (all) beings; Omniscient. The text is taken from R. V. V. 5. 1.

3 Angiras: Agni, as the chief messenger to the Gods. Youthfullest: youngest of Gods, as being perpetually reproduced at sacrifice. Them: the three kindling-sticks of Asvattha wood, anointed with sacrificial butter, which are put on the fire with the texts 1, 3, 4 respectively.

5 Earth! Ether! Sky: he lays down the Ahavaniya-fire on the place prepared for it, with this solemn sacrificial exclamation which is said to comprehend the Universe, the aid of which the sacrificer thus obtains. Or, according to Mahîdhara, the three words refer to the respective creation of priests, nobles, and people; or self, human beings, and lower animals. Like heaven etc: May I become' understood. In plenty in the number of its stars. So numerous may my sons and cattle be. Like earth: so may I spread with my offspring, or be the refuge of living creatures. 6 With the recitation of this and the two following verses, which form Hymn 189 of Book X. of the Rigveda, he offers worship to Agni and lays down the Dakshinigni or Southern Fire. Spotted Bull: the Sun, here represented by Agni. The Mother Earth. The Father: the Sky.

7 As expiration from his breath his radiance penetrates within: The Bull shines out through all the sky.

8 He rules supreme through thirty realms. Song is bestowed upon the Bird

Throughout the days at break of morn.

9 Agni is light, and light is Agni. Hail!
Sûrya is light, and light is Surya. Hail!
Agni is splendour, light is splendour. Hail!
Sûrya is splendour, light is splendour. Hail!
Light is Sûrya, Sûrya is light. Hail!

10 Accordant with bright Savitar and Night with Indra at her side,

May Agni, being pleased, enjoy. All-hail!

11 Approaching sacrifice, may we pronounce a text to Agni who

Heareth us even when afar.

12 Agni is head and height of heaven, the Master of the earth is he :

He quickeneth the waters' seed.

13 You two will I invoke, O Indra-Agni, will please you both together with oblation.

Givers, you twain, of vigorous strength and riches, you twain do I invoke for gain of vigour.

14 This is thine ordered place of birth whence, sprung to life,

thou shonest forth.

Knowing this, Agni, rise thou up and cause our riches to increase.

15 Here by ordainers was this God appointed first Invoker, best at worship, to be praised at rites,

Whom Apnavâna and the Bhrigus caused to shine, brightcoloured in the wood, spreading to every house.

8 Thirty realms: all the divisions of the world, the number being used indefinitely. The Bird: or the winged One; the Sun, his morning song representing prayer.

9 Here begin the formulas of the Agnihotra, or morning and evening oblations of burnt milk. Agni: formula to accompany the evening oblation. Surya: formula to be employed in making the morning offering.

12 Taken from R. V. VIII. 44. 16. The waters' seed: as lightning, Agni impregnates the waters of the air.

14 This: the Gârhapatya fire. The verse is taken from R. V. III. 29. 10. 15 Taken from R. V. IV. 7. 1. Ordainers: regulators of sacrifice, the ancient fire-priests. Apnavâna: an ancient Rishi, connected with the priestly family of the Bhrigus and the earliest worship of Agni. Cf. R. V.

VIII. 91. 4.

16 After his ancient splendour they, the bold, have drawn the bright milk from

The Sage who wins a thousand gifts.
17 Thou, Agni, art our bodies' guard.
Giver of life art thou, O Agni.
Giver of splendour art thou, Agni.

Guard thou my body. Give me life.

Give me splendour.

All that is wanting in my body, Agni, supply for me.

18 Enkindled we enkindle thee through hundred winters, thee the bright;

We healthy, thee who givest health; we strong, thee author of our strength;

We, never injured, Agni, thee uninjured injurer of foes.

O rich in shining lights, may I in safety rich the end of thee. 19 Thou hast attained, O Agni, to the splendour of Surya, to the eulogy of Rishis, and to the habitation which thou lovest.

May I attain to lengthened life, to splendour, to offspring and abundant store of riches.


20 Ye are food, may I enjoy your food. Ye are might, may enjoy your might. Ye are energy, may I enjoy your energy. Ye are abundant riches, may I enjoy your abuudant riches.

21 Sport, wealthy ones, in this abode, this fold, this spot, this dwelling-place.

Remain just here, and go not hence.

22 Composed art thou of every form and colour. With sap and ownership of kine approach me.

To thee, dispeller of the night, O Agni, day by day with prayer,

Bringing thee reverence, we come;

16 Taken from R. V. IX. 54. 1. In the original hymn the bold are the Soma-pressers, and the sage is Soma. Here Mahidhara, to suit the sacrificial occasion, explains the words as 'milkers' and 'cow.'

18 Enkindled brightened or made illustrious by thy favour. Hundred winters: implying a prayer for life extended to that period. Shining lights: Moon and stars; he addresses Night.

19 Splendour of Surya: at night, when the setting Sun has entered the Ahavaniya fire. Habitation: or dainty offering.

20 He approaches the cow that has been milked for the oblation. Ye: thou and the other cows. Food in the shape of milk and butter.

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22 Thou: he touches and addresses the cow. To thee he approaches the Gârhapatya fire and reverences it. This text and verses 23, 24 are taken from R. V. I. 1. 7-9.

23 Ruler of sacrifices, guard of Law eternal, radiant One, Increasing in thine own abode.

24 Be to us easy of approach, even as a father to his son: Agni, be with us for our weal.

25 O Agni, be our nearest Friend; be thou a kind deliverer and gracious Friend.

Excellent Agni, come thou nigh to us, and give us wealth most splendidly renowned.

26 To thee then, O most bright, O radiant God, we come with prayer for happiness for our friends.

So hear us, listen to this call of ours, and keep us far from every evil man.

27 O Iḍâ, come, O Aditi, come hither. Come hither, muchdesired! From you may I obtain my heart's desire.

28 O Brahmanaspati, make him who presses Soma glorious, Even Kakshîvàn Ausija.

29 The rich, the healer of disease, who findeth wealth, increaseth store,

The prompt,-may he be with us still.

30 Let not the foeman's curse, let not a mortal's treachery fall

on us:

Preserve us, Brahmanaspati !

31 Great, heavenly, unassailable, ours be the favour of the Three, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuna.

32 For over them, neither at home nor upon pathways perilous, The evil-minded foe hath power.

33 For they, the Sons of Aditi, bestow eternal light upon A mortal man that he may live.

23 Law eternal: the order of the universe, or. specially, established sacrifice25 This and the following verse make up Hymn 24 of R. V. V., the two halves of 26, transposed, forming verses 3 and 4.

27 He approaches and addresses the cow. Iḍa: or Ilâ, Nourishment personified; here a symbolical name of the cow as representing plenty. Aditi: here and elsewhere a sacrificial name of the cow.

28 This verse and the two following are taken from R. V. I. 18. 1-3. Brahmanaspati :-Brihaspati; Lord of prayer, or Guardian of the Veda, the special deity and prototype of the Brahmans and the priestly community, and Purohita or tribal Priest of the Gods. Kakshivan: called Ausija or son of Usij, a renowned Rishi, the seer of several hymns of the Rigveda. Glorious or clear of voice.

29 The rich, etc.: Brahmanaspati.

31 This verse and the two following form, with a variation in 33. Hymn 185 of Book X. of the Rigveda. Aryaman: the name of one of the Adityas, commonly invoked with Mitra and Varuņa.

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