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" Reason is natural revelation, whereby the eternal Father of light, and fountain of all knowledge, communicates to mankind that portion of truth which he has laid within the reach of their natural faculties: revelation is natural reason enlarged by a new... "
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding - Page 273
by John Locke - 1805 - 510 pages
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The Works of John Locke, Esq, Volume 1

John Locke - Philosophy - 1722 - 636 pages
...Light, and 'Reafm and Fountain of all Knowledg, communicates to Mankind that Portion of Truth K""^""* which he has laid within the reach of their natural Faculties : Revelation is natural Reafon enlarged by a new Set of Difcoverics communicated by GOD immediately, which Reafon vouches the...
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An essay on fanaticism, in a pastoral letter, tr. by I. Subremont

Jan Stinstra - 1774 - 458 pages
...femfe of it. (d) TH-E (*) Reafon is a natural Revelation, whereby the Father of light, and fountain of all knowledge, communicates to mankind that portion of truth, which he has layed within the reach of their natural facilities. Revelation is natural Realbn, enlarged by a new...
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The Scholar Armed Against the Errors of the Time, Or, A Collection ..., Volume 1

Christianity - 1800 - 528 pages
...with " his own way of certainty." He again thus diftinguifhes things; "by reafon God comtnunicates to mankind that portion of truth which he has laid within the reach of our natural faculties — Revelation is natural reafon enlarged, by a new fet of difcoveries, communicated...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: With Thoughts on the ..., Volumes 1-3

John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1801 - 988 pages
...and Revelation. REASON is natural revtlaiicu, whereby the eternal Father of light, and Fountain of all knowledge, communicates to mankind that portion...the reach of their natural faculties : Revelation is nav tural retifin enlarged, by a new fet of difcoveries communicated by GOD immediately, whichreafon...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: With Thoughts on the Conduct of ...

John Locke - 1801 - 952 pages
...REASON is natural revelation, wherc'oy the eternal Father of light, and Fountain of ail knowledge.1, communicates to mankind that portion of truth which...has laid within the reach of their natural faculties : Rtvelatim is natural reafon enlarged by a new fst ot discoveries communicated by GUI) immediately,...
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An essay concerning human understanding; with Thoughts on the ..., Volume 3

John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1801 - 342 pages
...natural revelation, whereby the eternal Father of light, and Fountain of all knowledge, communicate? to mankind that portion of truth which he has laid within the reach of their natural faculties : Revelathn is natural reafon enlarged by a new fet of difcoveries communicated by GOD immediately,...
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Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, Volume 2

Dugald Stewart - Logic - 1814 - 582 pages his view : " Reason is natural revelation, whereby the eternal Father of Light, and fountain of all " knowledge, communicates to mankind that portion...proofs it gives that they come from God. So that " he who takes away reason to make way for revelation, puts out the light of both, " and does much the same,...
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Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, Volume 2

Dugald Stewart - Psychology - 1814 - 560 pages
...constitutes happiness or misery, becomes a motive relation is aatural reason, enlarged by a new net of discoveries, communicated by God immediately, which...proofs it gives that they come from God. So that he who takes away reason to make way for revelation, puts out the light of both, and does much the same,...
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American Unitarianism: Or, a Brief History of "The Progress and Present ...

Thomas Belsham - Unitarian Universalist churches - 1815 - 880 pages
...revelation, whereby the Eternal Father of Light and Fountain of all Knowledge communicates to man. kind that portion of truth, which he has laid within the...their natural faculties. Revelation is natural reason en. larged by a new set of discoveries, communicated by God immediately, which reason vouches the truth...
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An Apology for Rational and Evangelical Christianity: A Discourse at the ...

Samuel Cooper Thacher - Apologetics - 1815 - 52 pages
...revelation, whereby the Eternal Father of Light and Fountain of all Knowledge communicates to man. kind that portion of truth, which he has laid within the...their natural faculties. Revelation is natural reason en. larged by a new set of discoveries, communicated by God immediately, which reason vouches the truth...
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