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Just Published, and for Sale by


No. 9, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia,


TORREY'S PRIMER, or First Book for Children.

TORREY'S SPELLING BOOK, or Second Book for Children.

Those Teachers who are not altogether prejudiced in favour of Webster, will please examine this work; as numerous Preceptors, who have used it in their Schools, give it the preference over that and others.

TORREY'S PLEASING COMPANION FOR LITTLE GIRLS AND BOYS, blending Instruction with Amusement; being a Selection of Interesting Stories, Dialogues, Fables, and Poetry. Designed for the use of Primary Schools and Domestic Nurseries.

Preferred generally to Murray's Introduction, and works of that class, by Teachers who have given it an examination.

TORREY'S MORAL INSTRUCTOR, OR GUIDE TO VIRTUE. ---Letters of decided approbation, from several of the most eminent statesmen and heads of colleges, academies and schools, might be added in favour of these books: but the compiler, in preference, earnestly requests that teachers, parents, merchants and others, will examine for themselves as soon as practicable; and in proportion as this is done, he indulges the belief (from experience) that they will be generally introduced into schools and families throughout the United States; and that consequent to this, the intellectual and moral improvement and virtue of the present and future generations will be proportionably advanced.

This and the preceding works have been generally introduced in schools and academies in place of Murray's Reader, and other similar works of domestic and foreign origin. It has been the special endeavour of the compiler, besides adapting the lessons in his books progressively to the age and capacities of the learner, to combine entertainment with useful instruction. He has inserted a considerable number of lessons, designed to impress the mind of the rising generation with a just abhorrence of the prevailing custom of using ardent spirits, which is probably the most destructive and extensive moral and physical evil that ravages our Republic at the present time.

Dr. Torrey's works abound with admirable Lessons, in moral and physical knowledge, which the old as well as the young may read, with pleasure and profit. The best feelings of our nature are encouraged and cultivated, the purest principles of morality are made plain and attractive to the youthful understanding, and every thing is explained with so much simplicity and perspicuity, that every reader may comprehend them."

SMILEY'S ARITHMETICAL RULES AND TABLES FOR YOUNG BEGINNERS. This is the best work of the kind now in print; but Teachers are particularly requested to examine for themselves.

SMILEY'S ARITHMETIC, or the New Federal Calculator, in dollars and cents. This work contains, among other important improvements, Questions on the Rules and Theory of Arithmetic, which are considered by Teachers generally, very conducive to the improvement of the pupil.

Although a prejudice exists among some Teachers in favour of the old works on Arithmetic, yet the very liberal patronage which this work has received, must be considered as decisive evidence of the great estimation in which it is held by most of the instructers of youth. Upwards of 50,000 copies have been printed and sold. The sums being altogether in dollars and cents, gives it a decided preference over any other Arithmetic in use. The most distinguished Teachers of our city pronounce it superior to any other like work; therefore the publisher sincerely hopes this useful improvement will overcome the prejudice that many Teachers have to introducing new works; particularly those preceptors who wish to discharge their duty faithfully to parent and child.

Among the numerous flattering testimonials of its superiority over any other now in use, is the following, from gentlemen who enjoy well-merited celebrity as instructors of youth in our city, as well as in the New England States. "Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1829. We have examined with care and attention the 'New Federal Calculator, or Scholar's Assistant,' by Thomas T. Smiley; and have no hesitation in pronouncing it an excellent Arithmetic. The arrangement is good, and has evidently resulted from the reflections of a practical and judicious Teacher; the definitions and rules are expressed in clear and simple language, well adapted to the capacities of the young; the questions are convenient for the purpose of examination; the examples of a strictly practical character; and the book on the whole is admirably calculated for the use of schools and academies. John M. Brewer, John Frost, S. C. Walker."

The editors of the New York Telegraph, speaking of Smiley's Arithmetic, observe, "We do not hesitate to pronounce it an improvement upon every work of that kind previously before the public, and as such recommend its adoption in all our schools and academies."

A KEY TO THE ABOVE ARITHMETIC; in which all the examples necessary for a Learner are wrought at large, and also Solutions given of all the various Rules. Designed principally to facilitate the labour of Teachers, and assist such as have not the opportunity of a Tutor's aid. By T. T. Smiley, Author of the New Federal Calculator, &c. &c.

SMILEY'S EASY INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF GEOGRAPHY, on an improved plan; compiled for the use of Schools, with a view to render the acquisition of Geographical Science easy and pleasant to the Student: accompanied by an Atlas, engraved under the superintendance of H. S. Tanner, Esq. and T. T. Smiley, improved to the present time; exhibiting the Elevation of Mountains, Length of Rivers, and Population of Cities, &c. &c. from the best authorities.

When we say this is the best Elementary Geography and Atlas in use, we only reiterate the sentiments of many of the most distinguished teachers in our country. The work is particularly adapted for Schools and Academies, and Teachers who are anxious to promote one of the most useful and agreeable studies, will please give it an attentive examination.


Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers, and Private Families.


Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers, and Private Families.

GRIMSHAW'S IMPROVED EDITION OF GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF GREECE, with a Vocabulary of the Proper Names contained in the work, and the Prosodial Accents, in conformity with the pronunciation of Lempriere.

Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers, and Private Families.

GRIMSHAW'S IMPROVED EDITION OF GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF ROME, revised and corrected, and a Vocabulary of Proper Names appended, with Prosodial Marks to assist in their pronunciation.

Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers, and Private Families.

The Editor of the North American Review, speaking of those Histories observes, that"Among the Elementary Books of American History, we do not remember to have seen any one more deserving approbation, than 'Mr. Grimshaw's History of the United States,' embracing the period from the first settlement of the Colonies, to the year 1821. It is a small volume, and a great deal of matter is brought into a narrow space;-but the Author has succeeded so well in the construction of his periods, and the arrangement of his materials, that perspicuity is rarely sacrificed to brevity.

"The chain of narrative is skilfully preserved, and the Author's reflections are frequently such as make the facts more impressive, and lead the youthful mind to observe causes and consequences which might otherwise have been overlooked. As a School Book it may justly be recommended.

"What has been said of this volume will apply generally to his other historical works.They are each nearly of the same size as the one just noticed, and designed for the same object, that is, the use of Classes in Schools.

"The History of England, is an original composition; but the Grecian and Roman Histories are Goldsmith's, improved by Mr. Grimshaw, in which he has corrected the typographical errors, with which the later editions of Goldsmith's Abridgments so much abound; and removed any grossness in language, which, in some few instances, rendered these valuable compends less useful in the Schools to which Youth of both sexes resort. He has also added a Vocabulary of proper names accentuated, in order to show their right pronunciation, which is a valuable appendage to the History.



"All these Books are accompanied with very full and well-digested Tables of Questions, for the benefit of Pupils, and also with Keys to the same, for the convenience of Teachers. [Teachers generally, who have examined Mr. Grimshaw's Histories of the United States and England, and improved Editions of Goldsmith's Greece and Rome, have given them a decided preference to any other Histories in use as School Books-and any person who will examine them, will find about 1000 errors in each corrected; and teachers ordering those works, will do well to say, "Grimshaw's Improved Editions."]

GRIMSHAW'S LADIES' LEXICON, and Parlour Companion; containing nearly every word in the English language, and exhibiting the plurals of nouns and the participles of verbs; being also particularly adapted to the use of Academies and Schools. By William Grimshaw, Esq. Author of the Gentlemen's Lexicon, &c.

THE GENTLEMEN'S LEXICON, or Pocket Dictionary; containing nearly every word in the English language, and exhibiting the plurals of nouns and the participles of verbs; being also particularly adapted to the use of Academies and Schools. By William Grimshaw, Author of the Ladies' Lexicon, History of England, of the United States, &c.

"The public are again indebted to the talents of Mr. Grimshaw, for the very useful books which he has called The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lexicon.' The peculiarity and advantages of these works, may be collected from the following portion of the preface. They differ from all preceding works of the kind in this, that they exhibit the plurals of all nouns which are not formed by the mere addition of the letter S, and also the participles of every verb now generally used, and unless accompanied by a particular caution. No word has been admitted which is not now of polite or popular use, and no word has been excluded which is required either in epistolary composition or conversation."

In the Nashville Republican, we observe the following notice of this very useful book: "We found on our table the other day the 'Ladies' Lexicon,' by William Grimshaw, author of a History of the United States, England, &c. &c. A brief examination of the contents of this highly useful little volume, has by no means tended to impair the favourable opinion which the flattering testimony borne in its behalf by our editorial brethren of the eastern cities had led us to form. The difficulty that is often experienced, even by persons who have received a liberal education, in the use of the plurals of nouns and the participles of verbs, must be familiar to every one. Whether the final e is to be retained or not in the present participle, and how the plurals in a numerous class of nouns should be formed, are questions of every day occurrence, except in the case of a practised writer, for which the dictionaries heretofore in use afford no solution. In recommending the 'Ladies' Lexicon,' therefore, to all our readers, male and female, who have ever experienced the difficulties which it is so admirably calculated to remedy, we but do an ordinary act of justice to the author and publisher. We consider the 'Ladies' Lexicon,' and commend it to our readers, as a work that possesses superior claims on their attention and patronage."

In giving the above extracts, we take occasion to say, that teachers will find the 'Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lexicons,' works admirably adapted to take the place, with advantage to their pupils, of the different works recently put into their hands under the name of expositors, &c.

"Mr. Grimshaw's happy talent at condensing facts and presenting the important parts of history in relief, has given his histories a decided preference as class books in our schools. His Histories of Greece, of Rome, of England, and the United States, are among the happiest specimens of text books for a school, and will at once create a demand for those most useful books the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lexicons."

No works of the kind ever published in this country, will be found as useful for the purposes of correct epistolary composition.

CONVERSATIONS ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. Illustrated with plates. By the Author of "Conversations on Chemistry," &c. With considerable additions, corrections and improvements in the body of the work; appropriate Questions, and a Glossary. By Dr. Thomas P. Jones, Professor of Mechanics in the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania.

The correction of all the errors in the body of the work, renders this edition very valuable, and all who understand the subject, consider it superior to any other in use.

CONVERSATIONS ON CHEMISTRY; in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained and illustrated by Experiments and Engravings on wood. From the last London Edition. In which all the late Discoveries and Improvements are brought up to the present time, by Dr. Thomas P. Jones, Professor of Mechanics in the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, &c. &c.

All preceptors who have a sincere desire to impart a correct knowledge of this important science to their pupils, will please examine the present edition, as the correction of all the errors in the body of the work renders it very valuable.

ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY; including the recent discoveries and doctrines of the science. By Edward Turner, M. D. Professor in the London University; F. R. S. E. &c. &c. With important corrections and additions, by Franklin Bache, M. D. Professor of Chemistry in the Franklin Institute.

This work (which has been so extensively circulated as a Text Book, in the universities, colleges and schools of this country as to place its usefulness far above the pretensions of any other work of a similar nature,) has met with the like celebrity in Great Britain. It has had the effect of raising its author from an obscure post in Edinburgh, to the chair of Chemistry in the University of London; an institution which is already pre-eminently conspicuous; and particularly celebrated as being under the auspices of the celebrated "Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge."

It is conceived that one cause of the popularity which has attended the American edition of "Turner's Chemistry," is ascribable to the circumstance of its extraordinary cheapness. Perhaps it may be mentioned as a singular fact, that the English edition of this book, which consists of 850 closely printed octavo pages, is, in the present edition, comprised in a duodecimo 'volume of about 500 pages; and by this means is sold at little more than one-fifth the cost of the English edition. It is, moreover, so portable, that a student can carry it in his pocket without inconvenience; an advantage which no other Medical Text Book possesses.

In order to render this book as nearly perfect as it is possible in the nature of things to be, a most learned and conscientious editor has been engaged; who has already discovered above two hundred errors in the last English edition.

MALTE BRUN'S NEW AND ELEGANT ROYAL 4to ATLAS, exhibiting the Five Great Divisions of the Globe, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Oceanica, with their several Empires, Kingdoms, States, Territories, and other Subdivisions, corrected to the present time; and containing forty Maps, drawn and engraved particularly to illustrate the Universal Geography, by M. Malte Brun.

This Atlas is particularly adapted for Colleges, Academies, Schools, and Private Families. There is no work that ever was published in this country which has received more numerous and flattering recommendations.

The editor of the National Gazette in noticing it, observes that: "The New General Atlas, exhibiting the five great divisions of the Globe, with their several subdivisions; all drawn and engraved particularly to illustrate Malte Brun's Universal Geography, is one of the neatest, cheapest, and most convenient which we have seen. It seems to have been prepared scientifically, with due care; it is remarkably minute and stinct for the scale; well coloured and bound; and altogether a good specimen of the great advancement which has been made among us in the execution of such works."

GRIGG'S AMERICAN SCHOOL ATLAS, containing twenty handsome coloured Maps royal 4to. This Atlas is particularly adapted for the higher classes in Schools and Academies.

SHOBERL'S HISTORY OF PERSIA; 12mo, coloured plates.


BIGLAND'S NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS; coloured plates. These three works are got up in a very superior style, and well deserve an introduction to the shelves of every family library, and every teacher's school desk.

MURRAY'S EXERCISES, adapted to his Grammar. Grigg's stereotype edition.

MURRAY'S KEY TO THE EXERCISES. Grigg's stereotype edition
HORACE DELPHINI. Grigg's new corrected stereotype edition.

The Delphin Classics (of which Horace Delphini and Virgil Delphini are two,) were prepared at the express command of the king of France, for the education of his son the Dauphin. They are not the result of the labours of a single man, but of many of the most learned men of whom France could boast; and consequently they ought by every thinking mind to be considered as near perfection as it is possible to approach. They are illustrated in the margin by an ordo, and at the foot of each page by most copious and learned notes in the Latin language; and it is submitted to the judgment of every teacher, whether it is not better to pursue the road through which so many men have become famous, than to encourage the superficial and lazy mania, (which is at present prevailing) for a royal road to learning, by translating the Latin of every school book into English before it is placed in the scholar's hands. Experientia docebit.

VIRGIL DELPHINI. Grigg's new corrected stereotype edition.

For remarks respecting this work and the Delphin Classics generally, see note to "Horace Delphini," immediately above.

HUTCHINSON'S XENOPHON, with notes, and a Latin translation under the Greek in each page, by Thomas Hutchinson, A. M. This edition of the above valuable work is printed on a large and bold Greek type; and has, in order to insure its accuracy, been stereotyped. The classical elegance and well-known celebrity of Xenophon, demand of every teacher, that he should place it unmutilated and complete in the hands of his scholars; instead of being content with the meagre extracts which are made from it in many of the Greek compilations for schools of the day.









Necessity and advantages of Knowledge.

"Man's general ignorance, old as the flood,
"For ages on ages has steep'd him in blood."

1 KNOWLEDGE is essentially necessary to the well being and happiness of every member of the human family, whether male or female, rich or poor. To ignorance may be traced the origin of most of the vices, crimes, errors and follies, that distract and destroy mankind. It is the mother of misery-a mazy labyrinth of perpetual night.

2 Besides the intellectual pleasure derived from the acquisition and possession of useful knowledge, the well-informed man (of whatever occupation) being acquainted with moral and physical causes and effects, has an eminent advantage over the ignorant man, in the capacity of providing for his welfare. General instruction, therefore, is the harbinger of national virtue, prosperity and happiness.

3 The public or private provision for elementary education in common schools, has, of late, become very general in the United States. But the education of youth should not. cease with the expiration of their attendance on public schools. Legislators and parents indulge themselves in a pernicious mistake, if they suppose that the primary arts of spelling, reading, writing, grammar, and arithmetic, the principal branches taught in common schools, will qualify our


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