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ntst.-hunt'st, taunt'st.

Hunt'st thou the wild gazelle ?

nz.-plains, moons, moans, lens, vanes.

Though slow of reward, merit wins in the


pld.-tramp'ld, tippl'd, toppl'd, dappl'd.

The dimpled cheek of the child wore an angel's smile.

pldst. rippl'dst, peopl'dst, rumpl'dst.

Thou trampl'dst the worm that harmed thee


plz.-mapl's, appl's, toppl's, stippl's, stapl's.

Age on their temples shed her silver frost. plst.-trampl'st, rippl'st, sampl'st, toppl'st, tippl'st.

Thou sampl'st the tap, and then toppl'st to thy miserable home.

pnd.-rip'n'd, op'n'd, deep'n'd, happ'n'd, sharp'n'd. The golden ripples of the rip'n'd grain make glad the heart of the peasant.

pnz.-op'ns, happ'ns, rip'ns, cheap'ns.

The combat deep'ns-on, ye brave !

pr. pride, proper, prune, print, prey.

Prompt to relieve, the prisoner sings his praise.

ps.-tips, tops, props, tapes, mops.

Thought droops and stops as the eyes grow heavy with sleep.

pst.-top'st, prop'st, heap'st, shap'st, hoop'st.

Thou slapp'st the child thou shouldst have


pt.-wept, slipp'd, supp'd, stopp'd.

The little one wept itself to sleep.

pts.-intercepts, accepts, precepts.

The father's precepts the dutiful son obeyed.

ptst.-hop'd'st, accept'st, intercept'st.

Accept'st thou the commission offered thee?


From the depths of despair, the sorrowing

soul is lifted on the wings of love.

rb.-herb, verb, orb, curb, garb.

Curb thy tongue, for its barb'd words stick

where they strike.

rbd.-orb'd, curb'd, garb'd, disturb'd.

No reveille disturb'd his slumbers; for he slept the sleep of death.

rbdst.-barb'dst, orb'dst, curb'dst, disturb'dst.

Thou curb'dst well the gallant steed thou


rbz.-barbs, verbs, orbs, disturbs.

The orbs of night in the winter's sky shine

clear and bright.

rbst.-absorb'st, barb'st, curb'st, disturb'st.

Thou absorb'st our precious time by trivial


rdz.-words, birds, cards, chords, herds.

The silver cords of friendship may unite

many hearts which the golden cords of love dare not entwine.

rdst.-reward'st, herd'st, guard'st.

Thou regard'st whom thou reward'st.

rfs.-serfs, dwarfs, turfs, scarfs.

Dwarfs and pygmies shall to giants rise.

rgz.-bergs, icebergs, burgs.

The icebergs float from the Arctic seas.

rdzh.-surge, forge, enlarge, gorge, emerge.

From out the gorge sweeps the wild torrent

to the verge of the precipice.

rdzhd.--urg'd, charg'd, merg'd, forg'd.

So they beat against the State House,

So they surged against the door.

rks.-barks, corks, works, larks, storks.

He marks the tracks of the wounded by the

crimson trails in the snow.

rkst.-mark'st, work'st, bark'st, cork'st.

Mark'st thou the spot where the hero died ?

rkt.-work'd, mark'd, lurk'd, fork'd, jerk'd.

He work'd his way to the topmost round of the ladder of fame.

rktst.-bark'dst, work'dst, fork'dst, lurk'dst.

Thou lurk'dst round our haunts like a mer

cenary spy.

rld.-curl'd, snarl'd, whirl'd, furl'd, world.

Round the chieftain's head the war-cloud curl'd.

rldst.-hurl'dst, snarl'dst, furl'dst, whirl'dst.

Thou furl'dst thy sails in the harbor of


rldz.-worlds. Worlds unseen, the eye of faith explores.

rlz.-hurls, pearls, snarls, twirls, churls.

The glittering pearls of the sea are not to be compared with the priceless pearls of thought.

rmd.-arm'd, charm'd, form'd, harm'd.

"Arm'd, say you?" "Arm'd, my lord."

rmdst.-form'dst, storm'dst, charm'dst, worm'dst.

Thou charm'dst the maid whose ear was

not proof against flattery's wiles.

rmz.-charms, forms, storms, terms.

Truth storms the citadel of falsehood, and accepts no terms but unconditional surrender.

rmst.-form'st, charm'st, storm'st, alarm'st.

Thou charm'st me with thy silver-tongued



What warmth of feeling is in thy golden


rnd.-scorn'd, earn'd, burn'd, warn'd.


We were warn'd of our danger in time to escape.

burn'dst, turn'dst, scorn'dst, warn'dst, learn'dst.

Thou learn'dst thy lesson well, though thou

scorn'dst to confess it.

rnz.-spurns, darns, mourns, urns.

As the sun sets, the leaden cloud turns to

burnished gold.

rps.-carps, warps, sharps, thorps, harps.

We hanged our harps upon the willows.

rpt.-warp'd, usurp'd, harp'd.

Wealth usurp'd the throne where intellect

long had ruled.

rs.-scarce, purse, fierce, source, farce.

Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy.

rsh.-marsh, Kershaw, harsh.

Kershaw island is in San Francisco Bay.

rsts.-versts, bursts, thirsts.

The Russian treads his weary versts o'er glittering fields of snow.

rtst.-smart'st, hurt'st, part'st, girt'st, report'st.

O jealousy! thou part'st the hearts that should be ours.

rths.-earths, worths, hearths, births, fourths.

The earth's productiveness is in excess of

possible consumption.

rtsht.-march'd, search'd, parch'd, perch'd.

Pygmies are pygmies still, though perch'd

on Alps.

rvd.-preserv'd, nerv'd, starv'd, carv'd.

He never swerv'd from the line of duty.

rvdst.-curv'dst, swerv'dst, carv'dst, preserv'dst.

Thou preserv'dst me from mine enemies.

rvz.-nerves, starves, swerves.

The fool serves his body, but starves his


rvst.-curv'st, carv'st, preserv'st.

Thou serv'st me well, thou nerv'st my arm

for the fight.

rz.-stars, wars, bars, tears, stores.

His fears were the children of a violated


sf.-Sphinx, sphere.

Within my sphere, I am as secret as the


shr.-shrill, shriek, shrine, shrink, shrunk, shrank.

He shrank from the shrill shriek of the unshriven, who wildly wailed and wept before the shrine.

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