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which the subdivisions are so interdependent. The sentences and paragraphs designed for the exemplification of rules and principles have been selected as much for their literary worth, as for their adaptation to the purposes of illustration.

Though not a large collection, a marked feature of the book is the choice list of Selections for parlor and public recitals. Many of the pieces are new and of the highest order of merit.

While VOICE Culture AND ELOCUTION is particularly adapted to the work in Schools of Elocution, and is specially arranged for use as a text-book in the Higher Schools and Colleges, its explicit directions make it equally valuable as a guide for self-instruction.

An important feature of the book is the progressive arrangement of its lessons, adapting it to the needs of pupils of different grades.

An Author's edition-published in 1886-was so favorably received by teachers of elocution and other educators, that a second edition was imperatively demanded. The present book is the result of a most careful revision of the former work, after the experience of actual use in the class-room, and is besides enlarged and otherwise improved. Among the new features will be found the following:

1. Plates illustrating the Organs of Speech;

2. Additional exercises and illustrative "cuts" in Voice Culture ;

3. Authority references that will enable the student to learn the "context" of the passages quoted;

4. A list of the Emotions and Passions of the mind, with an appropriate sentence or paragraph for the exemplification of each;

5. A more carefully edited list of Selections, com-
prising among their number several new and rare
poems; and,

6. In addition to the full Table of Contents, a com-
plete Index to the longer quotations, and to the selec-
tions for readings and recitations.

It has been the aim of the author to embody in this
work the course of instruction which has resulted from
an experience of more than twenty-five years in the
profession, a course that has stood the test of practi-
cal experiment.

To his early instructors among them distinguished
voice-culturists and teachers of elocution—the author
would gratefully acknowledge his obligations.

In the hands of the intelligent student and the faith-
ful teacher, it is confidently believed that this text-
book will be a valuable aid toward the acquisition of
the Art of Elocution.

Besides original copyrighted selections, permission
for the use of certain extracts and selections has been
kindly granted by the authors or publishers of the
same. Among the latter are Houghton, Mifflin & Co.,
S. C. Griggs & Co., and the Baltimore Publishing Co.

TO HIS PUPILS, and to all others interested in the
noble Art of Expression, the author would beg leave



W. T. R.

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