Mais en l'instruisant comme on aime Ismène eut toute ma tendresse, Pourquoi soupirez vous, charmante Celimène? Je guerirois aussi des maux que je ressens. Quand tu vois soupirer la triste Celimène C'est que l'amour la livre aux sensibles tourmentsi Ah! s'il m'étoit permis de soulager ta peine, Je guerirois aussi des maux que je ressens. INGENIOUS AND WITTY SONGS. [PHILLIPS.] ON Belvidera's bosom lying, But she, alas! unkindly wise, Her lover's fondness to improve; BOAST [PHILLIPS.] OAST not mistaken swain, thy art The charms that have subdued my heart Thy face is to my humour made, Another it may fright; Perhaps, by some fond whim betray'd, In oddness I delight. Vain youth, to your confusion know 'Tis to my love's excess You all fancied beauties owe, your Which fade as that grows less. For your own sake, if not for mine, Since you, my swain, no more will shine, By me indeed you are allow'd Whom love has render'd blind. My [ADDISON.] y love was fickle once and changing, Nor e'er would settle in my heart, From beauty still to beauty ranging, In every face I found a dart. "Twas first a charming shape enslav'd me, But now a long and lasting anguish Hourly I sigh, and hourly languish, Nor hope to find the wonted cure. For here the false inconstant lover |