605758-234 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. VERY few words will be required to explain the character and object of these "Letters." Although many excellent works on the Christian Evidences exist in the English language, yet there is perhaps none that can be considered well suited to the wants of Native youth. In the following pages the attempt has been made to present this all-important subject to the educated mind of India in a form at once simple and attractive-the reasonings and illustrations having, as far as possible, an Oriental reference. Utility has been aimed at, rather than novelty. The writer has never scrupled to employ the argument that seemed best to answer his purpose, whether it was original or not. On the Christian Evidences he has in particular consulted the works of Paley, Chalmers, Sumner, Hartwell Horne, President Hopkins (of America), and T. Erskine. With regard to the Oriental systems of religion he has been careful, in questions that could admit of any doubt, to append the names of the authorities relied on. He trusts that the spirit in which the work is written, is in harmony with that love which pervades the religion whose claims are here unfolded. Polemical discussion has, of course, been unavoidable; but he trusts that the tone of the argument, however earnest, is never acrimonious. May HE, who can work by the weakest as well as by the mightiest instruments, vouchsafe His enriching blessing on this effort to advance His glory, and make it the means of leading many of the youth of India to the humble and reverential study of the volume of Revelation,-and thus may many a wandering and weary spirit find its needed rest in Jesus Christ, the Crucified-the only Redeemer of sinful man! PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. THE sale of the first edition of this little work was more rapid than the writer had anticipated; and in little more than a year the impression was all disposed of. The fact seems to afford a cheering indication that the momentous subject of which it treats, awakens no small degree of interest among the youth of India. The writer regrets that the reissue has been unavoidably delayed by sickness and other causes: The present edition has for the most part been printed during his absence from Bombay; and he has been greatly indebted to the ever ready and valuable assistance of the Rev. R. Nesbit, in carrying it through the press. The work has been carefully revised throughout, and several important additions have been made. This is especially the case in the chapter on Hinduism, which now contains a view of Primitive Hinduism, and of Vedantism, as well as of the popular system. During the last few years the progress made in pressing the august disclosures and claims of Revelation on the mind and heart of India has been great and cheering. In so far as this little book may be fitted to aid in this great and holy work, may He to whom the consecration of great and small alike is due, graciously accept the offering now cast into His treasury. Bombay, 3rd December, 1852. PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. In the preparation of a third edition of these Letters, the whole of the work has been carefully revised. A few things have been omitted; and a good many additions have been made. The additional matter is chiefly embodied in Notes added at the end of several of the Letters. The writer has done his best to make this little book still more suitable to the youthful mind of India. To render it as accessible as possible the Bombay Tract and Book Society have considerably reduced the price. The writer is cheered to think that these Letters have been already useful; and his earnest prayer is that God may bless the effort to render them still more so. 30th December, 1856. |