A'yasmanta and Kalyanavati, 33-A'yasmanta and Dharmasoka, 42A'nikanga, 43-Camúnakka and Lílávati, 45-Lokesvara, 47-Parákrama and Lílávati, 49-Parákrama Pandu, 51-Magha, 54-He lays waste the whole Island, 60-And is anointed king by his followers, 74. CHAPTER LXXXI. The Sinhalese nobles and princes fortify themselves in different parts of the country, 1-Subha Senapati at Yapauwa, 3-Bhuvaneka Báhu at Govinda, 5-Sankha at Gangadoņi, 7-Prince Vijaya Báhu governs the kingdom, 10-Departure of the priesthood from Polonnaruwa with the Tooth and Bowl-relics, of whom some proceed to India, 17-The king induces them to return, 22-He brings the relics from Kotmale, 24-And builds the Beligala Vihara for their reception, 33-He causes religious books to be written, 41-Brings the priesthood together, and holds a festival of ordination, 46-Repairs the Kelani Dagoba and other religious buildings, 59-His sons Parakrama Báhu and Bhuvaneka Báhu, 64. CHAPTER LXXXII. Parákrama Báhu II., 1-His title, 3-He brings up the Tooth-relic from Beligala into Dambadeniya, 8-His solemn address before the people, 15-Miracle of the Tooth-relic, 41-His exultation thereat, 46-Offerings made thereto, 50. CHAPTER LXXXIII. The king becomes popular, 1- He administers justice tempered with mercy, 4-The Vannian princes are thereby brought to submission, 10-His war of extermination against the Tamils, 11-They resolve to leave the Island, 22-And depart from Polonnaruwa with much booty, 27-They are intercepted at Kaláveva and despoiled of their possessions, 30-Candrabhanu, a Malay prince, invades the Island, and is defeated and put to flight by Víra Báhu, the king's nephew, 36Devapura or Dondra, 48. CHAPTER LXXXIV. The king carries out reforms in the countries that had been occupied by the Tamils, 1-Purifies the religion, 7-He causes the holy monk Dharmakirti of the country of Tamba to be brought hither, 11Builds monasteries and reforms the priesthood, 17-Bhuvaneka Báhu, his brother, 29-Feasts of ordination held during the reign of the king, 32. CHAPTER LXXXV. He builds the Maha Vihara at Kandy, 1-Great festive procession with the Tooth and Bowl-relics from Dambadeniya to Kandy, 4Offerings, &c., made to the relics by the people of Kandy, 33-Parákrama Báhu Vihara, 47-Bhuvaneka Báhu Vihára at Beligala, 59Mahinda Báhu Pariveņa at Kurunegala, 62-Kelani Vihara, 64Attanagalu Vihara, 73-Bentota Vihara, 78-Dondra Devala, 85Dambadeniya, 90-Portrait of Buddha, 94-Gift of Kathina robes, 99-Exhibition of the Tooth-relic, 109-Adam's Peak, 118. CHAPTER LXXXVI. The king appoints one of his ministers to visit different parts of the Island and to carry out improvements, 1-His mission and works, 18The road to Adam's Peak repaired, and rivers spanned by bridges, 22. CHAPTER LXXXVII. An impending famine averted, 1-The king's admonition to his sons and nephew, 14-He consults the priesthood about the succession to the throne, 39-They commend Vijaya Báhu, who is accordingly entrusted with the administration of the country, 63. CHAPTER LXXX VIII. Administration of the country by prince Vijaya Bahu and his cousin Víra Báhu, 1-Candrabhanu, the Malay prince, invades the Island a second time, 62-He is routed and put to flight by the two princes, 67-Prince Vijaya Báhu repairs the ruins of Anuradhapura, 79He and prince Víra Bahu restore Polonnaruwa, 90. CHAPTER LXXXIX. Parákrama Báhu II. goes to Polonnaruwa, and is anointed king a second time, 1-Vijaya Bahu brings the Tooth and Alms-bowl relics in great procession to Polonnaruwa, 13-Ordination of priests at Dástota, 47-Ecclesiastical dignities conferred on monks, 65. CHAPTER XC. Death of Parákrama Báhu II. and accession of Vijaya Bahu IV., who is assassinated, 1-Prince Bhuvaneka Báhu, his brother, escapes to Yápauwa, 4-Unsuccessful attempts by the traitors to gain over the A'ryan army, 12-They rise in a body, and their chief Thakur slays Mitta, the traitor, who seized the throne, 23-The two armies unite in crowning prince Bhuvaneka Báhu king, 29-He enlarges and beautifies Yapauwa, 34-His other acts, 36-Invasion of the Island by A'rya Cakravarti, and the taking away of the Tooth-relic to India, 43Parákrama Báhu III., 48-He brings back the Tooth-relic from India, 51-Bhuvaneka Bahu II., 59-Parakrama Bahu IV., 64-He builds a temple for the Tooth-relic, 66-Composes a ritual for the Tooth-relic, 76-And translates the Játakas into Sinhalese, 80-Improvements at Dondra temple, 94-Veligama, Totagamuwa, and other temples, 96Notice of other kings who succeeded him, 105. CHAPTER XCI. Notice of two kings, Parákrama Bahu V. and Vikrama Báhu III., 1 -Alagakkonára or Bhuvaneka Báhu V., 2-Kelaniya and Kótté, 5Víra Báhu II., 14-The famous Parákrama Bahu VI. of Kótré, 15His deeds, 17. CHAPTER XCII. Jaya Bahu II. and Bhuvaneka Bahu VI., 1-Parakrama Báhu VII., 3-Parákrama Bahu VIII. and Vijaya Báhu V., 4-Bhuvaneka Báhu VII., 5-Víra Vikrama and the date of his accession, 6-He removes the Bowl-relic to the Natha Devala ground and builds a Cetiya, 9-His acts, 11-Pilgrimages, 16-Ordination of priests and gifts, 21. CHAPTER XCIII. Máyádunu, 1-Rajasinha I., 3-His persecution of the Buddhist religion, 6. CHAPTER XCIV. Vimala Dharma Suriya, 1-He builds a wall and towers round Kandy, 7-Brings the Tooth-relic from Delgamuwa, 11-Builds a temple for the Tooth-relic, 13-Ordination of priests at the Getambe ford, 15-His younger brother Senerat, 22. CHAPTER XCV. Senaratna or Senerat, 1-The Portuguese, 4-Their hostile advance towards Kandy, and retreat, 9-Division of the kingdom among Senerat's two nephews and son, -Kumára Sinha, Vijaya Pála, and Rája Sinha, 19. CHAPTER XCVI. War with the Portuguese, and dissensions among the three princes, 1-Rája Sinha II. His character, 5-Anecdotes about him, 8-His war with the Portuguese, 12-He sends ambassadors to Holland and forms an alliance with the Dutch, 27-Expulsion of the Portuguese and establishment of the Dutch on the sea-coast, 33. CHAPTER XCVII. Vimala Dharma Suriya II., 1-Building of the Dalada Máligáva, 5-He celebrates a feast of ordination, 8-His pious deeds, 16-Şri Víra Parákrama Narendra Sinha, 23-His pious acts, 25-Builds Kundasala, 34-Improves and embellishes the Dalada Máligá va, 37-The priest Saranankara Ganín, 49. CHAPTER XCVIII. Şri Vijaya Rája Sinha, 1-His queens from Madura converted to Buddhism, 4-Saranankara again, 24-The king lives outside the city, 26-The Tooth-relic, 27-Grand festival, 35-Improvement of the buildings of the city, 69-Persecution of the propagators of the Roman Catholic religion, 82-Mission to foreign Buddhist countries, 89. CHAPTER XCIX. Kírti Şri Rája Sinha, 1-His faith and piety, 2-He adopts measures to propagate the religion and spread learning, 15-His pilgrimage to Anuradhapura and other holy places, 36-Devála festivals, 42Festival of the Tooth-relic, 54-He resolves to follow the examples of the great kings of old, 74-And causes the Mahavansa to be compiled up to date, 78-Appoints his two younger brothers as sub-kings, 85-War with the Dutch, 110-They advance against Kandy and take it, 124-They are besieged, 134-And their forces destroyed, 140The Tooth-relic is brought back from the interior into the city, 147The priesthood during the siege, 155-The Dutch sue for peace, 159The king patronises the priesthood, 174. CHAPTER C. His daily offerings to the Tooth-relic, 1-His gifts thereto, 9Dedication of the village Akarahaduwa and the festival in honour thereof, 23-He reforms the priesthood with the aid of Saranańkara, 44-He sends an embassy to the court of the king of Siam and procures priests and books, 55-Their reception by him, 78-Rite of ordination conferred by them on the priests of Lanká, 92-Saranankara is appointed Sangha Rája, 102-The Siamese ambassadors, 113-The king receives religious instruction from Upáli, the Siamese elder, 118Pilgrimage of the Siamese ambassadors to the shrines, 126-Likewise of the Siamese priests, 128-A second mission of priests sent by the King of Siam, 137-Death of Upali, the head of the first mission, 143The king sends ambassadors with presents to the King of Siam, 150Return presents from the King of Siam, 161-The priests of the Island placed under the tuition of those of Siam, 172-The construction of the Gangáráma Vihára, 181-Of Kundasala Vihara, 217-Expulsion of Hindu ascetics from Adam's Peak, 221-The Madavala Vihara, 231-Devanagala Vihara, 234-Madapola Vihara, 236-Ridí Vihara, 239-Other religious buildings, 298. SUPPLEMENT. Şri Rájádhi Rajasinha, 1-Sri Vikrama Rájasinha, 19. 65 Kassapa I. ... Son, by Dhatusena's mistress... 1022 Accession. A.D. Y. M. D. 479 18 00 Anuradhapura He put his father (Dhátusena) to Remarks. Sk. Kásyapa. and Sígiriya. S. Sígiri Kasub or Kasup. death and usurped the throne, and, finally, committed suicide. Brother 1040 ... ... ... ... 497 1800 Anuradhapura S. Mugalan. 66 Moggallána I. 67 Kumára Dhátusena S. Kumáradása. 68 Kittisena S. Kitsen. 69 Síva |