But oh! her thoughts on others ran, And that you think a hard thing? You think she's false, I'm sure she's kind, [CHESTERFIELD.] MISTAKEN fair, lay Sherlock by, To die's a lesson we shall know Then let us only study now To live's to love, to bless, be blest Share then my ardour in your breast, But if thus blest I may not live, To me at least your Sherlock give, [LANSDOWNE.] CHLOE's the wonder of her sex, But nature graciously inclin'd [LISLE.] WHEN HEN Orpheus went down to the regions beWhich men are forbidden to see; He tun'd up his lyre, as old histories show, To set his Eurydice free. [low, All hell was astonish'd a person so wise Should rashly endanger his life, And venture so far; but how vast their surprise When they heard that he came for his wife! To find out a punishment due for his fault But hell had not torments sufficient, he thought, But pity succeeding soon vanquish'd his heart, [Pulteney, Earl of Bath.] VAIN are the charms of white and red, Of smoother cheeks the winning grace But in the wrinkles of her face Cupid in ambush lies. If naked eyes set hearts on blaze, Thro' glass, who darts her pointed rays, Nor rivals, nor the train of years, CHLOE brisk and gay appears, Yet, when I press her, she, in tears Whilst Celia, seeming shy and coy, I would, but fear I never shall, But Chloe won't to me. Η OH! turn away those cruel eyes, Or death in such a bright disguise Punish their blindly impious pride It was my fall that deified Thy name, and seal'd thy story. Yet no new suff'rings can prepare Lovers will doubt thou canst entice And if thou burn one victim twice, Think thee both poor and cruel. |