A Manual of Budhism, in Its Modern Development Transl. from Singhalese ManuscriptsWilliam & Norgate, 1860 - 533 pages |
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Page 4
... whilst at the same time it is setting in Uturukuru , and it is midnight in Aparagódána . Again , when the sun rises in Aparagódána , it is mid - day in Jambudwípa , sunset in Púrwawidésa , and midnight in Uturu- kuru . When the sun ...
... whilst at the same time it is setting in Uturukuru , and it is midnight in Aparagódána . Again , when the sun rises in Aparagódána , it is mid - day in Jambudwípa , sunset in Púrwawidésa , and midnight in Uturu- kuru . When the sun ...
Page 8
... whilst others are entirely dissimilar . § There are four things which cannot be comprehended by any one that is not a Budha . 1. Karma - wisaya , how it is that effects are produced by the On a certain occasion , when Gótama Budha ...
... whilst others are entirely dissimilar . § There are four things which cannot be comprehended by any one that is not a Budha . 1. Karma - wisaya , how it is that effects are produced by the On a certain occasion , when Gótama Budha ...
Page 9
... whilst that of another is setting ; in one it is noon , whilst in another it is midnight ; in one the inhabitants are sowing , whilst in another they are reaping ; in one they are amusing themselves , and in another at rest ; some are ...
... whilst that of another is setting ; in one it is noon , whilst in another it is midnight ; in one the inhabitants are sowing , whilst in another they are reaping ; in one they are amusing themselves , and in another at rest ; some are ...
Page 16
... whilst a third sprinkles it with water from the Anótatta - wila , and a fourth scatters around all kinds of sweet- scented flowers . The Pasé - Budhas here perform the rite of ab- stract meditation called dhyana . On the four sides of ...
... whilst a third sprinkles it with water from the Anótatta - wila , and a fourth scatters around all kinds of sweet- scented flowers . The Pasé - Budhas here perform the rite of ab- stract meditation called dhyana . On the four sides of ...
Page 21
... whilst from the day of the full moon in the Utrapalguna nekata , in the month Medindina , though it be the gimhana , or summer season , its rays are mild . But this anomaly may be thus accounted for . In the hot season the dust is ...
... whilst from the day of the full moon in the Utrapalguna nekata , in the month Medindina , though it be the gimhana , or summer season , its rays are mild . But this anomaly may be thus accounted for . In the hot season the dust is ...
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Common terms and phrases
afterwards Ajásat alms alms-bowl Ananda appear asankya ascetic asked attained Bandhula became become Budha Benares Bimsara Bódhisat body born brahma-lókas brahman Budhaship Budhists called cause Ceylon chakrawartti chariot cubits death declared demerit déwa-lóka Déwadatta déwas dharmma dhyana disciples earth elephant enquired entered the path evil desire existence father fire flowers forest former births four Gótama Gótama Budha heard hearing hell informed Jambudwípa Jíwaka kalpa karma khandas king Kosol lóka Magadha Maha Brahma Maha Méru manner Mára merit Milinda mind moon Mugalan nágas Nágaséna narakas nirwana noble palace páramitás person possessed Prajapati precepts present prétas priest priesthood prince princess produced queen rahat Rajagaha received replied requested resided rock rúpa sage sakwala Sekra sent Seriyut Sewet Sidhártta síla Singhalese sorrow sramana supreme Budha things thought thousand tirttakas told tree upasaka vessel Wessantara whilst whole wihára wish yaká yojanas