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the radiance of a more perfect day. THEN, to adopt the energetic language of ancient prophecy -The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard lie down with the kid and the calf, and the young lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. The lion shall eat straw like the ox, and the suckling child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den. THEY SHALL NOT HURT NOR DESTROY (saith the Lord) IN ALL MY HOLY MOUNTAIN.

In the mean time, may the GOD OF PEACE allay the animosities and meliorate the temper of the Christian world! Thus will the wretched remains of bigotry, which are still to be found in some unhappy individuals of every party, be gradually lessened, and finally destroyed. The glorious Gospel of the blessed God wants not any adventitious aid to extend its empire over the human heart. It is of itself sufficient (under the blessings of Heaven) to purify our affections, and to prepare us for our certain and speedy removal into ETERNITY.

That you, my dear Sir, and your worthy family, to whom I am indebted for the first pupils with which I was entrusted*, may enjoy every possible blessing; and that all my readers (to use the words of my excellent friend, the Rev. H. Worthington, on a public occasion) may be "candid, yet firm-enquirers, yet believers pious, yet liberal," is the wish and prayer of

Your's, with great esteem,

Pulli's Row, Islington,
April 8, 1801.



* The two sons of Samuel Brent, Esq. of Greenland Dock.


&c. &c.

The great lesson which every sect, and every individual of every sect. ought to learn from the history of the church, is Moderation. Want of genuine Moderation towards those who differ from us in religious opinions, seems to be the most unaccountable thing in the world. Watson, Bishop of Landaff.


THE CHRISTIAN WORLD is divided into denominations, each of which is discriminated by sentiments peculiar to itself. To delineate the nature, point out the foundation, and appreciate the tendency of every individual opinion, would be an endless task. My only design is briefly to enumerate the leading tenets of the several parties which attract our notice, and to make this variety of religious opinions a ground for the exercise of moderation, together with the improvement of other Christian graces. The moderation here recommended lies at an equal distance between an indifference to truth and the merciless spirit of uncharitableness. It is a virtue, alas! much talked of, little understood, and less practised.


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