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HE importance of the "Mahavansa" as an historical work, which has helped to settle the conflicting and confusing dates of Indian history, is so well estab

lished, that a dissertation on the subject would seem superfluous. The reader who wishes to acquaint himself with the subject is referred to the learned and elaborate Introduction prefixed by Mr. Turnour to his translation of the First Part of the "Mahavansa."

In translating the Second, and by far the larger portion of this work, I have endeavoured to meet the requirements of the general reader as well as of the student of Pálļi literature. Some foot-notes, which would seem unnecessary to the latter, will, I hope, help the former to the better understanding of the history.

The 40th Chapter appears missing; but the narrative, nevertheless, is unbroken. Turnour thinks the apparent omission is due to a mistake in the numbering of the chapters: the learned editors of the printed text, on which I have based my translation, seem to think otherwise. A few verses in some other Chapters are also missing: these have been noted in their proper places.

Besides the few discursive notes appended to one or two Chapters, and the foot-notes added throughout the work, I have included herein a Table of Kings whose reigns are recorded in these pages; an Analytical Summary of all the Chapters, beginning from the 39th; the Context of the 39th Chapter, with a view to make the story of the parricide Kásyapa complete; an Appendix, containing such previous translations of the second portion of the "Mahavansa" as I could find, and also extracts from Bishop Caldwell's valuable History of Tinnevelly, which I thought might help to throw considerable light on some obscure points of interest; and, lastly, an Index of the principal names that occur in the work.

In the first place, my best thanks are due to Mr. A. VAN CÜYLENBURG, Inspector of Schools, for the valuable help that he has rendered to me throughout the work. I have also to thank Messrs. DONALD FERGUSON, S. M. BURROWS, F. H. M. CORBET, J. B. SIEBEL, B. GUNASÉKARA, Mudaliyar, the High Priest H. SUMANGALA, and one or two other friends, for the loan of books and similar kind offices. Nor should I omit to thank Mr. SKEEN, the Government Printer, for the careful and discriminating manner in which he has carried this work through the press, and the readiness with which he has obliged me in many matters while the proofs were being corrected and revised.

Mátalé, February, 1889.

L. C. W.


(The figures refer to the numbers of the verses marked on the margin
of each Chapter.)


Kásyapa I. employs emissaries to kill Moggallána, 1-Goes to Sigiriya and fortifies it, 3-Migára, the general, 6-Kasyapa's penitence and meritorious deeds, 8-He builds viháras and dedicates them, 10-Makes offerings to priests, 16-Performs penances, &c., 18Arrival of Moggallána with an army from India, 20-Pitched battle between Kásyapa and Moggallana, 24-Death of Kasyapa and triumphant entry of Moggallána into the capital, 28-His respectful conduct towards the priests, 29-He takes revenge on the murderers of his father, 34-Rewards the charioteer who showed kindness to his father, 38-His liberality, 40-Story of Silákála, 44-The Hair-relic, 49Moggallána takes measures to protect and establish the kingdom and religion, 57-His death, 58. Notes, pp. 6-10.


Kumára Dhátusena or Kumáradás, 1-- Succeeded by his son Kittisena, by Siva, and by Upatissa, 4-Prince Kasyapa, 8-Silákála besieges the city, 10-Prince Kásyapa defends the city and fights a desperate battle, wherein he is defeated, 18-Silákála ascends the throne, 26-His acts of merit, &c., 28-Dátha Pabhuti, one of his sons, usurps the throne, 32-Single combat between him and his elder brother Moggallána, 42-Death of Dátha Pabhuti and accession of Moggallana, 52-His character and righteous deeds, 55-Kittisirimegha, his son, succeeds him, 64-Story of Mahanaga, 69-He puts to death Kittisirimegha and ascends the throne, 91-His acts, 92.


Aggabodhi I. His character, 1-His public acts, 6-Buildings, &c., 14-Tanks, 28-Offerings, 31-Improves Minneriya, 34-Jotipála, the great elder, and controversialist, 35-Aggabodhi II., 40-His acts, 41A king of Kalinga enters the Order with his queen and minister, 44Serious accident to the Thúpáráma, 51-It is repaired, 57-And new dedications made thereto, 61-Other religious buildings at Nágadípa, and tanks, 64.


Sanghatissa becomes king and is opposed by Moggallána, the general of Aggabodhi II., 3-He is defeated at first, but renews the fight, 6Great battle at Tissa Pabbata, 12-Defeat aud rout of Sanghatissa, 21-Moggallána II., surnamed Dalla, ascends the throne, 22-He puts to death a son of Sanghatissa, a boy of tender years, 24-Sanghatissa attempts to escape, but is taken prisoner with one of his sons and his chief minister, 29-Their tragic fate, 32-Moggallana's public acts, 43 -The son of his general, Silámegha the sword-bearer, rebels and makes war, 53-Moggallána's army takes to flight, and he is pursued and killed, 59-Silámegha becomes king under the title of Silámeghavanna, 64-His acts, 65-Sirinaga, a chief, rebels and is defeated, 70-The king purifies the religion, 75-He deals severely with the priests, 77He dies and is succeeded by his son, Aggabodhi III. or Sirisańghabodhi, 82-Jetthatissa, son of Sanghatissa, disputes his right to the crown, 86Defeat of Sirisanghabodhi and his flight to India, 93-Jetthatissa is crowned king, 95-His acts, 96-Sirisańghabodhi returns from India with an army and gives battle, 105-Description of the battle, 106Tragic fate of Jetthatissa, his minister, and queen, 112-Sirisańghabodhi resumes possession of the crown, 118-His acts, 119-Dáthopatissa rebels and drives Sirisańghabodhi to India, 125-Wars between these two kings, and consequent ruin of the country, 131-Death of Sirisanghabodi II. or Aggabodhi III., 143-Kasyapa II., his brother, defeats Dáthopatissa and takes possession of the kingdom, 145.


Kásyapa II. and his acts, 1-He gives his sons and the entire kingdom into charge of his nephew Máņa, 6-The Tamil chiefs revolt and invoke the aid of Hatthadatha, a nephew of Dáthopatissa, from India, 12Máņa raises his father, Dappula I., to the throne, 16-Hatthadatha seizes the capital and proclaims himself king by the name of Dathopatissa, 21-His acts, 23-He quarrels with the Maha Vihara Fraternity, and dies, 30-An account of the early life of Dappula I., 37.


Aggabodhi IV. (Sirisańghabodhi) ascends the throne, 1-His character and public acts, 2-The great elder Dáthásíva, 6-The king's officers and their meritorious works, 19-He goes to Polonnaruwa and dies, 34-Potthakuttha, the Tamil, seizes the reins of government, 40He governs the kingdom through Datta and Unhanagara Hatthadatha, in succession, 41.


Prince Máņavamma, 1-He goes to India and serves king Narasinha, 4-He helps Narasinha in the war with king Vallabha, 15Narasinha, in return for his services, furnishes him with an army to conquer Ceylon, 28-Manavamma lands with an army, but is defeated, 35-Returns to India, and lands in Ceylon with another army, 42Fights a battle, in which he obtains the victory, and, ultimately, ascends the throne, 54.


Aggabodhi V. His character and acts, 1-Kasyapa III., 20-His acts, 24-Mahinda I., 26-Refuses to wear the crown, 27-His son, Aggabodhi VI., 42-Dissension between him and the sub-king, 48Their reconciliation, 51-A royal elopement, 55-Aggabodhi VII. His acts, 68-Mahinda II., 76-Revolt of his Governors, 98-His victories, 108-Subjugation of Rohana, 130-His great acts and generous deeds, 134.


Dapula II. His character and acts, 1-Revolt of the provinces, 5Prince Mahinda of Rohana, 10-Building and restoration of religious and public edifices, 14-His judgments in cases are recorded and preserved in books, 20-Public acts of his queen, 23-His charity, 33-Mahinda III. or Dhammika Silámegha, 38-Aggabodhi VIII., 43-His piety and devotion to his mother, 48-Dappula III., 66-War between Mahinda, the lord of Rohana, and his sons, 67-His acts, 74-Vajira, his general, 80-Aggabodhi IX., 85.


Sena I. or Silámegha Sena. His acts, 1-Udaya, his brother, elopes with Nála, his cousin, S-Invasion of the country by the king of Pandu, 12-Flight of Sena, 20-Gallantry of Kasyapa, his brother, 25-Capture and pillage of the capital, 31-The king of Pandu makes peace and departs from the Island with immense booty, 38-Sena returns to the capital, 43-Dissensions in the royal house at Rohaņa, 50-Works and improvements effected by the king and his ministers, 73.


Sena II. His character, 1-His family, 6-He forms the design of invading the Pandian king's country, 22-He despatches an army thither, 30-Siege and capture of Madura, 34-Pillage thereof, 39Return of his generals with booty, 43-The Papsukúlika monks leave the Abhayagiri Fraternity, 52-Mahinda, the sub-king, repairs the house at the Bodhi tree, 53-A marvel in connection with the Bodhi tree, 54-The king's liberality, &c., 63-His queen and his general build religious edifices, 86-Udaya I., 90-Rebellion fomented at Rohana by Kittaggabodhi, 94- Quelled by Mahinda, son of Udaya's chief governor, 98-Mahinda makes himself lord of Rohana and effects various improvements, 120-Udaya's good deeds, 128.


Kásyapa IV., 1-The charity called Dandissara, 3-Mahinda, the governor of Rohana, revolts, 4-The king expels immoral priests and purifies the religion, 10-Ilangasena, his general, erects religious edifices, &c., 16-Rakkhasa, a chief, and Sena the chief scribe, build viháras, 31-Kasyapa V., 37-He enforces religious discipline by a royal act, Dhamma Kamma, 44-The Abhidhamma Pitaka written on plates of gold, 50-The office of Sakka Senapati created, 52-He builds pariveņas and viháras, 57-The good deeds of Sakka Senapati, of his mother, and of the queen Rajini, 61-Sakka Senapati is sent with an army to the assistance of the king of Pandu, 70.


Dappula IV., 1-Dappula V., 4-A royal refugee from Pandu, 5Udaya II., 13-The hermits of the Tapovana disturbed, 14-Riot of the citizens and soldiers in consequence thereof, 16-The hermits are prevailed upon to return, 24-Sena III., 28-His charitable donations, &c., 29-Udaya III., 39-Cholian invasions, 40-Viduragga, hisgeneral, invades the Cholian country, 46-Royal presents to images, 49.

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