power, in accumulating from various and remote sources and periods, the requisite materials. The candid reader, who meets with several articles in this compilation, with which he has already been familiarized, will excuse its want of total novelty, when he reflects, that nearly all the youth, and a large proportion of adult readers, will find it as new to them, and as useful, as if it were an entire original work. If the sentiments be correct and valuable, and clearly expressed, it is of no importance whether they were first committed to paper yesterday, or three thousand years ago. One particular object of this work, is to inculcate the necessity and duty of general domestic and national economy and simplicity of manners. It may be confidently presumed, that if the idolatrous and slavish sacrifices of property, to Pride, Fashion, Custom, Tradition, Extravagance, and depraved Appetite, were abolished, Poverty, with its hideous train of calamities, might be expelled from society, and General Plenty, with its smiling train of blessings, substituted in their stead. Embracing these important purposes, the work is respectfully submitted to the good sense of the people of the United States, for their adoption as a National Code of Morals in schools and families. The Compiler does not delúde himself with the vain hope that it will accomplish the maral reformation of the present hardened adult generations; but he does sincerely believe, that the universal dissemination of its impressive precepts among the tender, susceptible, rising generation, cannot fail to produce a salutary influence upon the future national, moral and political character of our Republic. That such may be the result, is the ardent wish of its devoted friend and servant, Philadelphia, Jan. 1824. J. T. CONTENTS. CHAP. 1. Essays on the general Diffusion of Knowledge. Speech of the Little Turtle, an Indian Chief, on the CHAP. 3 Essays on Political and Domestic Economy. bacco 2. Observations on extravagance, fashion, causes of pov- 3. Extracts from the Epistles of James, Peter, and John CHAP. 1. Abridgment of the life and precepts of Confucius CHAP. 2. Abridgment of the life and moral discourses of Socrates. 2. Dialogue between Socrates and Glauco, on ambition 5. Discourses of Socrates on filial and fraternal affection Dialogue between Socrates and Critobulus, on friendship CHAP. 3. Abridgment of Seneca's Morals. 3. Human happiness is founded upon wisdom and virtue 4. There can be no happiness without virtue 5. Philosophy is the guide of life 6. No felicity like peace of conscience 9. A sensual life is a miserable life 10. Avarice and ambition are insatiable and restless He that would be happy must take an account of time CHAP. 1. Abridgment of the Law of Nature. Sec. 1. The law of nature defined and illustrated by examples Principles of the law of nature, as they relate to man; importance of instruction and self-government Of the basis of morality; of good, of evil, of crimes, Of private virtues; of knowledge, temperance, indus- jugal love, filial love, brotherly love 7. Of the social virtues; of justice, charity, probity, sim- plicity of manners, patriotism CHAP. 2. Abridgment of the Economy of Human Life. 5. Wise and ignorant, rich and poor, masters and servants 3. On the conversation with people of different tempers CHAP. 3. Abridgment of Cicero's Discourse on old age. Sec. 1. A well spent life essential to a happy old age 2. Moderation in exercise and diet; science, &c. CHAP. 4. Dialogues concerning Self-denial, Virtue, Pleasure. Sec. 1. Reasonable self-denial, necessary to happiness 2. Government of the passions; doing good to others, &c. The way to make money plenty in every man's pocket CHAP. 6. Selections from the Moral Essays and Letters of Dr. CHAP. 1. Selections from Washington's farewell address CHAP. 2. Miscellaneous articles on Education, &c. Sec. 1. Sunday schools; education of the poor, &c. 2. The Spectator, on the benefit of labor and exercise 3. The Spectator, on the advantages of temperance |