[SHERIDAN.] ( J.P. Kemble?) in HAD I a heart for falsehood fram'd, I ne'er could injure you; For though your tongue no promise claim'd To you no soul shall bear deceit, No stranger offer wrong, But friends in all the ag'd you'll meet, And lovers in the young. But when they learn that you have blest They'll bid aspiring passions rest, And act a brother's part; Then, lady, dread not here deceit, Nor fear to suffer wrong, For friends in all the ag'd you'll meet, And lovers in the young. L [SHERIDAN.] OH, had my love ne'er smil'd on me, Breathe on a flame half perish'd; Not worse his fate, who on a wreck, Then land was cried-no more resign'd, The wreck must sink ere near it. [SHERIDAN.] I NE'ER could any lustre see In eyes that would not look on me; But where my own did hope to sip. When yielding blushes aid their hue. Is her hand so soft and pure? I must press it to be sure ; Nor can I be certain then, That heaving bosom sigh for me. [SIR W. JONES.] WAKE, ye nightingales, oh, wake! Can ye, idlers, sleep so long? Tell me not, that winter drear Save the snow-drop in the dale: View the hillock, view the meads: Health, and youth, and blooming May. When she smiles, fresh roses blow ; Where she treads, fresh lilies grow. Hail! ye groves of Bagley, hail, Julia has pronounc'd you fair.. [GILBERT COOPER.] DEAR Chloe what means this disdain, No Graces my mansion have fled, To none have I ever been cold, All beauties in vogue I'm among; I've appetite e'en for the old, And spirit enough for the young. |